

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-09

高古辉 职称:副研究员



研究方向 金属及其复合材料

招生专业 材料科学与工程硕士

科研项目 北京交通大学: 车轮用贝氏体钢研究与开发, 2014-2020
北京交通大学: 贝氏体高强抗震钢筋项目预研, 2019-2020
国家自然科学基金“联合基金项目”: 高速列车齿轮箱轴承服役性能演化与疲劳可靠性研究, 2019-2022
北京交通大学: 贝氏体铁路用钢的组织与性能优化, 2014-2020
国家自然科学基金"青年基金": 纵向预研基金-国家自然科学基金“青年”-KMA, 2017-2019
国家自然科学基金“面上”: 纵向预研基金-国家自然科学基金“面上”- KMA, 2017-2019
国家重点研发计划: 重载铁路耐磨钢轨钢的组织性能关系及损伤机理研究, 2017-2021
北京交通大学: 凿岩冲击钎杆用贝氏体钢的研发, 2017-2020
国家自然科学基金“联合基金项目”: 基于“干扰贝氏体转变”工艺的纳米结构贝氏体钢及其组织调控机理, 2018-2020
国家自然科学基金“面上”: 残余奥氏体对BQ&P高强钢超高周疲劳行为的影响及其机理研究, 2018-2021
基本科研业务费: BQ&P处理复相钢强塑韧性协同改善机理研究, 2017-2018
北京市自然基金“面上”: 基于“干扰贝氏体转变”工艺的高强塑汽车板用钢及其塑性变形机制, 2017-2019
北京交通大学: 贝氏体PSB1080精轧螺纹钢筋研发与性能稳定化研究, 2016-2019
北京交通大学: HXD3型电力机车轮对剥离失效分析研究及改善方案, 2016-2016
北京交通大学: 载体封装推力试验, 2016-2016
铁路总公司(原铁道部): U20Mn2SiCrNiMo贝氏体钢轨及焊接性能优化研究, 2015-2016
北京交通大学: Zn-Al合金材料组织表征及优化, 2015-2017
科技部“973”: 高性能新型贝氏体轮轨材料原型研究, 2015-2019
北京交通大学: 贝氏体PSB830棒材性能稳定性研究, 2015-2016
基本科研业务费: 基于BQ-P-T工艺改善低合金贝氏体耐磨 铸钢抗冲击磨损性能的机理研究, 2015-2016
基本科研业务费: 实现BQP先进工艺淬火测控设备的研制, 2015-2016
基本科研业务费: 基于冷却及回火工艺控制改善贝氏体钢轨的滚动接 触疲劳性能及其机理研究, 2015-2017
基本科研业务费人才基金: “干扰式”贝氏体转变的理论基础及应用, 2015-2017
铁路总公司(原铁道部): 牵引供电前瞻性技术研究-纤维增强铜基复合材料接触网导线开发研究, 2014-2017
红果园(横): 钛合金三维点阵结构试验分析2, 2013-2017
北京交通大学: 贝氏体钢铸件组织性能的优化研究, 2014-2015
北京交通大学: 凿岩钎具用热轧圆钢的研制, 2014-2015
北京交通大学: 马钢动车组车轴用钢疲劳性能及热处理工艺优化研究, 2013-2014
基本科研业务费: 铌在高强度紧固件用钢中应用的基础研究, 2014-2015
基本科研业务费: 贝氏体钢轨的Q-P-T工艺处理及残余奥氏体调控, 2014-2015
国家自然科学基金"青年基金": 无碳化物贝/马复相高强钢基于Q-P-T工艺的强塑性改善及其机理研究, 2014-2016


论文/期刊 [1] Guhui Gao*, Han Zhang*, Xiaolu Gui, Zhunli Tan, Bingzhe Bai, Yuqing Weng. Enhanced strain hardening capacity in a lean alloysteel treated by a “disturbed” bainitic austempering process. Acta Materialia. 101 (2015) 31-39
[2]Guhui Gao*, Han Zhang*, XiaoluGui, Ping Luo, ZhunliTan, BingzheBai. Enhancedductility and toughness in an ultrahigh-strength Mn-Si-Cr-C steel: The greatpotential of ultrafine filmy retained austenite. Acta Materialia. 76 (2014) 425-433
[3] Guhui Gao*Baoxiang Zhang, Cheng Cheng, Ping Zhao, Han Zhang, BingzheBai.Very high cycle fatigue behaviors of bainite/martensite multiphasesteel treated by quenching-partitioning-tempering process.InternationalJournal of Fatigue, 92 (2016) 203-210.
[4]GuhuiGao*, Han Zhang,Xiaolu Gui, Zhunli Tan, Bingzhe Bai. Tempering behavior of ductile 1700MPaMn-Si-Cr-C steel treated by quenching and partitioning process incorporatingbainite formation, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 31(2015) 199-204
[5]GuhuiGao, Xiaolu Gui,Baifeng An, Zhunli Tan, Bingzhe Bai*, Yuqing Weng. Effect of finish cooling temperature on microstructure and lowtemperature toughness of Mn-series ultralow carbon high strength low alloyedsteel, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 51(2015) 21-30
[6] GuhuiGao*, Han Zhang,Zhunli Tan, Wenbo Liu, Bingzhe Bai. A carbide-free bainite/ martensite/austenite triplex steel with enhanced mechanical properties treated by a novelquenching–partitioning–tempering process, Materials Science and Engineering A, 559 (2013) 165-169
[7] Haoran Guo, Guhui Gao*, Xiaolu Gui, R.D.K.Misra, Bingzhe Bai. Structure-property relation in a quenched-partitioned low alloy steelinvolving bainite transformation, MaterialsScience and Engineering A, 667 (2016) 224-231
[8] Xiaolu Gui, KaikaiWang, Guhui Gao*, R.D.K.Misra, Zhunli Tan, Bingzhe Bai. Rolling contact fatigue of bainitic rail steels:The significance of microstructure, MaterialsScience and Engineering A, 657 (2016) 82-85
[9] XiaoluGui, Baoxiang Zhang, Guhui Gao*,Ping Zhao, Bingzhe Bai, Yuqing Weng. Fatigue behavior of bainite/martensitemultiphase high strength steel treated by quenching-partitioning-temperingprocess, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 52 (2016): 1036-1044
[10] Ping Luo, Guhui Gao*, Han Zhang, ZhunliTan, R.D.K. Misra, Bingzhe Bai. On structure-property relationship innanostructured bainitic steel subjected to the quenching and partitioningprocess, Materials Science andEngineering A, 661 (2016) 1-8
[11] Ping Zhao, Guhui Gao*, R.D.K.Misra*, Bingzhe Bai. Effect of microstructure on the very high cycle fatiguebehavior of a bainite/martensite multiphase steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 630 (2015) 1-7
[12] P.Zhao*, B. Zhang, C. Cheng, R.D.K. Misra*,G. Gao*, B. Bai, Y.Weng. The significance of ultrafine film-like retained austenite in governingvery high cycle fatigue behavior in an ultrahigh-strength Mn-Si-Cr-C steel,MaterialsScience and Engineering A, 645 (2015) 116-121
[13] GuhuiGao*, Chun Feng, BingzheBai. Effect of Nb on the microstructure and Mechanical properties ofwater-quenched FGBA/BG steels, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 21 (2012) 345-352
[14] G.H. Gao*, H. Zhang,B.Z. Bai. Improved properties of Mn series ultralow carbon steel with ultrafinebainitic structure, Materials Scienceand Technology, 28 (2012) 829-836
[15] GuhuiGao, Han Zhang,Bingzhe Bai*. Effect of tempering temperature on low temperature impacttoughness of a low carbon Mn-series bainitic steel, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 47 (2011) 513-519
[16] Ping Zhao, Shuangshou Li*, Guhui Gao, Bingzhe Bai, R.D.K.Misra*. Mechanical behavior of carbon nanotube-reinforced Mg–Cu–Gd–Ag bulkmetallic glasses, Materials Science and Engineering A, 641 (2015)116-122
[17] Kaikai Wang, Zhunli Tan,GuhuiGao, Xiaolu Gui, R.DK. Misra, Bingzhe Bai. Ultrahigh strength-toughnesscombination in Bainitic rail steel The determining role of austenite stabilityduring tempering.Materials Science & Engineering A662(2016) 162-168
[18] Zhunli Tan*, Baifeng An, Guhui Gao, Xiaolu Gui, BingzheBai. Analysis of softening zone on the surface of 20Mn2SiCrNiMo bainiticrailway switch, Engineering Failureanalysis, 47 (2015) 111-116
[19] Bingzhe Bai*, Guhui Gao, Yankang Zheng, Zhigang Yang. Development of Newtype Mn-series bainitic steels in China, Journalof Iron and Steel Research, International, 18 (Supplement 1-1) (2011):112-120
[20] Hongsheng Fang, Guhui Gao*, Bingzhe Bai, Yankang Zheng, Zhigang Yang. The development of Mn-series bainitic steels inChina, MaterialsScience Forum, 654 - 656 (2010): 57-61.
[21] Wenbo Liu, Chi Zhang*, ZhigangYang, Zhixin Xia, Guhui Gao,Yuqing Weng. Effect of surface nanocrystallization on microstructure andthermal stability of reduced activation steel, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 49 (2013) 707-716


专利 1.桂晓露; 程骋; 高古辉; 白秉哲. 扫描电镜电子背散射多功能样品台,7.4
2. 高古辉,桂晓露,谭谆礼,张永健,惠卫军,白秉哲,翁宇庆. 一种超低磷贝氏体钢及其贝氏体钢轨,9.9
3. 高古辉; 安佰锋; 桂晓露; 谭谆礼; 白秉哲. 一种Mn-Si-Cr低碳贝氏体钢、钎杆及其制备方法 ,7.8
4. 谭谆礼; 高古辉; 桂晓露; 白秉哲. 一种贝氏体/马氏体/奥氏体复相高强钢的制备方法. 3.8
5.刘文利; 谭谆礼; 史庆志; 高古辉. 一种B-P-T钢管及制备方法. 2.5
6. 高古辉; 桂晓露; 白秉哲. 一种超高强度C-Al-Mn-Si系低密度钢及其制备方法.3.8
7.雷富军; 白秉哲; 李孝德; 易汉平; 罗开双; 李戬; 裴有珍; 高古辉. 低成本增力丝杠用高性能金属材料及其制造方法 . 4.3


获奖与荣誉 2015-2017,北京交通大学 青年英才培育计划II类

《Journal of Alloys and Compounds 》(An1区)、《Materials Science and Engineering: A》(An2区)、《Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B Metallurgy》(An3区)、《Kovoe Materialy-metallic Materials》(An4区)、《材料导报》(EI)特邀审稿人。

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