

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-09

王曦 职称:教授

教育背景 1994/09-1998/06, 中国科学技术大学力学与机械工程系, 理论与应用力学,学士
1998/09-2001/06, 中国科学技术大学力学与机械工程系, 工程力学,硕士
2001/09-2007/06, 美国哈佛大学工程与应用科学学院, 工程科学,博士

工作经历 2007/07-2008/02, 美国哈佛大学工程与应用科学学院, 博士后
2008/02-2009/02, 美国约翰霍普金斯大学机械工程系, 博士后
2009/03-2009/10, 美国哈佛大学工程与应用科学学院, 博士后
2009/11-2013/11, 中国科学院力学研究所, 副研究员
2013/12至今, 北京交通大学机电学院轨道车辆系,教授

研究方向 车辆结构可靠性及优化

招生专业 车辆工程硕士

科研项目 1. 国家自然科学基金委-中国铁路总公司高速铁路基础研究联合基金(重点支持项目),U**,高速列车齿轮箱轴承服役性能演化与疲劳可靠性研究,2019/01-2022/12,229万元,在研,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金委重大项目,**,高速轨道交通系统载荷特征与识别及载荷谱,2018/01-2022/12,443万元,在研,参加
3. 国家重点研发计划,2016YFB**,轨道交通安全保障技术-高速铁路装备本构安全技术,2016/07-2020/06,51万元,在研,参加
4. 中国铁路总公司科技研究开发计划,2014J010-A,机车车辆安全服役技术研究-高寒条件下高速列车转向架疲劳可靠性及其载荷特征研究,2014/05-2016/12,80万元,结题,主持
5. 科技部“973”计划,2011CB711100,高速列车基础力学问题研究、2011/01-2015/12,62.7万元,结题,参加
6. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,**,形状记忆合金强激光冲击变形机理及表面改性研究,2011/01-2013/12,23万元,结题,主持

教学工作 本科课程

论文/期刊 英文期刊论文 (*-corresponding author)
42.Qinglin Lian,GuanyuDeng, Hongtao Zhu, Huijun Li, Xi Wang,Zhiming Liu, Influence of white etching layer onrolling contact behavior at wheel-rail interface, Friction, (2020) (accepted/in press) (SCI)
41.Chen Fu, Xi Wang*, Micro-mechanicalanalysis of matrix crack-induced delamination in cross-ply laminates in tension, Composite Structures, 243, 112202, (2020) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112202 (SCI)
40. Yu Hou, XiWang*, Development of an experimental system to measure the cage slipof cylindrical roller bearing, Structural Health Monitoring, 19(2), 510-519, (2020) https://doi.org/10.1177/**56826 (SCI)
39.Binjie Wang, Shouguang Sun, Shuang Ma, Xi Wang*, Fatigue damage and reliabilityassessment of subway train bogie frames under operating conditions, Advancesin Mechanical Engineering, 12(1), 1-9, (2020) https://doi.org/10.1177/903590 (open access SCI)
38.Shichao Song, Yu Wang, Yang Wang, XiWang, Zhen Zhang, The effect of tension twin on the dynamic recrystallizationbehavior in polycrystal magnesium by atomistic simulation, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 126, 65, (2020) https://doi:10.1007/s00339-019-3255-8 (SCI)
37. QinglinLian,Guanyu Deng, Ali Al-Juboon, Huijun Li, Zhiming Liu, Xi Wang*,Hongtao Zhu, Thermal-mechanical coupled finite element analysis of rolling contact fatigue and wear properties of a rail steel under different slip ratios, Tribology International, 141, 105943, (2020) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.triboint.2019.105943 (SCI)
36.Yi Yin, XiWang*, Qiang Li, Pengjian Shang, Generalized multivariatemultiscale sample entropy for detecting the complexity in complex systems, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and itsApplications, 545, 123814, (2020) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2019.123814 (SCI)
35. Xi Wang, Yuanshuai Yang, Wenjing Wang, Weiqian Chi, Simulating coupling behavior of spur gear meshing and crack propagation in tooth root, International Journal of Fatigue, 134, 105381, (2020) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2019.105381 (SCI)
34. Shichao Song, Yu Wang, Yang Wang, Xi Wang, Atomistic simulation on the twin boundary migration in Mg under shear deformation, Materials, 12(19), 3129, (2019) https://doi:10.3390/ma** (open access SCI)
33. Yi Yin, Xi Wang*, Qiang Li, Pengjian Shang, Fengzhen Hou, Quantifying interdependence using the missing joint ordinal patterns, Chaos, 29, 073114, (2019) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.** (SCI)
32. QinglinLian,Guanyu Deng, Ali Al-Juboon, Huijun Li, Zhiming Liu, Xi Wang*,Hongtao Zhu, Crack propagation behavior in white etching layer on rail steelsurface, Engineering Failure Analysis, 104, 816-829, (2019) (SCI)
31. Yang Zhang,Qinglin Lian, Xi Wang*, Enhancement of rolling contact fatigueperformance of ferrite-pearlite steel with laser shock peening, Advances inMechanical Engineering, 11(5), 1-9, (2019) https://doi.org/10.1177/**50945 (open access SCI)
30. Xi Wang*,Weiguang Xia, Xianqian Wu, Chenguang Huang, Scaling law in laser-induced shockeffects of niti shape memory alloy, Metals, 8(3), 174, (2018) https://doi:10.3390/met** (open access SCI)
29. Rubing Guo,Xianqi Lei, Dongdong Zhang, Zhiming Liu, Xi Wang, Yujie Wei, Case study:The effect of running distance on the microstructure and properties of railroadaxle bearings, Wear, 394-395, 159-165, (2018) (SCI)
28. Chao Yang,Qiang Li, Shoune Xiao, Xi Wang, On the overriding issue of train frontend collision in rail vehicle dynamics, Vehicle System Dynamics,56(4), 506-528, (2017) (SCI)
27. Yao Wang,Guangxue Yang, Wenjing Wang, Xi Wang, Qiang Li, Yujie Wei, Optimalstress and deformation partition in gradient materials for better strength andtensile ductility: A numerical investigation, Scientific Reports,7(1):10954, (2017) (SCI)
26. Xi Wang*, Weiguang Xia, Xianqian Wu,Yanpeng Wei, Chenguang Huang, In-situ investigation of dynamic deformation inNiTi shape memory alloys under laser induced shock, Mechanics of Materials, 114, 69-75, (2017) (SCI)
25. Jiabin Liu,Yongbin Jin, Xiaoyang Fang, Chenxu Chen, Qiong Feng, Xiaowei Liu, Yuzeng Chen,Tao Suo, Feng Zhao, Tianlin Huang, Hongtao Wang, Xi Wang, Youtong Fang,Yujie Wei, Liang Men, Jian Lu, Wei Yang, Dislocation strengthening withoutductility trade-off in metastable austenitic steels, Scientific Reports,6:35345, (2016) (SCI)
24. Qiuyun Yin,Xianqian Wu, Chenguang Huang, Xi Wang, Yanpeng Wei, Atomistic study oftemperature and strain rate dependent phase transformation behaviour of NiTishape memory alloy under uniaxial compression, Philosophical Magazine, 95(23),2491-2512, (2015) (SCI)
23. Xi Wang*,Joost Vlassak, Thickness and film stress effects on the martensitictransformation temperature in equi-atomic NiTi thin films, Mechanics ofMaterials, 88, 50-60, (2015) (SCI)
22. Yuan W,Song HW, Wang X, et al. Experimental Investigation on Thermal BucklingBehavior of Truss-Core Sandwich Panels. AIAA JOURNAL, 53(4):948-957,(2015) (SCI)
21. LinglingLu, Xi Wang, Lijuan Liao, Yanpeng Wei, Chenguang Huang, Yanchi Liu,Application of model reduction technique and structural subsection technique onoptimal sensor placement of truss structures, Smart Structures and Systems,15(2), 355-373, (2015) (SCI)
20. Wu Yuan, XiWang, Hongwei Song, Chenguang Huang, A theoretical analysis on the thermalbuckling behavior of fully clamped sandwich panels with truss cores, Journalof Thermal Stresses, 37(12), 1433-1448, (2014) (SCI)
19. X.Q. Wu,W.G. Xia, X. Wang, H.W. Song, C.G. Huang, Effect of surface reflectivityon photonic Doppler velocimetry measurement, Measurement Science andTechnology, 25(5), 055207, (2014) (SCI)
18. X.Q. Wu, X.Wang, Y.P. Wei, H.W. Song, C.G. Huang, An experimental method to measuredynamic stress-strain relationship of materials at high strain rates, InternationalJournal of Impact Engineering, 69, 149-156, (2014) (SCI)
17. X. Wang*,W.G. Xia, X.Q. Wu, Y.P. Wei, C.G. Huang. Microstructure and mechanicalproperties of an austenite NiTi shape memory alloy treated with laser inducedshock, Materials Science& Engineering A, 578, 1-5, (2013) (SCI)
16. Y.P. Wei,B.C. Wei, X. Wang, G.Y. Xu, L. Li, X.Q. Wu, H.W. Song, C.G. Huang, Anovel micro-scale plastic deformation feature on bulk metallic glass surfaceunder laser shock peening, Chinese Physics Letter, 30. 030621, (2013)(SCI)
15. H.W. Song,X.Q. Wu, C.G. Huang, Y.P. Wei, X. Wang, Measurement of fast changing lowvelocities by photonic Doppler velocimetry, Review of Scientific Instruments,83, 073301, (2012) (SCI)
14. X.Q. Wu, X.Wang, Y.P. Wei, H.W. Song, C.G. Huang, Parametric study on single shotpeening by dimensional analysis method incorporated with finite element method, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 28, 825-837, (2012) (SCI)
13. X.Q. Wu,Z.P. Duan, H.W. Song, Y.P. Wei, X. Wang, C.G. Huang, Shock pressureinduced by glass-confined laser shock peening: Experiments, modeling andsimulation, Journal of Applied Physics, 110, 053112, (2011) (SCI)
12. X.Q. Wu,C.G. Huang, X. Wang, H.W. Song, A new effective method to estimate theeffect of laser shock peening, International Journal of Impact Engineering,38, 322-329, (2011) (SCI)
11. C. Eberl, X.Wang, D.S. Gianola, T.D. Nguyen, M.Y. He, A.G. Evans, K.J. Hemker, In-situmeasurement of the toughness of the interface between a thermal barrier coatingand a Ni alloy, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 94, S120-127,(2011) (SCI)
10. C. Eberl,D.S. Gianola, X. Wang, M.Y. He, A.G. Evans, K.J. Hemker, A method forin-situ measurement of the elastic behavior of a columnar thermal barriercoating, Acta Materialia, 59, 3612-3620, (2011) (SCI)
9. Kniknie T,Bellouard Y, Homburg E, Nijmerjer H, Wang X, Vlassak JJ, On the use ofshape memory alloy thin films to tune the dynamic response ofmicro-cantilevers, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,20(1), 015939, (2010) (SCI)
8. N.S. Lu, X.Wang, Z.G. Suo, J.J. Vlassak, Failure by simultaneous grain growth, strainlocalization, and interface debonding in metal films on polymer substrate, Journalof Material Research, 24, 379-385, (2009) (SCI)
7. X. Wang,Y. Bellouard, Z.Y. Xue, J.J. Vlassak, Thermal modeling of laser annealinginduced crystallization of amorphous NiTi thin films, Applied Physics A,90, 689-694, (2008) (SCI)
6. X. Wang,M. Rein, J.J. Vlassak, Crystallization kinetics of amorphous equiatomic NiTithin films: Effect of film thickness, Journal of Applied Physics, 103,023501, (2008) (SCI)
5. N.S. Lu, X.Wang, Z.G. Suo, J.J. Vlassak, Metal films on polymer substrate stretchedbeyond 50%, Applied Physics Letter, 91, 221909, (2007) (SCI)
4. X. Wang,J.J. Vlassak, Crystallization kinetics of amorphous NiTi shape memory alloythin films, Scripta Materialia, 54, 925-930 (2005) (SCI)
3. X. Wang,Y. Bellouard, J.J. Vlassak, Laser annealing of amorphous NiTi shape memoryalloy thin films to locally induce shape memory properties, Acta Materialia,53, 4955-4961 (2005) (SCI)
2. J.J.Vlassak, M. Ciavarella, J.R. Barber, X. Wang, The indentation modulus ofelastically anisotropic materials for indenters of arbitrary shape, Journalof the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 51, 1701-1721 (2003) (SCI)
1. J.L. Yu, X.Wang, Z.G. Wei, E.H. Wang, Deformation and failure mechanism of dynamicallyloaded sandwich beams with aluminum-foam core, International Journal ofImpact Engineering, 28, 331-347 (2003) (SCI)

20. 杨超,李强,王曦,王明猛,基于车辆-移动轨道耦合模型的列车碰撞爬车行为,西南交通大学学报,54(6),1298-1304,(2019)(EI)
19. 王斌杰,孙守光,王曦,张立,董磊,姜朝勇. 地铁转向架构架运用载荷与疲劳损伤特征研究,铁道学报,41(6),1-8,(2019)(EI)
18. 范童柏,任尊松,王文静,王曦,邹骅. 动车组制动盘螺栓载荷测试及疲劳损伤研究,机械工程学报,55(14),80-87,(2019)(EI)
17. 王曦,付晨. 复合材料转向架构架及其疲劳损伤分析方法研究综述,北京交通大学学报,43(1),1-12,(2019)(核心)
16. 韦青山,王曦,邹骅,李强. 高速动车组铝合金横梁疲劳裂纹扩展研究,铁道车辆,57(4),1-4,(2019)(核心)
15. 高云霄,王曦,邹骅,王斌杰. 基于动应力的转向架构架载荷识别,机械工程学报,54(12),58-63,(2018)(EI)
14. 张涛,李强,王曦,王斌杰. 高速列车齿轮箱箱体在位模态识别,机械工程学报,54(12),31-41,(2018)(EI)
13. 王曦,王文静,王宇. 持续制动工况下轴装制动盘螺栓载荷演化规律,机械工程学报,54(12),71-77,(2018)(EI)
12. 胡伟钢,刘志明,王曦,林浩博. 基于实测应变得时域模态参与因子识别研究,铁道学报,40(2),45-51,(2018)(EI)
11. 张福田,王曦,邵文东. 铁路货车车钩的纵向载荷谱特性,北京交通大学学报,41(1),68-73,(2017)(核心)
10. 刘德昆,李强,王曦,丁然. 动车组轴箱轴承基于实测载荷的寿命预测方法,机械工程学报,52(22),45-54,(2016)(EI)
9. 路梓照,王曦,李广全. 铁路货车纵向载荷的试验测量和统计推断研究,实验力学,31(4),458-466,(2016)(核心)
8. 袁武,王曦,宋宏伟,黄晨光. 轻质金属点阵夹层板热屈曲临界温度分析,固体力学学报,35(1),1-7,(2014)(EI)
7. 夏伟光,吴先前,魏延鹏,黄晨光,王曦. 激光冲击强化对NiTi形状记忆合金力学性质影响,中国激光,40(11),**-1~**-6 (2013)(EI)
6. 路玲玲,黄晨光,王曦. 基于归一化应变梯度变化的损伤识别方法研究,中国科学E辑,43,574-584,(2013)(EI)
5. 柳沅汛,王曦,吴先前,黄晨光. 激光冲击处理304不锈钢表面的形貌特征及其机理分析,中国激光,40,1-8,(2013)(EI)
4. 路玲玲,王曦,黄晨光. 结构健康监测系统中传感器优化布置组合算法, 力学与实践,34,80-84,(2012)(核心)
3. 宋宏伟,吴先前,王健,黄晨光,魏延鹏,王曦. 光纤激光干涉测量激光冲击强化自由表面速度,中国科学E辑,42(8),861-868,(2012)(EI)
2. 李剑荣,王曦,虞吉林. 粗晶粒Al多晶试件拉伸变形局部化的数值模拟,金属学报,37(7),717-722 (2001)(EI)
1. 王曦,虞吉林. 泡沫铝的单向力学行为,实验力学,16(4),438-443 (2001)(核心)

专著/译著 王春山,王曦,杨广雪.《铁路货车载荷谱及其应用》,北京:中国铁道出版社,2018(ISBN 978-7-113-24372-2)



获奖与荣誉 2019年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)科学技术进步奖一等奖(排名3/21)
2013年度中国铁道学会科学技术奖一等奖 (提速重载机车车辆关键部件可靠性评估体系及应用,排名16/20)

社会兼职 中国力学学会第十届实验力学专业委员会委员

相关话题/机械 北京交通大学