

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-09

基本情况 姓名:





北京交通大学 土建学院




2008.01 : 北京交通大学首批二级岗教授;
2002,10 ~ 2007,12 : 北京交通大学首批;
1999,08 : 北京交通大学博士生导师;
1997,09 : 北京交通大学土木建筑工程学院,教授;
1994,04 ~ 1997,08: 北京交通大学土木建筑工程学院,副教授;
1992,04 ~ 1994,03: 哈尔滨工业大学,博士后(合作导师:杜善义院士);
1989,03 ~ 1992,03: 哈尔滨船舶工程学院,博士研究生(导师:高玉臣院士);
1986,09 ~ 1989,01: 哈尔滨船舶工程学院,硕士研究生(导师:梁立孚教授);
1982,09 ~ 1986,07: 太原工业大学,本科。
1997,11~ 1998,10: 香港理工大学, Research Associate;
2005,06~ 2005.12: 美国伊利诺伊大学,访问。
2009,06~ 2009.09: 美国休斯顿大学,访问。
2013.05~ 2013.05: 美国休斯顿大学,访问。


研究方向 建筑结构

招生专业 土木工程硕士

科研项目 已主持完成国家自然科学基金和国家教育部优秀青年教师教学和科研奖励计划等项目10余项。
国家自然科学基金“面上”:基于超材料的交通环境隔振减振波屏障研究, 2019-01-01--2022-12-31,60.0万元,主持

教学工作 博士生培养情况

1. Pu Xingbo, Shi Zhifei, Surface-wave attenuationby periodic pile barriers in layered soils, Construction and BuildingMaterials, 2018,180:177-187.

2. Pu Xingbo, Shi Zhifei, Xiang Hongjun,Feasibility of ambient vibration screening by periodic geofoam-filled trenches, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2018, 104:228-235.

3. Pu Xingbo, Shi Zhifei, A novel method foridentifying surface waves in periodic structures, Soil Dynamics and EarthquakeEngineering, 2017, 98:67-71.

4. Pu Xingbo, Shi Zhifei, Periodic pile barriersfor Rayleigh wave isolation in a poroelastic half-space, Soil Dynamics andEarthquake Engineering, 2019, 121:75-86.

5. Pu Xingbo, Shi Zhifei, Broadband surface waveattenuation in periodic trench barriers, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020,468:115130.

6. Pu Xingbo, Meng Qingjuan, Shi Zhifei,Experimental studies on surface-wave isolation by periodic wave barriers, SoilDynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2020,130:106000.



1. Gao Min, Shi Zhifei, A wave guided barrier to isolate antiplane elastic waves, Journal ofSound and Vibration, 2019, 443: 155-166.




1. Meng Lingkai, Shi Zhifei, Cheng Zhibao, A newperspective for analyzing complex band structures of phononic crystals, Journalof Applied Physics, 2018,123:095102.

2. Meng Lingkai, Cheng Zhibao, Shi Zhifei,Vibration mitigation in saturated soil by periodic pile barriers, Computers andGeotechnics, 2020, 117:203251.

王先锋:2013级, 在读,直博生。2016年获国家奖学金。(2017.10-2018.10赴美国休斯敦大学联合培养一年)


1. Wang Xianfeng, Shi Zhifei, Wang Jianjun, Hongjun Xiang, A stack-based flex-compressive piezoelectricenergyharvesting cell for large quasi-static loads, SmartMater. Struct., 2016, 25(5): 055005.

2. Wang Xianfeng, Shi Zhifei, UnifiedSolutions for Piezoelectric Bilayer Cantilevers and Solution Modifications, SmartStructures and Systems, 2015, 16(5): 759-780.

3. Wang Xianfeng, Shi Zhifei, Double Piezoelectricenergy harvesting cell: modeling and experimental verification, Smart Mater.Struct., 2017, 26(6):065002.

4. Wang Xianfeng, ShiZhifei, Song Gangbing, Analytical study of influence of boundary conditions onacoustic power transfer through an elastic barrier, Smart Materials andStructures, 2019, 28(2): 025004.

孟庆娟: 毕业。


1. Meng Qingjuan, Shi Zhifei, Vibration isolationof plane waves by periodic pipe pile barriers in saturated soil, ASCE'sJournalof Aerospace Engineering, 2019, 32(1): **.

2. Meng Qingjuan, Shi Zhifei, Propagationattenuation of plane waves in single-phased soil by periodic pile barriers, ASCE'sInternational Journal of Geomechanics, 2018, 18(6):**.

3. 孟庆娟,石志飞,基于周期性理论和Comsol PED 的排桩减振特性研究,岩土力学,2018, 39 (11): 4251-4260.

刘心男:毕业。(2014.10-2015-10 赴美国休斯敦大学联合培养一年)


1. Liu XN, Shi ZF, Xiang HJ, Mo YL. Attenuationzones of periodic pile barriers with initial stress. Soil Dynamics andEarthquake Engineering, 2015,77:381-390.

2. Liu XN, Shi ZF, Mo YL. Comparison of 2D and 3Dmodels for numerical simulation of vibration reduction by periodic pilebarriers, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2015, 79:104-107.

3. Liu XN, Shi ZF, Mo YL. Effect of initial stresson periodic Timoshenko beams resting on an elastic foundation, Journal ofVibration and Control, 2016, doi: 10.1177/24331.

4. Liu XN, Shi ZF, Mo YL, Cheng ZB. Effect ofinitial stress on attenuation zones of layered periodic foundations.Engineering Structures, 2016, 121:75-84.

5. Liu XN, Shi ZF, Mo YL. Attenuation zones ofinitially stressed periodic Mindlin plates on an elastic foundation.International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2016, 115-116: 12-23.

6. Liu XN, Shi ZF, Xiang HJ. Analysis of bandstructure in 2D periodic structures using the weak form quadrature elementmethod. International Symposium on the Theory and Application of ArtificialPeriodic Structures (Phononic Crystals, Acoustic Metamaterials), October 18-20,2013, Changsha, China.

王建军:毕业。(2013.09-2014-09 赴美国休斯敦大学联合培养一年)
分别于2007年和2010年在太原理工大学工程力学专业获学士和硕士学位, 2010年考入北京交通大学结构工程专业攻读博士学位。2012年和2013年两次获国家奖学金。 学位论文荣获2016年度北京交通大学优秀博士学位论文, 获评北京市三好学生,并被授予北京市高校优秀毕业生称号。
1. Wang Jianjun, Qingzhao Kong, Shi Zhifei, Song Gangbing, Electromechanical properties of smart aggregate theoreticalmodeling and experimental validation, Smart Mater. Struct., 2016,25: 095008.

2. Wang Jianjun, Shi Zhifei, Models for designingradially polarized multilayer piezoelectric/elastic composite cylindrical transducers, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2016, 27(4):500-511.

3. Wang Jianjun, Shi Zhifei, Hongjun Xiang, SongGangbing, Modeling on energy harvesting from railwaysystem using piezoelectric transducers, Smart Mater. Struct., 2015,24: 105017.

4. Wang Jianjun, Shi Zhifei, Song Gangbing, Modeling and optimization of adjustable multifrequencyaxially polarized multilayer composite cylindrical transducer, SmartMater. Struct., 2015, 24: 045003.

5. Wang Jianjun, Shi Zhifei, Electromechanicalanalysis of 2-2 cement-based piezoelectric transducers in series electrically, SmartStructures and Systems, 2014, 14(3): 267-284.

6. Wang Jianjun, Shi Zhifei, Dynamic Characteristics of an Axially Polarized MultilayerPiezoelectric/Elastic Composite Cylindrical Transducer, IEEETransactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 2013,60(10): 2196-2203.

7. Wang Jianjun, Shi Zhifei, Hongjun Xiang,Electromechanical analysis of piezoelectric beam-type transducers withinterlayer slip, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, andFrequency Control, 2013 , 60(8): 1768-1776

8. Wang Jianjun, Shi Zhifei, Zhijun Han,Analytical solution of piezoelectric composite stack transducers, Journal ofIntelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2013, 24(13): 1626-1636.

9. Shi Zhifei, Wang Jianjun, Dynamic analysis of2-2 cement–based piezoelectric transducers, Journal of Intelligent MaterialSystems and Structures, 2013, 24(1): 99-107

1. Zhibao Cheng, Zhifei Shi. Vibration Attenuation Properties of PeriodicRubber Concrete Panels, Construction & Building Materials, 2014, 50:257-265.
2. Zhifei Shi, Zhibao Cheng, Hongjun Xiang. Seismic Isolation Foundations withEffective Attenuation Zones, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2014,57:143-151.
3. Zhibao Cheng, Zhifei Shi. Influence of parameter mismatch on the convergenceof the band structures by using the Fourier expansion method, CompositeStructures, 2013, 106: 510-519.
4. Zhibao Cheng, Zhifei Shi. Novel Composite Periodic Structures withAttenuation Zones, Engineering Structure, 2013, 56: 1271-1282.
5. Zhibao Cheng, Zhifei Shi, Y.L. Mo, Hongjun Xiang. Locally resonant periodicstructures with low-frequency band gaps, Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 114:033532.
6. Cheng Zhibao, Shi Zhifei, Influence of parameter mismatch on the convergenceof the band structures by using the fourier expansion method, CompositeStructures, 2013, 106: 510-519
7. Zhibao Cheng, Zhifei Shi. Multi-mass-spring model and Energy Transmission ofOne-dimensional Periodic Structures, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics,Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 2014,(5).
8. 程志宝, 石志飞, 向宏军. 层状周期结构的动力衰减域特性, 振动与冲击, 2013, 32(9):178-182.


1. 黄建坤,石志飞,后张预应力梁封端缝渗漏治理,北京交通大学学报,2010,34(1):58-63
2. Huang Jiankun, Shi Zhifei,Attenuation zones of periodic pile barriers andits application in vibration reduction for plane waves, Journal of Sound andVibration, 2013, 332: 4423-4439
3. Huang Jiankun, Shi Zhifei,Application of periodic theory to rows of pilesfor horizontal vibration attenuation, ASCE's International Journal ofGeomechanics, 2013.13:132-142
4. Shi Zhifei,Huang Jiankun, Feasibility of reducingthree-dimensional wave energy by introducing periodic foundations, SoilDynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2013, 50: 204-212

韩嵘:毕业。 学位论文:《水泥基压电智能器件特性分析》
1. Han Rong, Shi Zhifei, Dynamic analysis of sandwich cement-basedpiezoelectric composites, Composites Science and Technology, 2012, 72: 894-901
2. Han Rong, Shi Zhifei, Exact analysis of 0-3 cement-based piezoelectriccomposites, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2011,22(3):221-229
3. Han Rong, Shi Zhifei, Mo YL, Static analysis of 2-2 cement-basedpiezoelectric composites, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2011, 81(7): 839-851
4. Han Rong and Shi Zhifei, Exact Analysis of Two Kinds of PiezoelectricActuators, Smart Materials and Structures, (2008, 17(1).doi:10.1088/0964-1726/17/01/015018)
5.韩嵘,赵顺波,钢纤维混凝土抗拉性能试验研究,土木工程学报, 2006,39(11): 63-67

姚宗健:毕业。学位论文:《横向振动在周期复合结构板中传播问题的研究》 2005级(与于桂兰教授联合指导)
1. Zong-jian Yao, Gui-lan Yu, Yue-sheng Wang, Zhi-fei Shi. Propagation ofbending waves in phononic crystal thin plates with a point defect, InternationalJournal of Solids and Structures.2009, 46: 2571-2576.
2. Zong-jian Yao, Gui-lan Yu, Yue-sheng Wang, Zhi-fei Shi, Jian-bao Li.Propagation of flexural waves in phononic crystal thin plates with lineardefects, Journal of Zhejiang University –Science A. 2010, 11(10):827-834.
4.姚宗健,于桂兰,肋环形平面结构失谐振动模态局部化问题的研究,《科学技术与工程》,2006, 8:926-930
5.YAO Zongjian,YU Guilan,THE VIBRATIONMODE LOCALIZATION OF MISTUNED RIB-CIRCLE SPACE STRUCTURES, The Second International Symposium on Advanced Technology of Vibrationand Sound,(2007,to be published)

陈盈: 毕业。学位论文:《钢筋混凝土梁-薄墙平面外节点抗震性能研究》
1. Chen Ying,Shi Zhifei,Mo YL, Elasticanalysis of beam-wall joints subjected to out-of-plane bending, ASCE's Journalof Structural Engineering, 2012, 138(6):718-728
2. Chen Ying,Shi Zhifei,Double-layeredpiezothermoelastic hollow cylinder under some coupled loadings, Archives ofApplied Mechanics, 2006, 75(6-7): 326-337
3. Chen Ying,Shi Zhifei,Exact solutionsof functionally gradient piezo-thermal-elastic cantilevers and parameteridentification, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2005,16(6): 531-539
4. Chen Ying,Shi Zhifei,Double-layeredpiezothermoelastic hollow cylinder under thermal loading,Key Engineering Materials, 2006, Vols. 302-303: 684-692
5. Shi Zhifei, Chen Ying, Functionally gradient piezoelectric cantileversubjected to different loadings, Archives of Applied Mechanics, 2004, 74(3-4):237-247
6. Chen Ying, Shi Zhifei, Fundamental solution and applications of a FGMpiezoelectric cantilever, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2004, 25(2): 241-245(in Chinese)

张涛涛:毕业。 学位论文:《功能梯度压电微结构力-电耦合特性分析》
1. Shi Zhifei, Zhang TT, Bending Analysis of a Piezoelectric Curved ActuatorWith A Generally Graded Property for Piezoelectric Parameter,Smart Mater.Struct. 17 (2008) 045018
2. Zhang Taotao, Shi Zhifei, Spencer BF Jr, Vibration analysis of afunctionally-graded piezoelectric cylindrical actuator, Smart Materials andStructures. (2008, 17(2). doi:10.1088/0964 -1726/17/2/025018)
3. Shi Zhifei, Zhang Taotao, Static analyses for 2-2 multi-layeredpiezoelectric curved composites,International Journal of Engineering Science,2007,45: 509-524
4. Shi Zhifei, Zhang Taotao and Xiang Hongjun, Exact Solutions of HeterogeneousElastic Hollow Cylinders, Composite Structures, 2007,79(1):140-147
5. Zhang Taotao, Shi Zhifei, Bending behavior of 2-2 multi-layeredpiezoelectric curved actuators, Smart Materials and Structures, 2007,16: 634-641
6. Zhang Taotao, Shi Zhifei, Two-dimensional Exact Analyses for PiezoelectricCurved Actuators, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2006, 16(3):640-647
7. Zhang Taotao, Shi Zhifei, Elastic solutions of graded piezoelectric hollowcylinders, Key Engineering Materials, 2006, Vols. 302-303: 658-668

1. Zhang Rong and Shi Zhifei,Bi-interfacial debonding of coated fiberreinforced composites under fatigue load, International Journal of Fatigue,2008, 30(6): 1074-1079
2. Zhang Rong and Shi Zhifei, Interfacial fatigue damage of fiber-reinforcedcomposites by coating the fibers with functionally graded materials, Modellingand Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2008, 16(4): 1-15
3. Zhang Rong, Shi Zhifei, Numerical simulation of rebar/concrete interfacedebonding of FRP strengthened RC beams under fatigue load, Materials andStructures.2008,41:1613-1621
4. Shi Zhifei, Zhang Rong, Fatigue Damage of Fiber Reinforced Composites:Simultaneous Growth of Interfacial Debonding and Matrix Annular CrackSurrounding Fiber, Journal of composite materials, 2008,42(21):2247-2258
5. Shi Zhifei, Zhang Rong,Numerical Simulation of Interfacial Crack Growthunder Fatigue Load,Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials andStructures.(2008,accepted)

1. Xiang Hongjun, Shi Zhifei and Zhang Taotao. Elastic Analyses ofHeterogeneous Hollow Cylinders. Mechanics Research Communications, 2006, 33:681-691 (SCI)
2. 向宏军, 石志飞. 梯度功能压电材料的一组参数识别. 北京交通大学学报(自然科学版), 2006, 30(1): 30-34+39 (EI)
3. Shi Zhifei, Xiang HongJun and B.F. Spencer, Jr. Exact analysis ofmulti-layer piezoelectric/composite cantilevers, Smart Materials andStructures,2006,15: 1447-1458 (SCI)
4. Shi Zhifei, Zhang Taotao and Xiang Hongjun. Exact Solutions of HeterogeneousElastic Hollow Cylinders, Composite Structures, 2007, 79: 140-147 (SCI)
5. J Yang and H J Xiang. Thermo-electro-mechanical characteristics offunctionally graded piezoelectric actuators. Smart Materials and Structures,2007, 16: 784-797 (SCI)
6. 向宏军, 石志飞. 梯度功能压电悬臂梁的数值分析.中国力学学会学术大会2005, 北京, 2005
7. Xiang Hongjun and Shi Zhifei. Electrostatic analysis of functionally gradedpiezoelectric cantilevers, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems andStructures, 2007, 18(7): 719-726 (SCI)
8. J Yang and H J Xiang. Biomechanical behavior of a functionally graded dentalimplant in surrounding bone: a 3-D finite element study. J. Biomechanics,(2007, in press, SCI源刊)
9. H J Xiang and J Yang. Free and forced vibrations of a laminated FGMTimoshenko beam of variable thickness under heat conduction. Composites Part B,(2007, in press, SCI源刊)
10. Xiang Hongjun and Shi Zhifei,Static Analysis for Multi-layered PiezoelectricCantilevers,Int. J. Solids Struct. 2007(Accepted)

陈艳华:毕业。 学位论文:《拉-拉循环载荷作用下纤维增强复合材料界面疲劳特性的研究》
1. Chen Yanhua, Shi Zhifei, An Investigation of Interfacial Fatigue in Fiberreinforced Composites, Applied Composite Materials, 2005,12(5): 265-276
2. Shi Zhifei, Chen Yanhua, Zhou Limin, Micromechanical damage modeling offiber/matrix interface under cyclic loading, Composites Science and Technology,2005, 65(7-8):1203-1210
3. 陈艳华, 石志飞, 两级载荷作用下复合材料界面的脱粘,复合材料学报,2004, 21(4),
4. 陈艳华, 石志飞,朱庆杰,拉-拉循环荷载作用下的界面脱粘研究,应用力学学报,2003,20(3):10-14
5. 陈艳华, 石志飞, 朱庆杰,纤维增强复合材料界面疲劳裂纹扩展的模拟研究,工程力学,2004,21(1): 196-201
6. 陈艳华, 石志飞, 孟凡胜,钢筋与混凝土界面的腐蚀疲劳,中国安全科学学报,2003,13(3): 42-45.
7. 陈艳华, 石志飞, 钢筋混凝土界面的疲劳损伤,中国安全科学学报,2003,13(9):78-80..
8. Chen Yanhua Shi Zhifei, Zhu Qingjie, Interfacial debonding investigation ofsteel fiber reinforced concrete under cyclic loading, Advances in Concrete andStructures, proceedings of the International Conference ICACS 2003, 17-19September 2003 (postponed 25-27 May 2004), XuZhou, China.
9. 陈艳华, 石志飞, 基体特性衰减对界面疲劳裂纹扩展的影响,全国固体力学学术会议,2002,8.19-8.21,大连.


Selected Journal Publications

1 Zhang Zhiwei, Xiang Hongjun, Shi Zhifei, Mechanism exploration of piezoelectric energy harvesting from vibration in beams subjected to moving harmonic loads, Composite Structures, 2017: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2017.07.0132 Cheng Zhibao, Lin Wenkai, Shi Zhifei, Dispersion differences and consistency of artificial periodic structures, Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, (Accepted,2017)3 Wang Xianfeng, Shi Zhifei, Double piezoelectric energy harvesting cell: modeling and experimental verification, Smart Mater. Struct., 2017, 26(6): 0650024 Xingbo Pu, Zhifei Shi, A novel method for identifying surface waves in periodic structures, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,2017, 98:67-71.5 Zhifei Shi, Yage Wen, Qingjuan Meng, Propagation attenuation of plane waves in saturated soil by pile barriers, ASCE's International Journal of Geomechanics, (Accepted,2017).6 Jiankun Huang, Wen Liu, Zhifei Shi, Surface-wave attenuation zone of layered periodic structures and feasible application in ground vibration reduction, Construction and Building Materials, 2017,141:1–11.7 Jiankun Huang, Zhifei Shi, Weixin Huang, Xinhua Chen, Zhiwei Zhang, A periodic foundation with rotational oscillators for extremely low-frequency seismic isolation: Analysis and experimental verification, Smart Mater. Struct., 2017, 26: 035061. 8 Xinnan Liu, Zhifei Shi, WFQEM-based perturbation approach and its applications in analyzing non-linear periodic structures, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2017, 40(8):3079-3091. 9 JianjunWang, Kong Qingzhao, Zhifei Shi,Gangbing Song, Electromechanicalproperties of smart aggregate theoretical modeling and experimental validation, Smart Mater. Struct., 2016, 25(9): 095008.
10 Xinnan Liu, Zhifei Shi, YL Mo, ChengZhibao, Effect of initial stress on attenuation zones of layered periodicfoundations, Engineering Structures,2016, 121:75-84.
11 Xinnan Liu, Zhifei Shi, YL Mo, Attenuationzones of initially stressed periodic Mindlin plates on an elastic foundation, Int J Mech Sci, 2016, 115-116: 12-23.
12 Xinnan Liu, Zhifei Shi, YL Mo, Effect of initialstress on periodic Timoshenko beams resting on an elastic foundation, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2016, DOI:10.1177/24331.
13 Wang Xianfeng, Shi Zhifei, Wang Jianjun, Hongjun Xiang, A stack-based flex-compressive piezoelectric energyharvesting cell for large quasi-staticloads, Smart Mater. Struct.,2016, 25(5): 055005.
14 Wang Jianjun, Shi Zhifei, Models for designing radially polarized multilayerpiezoelectric/elastic composite cylindrical transducers, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2016,27(4): 500-511
15 Xinnan Liu, Zhifei Shi, YL Mo, Comparison of 2D and 3D models for numerical simulation ofvibration reduction by periodic pile barriers, Soil Dynamics and EarthquakeEngineering, 2015, 79:104-107.
16 Xinnan Liu, Zhifei Shi, Hongjun Xiang, YLMo, Attenuation Zones of Periodic Pile Barriers withInitial Stress, SoilDynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2015, 77:381-390.
17 WangJianjun, Shi Zhifei, Hongjun Xiang,Song Gangbing, Modeling on energyharvesting from railway system using piezoelectric transducers, Smart Mater. Struct., 2015, 24: 105017.
18 YQ Yan, ZB Cheng, FY Menq, YL Mo, Y Tang, and ZF Shi, Three dimensional periodicfoundations for base seismic isolation, SmartMater. Struct. 24 (2015) 075006.
19 Wang Xianfeng, Shi Zhifei, Unified Solutions for Piezoelectric BilayerCantilevers and Solution Modifications, Smart Structures and Systems, 2015, 16(5):759-780.
20 ZhangZhiwei, Xiang Hongjun, Shi Zhifei, Modeling on piezoelectricenergy harvesting from pavements under traffic loads, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems andStructures, 2016, 27(4): 567-578.
21 WangJianjun, Shi Zhifei, Song Gangbing, Modeling and optimization of adjustablemultifrequency axially polarized multilayer composite cylindrical transducer, Smart Mater. Struct., 2015, 24: 045003
22 Huang Jiankun, Shi Zhifei, Vibration reduction of plane waves using periodicin-filled pile barriers, ASCE's Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2015, 141(6): **.
23 Shi Zhifei, Li Jinli, Yao Ruixiang, Solutionmodification of a piezoelectric bimorph cantilever under loads, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems andStructures, 2015,26(15):2028-2041.
24 Wang Jianjun, Shi Zhifei,Electromechanical analysis of 2-2 cement-based piezoelectric transducers in series electrically, Smart Structures and Systems, 2014, 14(3): 267-284
25 YQ Yan, A Laskar, ZB Cheng, FY Menq, Y Tang, YLMo, and ZF Shi, Seismicisolation of two dimensional periodic foundations, Journal of Applied Physics, 2014,116,044908
26 Shi Zhifei, Cheng Zhibao, XiangHongjun, Seismic isolation foundations with effective attenuation zones, Soil Dynamics and EarthquakeEngineering, 2014, 57: 143-151
27 Cheng Zhibao, Shi Zhifei, Multi-mass-springmodel and energy transmission of one-dimensional periodic structures, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics andFrequency Control, 2014, 61(5):739-746
28 Cheng Zhibao, Shi Zhifei, Vibration Attenuation Properties of Periodic RubberConcrete Panels, Construction &Building Materials, 2014, 50:257-265
29 Hongjun Xiang, Wang Jianjun, Shi Zhifei, Zhiwei Zhang, Theoretical analysis of piezoelectric energy harvestingfrom traffic induced deformation of pavements, Smart Mater. Struct., 2013, 22(9): 095024
30 Wang Jianjun, Shi Zhifei, DynamicCharacteristics of an Axially Polarized Multilayer Piezoelectric/ElasticComposite Cylindrical Transducer, IEEETransactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 2013, 60(10): 2196-2203
31 Cheng Zhibao, Shi Zhifei,Novel composite periodic structures with attenuation zones, Engineering Structures, 2013, 56:1271-1282
32 Cheng Zhibao, Shi Zhifei, Mo Yilung, Xiang Hongjun, Locally resonant periodic structureswith low-frequency band gaps, Journal ofApplied Physics, 2013,114, 033532
33 Cheng Zhibao, Shi Zhifei,Influence of parameter mismatch on the convergence of the band structuresby using the fourier expansion method, Composite Structures, 2013, 106:510-519
34 Wang Jianjun, Shi Zhifei, Hongjun Xiang, Electromechanical analysis of piezoelectric beam-type transducerswith interlayer slip, IEEE Transactionson Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 2013 , 60(8): 1768-1776
35 Wang Jianjun, Shi Zhifei, Zhijun Han, Analytical solution ofpiezoelectric composite stack transducers, Journalof Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2013, 24(13): 1626-1636.
36 Shi Zhifei, Huang Jiankun, Feasibility of reducing three-dimensional wave energy byintroducing periodic foundations, SoilDynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2013, 50:204-212.
37 Huang Jiankun, Shi Zhifei,Attenuation zones of periodic pilebarriers and its application in vibration reduction for plane waves, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2013, 332: 4423-4439
38 Huang Jiankun, Shi Zhifei,Application of periodic theory torows of piles for horizontal vibration attenuation, ASCE'sInternationalJournalofGeomechanics, 2013.13:132-142
39 Shi Zhifei, Wang Jianjun, Dynamicanalysis of 2-2 cement–based piezoelectric transducers, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2013, 24(1): 99-107
40 Xiang Hongjun, Shi Zhifei, Wang SJ, Mo YL, Periodicmaterials-basedvibrationattenuationinlayeredfoundations:Experimentalvalidation, Smart Mater. Struct., 2012, 21:112003
41 Han Rong, Shi Zhifei, Dynamic analysis of sandwichcement-based piezoelectric composites, Composites Science and Technology, 2012,72: 894-901
42 Shi Zhifei,Yao Ruixiang, Steady-state responses of forced laminated piezoelectric compositebeams, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2012,82(9):1145-1158
43 Chen Ying,Shi Zhifei,Mo YL, Elasticanalysisofbeam-walljointssubjectedtoout-of-planebending, ASCE'sJournalofStructuralEngineering,2012, 138(6):718-728
44 Xiang Hongjun, Shi Zhifei,Vibration attenuation in periodic composite Timoshenko beams on Pasternakfoundation, Structural Engineering andMechanics, An international Journal, 2011, 40(3):373-392
45 Yao Ruixiang, Shi Zhifei, Steady-state forced vibration of functionally gradedpiezoelectric beams, Journal of Intelligent MaterialSystems and Structures, 2011, 22(8):769-779
46 BaoJing, Shi Zhifei, Xiang Hongjun,Dynamic responses of a structure with periodicfoundations, ASCE'sJournalofEngineeringMechanics,2012, 138(7): 761-769
47 Xiong Chen, Shi Zhifei,Xiang Hongjun,Attenuation of building vibration usingperiodic foundations, AdvancesinStructuralEngineering, 2012,15(8): 1375-1388
48 Shi Zhifei, Zhao Shuai, The resonance frequency of laminatedpiezoelectric rectangular plates, IEEETransactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 2011, 58(3):623-628
49 Han Rong, Shi Zhifei, Exact analysisof 0-3 cement-based piezoelectric composites, Journal ofIntelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2011, 22(3):221-229
50 Han Rong, Shi Zhifei, Mo YL, Staticanalysis of 2-2 cement-based piezoelectric composites, Archive of AppliedMechanics, 2011, 81(7): 839-851
51 Shi Zhifei, Yang Shuling, Out-of-plane bending of beam-wall joints based on elasticmedium thick plate theory, International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science& Mechanics, 2011, 12:34–43
52 ZhangTaotao, Shi Zhifei, Exact solutions of the piezoelectric transducer undermulti loads,Smart Structures and Systems, 2011, 8(4): 413-431
53 ZhangTaotao, Shi Zhifei, Exact analysisof the dynamic properties of a 2-2 cement based piezoelectric transducer, Smart Mater. Struct., 2011, 20(8): 085017
54 ZhangTaotao, Shi Zhifei, Exact analyses for two kinds of piezoelectric hollow cylinders withgraded properties, Smart Structures and Systems, 2010,6(8):975-989
55 ZhangTaotao, Shi Zhifei, Analytical solutions of two kinds of piezoelectricactuators under shearing load, Smart Mater. Struct., 2010,19: 115023
56 Lin Hongwei, Shi Zhifei, Numerical analysis forthe Oout-of-plane response of a reinforced concrete wall beam joint, International Journal for ComputationalMethods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, 2010, 11(1):37-47
57 Zhao Shuai, ShiZhifei, Xiang Hongjun, The primary resonance oflaminated piezoelectric rectangular plates, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 2009, 56(11): 2522-2529
58 XiangHongjun, ShiZhifei, Analysis of flexural vibrationband gaps in periodic beams using differential quadrature method, Computers and Structures, 2009,87:1559-1566
59 Jia Gaofeng, Shi Zhifei, A new seismic isolation method and its feasibilitystudy, Earthquake Engineering and EngineeringVibration, 2010,9(1):75-82
60 Xiang HJ, Shi ZhiFei, Static analysis of a multilayer piezoelectric actuatorwith bonding layers and electrodes, SmartStructures and Systems, 2009, 5(5): 547-564
61 Shi Zhifei,Zhang Rong, Numerical Simulation of Interfacial Crack Growth under FatigueLoad, Fatigue and Fracture of EngineeringMaterials and Structures. 2009,32:26-32
62 Shi Zhifei, Zhang Rong, Fatigue Damage ofFiber Reinforced Composites: Simultaneous Growth of Interfacial Debonding andMatrix Annular Crack Surrounding Fiber, Journalof composite materials, 2008,42(21):2247-2258
63 Xiang HJ, Shi ZhiFei, Static analysis for functionally graded piezoelectricactuators or sensors under a combined electro-thermal load, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2009,28(2): 338–346
64 Shi Zhifei,Zhang TT, Bending Analysis of a Piezoelectric Curved Actuator With A GenerallyGraded Property for Piezoelectric Parameter, Smart Mater. Struct. 17 (2008) 045018
65 Zhang Rong and Shi Zhifei,Bi-interfacial debonding of coatedfiber reinforced composites under fatigue load, International Journal of Fatigue, 2008, 30(6): 1074-1079
66 Zhang Rong and Shi Zhifei, Interfacial fatigue damage offiber-reinforced composites by coating the fibers with functionally gradedmaterials, Modelling and Simulation inMaterials Science and Engineering, 2008, 16(4): 1-15
67 Zhang Rong, Shi Zhifei, Numericalsimulation of rebar/concrete interface debonding of FRP strengthened RC beamsunder fatigue load, Materials andStructures. 2008,41:1613-1621
68 Li Yang, Shi Zhifei, A new method for free vibration analysis ofpiezoelectric-elastic laminated beams. Chinese Journal of Theoretical andApplied Mechanics, 2008,40(4):564-571
69 Li Yang, Shi Zhifei, Free vibration of a functionally graded piezoelectricbeam via state-space based differential quadrature, Composite Structures, 2009,87: 257-264
70 Zhang Taotao, Shi Zhifei, Spencer BF Jr, Vibration analysis of a functionally-gradedpiezoelectric cylindrical actuator, Smart Materials and Structures. (2008, 17(2). doi:10.1088/0964 -1726/17/2/025018)
71 Han Rong and Shi Zhifei, Exact Analysis of Two Kinds of Piezoelectric Actuators,Smart Materials and Structures, (2008, 17(1).doi:10.1088/0964-1726/17/01/015018)
72 XiangHongjun and Shi Zhifei,Static analysis for multi-layered piezoelectriccantilevers,Int. J. Solids Struct. 2008,45:113-128
73 Shi Zhifei, Zhang Taotao, Static analysesfor 2-2 multi-layered piezoelectric curved composites,International Journal of Engineering Science, 2007,45: 509-524
74 Xiang Hongjun and Shi Zhifei,Electrostatic analysis of functionallygraded piezoelectric cantilevers, JournalOf Intelligent Material Systems And Structures, 2007, 18(7): 719-726
75 Zhang Taotao, Shi Zhifei, Bending behavior of 2-2 multi-layeredpiezoelectric curved actuators, Smart Materials and Structures, 2007,16:634-641
76 Shi Zhifei, Zhang Taotao and Xiang Hongjun, Exactsolutions of heterogeneous elastic hollow cylinders, Composite Structures, 2007,79(1):140-147
77 Lin Hongwei, Shi Zhifei, The mechanical analysis for the RCNon-planar beam to shear-wall joint, Journal ofArchitecture and Civil Engineering, 2007,24(3):56-60 (inChinese)
78 Shi Zhifei, Xiang Hongjun and Spencer, BF. Jr., Exact analysisof multi-layer piezoelectric/composite cantilevers, Smart Materials and Structures, 2006 15: 1447-1458
79 ZhangTaotao, Shi Zhifei, Two-dimensional exact analyses for piezoelectriccurved actuators, Journalof Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2006, 16(3): 640-647
80 Shi Zhifei, Cui Chang, Zhou Limin, Bond decay at bar-concreteinterface under variable fatigue loads, European Journal of Mechanics, A Solids, 2006, 25:808-818
81 Xiang Hongjun, Shi Zhifei, Zhang Taotao, Elastic analyses of heterogeneous hollow cylinders, Mechanics Research Communications ,2006, 33(5): 681-691
82 Chen Ying,Shi Zhifei,Double-layered piezothermoelastic hollowcylinder under some coupled loadings, Archives ofApplied Mechanics, 2006, 75(6-7): 326-337
83 Chen Ying,Shi Zhifei,Double-layered piezothermoelastic hollow cylinder under thermal loading,Key Engineering Materials, 2006,Vols. 302-303: 684-692
84 Zhang Taotao, Shi Zhifei, Elasticsolutions of graded piezoelectric hollow cylinders, Key Engineering Materials, 2006, Vols. 302-303: 658-668
85 Shi Zhifei, Bending behavior of piezoelectric curved actuator, Smart Materials and Structures, 2005,14(4): 835-842
86 ChenYing,Shi Zhifei,Exact solutionsof functionally gradient piezo-thermal-elastic cantilevers and parameter identification, Journal ofIntelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2005, 16(6): 531-539
87 Shi Zhifei, Chen Yanhua, Zhou Limin, Micromechanical damage modeling offiber/matrix interface under cyclic loading, CompositesScience and Technology, 2005,65(7-8):1203-1210
88 Chen Yanhua, Shi Zhifei, An investigationof interfacial fatigue in fiber reinforced composites, Applied Composite Materials, 2005,12(5): 265-276
89 Shi Zhifei, Chen Ying, Functionally gradedpiezoelectric cantilever beam under load, Archives of Applied Mechanics, 2004, 74(3-4): 237-247
90 Shi Zhifei, Zhang Linnan, Simulation ofinterfacial fatigue of reinforced concrete under different loading cases, Modellingand Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2004,12(4): 561-573
91 Peng Minglan, Shi Zhifei, Interfacecharacteristics of RC beams strengthened with FRP plate, StructuralEngineering and Mechanics, 2004, 18(3): 315-330
92 Liu Tingting, Shi Zhifei, Bendingbehavior of functionally gradient piezoelectric cantilever, Ferroelectrics,2004, Vol 308:43-51
93 Li Liang, Shi Zhifei,Asymptotic analysis and finite –element calculation of a rubber cone contactingwith a rigid socket, European Journal of Mechanics, A Solids, 2004,23(3): 447-453
94 Yang Yongbo, Shi Zhifei,Chen Ying, Piezoelectric cantilever actuator subjected to a linearly distributedloading, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2004,36(3): 305-310 (in Chinese)
95 Chen Ying, ShiZhifei, Fundamentalsolution and applications of a FGM piezoelectric cantilever, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2004,25(2): 241-245 (in Chinese)
96 ChenYanhua,Shi Zhifei,Interfacialdebonding of composite under two-stage loading,Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica,2004,21(4): 140-145 (in Chinese)
97 ChenYanhua,Shi Zhifei,Zhu Qingjie,Simulation of fatigue crack growth on the interfaceof fiber-reinforced composites,Engineering Mechanics,2004,21(1): 196-201 (in Chinese)
98 Zhang Linnan, Shi Zhifei, Analytical solution of asimply supported piezoelectric beam subjected to a uniformly distributedloading, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2003, 24(10): 1215-1223
99 Shi Zhifei, General solution of a density functionally gradient piezoelectric cantileverand its applications, Smart Materials andStructural, 2002, 11(1): 122-129
100 Shi ZhiFei,Zhou Limin, Interfacial damage in fiber-reinforced composites subjected totension fatigue loading, Fatigue &Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2002, 25(5): 445-457
101 Huang Binbin, Shi ZhiFei, Piezoelectric cantilever subjected to distributed forces, ActaMateriae Compositae Sinica, 2002,19(4):106-113 (in Chinese)
102 Shi Zhifei,Huang Binbin & Du Shanyi, The general solutions of smart materials andstructures - Part one: intelligent cantilever beam under bending, Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2001,18(1): 105-108 (in Chinese)
103 Shi Zhifei,Huang Binbin & Du Shanyi, The general solutions of smart materials andstructures - Part two: intelligent cantilever beam under tension, Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2001,18(1): 109-111 (in Chinese)
104 Zhang Zimao, Shi Zhifei, Huang Binbin, The general solutions of smartmaterials and structures - Part three: intelligent cantilever beam subjected toa transverse concentrated force, ActaMateriae Compositae Sinica, 2001, 18(1): 112-114 (in Chinese)
105 Shi Zhifei,Zhou Limin, Interfacial debonding of coated-fiber-reinforced composites undertension-tension cyclic loading, ActaMechanica Sinica, 2000, 16(4): 347-356
106 Shi Zhifei & Zhou Limin, Modeling of fiber-matrix composite under cyclic loading, Mesomechanics 2000, Editor G.G. Sih,Tsinghua University Press, Vol. II(1075-1082)
107 Shi Zhifei & Zhou Limin, Interfacial fatigue of steel reinforced concrete, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2000,21(S. Issue)(in Chinese)
108 Shi Zhifei & Gao Yuchen, Stress-strain field near the notch tip of a rubber sheet, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 1995, 11(2):169-177
109 Gao Yuchen & Shi Zhifei, The plane stress crack-tipfield for an incompressible rubber material, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1994, 15(5): 499-506
110 Gao Yuchen & Shi Zhifei, Large strain field near aninterface crack-tip, InternationalJournal of Fracture, 1994/1995, 69(3): 269-279
111 Du Shanyi, Shi Zhifei & Wu Linzhi, A transverse crack tip field inbimaterial, Acta Mechanica Sinica,1994, 10(3): 267-272
112 Shi Zhifei,Zhang Zimao & Huang Shuping, Finite deformation analysis of elastostaticfield near an interface crack tip, Journalof Northern Jiaotong University, 1996, 20(5): 538-544
113 Zhang Zimao, Shi Zhifei, Interaction of elastic waves with an axial annularinterface crack, Journal of NorthernJiaotong University, 1996, 20(5): 527-532
114 Wu Linzhi, Du Shanyi & Shi Zhifei, Study of overall propertiesof composites with inclusions, Advancesin Mechanics, 1995, 25(3):410-423, (in Chinese)
115 Du Shanyi & Shi Zhifei, An asymptotic analysis ofthe elastostatic field with finite deformation near the tip of aninterface-crack, Acta Mechanica Sinica,1994, 26(4): 440-450, (in Chinese)
116 Du Shanyi & Shi Zhifei, The elastostatic field nearthe Mode-I crack-tip in a hyperelastic media, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 1993, 14(3): 277-281, (in Chinese)
117 Shi Zhifei, Wang Zhenqing, Elastostatic field near the Mode-III crack tip in aincompressible media, Journal of HarbinShipbuilding Engineering Institute, 1993, 14(3): 19-27, (in Chinese)
118 Huang Binbin, Shi Zhifei, & Zhang Zimao, On the inverse problem in calculusof variationals for piezoelectric media , the inverse problem in dynamics, Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2000,17(3):103-106, (in Chinese)
119 Shi Zhifei,Huang Shuping & Zhang Zimao, Variational principles of fluid full-filledelastic solids, Applied Mathematics andMechanics, 1999, 20(3): 262-268
120 Shi Zhifei,Huang Shuping & Du Shanyi, Several variational principles of coupledfluid-saturated porous media, ActaMechanica Solida Sinica, 1998, 19(2): 176-179, (in Chinese)
121 Shi Zhifei,Zhao Shiying, Zhou Limin & Du Shanyi, On the Inverse Problem in Calculus ofVariationals for piezoelectric media, ActaMateriae Compositae Sinica, 1998, 15(3): 119-123, (in Chinese)
122 Huang Shuping, Shi Zhifei & Zhang Zimao, Study onvariational principles for fluid-saturated porous media, Journal of the China Railway Society, 1998, 20(1): 103-109, (inChinese)
123 Shi Zhifei,Wu Xuan & Zhang Zimao, The generalized variational principles forstructure-fluid interaction problems, Journalof Northern Jiaotong University, 1997, 21(4): 385-388, (in Chinese)
124 Liang Lifu, & Shi Zhifei, On the Inverse Problem inCalculus of Variationals, AppliedMathematics and Mechanics, 1994, 15(9): 815-830
125 Liang Lifu, & Shi Zhifei, Variational principles andgeneralized variational principlesfor viscous fluid, Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics, 1993, 10(1): 117-123, (inChinese)
126 Shi Zhifei,Liang Lifu & Du Shanyi, An new method to convert the boundary (andinitial-boundary value) problems of differential equations into the stationary(exterme) value problems of a functional, Journalof Harbin Institute of Technology, 1992, 24(5): 21-27, (in Chinese)
127 Liang Lifu, Shi Zhifei, The unification of uniqueness and non-uniqueness ofLagrangian multiplier, Acta Mechanica SolidaSinica, 2000, 21(S. Issue)(in Chinese)
128 Liang Lifu, Liang Zhonghong & ShiZhifei, The stationary value property of Hamilton’s variational principlein Non-holonomic systems, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1997, 18(12): 1169-1176
129 Liang Lifu, Shi Zhifei, Variational problem of general displacements inNon-holonomic systems, Acta MechanicaSolida Sinica, 1993, 6(4): 357-364
130 Liang Lifu, Shi Zhifei, On some important problems in analytical dynamics ofNon-holonomic systems, AppliedMathematics and Mechanics, 1993, 14(12): 1113-1123
131 Liang Lifu, Shi Zhifei, Two classical relations in Non-holonomic dynamics, Huanghuai Journal (Natural Science),1993, 9(4): 10- 20, (in Chinese)
132 Liang Lifu, Shi Zhifei, The application of popularization and degenerationprinciple in analytical dynamics, Journal of Harbin Shipbuilding EngineeringInstitute, 1993, 14(3): 28-35, (in Chinese)

专著/译著 石志飞,程志宝,向宏军,周期结构理论及其在隔震减振中的应用,科学出版社,2017-06
石志飞, 结构力学精讲及真题详解[M]。国内:中国建筑工业出版社,2009-07



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Journal of Solid Mechanics 编委 (2008–present)
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