

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-08

基本信息 办公电话: 电子邮件: jiangrui@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京交通大学交通运输学院 邮编:100044

教育背景 1998/09 2003/07,中国科学技术大学,博士
1994/09 1998/07,中国科学技术大学,本科

工作经历 2015/10 至今 北京交通大学,教授
2010/06 2015/10 中国科学技术大学,教授
2006/04 2010/06,中国科学技术大学,副教授
2003/07 2006/04,中国科学技术大学,讲师
2008/09 2009/09,日本东京大学,日本学术振兴会特别研究员(JSPS postdoc fellowship)
2008/06澳大利亚Curtin University of Technology,访问
2007/05新西兰Massey University,访问
2005/03 2006/04,德国DresdenUniversity of Technology,洪堡研究员(Humboldt research fellow)
2004/10 2005/02,德国DresdenUniversity of Technology,访问

研究方向 交通运输系统分析与集成
招生专业 系统科学博士
科研项目 项目负责人:


论文/期刊 主要论文:

1. Jiang R, Hu MB, Zhang HM, Gao ZY, Jia B,Wu QS, On some experimental features of car-following behavior and how to modelthem. Transportation Research Part B 80, 338-354 (2015).
2. Jin CJ, Wang W, Jiang R, Zhang HM, Wang H,Hu MB, Understanding the structure of hyper-congested traffic from empiricaland experimental evidences. Transportation Research Part C 60, 324-338 (2015)
3. Yan CY, Jiang R, Gao ZY, Shao Hu, Effectof speed limits in degradable transport networks. Transportation Research PartC 56, 94-119 (2015)
4. Wang YQ, Jiang R, Hu MB et al., Phasetransition in a mesoscopic ring with multiple diffusive channels. ComputerPhysics Communications 185, 2823-2828 (2014).
5. Li QL, Jiang R, Min J et al., Phasediagrams of heterogeneous traffic flow at a single intersection in adeterministic Fukui-Ishibashi cellular automata traffic model. EPL 108, 28001 (2014).
6. Wang YQ, Jiang R, Kolomeisky AB et al., Bulkinduced phase transition in driven diffusive systems. Scientific Reports 4, 5459(2014).
7. Jiang R, Hu MB, Jia B et al., A newmechanism for metastability of under-saturated traffic responsible fortime-delayed traffic breakdown at the signal. Computer Physics Communications185, 1439-1442 (2014).
8. Jiang R, Hu MB, Zhang HM, et al., Traffic experimentreveals the nature of car-following. PLOS ONE 9, e94351 (2014).
9. Jin CJ, Wang W, Jiang R et al., Anempirical study of phase transitions from synchronized flow to jams on asingle-lane highway. Journal of Physic A 47, 125104 (2014).
10. Jin CJ, Wang W, Jiang R, Cellularautomaton simulations of a T-shaped unsignalised intersection with refinedconfigurations. Transportmetrica A 10, 273-283 (2014).
11. Ding ZJ, Jiang R, Gao ZY et al., Effectof overpasses in the Biham-Middleton-Levine traffic flow model with random andparallel update rule. Physical Review E 88, 022809 (2013).
12. Jin CJ, Wang W, Jiang R et al., Spontaneousphase transition from free flow to synchronized flow in traffic on asingle-lane highway. Physical Review E 87, 012815 (2013).
13. Ding ZJ, Jiang R, Li M et al., Effect ofviolating the traffic light rule in the Biham-Middleton-Levine traffic flowmodel. EPL 99, 68002 (2012).
14. Li QL, Jiang R, Wang BH et al., Phasediagrams of traffic flow at an unsignalized intersection. EPL 99, 38004 (2012).
15. Sui QH, Ding ZJ, Jiang R et al., Slow-to-starteffect in two-dimensional traffic flow. Computer Physics Communications 183, 547-551(2012).
16. Li M, Ding ZJ, Jiang R et al., Trafficflow in a Manhattan-like urban system. Journal of Statistical Mechanics P12001 (2011).
17. Hao QY, Jiang R, Hu MB et al., Pedestrianflow dynamics in a lattice gas model coupled with an evolutionary game.Physical Review E 84, 036107 (2011).
18. Ding ZJ, Jiang R, Wang BH, Traffic flowin the Biham-Middleton-Levine model with random update rule. Physical Review E83, 047101 (2011).
19. Jiang R, Huang W, Hu MB, et al., Commenton "Bulk-Driven Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in a MesoscopicRing". Physical Review Letters 106, 079601 (2011).
20. Sun XY, Jiang R, Hao QY et al., Phasetransition in random walks coupled with evolutionary game. EPL 92, 18003(2010).
21. Sun D, Jiang R, Wang BH, Timing oftraffic lights and phase separation in two-dimensional traffic flow. ComputerPhysics Communications 181, 301-304 (2010).
22. Ling X, Hu MB, Jiang R et al., Globaldynamic routing for scale-free networks. Physical Review E 81, 016113 (2010).
23. Ling X, Hu MB, Jiang R et al., Pheromonerouting protocol on a scale-free network. Physical Review E 80, 066110 (2009).
24. Jiang R, Nishinari K, Hu MB et al., Phaseseparation in a bidirectional two-lane asymmetric exclusion process. Journal ofStatistical Physics 136, 73-88 (2009).
25. Jiang R, Hu MB, Wu YH et al., Weak andstrong coupling in a two-lane asymmetric exclusion process. Physical Review E77, 041128 (2008).
26. Jiang R, Hu MB, Jia B et al., Enhancinghighway capacity by homogenizing traffic flow. Transportmetrica 4, 51-61 (2008)
27. Liu Z, Hu MB, Jiang R et al., Method toenhance traffic capacity for scale-free networks. Physical Review E 76, 037101 (2007)
28. Jiang R, Hu MB, Jia B et al., Spontaneoussymmetry breaking and periodic structure in a multilane system. Physical ReviewE 76, 036116 (2007)
29. Gao K, Jiang R, Hu SX et al., Cellular-automatonmodel with velocity adaptation in the framework of Kerner's three-phase traffictheory. Physical Review E 76, 026105 (2007)
30. Jiang R, Helbing D, Shukla PK, Inefficientemergent oscillations in intersecting driven many-particle flows. Physica A 368,567-574 (2006)
31. Jiang R, Wu QS, Toward an improvementover Kerner-Klenov-Wolf three-phase cellular automaton model. Physical Review E72, 067103 (2005).
32. Helbing D, Jiang R, Treiber M, Analyticalinvestigation of oscillations in intersecting flows of pedestrian and vehicletraffic. Physical Review E 72, 046130 (2005).
33. Jiang R, Wu QS, First order phasetransition from free flow to synchronized flow in a cellular automata model.European Physical Journal B 46, 581-584 (2005).
34. Jiang R, Wu QS, Spatial-temporal patternsat an isolated on-ramp in a new cellular automata model based on three-phasetraffic theory. Journal of Physics A 37, 8197-8213 (2004)
35. Jia B, Jiang R, Wu QS, Traffic behaviornear an off ramp in the cellular automaton traffic model. Physical Review E 69,056105 (2004).
36. Jiang R, Wu QS, Open boundaries in a cellularautomata model for synchronized flow: Effects of nonmonotonicity. PhysicalReview E 68, 026135 (2003).
37. Jiang R, Wu QS, Cellular automata modelsfor synchronized traffic flow. Journal of Physics A 36, 381-390 (2003)
38. Jiang R, Wu QS, Study on propagationspeed of small disturbance from a car-following approach. TransportationResearch Part B 37, 85-99 (2003)
39. Jiang R, Wu QS, Zhu ZJ, A new continuummodel for traffic flow and numerical tests. Transportation Research Part B 36, 405-419(2002)
40. Jiang R, Wu QS, Wang BH, Cellularautomata model simulating traffic interactions between on-ramp and main road.Physical Review E 66, 036104 (2002).
41. Jiang R, Wu QS, Zhu ZJ, Full velocitydifference model for a car-following theory. Physical Review E 64, 017101(2001).
42. Li XB, Wu QS, Jiang R, Cellular automatonmodel considering the velocity effect of a car on the successive car. PhysicalReview E 64, 066128 (2001).

full publication list:http://www.researcherid.com/rid/P-8022-2015

专著/译著 李力,姜锐,贾斌,赵小梅,现代交通流理论及应用,清华大学出版社, 2011
获奖与荣誉 2003年获安徽省自然科学优秀论文一等奖(排名第一),


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