

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-26

研究方向:Focus Area:
?能源与污染控制生物学Energy and pollution control biology
?生物能源厌氧发酵过程机制 Mechanism research on anaerobic fermentation
?受污染土壤和水体的生态修复过程 Ecological restoration of contaminated soil and water
田永兰,女,1988年5月生。2009年在山东大学环境科学专业获得学士,2012年在华北电力大学环境工程专业获得硕士学位,2017年3月在华北电力大学可在生能源与清洁能源专业获得博士学位,2014年9月至2016年9月受国家留学基金委资助赴英国伦敦大学玛丽女王学院(Queen Mary,University of London)进行博士联合培养。2019年被聘为硕士生导师。主要研究方向为能源与污染控制生物学,在生物能源厌氧发酵过程机制研究、受污染土壤和水体的生态修复过程等领域开展研究工作。
主持了“十三五”国家科技重大专项子课题1项,参与了“十三五”、“十二五”、“十一五”国家科技重大专项、国家科技支撑项目、课题、子课题等6项。在Bioresource Technology、Journal of Experimental Botany、Journal of Environmental Management、Biodegradation、和Ecological Engineering等学术期刊上发表论文41篇,其中SCI论文25篇,EI会议论文8篇,中文核心期刊论文8篇;合作出版英文专著1部;申请或授权国家发明专利4项;获国家留学基金资助出国留学1次,山东省南四湖水专项工作先进个人称号1次,博士生国家奖学金1项、华北电力大学优秀博士奖学金2项、华北电力大学研究生国能中电学术创新奖学金1项。
[1]Yonglan Tian*, Kun Yang, Lei Zheng, Xiaoxi Han, Yanli Xu, Ying Li, Shusen Li, Xiang Xu, Huayong Zhang, Lei Zhao. Modelling biogas production kinetics of various heavy metals exposed anaerobic fermentation process using sigmoidal growth functions. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12649-019-00810-x. (SCI, IF: 2.358)
[2]Yonglan Tian, Huayong Zhang, Lei Zheng, Shusen Li, He Hao, Hai Huang. Effect of Zn addition on the Cd-containing anaerobic fermentation process biodegradation and microbial communities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(16), 2998. (SCI, IF: 2.468)
[3]Yonglan Tian, Huayong Zhang, Lei Zheng, Shusen Li, He Hao, Meixiao Yin, Yudong Cao, Hai Huang. Process analysis of anaerobic fermentation exposure to metal mixtures. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(14), 2458. (SCI, IF: 2.468)
[4]Yonglan Tian, Shusen Li, Ying Li, Huayong Zhang, Xueyue Mi, Hai Huang. Cadmium addition effects on anaerobic digestion with elevated temperatures. Energies, 2019, 12, 2367. (SCI, IF: 2.676)
[5]Huayong Zhang, Yanli Xu, Yonglan Tian, Lei Zheng, He Hao, Hai Huang. Impact of Fe and Ni Addition on the VFAs’ Generation and Process Stability of Anaerobic Fermentation Containing Cd. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(21), 4066. (SCI, IF: 2.468)
[6]Huayong Zhang, Xiaoxi Han, Yonglan Tian, Yanli Xu, Yang Chai, Xiang Xu, Edmond Sanganyado. Relationship analysis of anaerobic fermentation parameters exposed to elevated chromium (VI). Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2019, 38(6):e13212. (SCI, IF: 1.326)
[7]Yonglan Tian*, Kun Yang, Shusen Li, Huayong Zhang, Xiaoxi Han, He Hao, Yang Chai, Xiang Xu. How does copper stress influence the relationships among the anaerobic co-fermentation parameters? Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 2018, 10, 053107(1-11). (SCI, IF: 1.337)
[8]Huayong Zhang, Xiaoxi Han, Yonglan Tian, Ying Li, Kun Yang, He Hao, Yang Chai, Xiang Xu. Process analysis of anaerobic fermentation of Phragmites australis straw and cow dung exposing to elevated chromium (VI) concentrations. Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 224:414-424. (SCI, IF: 4.005)
[9]Xiang Xu, Huayong Zhang, Ting Xie, Junjie Yue, Lei Zhao, Yonglan Tian. Geographical patterns of Raunkiaerian life-form spectra in China. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2018, 50(4):1509-1516. (SCI, IF: 0.690)
[10]Xiang Xu, Huayong Zhang, Junjie Yue, Ting Xie, Yao Xu, Yonglan Tian. Predicting Shifts in the Suitable Climatic Distribution of Walnut (Juglans regia L.) in China Maximum Entropy Model Paves the Way to Forest Management. Forests 2018, 9(3):103-118. (SCI, IF: 1.956)
[11]Yonglan Tian, Joanna Sacharz, Maxwell A. Ware, Huayong Zhang, Alexander V. Ruban. Effects of periodic photoinhibitory light exposure on physiology and productivity of Arabidopsis plants grown under low light. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2017, 68:4249-4262. (SCI, TOP, IF: 5.830)
[12]Hao He, Yonglan Tian*, Huayong Zhang, Yang Chai Copper stressed anaerobic fermentation: biogas properties, process stability, biodegradation and enzyme responses. Biodegradation, 2017, 28:369381. (SCI, IF: 2.018)
[13]Yonglan Tian, Petra Ungerer, Huayong Zhang, Alexander V. Ruban. Direct impact of the sustained decline in the photosystem II efficiency upon plant productivity at different developmental stages. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2017, 212:45-53. (SCI, IF: 3.121)
[14]Yonglan Tian, Huayong Zhang, Yang Chai, Lijun Wang, Xueyue Mi, Luyi Zhang, Maxwell Adam Ware. Biogas properties and enzymatic analysis during anaerobic fermentation of Phragmites australis straw and cow dung: influence of nickel chloride supplement. Biodegradation, 2017, 28:15-25. (SCI, IF: 2.018)
[15]Yonglan Tian, Huayong Zhang, He Hao, Songbo Cui, Luyi Zhang, Lei Zhao, Xiang Xu. Relationships between phosphorus fractionations in sediments and phosphorus in overlying water in a constructed wetland: impact of macrophytes. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2017, 84:180-189. (SCI, IF: 1.631)
[16]Huayong Zhang, Yonglan Tian, Songbo Cui, Luyi Zhang, Xin Zhong, Yuanwu Xiong. Influence of macrophytes on phosphorus fractionation in surface sediments in a constructed wetland: Insight from sediment compositions. Ecological Engineering, 2016, 97:400-409. (SCI, IF: 2.914)
[17]Huayong Zhang, Yonglan Tian, Lijun Wang, Xueyue Mi, Yang Chai. Effect of ferrous chloride on biogas production and enzymatic activities during anaerobic fermentation of cow dung and Phragmites straw. Biodegradation, 2016, 27:69-82. (SCI, IF: 2.018)
[18]Yonglan Tian, Huayong Zhang. Producing Biogas from Agricultural Residues Generated during Phytoremediation Process: Possibility, Threshold, and Challenges. International Journal of Green Energy, 2016, 13(15):1556-1563. (SCI, IF: 1.454)
[19]Yonglan Tian, Huayong Zhang, Xueyue Mi, Lijun Wang, Luyi Zhang, Yuejie Ai. Research on anaerobic digestion of corn stover enhanced by dilute acid pretreatment: Mechanism study and potential utilization in practical application. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2016, 8(2):8179-14. (SCI, IF: 1.337)
[20]Luyi Zhang, Huayong Zhang, Wei Guo, Yonglan Tian. Removal of malachite green and crystal violet cationic dyes from aqueous solution using activated sintering process red mud. Applied Clay Science, 2014, 93:85-93. (SCI, IF: 3.101)
[21]Yonglan Tian, Huayong Zhang, Wei Guo, Xiaofeng Wei. Morphological responses, biomass yield and bioenergy potential of sweet sorghum cultivated in cadmium-contaminated soil for biofuel. International Journal of Green Energy, 2014, 12(6):577-584. (SCI, IF: 1.454)
[22]Huayong Zhang, Yonglan Tian, Lijun Wang, Luyi Zhang, Liming Dai. Ecophysiological characteristics and biogas production of cadmium-contaminated crops. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 146:628-636. (SCI, TOP, IF: 5.651)
[23]Luyi Zhang, Huayong Zhang, Wei Guo, Yonglan Tian. Sorption characteristics and mechanisms of ammonium by coal by-products: slag, honeycomb-cinder and coal gangue. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2013, 10(6):1309-1318. (SCI, IF: 1.915)
[24]Luyi Zhang, Huayong Zhang, Yonglan Tian, Zhongshan Chen, Lu Han. Adsorption of methylene blue from aqueous solutions onto sintering process red mud. Desalination and water treatment, 2012, 47(1-3):31-41. (SCI, IF: 1.631)
[25]Yonglan Tian, Huayong Zhang, Wei Guo, Zhongshan Chen, Xiaofeng Wei, Luyi Zhang, Lu Han, Liming Dai. Assessment of the phytoremediation potential of bioenergy crop maize (Zea mays) in soil contaminated by cadmium: Morphology, photosynthesis and accumulation. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2012, 21(11):3575-3581. (SCI, IF: 0.425)
[1]张化永, 田永兰, 韩晓茜, 郝和, 王中玉, 黄海. 一种含镉生物质厌氧发酵的方法, 专利号: ZL 6.4
[2]田永兰, 郑磊, 徐艳丽, 郝和, 张化永. 一种含镉生物质厌氧发酵产气的方法, 申请号: 8.7
[3]田永兰, 郑磊, 李树森, 曹宇东, 张化永, 徐丹, 孙建忠. 一种复合金属污染苜蓿草再利用的方法, 申请号: 3.5
[4]田永兰, 张化永, 徐艳丽, 郑磊, 李莹, 李树森. 一种复合金属污染苜蓿草再利用的方法, 申请号: 3.5
[1]Yonglan Tian, Huayong Zhang and Edmond Sanganyado. Biodegradability During Anaerobic Fermentation Process Impacted by Heavy Metals. IntechOpen, 2019, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.87161.

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