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Xiang-Kun Dong, Feng-Kun Guo, Bing-Song Zou. A survey of heavy–heavy hadronic molecules. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2021, 73(12): 125201- doi:10.1088/1572-9494/ac27a2
1. Introduction
The fact that quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is nonperturbative at low energy makes the calculation of the whole hadron spectrum from first-principle too difficult at the present stage. The quark model proposed in [1, 2] successfully classify plenty of hadrons and its later developments after the birth of QCD (see, e.g. [3, 4]) provide a remarkable description of the hadron spectrum of $q\bar{q}$ mesons and qqq baryons. However, there was little clear evidence for the multiquark states predicted in [1] until the discovery of the X(3872) [5], also known as χc1(3872) in the review of particle physics (RPP) [6]. Since then many near-threshold structures, e.g. the Zc(3900)± [7–9], the Zc(4020)± [10, 11], the Zb(10610/10650)± [12, 13], the Zcs(3985)− [14] and the Pc states [15], have been observed in the worldwide high energy experiments. These so-called exotic states are clearly outside the scope of the traditional quark model consisting of $q\bar{q}$ mesons and qqq baryons but their inner structures are still under debate (see [16–32] for recent reviews of the multiquark states).One peculiar and thus important property of these exotic states mentioned above is that they are all located quite close to the thresholds of a pair of hadrons that they can couple to. Therefore it is natural to consider them as hadronic molecules
Note that all the experimentally established exotic states mentioned above are hidden-charm or hidden-bottom ones. It is much more difficult to produce the states with doubly heavy quarks than those with heavy–antiheavy quarks since that require at least two heavy quark–antiquark pairs to be produced and two heavy (anti)quarks to move in a particular phase space region. It is only until very recently that the first experimental evidence for a double-charm tetraquark state was reported [39, 40], which immediately stimulated a series of theoretical studies [41–54]. Despite that, many attempts have been made to investigate the possible states with doubly heavy quarks, see the discussions in section
This work is organized as follows. In section
2. Lagrangian from heavy quark spin symmetry
The interactions between hadrons consisting of one or more heavy quarks, say c and b due to their much larger masses than the typical QCD scale, can be constructed systematically under the guidance of heavy quark symmetries2.1. Coupling of light vector mesons and heavy mesons
The coupling of heavy mesons and light vector mesons can be introduced by using the hidden local symmetry approach [71–73] and the leading order Lagrangian is expressed as [69, 64, 32]2.2. Coupling of light vector mesons and heavy baryons
In the heavy quark limit, the ground states of heavy baryons Qqq form an SU(3) antitriplet with ${J}^{P}={\tfrac{1}{2}}^{+}$ denoted by ${B}_{\bar{3}}^{(Q)}$ and two degenerate sextets with ${J}^{P}={\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2}\right)}^{+}$ denoted by $({B}_{6}^{(Q)},{B}_{6}^{(Q)* })$ [68],Table 1.
Table 1.The experimental candidates of heavy baryons predicted by quark model. The notations of experimental states are taken from RPP [6]. The ${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{(* )0}$, ${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{{\prime} 0}$ and ${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{b}^{* 0}$ do not have experimental candidates yet.
Model | Experimental | Model | Experimental |
${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{c}^{+}$ | ${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{c}^{+}$ | ${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{b}^{0}$ | ${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{b}^{0}$ |
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{+}$ | ${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{+}$ | ${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{0}$ | ${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{0}$ |
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{0}$ | ${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{0}$ | ${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{-}$ | ${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{-}$ |
Σc | Σc(2455) | Σb | Σb |
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} +}$ | ${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} +}$ | ${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{{\prime} 0}$ | − |
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} 0}$ | ${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} 0}$ | ${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{{\prime} -}$ | ${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{{\prime} }{\left(5935\right)}^{-}$ |
${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{0}$ | ${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{0}$ | ${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{b}^{-}$ | ${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{b}^{-}$ |
${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{* }$ | Σc(2520) | ${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{* }$ | ${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{* }$ |
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{* +}$ | ξc(2645)+ | ${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{* 0}$ | ξb(5945)0 |
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{* 0}$ | ξc(2645)0 | ${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{* -}$ | ξb(5955)− |
${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{* 0}$ | ωc(2770)0 | ${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{b}^{* 0}$ | − |
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The Lagrangian for the coupling of heavy baryons and light mesons is constructed as [70, 32]
3. Molecular states from resonance-saturated constant interactions
In the following we will solve the BS equation T = V + VGT [77] to search for poles of the scattering amplitude T. The interaction kernel (potential) V is defined as $V=-{ \mathcal M }$ with ${ \mathcal M }$ the 2 → 2 invariant scattering amplitude so that a negative V means an attraction interaction. Such a potential is also the same as the nonrelativistic potential in the Schrödinger equation up to a mass factor.In table 2, we list the numerical values of the coupling constants used in this work with the corresponding references, which have been used in our previous work [32]. Note that the signs of βB and βS adapted in this work are different from those in [70], the choice of which is in conflict with the molecular interpretation of the famous Pc states as well as those obtained by flavor SU(4) relations [81].
Table 2.
Table 2.Values of the coupling parameters used in the calculations.
gV | β | β2 | ζ1 | βB | βS |
5.8 | 0.9 | −0.9 | 0.16 | 0.87 | −1.74 |
[72] | [78] | [79] | [79] | [70, 80] | [70, 80] |
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3.1. Potentials from light vector meson exchange
The constant potentials of different systems assuming the saturation of the light vector meson exchange can be expressed uniformly as${\tilde{\beta }}_{i}=-\beta $ for the P-wave charmed mesons,
${\tilde{\beta }}_{i}={\beta }_{B}$ for the anti-triplet charmed baryons,
and ${\tilde{\beta }}_{i}=-{\beta }_{S}/2$ for the sextet charmed baryons.
F is a group theory factor accounting for the light-flavor SU(3) information, and in our convention a positive F means an attractive interaction. The values of F for charmed-(anti)charmed and bottomed-(anti)bottomed systems are listed in tables 7, 8, 9 and 10 in
It is important to note that the isoscalar meson exchange yields potentials with opposite signs for heavy–heavy and heavy–antiheavy systems while the isovector exchange leads to potentials with the same sign. Such observations are confirmed formally in
3.2. Poles of molecular states
Given the constant interactions between a pair of heavy–heavy hadrons, we solve the single channel BS equation that is factorized into an algebraic equation,Another way to regularize the loop integral is to introduce a Gaussian form factor, namely
In tables 3, 4, 5 and 6, we list all the pole positions of the double-charm-hadron systems which have attractive interactions, corresponding to the masses of hadronic molecules (bound states on 1st RS or virtual states on 2nd RS). For better illustration, these states are also shown in figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 together with the corresponding thresholds. Considering the constant contact interactions saturated by the light vector meson exchange with the coupled-channel effects neglected, we obtain a spectrum of 124 hadronic molecules in total. At least the same number of molecules are expected to exist for each of the charm-bottom and bottom-bottom systems since it is easier to form a bound state with the same attraction strength due to the heavier reduced masses; there could be even more as if the ground state is deeply bound excited states might exist as well as illustrated in the Jülich meson-exchange model for hidden-bottom pentaquark-like hadronic molecules in [86].
Figure 1.

Figure 1.The spectrum of hadronic molecules consisting of a pair of charmed mesons or baryons with I = 0 and P = +. The colored rectangle, green for a bound state and orange for a virtual state, covers the range of the pole position for a given system with the cutoff Λ varying in the range of [0.5, 1.0] GeV. Thresholds are marked by dotted horizontal lines. The rectangle closest to, but below, the threshold corresponds to the hadronic molecule in that system. In some cases, e.g. DD*, there are two rectangles for one system, with the upper edges exactly at the threshold. This corresponds to the situation that the pole moves from the second RS (left orange) to the first RS (right green) when Λ increases in the considered range. In some other cases where the pole positions of two systems overlap, small rectangles are used with the left (right) one for the system with the higher (lower) threshold.
Figure 2.

Figure 2.The spectrum of hadronic molecules consisting of a pair of charmed mesons with I = 0 and P = −. See the caption for figure
Figure 3.

Figure 3.The spectrum of hadronic molecules consisting of a pair of charmed meson and charmed baryon with I = 1/2 and P = −. See the caption for figure
Figure 4.

Figure 4.The spectrum of hadronic molecules consisting of a pair of charmed meson and charmed baryon with I = 0 and P = −. See the caption for figure
Figure 5.

Figure 5.The spectrum of hadronic molecules consisting of a pair of charmed meson and charmed baryon with I = 1/2 and P = +. See the caption for figure
Figure 6.

Figure 6.The spectrum of hadronic molecules consisting of a pair of charmed meson and charmed baryon with I = 0 and P = +. See the caption for figure
Table 3.
Table 3.Pole positions of double-charm-hadron systems with I = 0 and P = +. Eth in the second column is the threshold in MeV. The results as given in the last columns corresponds to using the cutoff Λ = 0.5 (1.0) GeV for equation (
System | Eth [MeV] | JP | (RS, EB [MeV]) | |
0.5 GeV | 1.0 GeV | |||
DD* | 3876 | 1+ | (2, 3.58) | (1, 5.96) |
D*D* | 4017 | 1+ | (2, 2.68) | (1, 7.07) |
D1D1 | 4844 | 1+ | (2, 0.321) | (1, 12.2) |
D1D2 | 4885 | (1, 2, 3)+ | (2, 0.277) | (1, 12.4) |
D2D2 | 4926 | (1, 3)+ | (2, 0.237) | (1, 12.6) |
ΣcΣc | 4907 | 0+ | (1, 2.72) | (1, 35.2) |
ξcξc | 4939 | 1+ | (2, 43.4) | (2,10.1) |
${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{* }$ | 4972 | (1, 2)+ | (1, 2.79) | (1, 35.1) |
${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{* }{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{* }$ | 5036 | (0, 2)+ | (1, 2.86) | (1, 35.1) |
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} }$ | 5048 | (0, 1)+ | (2, 40.1) | (2, 8.55) |
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{* }$ | 5115 | (1, 2)+ | (2, 38.3) | (2, 7.73) |
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} }{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} }$ | 5158 | 1+ | (2, 36.9) | (2, 7.14) |
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{* }{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} }$ | 5225 | (1, 2)+ | (2, 35.2) | (2, 6.4) |
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{* }{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{* }$ | 5292 | (1, 3)+ | (2, 33.4) | (2, 5.7) |
D1ξc | 4891 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2}\right)}^{+}$ | (1, 2.78) | (1, 35.5) |
D2ξc | 4932 | ${\left(\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{5}{2}\right)}^{+}$ | (1, 2.83) | (1, 35.5) |
${D}_{1}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} }$ | 5001 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2}\right)}^{+}$ | (1, 2.89) | (1, 35.4) |
${D}_{2}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} }$ | 5042 | ${\left(\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{5}{2}\right)}^{+}$ | (1, 2.94) | (1, 35.4) |
${D}_{1}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{* }$ | 5068 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{5}{2}\right)}^{+}$ | (1, 2.96) | (1, 35.3) |
${D}_{2}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{* }$ | 5109 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{5}{2},\tfrac{7}{2}\right)}^{+}$ | (1, 3.0) | (1, 35.3) |
Ds1ωc | 5230 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2}\right)}^{+}$ | (1, 0.0298) | (1, 17.4) |
Ds2ωc | 5264 | ${\left(\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{5}{2}\right)}^{+}$ | (1,0.039) | (1, 17.5) |
${D}_{s1}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{* }$ | 5301 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{5}{2}\right)}^{+}$ | (1, 0.0474) | (1, 17.6) |
${D}_{s2}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{* }$ | 5335 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{5}{2},\tfrac{7}{2}\right)}^{+}$ | (1, 0.0588) | (1, 17.7) |
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Table 4.
Table 4.Pole positions of double-charm-hadron systems with I = 0 and P = −. See the caption for table 3.
System | Eth [MeV] | JP | (RS, EB [MeV]) | |
0.5 GeV | 1.0 GeV | |||
DD1 | 4289 | 1− | (2, 2.48) | (1, 6.94) |
DD2 | 4330 | 2− | (2, 1.65) | (1, 8.69) |
D*D1 | 4431 | (0, 1, 2)− | (2, 1.35) | (1, 9.12) |
D*D2 | 4472 | (1, 2, 3)− | (2, 1.0) | (1, 10.1) |
D ξc | 4337 | ${\tfrac{1}{2}}^{-}$ | (1, 1.92) | (1, 35.3) |
$D\ {{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} }$ | 4446 | ${\tfrac{1}{2}}^{-}$ | (1, 2.04) | (1, 35.4) |
D*ξc | 4478 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2}\right)}^{-}$ | (1, 2.19) | (1, 35.5) |
$D\ {{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{* }$ | 4513 | ${\tfrac{3}{2}}^{-}$ | (1,2.11) | (1, 35.4) |
${D}^{* }{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} }$ | 4587 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2}\right)}^{-}$ | (1, 2.31) | (1, 35.5) |
${D}^{* }{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{* }$ | 4655 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{5}{2}\right)}^{-}$ | (1, 2.38) | (1, 35.5) |
Dsωc | 4664 | ${\tfrac{1}{2}}^{-}$ | (2, 0.168) | (1, 14.3) |
${D}_{s}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{* }$ | 4734 | ${\tfrac{3}{2}}^{-}$ | (2, 0.129) | (1, 14.6) |
${D}_{s}^{* }{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{{\prime} }$ | 4807 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2}\right)}^{-}$ | (2, 0.0507) | (1, 15.3) |
${D}_{s}^{* }{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{* }$ | 4878 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{5}{2}\right)}^{-}$ | (2, 0.0308) | (1, 15.6) |
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Table 5.
Table 5.Pole positions of double-charm-hadron systems with I = 1/2 and P = −. See the caption for table 3.
System | Eth [MeV] | JP | (RS, EB [MeV]) | |
0.5 GeV | 1.0 GeV | |||
D Λc | 4154 | ${\tfrac{1}{2}}^{-}$ | (2, 3.44) | (1, 5.62) |
D*Λc | 4295 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2}\right)}^{-}$ | (2, 2.53) | (1, 6.73) |
D Σc | 4321 | ${\tfrac{1}{2}}^{-}$ | (1, 5.81) | (1, 50.5) |
$D\ {{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{* }$ | 4385 | ${\tfrac{3}{2}}^{-}$ | (1, 5.85) | (1, 50.2) |
D*Σc | 4462 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2}\right)}^{-}$ | (1, 5.97) | (1, 49.7) |
${D}^{* }{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{* }$ | 4527 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{5}{2}\right)}^{-}$ | (1,6.01) | (1, 49.5) |
Dsξc | 4438 | ${\tfrac{1}{2}}^{-}$ | (2, 25.7) | (2, 1.76) |
${D}_{s}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} }$ | 4547 | ${\tfrac{1}{2}}^{-}$ | (2, 23.7) | (2, 1.29) |
${D}_{s}^{* }{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}$ | 4582 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2}\right)}^{-}$ | (2, 21.8) | (2, 0.882) |
${D}_{s}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{* }$ | 4614 | ${\tfrac{3}{2}}^{-}$ | (2, 22.6) | (2, 1.05) |
${D}_{s}^{* }{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} }$ | 4691 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2}\right)}^{-}$ | (2, 20.0) | (2, 0.564) |
${D}_{s}^{* }{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{* }$ | 4758 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{5}{2}\right)}^{-}$ | (2, 19.0) | (2, 0.416) |
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Table 6.
Table 6.Pole positions of double-charm-hadron systems with I = 1/2 and P = +. See the caption for table 3.
System | Eth [MeV] | JP | (RS, EB [MeV]) | |
0.5 GeV | 1.0 GeV | |||
D1Λc | 4708 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2}\right)}^{+}$ | (2, 1.04) | (1, 9.31) |
D2Λc | 4750 | ${\left(\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{5}{2}\right)}^{+}$ | (2, 0.95) | (1, 9.51) |
D1Σc | 4876 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2}\right)}^{+}$ | (1, 6.25) | (1, 47.5) |
D2Σc | 4917 | ${\left(\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{5}{2}\right)}^{+}$ | (1, 6.27) | (1, 47.3) |
${D}_{1}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{* }$ | 4940 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{5}{2}\right)}^{+}$ | (1,6.28) | (1, 47.2) |
${D}_{2}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{* }$ | 4981 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{5}{2},\tfrac{7}{2}\right)}^{+}$ | (1, 6.29) | (1, 47.0) |
Ds1ξc | 5005 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2}\right)}^{+}$ | (2, 14.2) | (2, 0.00911) |
Ds2ξc | 5039 | ${\left(\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{5}{2}\right)}^{+}$ | (2, 13.8) | (2, 0.00176) |
${D}_{s1}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} }$ | 5114 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2}\right)}^{+}$ | (2, 12.8) | (1, 0.00636) |
${D}_{s2}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} }$ | 5148 | ${\left(\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{5}{2}\right)}^{+}$ | (2, 12.4) | (1, 0.0175) |
${D}_{s1}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{* }$ | 5181 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{5}{2}\right)}^{+}$ | (2, 12.0) | (1, 0.0319) |
${D}_{s2}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{* }$ | 5215 | ${\left(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{5}{2},\tfrac{7}{2}\right)}^{+}$ | (2, 11.6) | (1, 0.0532) |
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Besides the predicted molecular states mentioned above, where only ω, ρ and φ exchanges are considered, we need pay some extra attentions to the K* exchange, which is absent in the heavy–antiheavy systems due to the sizeable symmetry breaking between s quark and u/d quark. In most cases, K* exchange, if allowed, will contribute a repulsive potential, see table 7, unless two channels are close enough and can be linearly combined to an isospin-like (called U/V-spin in [87]) eigenstates. Explicitly, the thresholds of ${{DD}}_{s}^{* }$ and D*Ds are close enough and they may form two U/V-spin eigenstates,
4. Discussions of selected systems
4.1. Heavy meson–meson molecules versus doubly heavy tetraquarks
From table 7, one sees that the attraction strength for the isoscalar D(*)D* is half of that for the isoscalar C = + ${D}^{(* )}{\bar{D}}^{* }$ pairs.The ${T}_{{cc}}^{+}$ state was recently observed in the invariant mass distribution of D0D0π+ by LHCb [39, 40]. The pole from an analysis using a unitarized Breit–Wigner parameterization, considering the momentum-dependent width of the D* from its decays, is located in the complex energy plane at
4.1.1. Heavy meson–meson molecules
The doubly heavy tetraquark states in molecular configurations were widely investigated in the literature [89, 100–105, 136–165] where predictions of many doubly heavy tetraquark states including the Tcc mentioned above as well as other systems were made.The interaction between a pair of heavy mesons was estimated using the Born–Oppenheimer approximation in the MIT bag model in [106]. The I(JP) = 0(1+) di-meson $T({bb}\bar{q}\bar{q})$ was found to be a bound state about 70 MeV below the BB* threshold while the situations of $T({bc}\bar{q}\bar{q})$ and $T({cc}\bar{q}\bar{q})$ were uncertain.
By solving the double-charm tetraquark system with two realistic potential models, it was found in [100] that the ground state tetraquark state has a configuration of DD* molecule. In the constituent quark model, it was also found that the di-meson configurations of ${QQ}\bar{q}\bar{q}$ can be bound [105].
In [162], the B(*)B(*) scattering amplitude was explored in the constituent interchange model and the I(JP) = 0(1+) BB* and B*B* bound states together with virtual states with some other quantum numbers were found.
In [137], it was found that the long-range potential from one-pion exchange may be attractive enough to bind the BB* system but insufficient for the DD* system to bind, which has a smaller reduced mass. The existence of DD* was also disfavored by the one pion exchange in [89]. While the one-boson exchange model predicts that the isoscalar DD* system can form an S-wave bound state with a binding energy of 62.3 MeV (depending on the cutoff) with the π, ρ and ω exchanges [101], 3 ∼ 40 MeV with the π, ρ and ω exchanges [104], 0.47 ∼ 43 MeV (depending on the cutoff) after including the π, Σ, ρ and ω exchanges and coupled channel effects [102] or ${3}_{-\,4}^{+15}$ MeV without coupled channels but with the cutoff fixed by producing the correct binding energy of X(3872) [103]. Besides, some other doubly heavy molecules including ${D}_{(s)}^{(* )}{D}_{(s)}^{(* )}$, ${\bar{B}}_{(s)}^{* }{\bar{B}}_{(s)}^{(* )}$ and ${D}^{(* )}{\bar{B}}^{(* )}$ with different quantum numbers are predicted in these works as well as in [165]. In [144], the potential between DD* from the one-pion exchange supplemented by the contact term and the exchange of two pions was investigated in a chiral effective field theory, and an isovector state was found to be bound while the scalar one was not.
With the potential from a chiral constituent quark model, the LippmannSchwinger equation was solved for the DD-DD*-D*D* coupled channels in [142] and a stable doubly charmed meson with I(JP) = 0(1+) was predicted. In [145], the similar strategy yielded isoscalar 0+ and 1+ ${bc}\bar{q}\bar{q}$ bound states, which are stable against strong interaction, but the isovector systems were found unbound.
We can notice that the results from these works, as well as those obtained here, do not all agree with each other. There are at least two possible reasons: the form of the potential, in particular the treatment of the short-distance part, is different; the parameter values are different. In the spirit of effective field theory, different treatments of the short-distance potential correspond to taking different values for the contact terms In any case, most of the literature tends to agree that it is easier for the isoscalar DD*/BB* to bind than the isovector combinations, as is the conclusion in our paper as well. Our model assumes the short-distance contact terms are saturated by the light-vector-meson exchange, and the long- or mid-range attractive potential from the π or Σ exchanges and the coupled channel effects may change the hadronic molecule spectrum quantitatively to some extent.
There are also lattice calculations of the potential between a pair of heavy mesons [136, 138, 139, 148, 149]. The DD(*) interactions were calculated on lattice [150] and it was found that the potentials of the isovector systems are repulsive while those of the isoscalar systems are attractive, qualitatively in line with the contact interactions from the vector meson exchange reported here (see table 7). The isoscalar B(*)B(*) interaction from lattice calculations [147, 151–156] in the static b quark limit is attractive in the short range while for the isovector one, the attraction is weaker. It was found plausible for $\bar{b}\bar{b}{qq}$ di-mesons to be stable under strong interactions [146]. In [153–157], the Schrödinger equation with the obtained potential yields results that the I(JP) = 0(1+) $\bar{b}\bar{b}{qq}$ system has an attractive potential between two B(*) mesons strong enough to form bound states but not strong enough in the isovector case. A recent analysis on lattice [166] shows that the meson–meson component in the I(JP) = 0(1+) $\bar{b}\bar{b}{ud}$ state has a fraction around 60%.
4.1.2. Compact tetraquark states
Besides the molecular assignment, many works have investigated the compact doubly heavy tetraquarks via various methods, including quark potential models [107–109, 167–179], quark models with heavy quark symmetries [110, 121, 120], QCD sum rules [112, 122, 180–189] and lattice QCD [190–195].In the quark potential models, it was found that the $\bar{Q}\bar{Q}{qq}$ is possible to be bound below the two-meson threshold for certain potentials [167–170] but no bound states can be found if all quarks have the same mass, which was confirmed recently in a four-body calculation [173]. It was also found [174] that although the possible configurations of tetraquarks proliferate, only five of the candidates are stable, namely, ${cc}\bar{q}\bar{q}$ with JP(L, S, I) = 1+(0, 1, 0) and ${bb}\bar{q}\bar{q}$ with JP(L, S, I) = 1+(0, 1, 0), 3−(1, 2, 1), 0+(0, 0, 0) and 1−(1, 0, 0), where L and S refer to the orbital angular momentum and total spin of the two mesons that couple to the tetraquark, among which the last one has a molecular nature. The doubly charmed system was also confirmed to be bound in [196] using different potential models while in [197] only one doubly-bottomed system with I(JP) = 0(1+) was found to be located below the threshold of the corresponding meson pair. With an adequate treatment of the four-body dynamics in the quark model picture of tetraquark states, it was found in [198] that the I(JP) = 0(1+) ${cc}\bar{u}\bar{d}$ system is at the edge of binding while the doubly-bottomed system is easier to be bound. On the other hand, the analysis within the chiral SU(3) quark model [199] or the relativistic quark model [113] found that the I(JP) = 0(1+) ${cc}\bar{u}\bar{d}$ state is not bound but above the thresholds for decays into open charm mesons. In [164], two bound states of I(JP) = 0(1+) ${bb}\bar{u}\bar{d}$ were found in a constituent quark model, one deeply bound compact tetraquark and one BB* molecule.
In [200], the masses of tetraquark states were obtained model-independently with known hadron masses as input and it was found that four-quark states containing two identical heavy quarks have a good probability of being stable against strong decay. In [120], the ground states of hadrons are described by the quark model and therein the mass of the predicted JP = 1+ ${cc}\bar{u}\bar{d}$ state reads (3882 ± 12) MeV using the measured ${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{{cc}}^{++}$ mass [201] as input, which nicely covers the LHCb result. [120] also predicts a 1+ ${bb}\bar{u}\bar{d}$ state to be at (10389 ± 12) MeV, which is well below the BB* threshold and thus stable under strong and electromagnetic interactions.
By implementing the heavy antiquark-diquark symmetry [202], the mass of doubly-heavy tetraquark states may be predicted using the relation
The spectrum of ${QQ}\bar{q}\bar{q}$ tetraquark states are explored via the method of QCD sum rules in [112, 122, 180–189]. In [181] it was argued that the molecular current of DD* yields a similar mass with that of the $D{\bar{D}}^{* }+c.c.$ molecule and thus the result will perfectly match ${T}_{{cc}}^{+}$ mass measured by LHCb if X(3872) is a $D{\bar{D}}^{* }+c.c.$ molecule. The mass of the ${cc}\bar{u}\bar{d}$ ground state with JP = 1+ was determined to be (3.90 ± 0.09) GeV in [122, 183], which is also consistent with LHCb result. While in other works, it was found that usually the JP = 1+ ${bb}\bar{u}\bar{d}$ state lies below the threshold of BB* [112, 185, 186] while the charmed one is above the corresponding DD* threshold [112, 180, 186].
The explorations of doubly-heavy compact tetraquark states on lattice can be seen in, e.g. [124, 126, 190–195, 207]. Deeply bound tetraquark states, ${ud}\bar{b}\bar{b}$, ${qs}\bar{b}\bar{b}$ and ${ud}\bar{b}\bar{c}$ with JP = 1+ are predicted in [191, 194], which are 189 ± 10, 98 ± 7 and 15 ∼ 61 MeV below the corresponding free two-meson thresholds, respectively. [126] obtained similar results for the above systems and predicted another three bound states of ${uc}\bar{b}\bar{b}$, ${ud}\bar{c}\bar{c}$ and ${us}\bar{c}\bar{c}$ located just below the corresponding free two-meson thresholds, and the masses of the double-charm states are in agreement with those obtained in [124, 192]. In [195], the tetraquark operators for ${bb}\bar{u}\bar{d}$ are constructed in both diquark-antidiquark ($[{bb}][\bar{u}\bar{d}]$) and molecular ($[b\bar{u}][b\bar{d}]$) configurations and two states were found on lattice, a compact tetraquark located at 189 ± 18 MeV below BB* threshold and a molecular one 17 ± 14 MeV above the same threshold.
4.2. Heavy meson-baryon molecules versus doubly heavy baryons
Different from the meson–meson case, from table 7 we can see that double-charm meson-baryon systems are more attractive or less repulsive than the hidden-charm ones. Specifically, the ${D}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ systems with isospin-1/2 are more attractive than the isospin-1/2 ${\bar{D}}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ systems while the latter are widely believed to be able to form bound states with experimental candidates, namely, the famous Pc states [15]. Therefore, it is natural that more deeply bound states of ${D}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ exist, see figure 3. Similar conclusions can be drawn for ${D}_{\mathrm{1,2}}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ systems, as shown in figure 5, since they have the same form of leading order interactions. Other systems including ${D}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{(^{\prime} * )}$, ${D}_{\mathrm{1,2}}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{(^{\prime} * )}$, ${D}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ and ${D}_{s1,s2}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ are also predicted to be bound easily, the spectra of which are shown in figures 4 and 6.Similarly with the coupled channel analysis used in the pioneering works [208, 81] of pentaquark states where the Pc states were successfully predicted, [209] extended such a study to the double-charm systems and some deeply bound states of ${D}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ with binding energies of ${ \mathcal O }$(100 MeV) were found. It was extended further to the charm-bottom system and double-bottom systems in [210, 211], and more deeply bound states of ${D}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{(* )}$ and ${\bar{B}}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ with binding energies of ${ \mathcal O }$(300MeV) and ${\bar{B}}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{(* )}$ with binding energies of ${ \mathcal O }$(400 MeV) were obtained. There it was also found that there are poles located about 100 MeV below the ΛbD, ${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{c}\bar{B}$ and ${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{b}\bar{B}$ thresholds, respectively. Such conclusions are qualitatively consistent with our results that ${D}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ and ${D}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ are attractive and the former is stronger. The meson-baryon transitions between the coupled channels J/ψN-${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{c}{\bar{D}}^{(* )}$-${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}{\bar{D}}^{(* )}$ were explored in [212] and it was found that a doubly-charmed state, ${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{{cc}}^{* }(4380)$, exists with almost the same mass as Pc(4380). An S-wave scattering of ground state doubly-charmed baryons with the light pseudoscalar mesons were first investigated in [75] and then in [213] by means of unitarized chiral effective theory and several doubly charmed baryon resonances were predicted. The spectrum was modified by including the effects of the P-wave excitation inside the charm diquark in [214].
The interaction between DΛc or $\bar{B}{{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{b}$ from two-pion exchange are investigated in [215] and it was claimed that a $\bar{B}{{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{b}$ bound state from such an interaction is possible. In [216], the DΛc/b, $\bar{B}{{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{c/b}$ systems were found possible to be bound by the Σ/ω exchange interaction. Systematic studies on the ${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}{D}^{(* )}$ interactions within the framework of chiral effective field theory [217] or one boson exchange [104] were performed, and the I = 1/2 systems may form bound states with binding energies of about several or dozens MeV, consistent with the results obtained here, see table 5. Therein, deeper bound states of the ${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}{\bar{B}}^{(* )},{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{(* )}{D}^{(* )}$ and ${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{(* )}{\bar{B}}^{(* )}$ systems were also predicted to exist due to the larger reduced masses, as expected.
The doubly-heavy pentaquark states with compact configurations were explored within the color-magnetic interaction model [218], non-relativistic constituent quark model [219] and QCD sum rules [220, 221] where some narrow exotic pentaquark states were predicted, constituent quark model [222] where one strong-interaction stable state, ${ccud}\bar{s}$ was predicted.
From table 5 and figure 3, one sees that the lightest double-charm meson-baryon molecule is the one in the DΛc system. The state has a mass large enough for it to decay into ξccπ and could be broad. So are the other similar states.
4.3. Heavy di-baryons
For heavy di-baryons, the leading order interaction from the vector meson exchange leads to evident binding only for the ${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ systems, see table 3 and figure 1. The attractions for the ξcξc related systems are too weak and only remote virtual poles are found, which are not robust somehow and can get sizeably modified by the omitted momentum-dependent termsIn our simple model the leading order interaction for the ΛcΛc system is repulsive and thus it cannot be bound. Within various models, it was found that the ΛcΛc system can not be bound by itself [223–228] but [224–226, 229] showed that the coupling to the strongly attractive ${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ system may lead to a states below ΛcΛc threshold . In an analysis with QCD sum rules [230], the states with the same quark components as ΛcΛc were found all above the ΛcΛc threshold. In [231, 232, 216], on the contrary, the single channel ΛcΛc can be bound by itself; however, [232] warns that a more thorough theoretical exploration is needed to determine whether the ΛcΛc system really binds.
Some other doubly-heavy di-baryon systems were also explored. Several realistic phenomenological nucleon-nucleon interaction models are employed in [233]. It was found there that the ${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{(^{\prime} )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{(^{\prime} )}$ and ΣcΣc systems can be bound in some models. From one-boson exchange with coupled channel effects included, [223, 234] found that ${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{(^{\prime} * )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{(^{\prime} * )}$ and ${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ may be loosely bound while the isoscalar ${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ systems can be deeply bound. Similar conclusion was obtained in [225] within the framework of quark delocalization color screening model that the ${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ single-channel system can be deeply bound. In [228], the potential of ΣcΣc was derived from a constituent quark model and a bound state with I(JP) = 0(0+) was obtained with a binding energy about 6.2 MeV. The long-range pion exchange force is strong enough to form molecules of ${\left[{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{Q}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{Q}^{{\prime} }\right]}_{J=1}^{I=1/2}$, ${\left[{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{Q}{{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{Q}\right]}_{J=1}^{I=1}(Q\,=b,c)$, ${\left[{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{{\prime} }\right]}_{J=1}^{I=3/2}$ and ${\left[{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{{\prime} }\right]}_{J=1}^{I=0}$ where the S-D mixing is necessary [229]. In [232], the ${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{Q}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{Q}^{(* )}$ were claimed to be good candidates of bound states from the one-pion and vector meson exchanges while it concludes that a more thorough analysis is necessary to determine whether there is a binding for the ${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{Q}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{Q}^{(* )}$.
The di-baryon systems with two heavy quarks were investigated in [235] with a simple quark model but no bound or metastable state was found.
5. Summary
In this work we have obtained an overall spectrum of hadronic molecules composed of a pair of charmed hadrons, including all the S-wave singly-charmed mesons and baryons as well as the sℓ = 1/2 P-wave charmed mesons. The interaction is assumed to be dominated by the light vector meson exchange and approximated by constants at leading order, which are derived systematically from the couplings that satisfy HQSS and SU(3) flavor symmetry.One should keep in mind that the spectrum predicted here should be regarded as the leading approximation of the spectrum for heavy–heavy molecular states, which gives only a general overall feature of the heavy–heavy hadronic molecular spectrum. The numerical results can receive large quantitative corrections due to the limitations of our treatments, which we discuss qualitatively in the following. We have only considered the leading interactions described by constant contact terms The momentum dependent terms (including both spin-dependent and spin-independent contributions) may change the spectrum we obtained visibly, especially for the systems where the poles are far away from the corresponding thresholds. The spin-dependent terms will also lift the degeneracy of the same system with different total spins.
The coupled channel effects have been neglected. In some cases the coupled-channel effects may play an important role in the formation of near threshold states. However, it is common and natural that the near-threshold pole found in a coupled-channel system dominantly couples to a single channel, see, e.g. the ${D}_{s0}^{* }(2317)$, which is dynamically generated in the DK and Dsη system but couples dominantly to DK [236, 237, 94], and the ξcc(4083) state with JP = 1/2−, which is dynamically generated in the ΣcD and ${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} }{D}_{s}$ system but couples dominantly to ΣcD [209].
The hadronic molecules shown in figures 3–6 can couple to normal double-charm baryons as well as channels with a double-charm baryon and a light meson. It is expected that each of these two types of systems also forms a spectrum. The physical spectrum of double-charm baryons should incorporate the mixing among all the three spectra. Coupled channels including both the charm-baryon–charm-meson channels and light-meson–double-charm-baryon channels have been considered in, e.g. [209] for the ξcc type molecular states. Mixing of light-meson–double-charm-baryon molecular states with the normal double-charm baryons with a P-wave excitation inside the charm diquark has been considered in [214]. Yet, a model considering all the three kinds of channels does not exist so far.
The exchange of other particles, such as the light scalar mesons, charmed mesons and charmonia, are not considered, the effect of which can be partly covered by varying the cutoff. In addition, the interactions considered here are of leading order in the 1/Nc expansion, where Nc is the number of colors, i.e. the Okubo–Zweig–Iizuka violating interactions have been neglected. Such contributions will also lift the degeneracy of the same system with different total spins.
Therefore, although we expect the spectrum given here should present an overall pattern of the hadronic molecules formed by a pair of charmed mesons and/or baryons, specific systems may quantitatively differ from the predictions here due to the limitations of our treatments.
In total we obtained 124 double-charm hadronic molecules and we summarize the main feature of this spectrum in the following.1. Unlike the isovector D*D(*) systems that are repulsive, the isoscalar ones have attractive interaction from the light vector meson exchange and the total potential makes the systems at the edge of forming near-threshold molecules. With a reasonable cutoff regularizing the loop integral, the binding energy of the I(JP) = 0(1+) DD* system is consistent with the double charm tetraquark ${T}_{{cc}}^{+}$ in LHCb observation. If the hadronic molecule structure of the ${T}_{{cc}}^{+}$ is confirmed, which is rather natural given the closeness to the DD* threshold, many other similar states with I = 0 including D*D*, D(*)D1,2, D1,2D1,2 can also exist.
2. Given that the famous Pc states are hadronic molecules of ${\bar{D}}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}$, it is natural to expect the existence of double-charm ${D}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ and ${D}_{\mathrm{1,2}}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ states with I = 1/2 because the attraction from the light vector meson exchange for the latter is stronger than that for the former. Similar conclusions can be made for the ${D}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{(^{\prime} * )}$ and ${D}_{\mathrm{1,2}}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{(^{\prime} * )}$ channels, especially when the Pcs states are established experimentally. The hadronic molecules in other systems including D(*)Λc, D1,2Λc, ${D}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{(^{\prime} * )}$, ${D}_{s\mathrm{1,2}}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{(^{\prime} * )}$ ${D}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ and ${D}_{s\mathrm{1,2}}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ are also predicted.
3. Within our simple model, in the double-charm di-baryon sector, only isoscalar ${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ systems are expected to be good candidates of bound di-baryon states. As discussed in the literature, the inclusion of other contributions to the interaction as well as the coupling to other channels may make additional di-baryon bound states possible.
Due to the heavy quark flavor symmetry, the potentials in the bottom sector are the same as those in the charm sector, if using the nonrelativistic field normalization, and we expect at least the same number of molecular states in the analogous systems therein. Because of the much heavier reduced masses of hidden-bottom system, it will be easier to form bound states than the charmed systems, and there may even be excited states if the ground states are deeply bound, the treatment of which, however, requires momentum-dependent interactions and is beyond the scope of this paper.
Appendix. The flavor factor F
In this section we list the factor F that accounts for the flavor information for the exchange of different mesons in different systems. The essential point is that the vector mesons, ρ, ω and φ, only couple to the light quark in heavy or antiheavy hadron. The conclusion is that the isoscalar vector, ω and φ, exchange have opposite signs for qq and $q\bar{q}$ interactions while the isovector meson, ρ, exchange has the same sign in these two cases. Note that the negative C-parity of vector mesons has been taken into account. The conclusion for isoscalar meson exchange is apparent and in the following we give a brief deduction for the case of isovector exchange.For simplicity, we consider the hadrons that contain only one u or d quark. The Lagrangian for the isospin structure, taking the ρ meson exchange for example, reads
The factor F for various systems are listed in tables 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Table 7.
Table 7.The group theory factor F, defined in equation (
System | I | S | Thresholds [MeV] | Exchanged particles | F |
${D}^{(* )}{\bar{D}}^{(* )}/{D}^{(* )}{D}^{(* )}$ | 1 | 0/0 | (3734, 3876, 4017) | ρ, ω | $-\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}/-\tfrac{1}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$ |
0 | $\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$/$\tfrac{3}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$ | ||||
${D}_{s}^{(* )}{\bar{D}}^{(* )}$/${D}_{s}^{(* )}{D}^{(* )}$ | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 1/1 | (3836, 3977, 3979, 4121) | K* | 0/−1 |
${D}_{s}^{(* )}{\bar{D}}_{s}^{(* )}$/${D}_{s}^{(* )}{D}_{s}^{(* )}$ | 0 | 0/2 | (3937, 4081, 4224) | φ | 1/−1 |
${\bar{D}}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{c}$/D(*)Λc | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 0/0 | (4154, 4295) | ω | −1/1 |
${\bar{D}}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{c}$/${D}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{c}$ | 0 | − 1/1 | (4255, 4399) | − | 0/0 |
${\bar{D}}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}$/D(*)ξc | 1 | − 1/ − 1 | (4337, 4478) | ρ, ω | $-\tfrac{1}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$/$-\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$ |
0 | $\tfrac{3}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}/\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$ | ||||
${\bar{D}}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}$/${D}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}$ | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | − 2/0 | (4438, 4582) | φ | −1/1 |
${\bar{D}}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}$/${D}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ | $\tfrac{3}{2}$ | 0/0 | (4321, 4385, 4462, 4527) | ρ, ω | − 1, − 1/ − 1, 1 |
$\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 2, − 1/2,1 | ||||
${\bar{D}}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}$/${D}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ | 1 | − 1/1 | (4422, 4486, 4566, 4630) | − | 0/0 |
${\bar{D}}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} (* )}$/${D}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} (* )}$ | 1 | − 1/ − 1 | (4446, 4513, 4587, 4655) | ρ, ω | $-\tfrac{1}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$/$-\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$ |
0 | $\tfrac{3}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$/$\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$ | ||||
${\bar{D}}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} (* )}$/${D}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} (* )}$ | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | − 2/0 | (4547, 4614, 4691, 4758) | φ | − 1/1 |
${\bar{D}}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{(* )}$/${D}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | − 2/0 | (4562, 4633, 4704, 4774) | − | 0/0 |
${\bar{D}}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{(* )}$/${D}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ | 0 | − 3/ − 1 | (4664, 4734, 4807, 4878) | φ | − 2/2 |
${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{c}{\bar{{\rm{\Lambda }}}}_{c}$/ΛcΛc | 0 | 0/0 | (4573) | ω | 2/−2 |
${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{c}{\bar{{\rm{\Xi }}}}_{c}$/Λcξc | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 1/ − 1 | (4756) | ω/K* | 1, 0/ − 1, − 1 |
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}{\bar{{\rm{\Xi }}}}_{c}$/ξcξc | 1 | 0/ − 2 | (4939) | ρ, ω, φ | $-\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{1}{2},1$/$-\tfrac{1}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2},-1$ |
0 | $\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{1}{2},1$/$\tfrac{3}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2},-1$ | ||||
${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{c}{\bar{{\rm{\Sigma }}}}_{c}^{(* )}$/${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{c}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ | 1 | 0/0 | (4740, 4805) | ω/K* | 1, 0/ − 1, − 1 |
${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{c}{\bar{{\rm{\Xi }}}}_{c}^{{\prime} (* )}$/${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{c}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} (* )}$ | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 1/ − 1 | (4865, 4932) | ω | 1/−1 |
${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{c}{\bar{{\rm{\Omega }}}}_{c}^{(* )}$/${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{c}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ | 0 | 2/ − 2 | (4982, 5052) | − | 0/0 |
${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}{\bar{{\rm{\Xi }}}}_{c}$/${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}$ | $\tfrac{3}{2}$ | 1/ − 1 | (4923, 4988) | ρ, ω, K* | − 1, 1, 0/ − 1, − 1, − 2 |
$\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 2, 1, 0/2, − 1, − 2 | ||||
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}{\bar{{\rm{\Xi }}}}_{c}^{{\prime} (* )}$/${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} (* )}$ | 1 | 0/ − 2 | (5048, 5115) | ρ, ω, φ | $-\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{1}{2},1$/$-\tfrac{1}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2},-1$ |
0 | $\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{1}{2},1$/$\tfrac{3}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2},-1$ | ||||
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}{\bar{{\rm{\Omega }}}}_{c}^{(* )}$/${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 1/ − 3 | (5165, 5235) | φ, K* | 2, 0/ − 2, − 2 |
${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}{\bar{{\rm{\Sigma }}}}_{c}^{(* )}$/${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ | 2 | 0/0 | (4907, 4972, 5036) | ρ, ω | − 2, 2/ − 2, − 2 |
1 | 2, 2/2, − 2 | ||||
0 | 4, 2/4, − 2 | ||||
${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}{\bar{{\rm{\Xi }}}}_{c}^{{\prime} (* )}$/${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} (* )}$ | $\tfrac{3}{2}$ | 1/ − 1 | (5032, 5097, 5100, 5164) | ρ, ω, K* | − 1, 1, 0/ − 1, − 1 − 2 |
$\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 2, 1, 0/2, − 1, − 2 | ||||
${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}{\bar{{\rm{\Omega }}}}_{c}^{(* )}$/${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ | 0 | 2/ − 2 | (5149, 5213, 5219, 5284) | − | 0/0 |
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} (* )}{\bar{{\rm{\Xi }}}}_{c}^{{\prime} (* )}$/${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} (* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} (* )}$ | 1 | 0/ − 2 | (5158, 5225, 5292) | ρ, ω, φ | $-\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{1}{2},1$/$-\tfrac{1}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2},-1$ |
0 | $\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{1}{2},1$/$\tfrac{3}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2},-1$ | ||||
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} (* )}{\bar{{\rm{\Omega }}}}_{c}^{(* )}$/${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} (* )}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 1/ − 3 | (5272, 5341, 5345, 5412) | φ, K* | 2, 0/ − 2, − 2 |
${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{(* )}{\bar{{\rm{\Omega }}}}_{c}^{(* )}$/${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{(* )}$ | 0 | 0/ − 4 | (5390, 5461, 5532) | φ | 4/−4 |
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Table 8.
Table 8.The group theory factor F, defined in equation (
System | I | S | Thresholds [MeV] | Exchanged particles | F |
${D}^{(* )}{\bar{D}}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$/D(*)D1,2 | 0 | 0/0 | (4289, 4330, 4431, 4472) | ρ, ω | $\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$/$\tfrac{3}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$ |
1 | 0/0 | $-\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$/ $-\tfrac{1}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$ | |||
${D}^{(* )}{\bar{D}}_{s1,s2}$/D(*)Ds1,s2 | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 1/ − 1 | (4390, 4431, 4534, 4575) | − | 0/0 |
${D}_{s}^{(* )}{\bar{D}}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$/${D}_{s}^{(* )}{D}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$ | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | − 1/1 | (4402, 4436, 4544, 4578) | − | 0/0 |
${D}_{s}^{(* )}{\bar{D}}_{s1,s2}$/${D}_{s}^{(* )}{D}_{s1,s2}$ | 0 | 0/−2 | (4503, 4537, 4647, 4681) | φ | 1/−1 |
${D}_{\mathrm{1,2}}{\bar{D}}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$/D1,2D1,2 | 0 | 0/0 | (4844, 4885, 4926) | ρ, ω | $\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$/$\tfrac{3}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$ |
1 | $-\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$/$-\tfrac{1}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$ | ||||
${D}_{s1,s2}{\bar{D}}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$/Ds1,s2D1,2 | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 1/1 | (4957, 4991, 4998, 5032) | 0/0 | |
${D}_{s1,s2}{\bar{D}}_{s1,s2}$/Ds1,s2Ds1,s2 | 0 | 0/ − 2 | (5070, 5104, 5138) | φ | 1/1 |
${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{c}{\bar{D}}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$/ΛcD1,2 | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 0/0 | (4708, 4750) | ω | −1/1 |
${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{c}{\bar{D}}_{s1,s2}$/ΛcDs1,s2 | 0 | − 1/1 | (4822, 4856) | − | 0/0 |
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}{\bar{D}}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$/ξcD1,2 | 1 | − 1/ − 1 | (4891, 4932) | ρ, ω | $-\tfrac{1}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$/$-\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$ |
0 | $\tfrac{3}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$/$\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$ | ||||
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}{\bar{D}}_{s1,s2}$/ξcDs1,s2 | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | − 2/0 | (5005, 5039) | φ | −1/1 |
${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}{\bar{D}}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$/${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}{D}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$ | $\tfrac{3}{2}$ | 0/0 | (4876, 4917, 4940, 4981) | ρ, ω | − 1, − 1/ − 1, 1 |
$\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 2, − 1/2,1 | ||||
${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}{\bar{D}}_{s1,s2}$/${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{c}^{(* )}{D}_{s1,s2}$ | 1 | 1/ − 1 | (4989, 5023, 5053, 5087) | − | 0/0 |
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} (* )}{\bar{D}}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$/${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} (* )}{D}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$ | 1 | − 1/ − 1 | (5001, 5042, 5068, 5109) | ρ, ω | $-\tfrac{1}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$/$-\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$ |
0 | $\tfrac{3}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$/$\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$ | ||||
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} (* )}{\bar{D}}_{s1,s2}$/${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{c}^{{\prime} (* )}{D}_{s1,s2}$ | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | − 2/0 | (5114, 5148, 5181, 5215) | φ | −1/1 |
${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{(* )}{\bar{D}}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$/${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{(* )}{D}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$ | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | − 2/ − 2 | (5117, 5158, 5188, 5229) | − | 0/0 |
${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{(* )}{\bar{D}}_{s1,s2}$/${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{c}^{(* )}{D}_{s1,s2}$ | 0 | − 3/ − 1 | (5230, 5264, 5301, 5335) | φ | −2/2 |
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Table 9.
Table 9.The group theory factor F, defined in equation (
System | I | S | Thresholds [MeV] | Exchanged particles | F |
${B}^{(* )}{\bar{B}}^{(* )}/{B}^{(* )}{B}^{(* )}$ | 1 | 0/0 | (10559, 10604, 10649) | ρ, ω | $-\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}/-\tfrac{1}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$ |
0 | $\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$/$\tfrac{3}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$ | ||||
${B}_{s}^{(* )}{\bar{B}}^{(* )}$/${B}_{s}^{(* )}{B}^{(* )}$ | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 1/1 | (10646, 10695, 10692, 10740) | K* | 0/ − 1 |
${B}_{s}^{(* )}{\bar{B}}_{s}^{(* )}$/${B}_{s}^{(* )}{B}_{s}^{(* )}$ | 0 | 0/2 | (10734, 10782, 10831) | φ | 1/−1 |
${\bar{B}}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{b}$/B(*)Λb | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 0/0 | (10899, 10944) | ω | −1/1 |
${\bar{B}}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{b}$/${B}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{b}$ | 0 | − 1/1 | (10986, 11035) | − | 0/0 |
${\bar{B}}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}$/B(*)ξb | 1 | − 1/ − 1 | (11074, 11119) | ρ, ω | $-\tfrac{1}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$/$-\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$ |
0 | $\tfrac{3}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}/\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$ | ||||
${\bar{B}}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}$/${B}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}$ | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | − 2/0 | (11161, 11210) | φ | −1/1 |
${\bar{B}}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{(* )}$/${B}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{(* )}$ | $\tfrac{3}{2}$ | 0/0 | (11093, 11138, 11112, 11157) | ρ, ω | − 1, − 1/ − 1, 1 |
$\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 2, − 1/2,1 | ||||
${\bar{B}}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{(* )}$/${B}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{(* )}$ | 1 | − 1/1 | (11180, 11228, 11199, 11248) | − | 0/0 |
${\bar{B}}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{{\prime} (* )}$/${B}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{{\prime} (* )}$ | 1 | − 1/ − 1 | (11215, 11260, 11233, 11279) | ρ, ω | $-\tfrac{1}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$/$-\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$ |
0 | $\tfrac{3}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$/$\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$ | ||||
${\bar{B}}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{{\prime} (* )}$/${B}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{{\prime} (* )}$ | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | − 2/0 | (11302, 11350, 11321, 11369) | φ | − 1/1 |
${\bar{B}}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{b}^{(* )}$/${B}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{b}^{(* )}$ | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | − 2/0 | (11326, 11371, 11349, 11395) | − | 0/0 |
${\bar{B}}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{b}^{(* )}$/${B}_{s}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{b}^{(* )}$ | 0 | − 3/ − 1 | (11413, 11462, 11437, 11485) | φ | − 2/2 |
${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{b}{\bar{{\rm{\Lambda }}}}_{b}$/ΛbΛb | 0 | 0/0 | (11239) | ω | 2/−2 |
${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{b}{\bar{{\rm{\Xi }}}}_{b}$/Λbξb | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 1/ − 1 | (11414) | ω,K* | 1, 0/ − 1, − 1 |
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}{\bar{{\rm{\Xi }}}}_{b}$/ξbξb | 1 | 0/ − 2 | (11589) | ρ, ω, φ | $-\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{1}{2},1$/$-\tfrac{1}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2},-1$ |
0 | $\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{1}{2},1$/$\tfrac{3}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2},-1$ | ||||
${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{b}{\bar{{\rm{\Sigma }}}}_{b}^{(* )}$/${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{b}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{(* )}$ | 1 | 0/0 | (11433, 11452) | ω | 2/−2 |
${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{b}{\bar{{\rm{\Xi }}}}_{b}^{{\prime} (* )}$/${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{b}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{{\prime} (* )}$ | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 1/ − 1 | (11555, 11573) | ω, K* | 1, 0/ − 1, − 1 |
${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{b}{\bar{{\rm{\Omega }}}}_{b}^{(* )}$/${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{b}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{b}^{(* )}$ | 0 | 2/ − 2 | (11666, 11690) | − | 0/0 |
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}{\bar{{\rm{\Sigma }}}}_{b}^{(* )}$/${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{(* )}$ | $\tfrac{3}{2}$ | − 1/ − 1 | (11608, 11627) | ρ, ω, K* | − 1, 1, 0/ − 1, − 1, − 2 |
$\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 2, 1, 0/2, − 1, − 2 | ||||
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}{\bar{{\rm{\Xi }}}}_{b}^{{\prime} (* )}$/${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{{\prime} (* )}$ | 1 | 0/ − 2 | (11729, 11748) | ρ, ω, φ | $-\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{1}{2},1$/$-\tfrac{1}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2},-1$ |
0 | $\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{1}{2},1$/$\tfrac{3}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2},-1$ | ||||
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}{\bar{{\rm{\Omega }}}}_{b}^{(* )}$/${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{b}^{(* )}$ | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 1/ − 3 | (11841, 11864) | φ, K* | 2, 0/ − 2, − 2 |
${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{(* )}{\bar{{\rm{\Sigma }}}}_{b}^{(* )}$/${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{(* )}$ | 2 | 0/0 | (11626, 11646, 11665) | ρ, ω | − 2, 2/ − 2, − 2 |
1 | 2, 2/2, − 2 | ||||
0 | 4, 2/4, − 2 | ||||
${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{(* )}{\bar{{\rm{\Xi }}}}_{b}^{{\prime} (* )}$/${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{{\prime} (* )}$ | $\tfrac{3}{2}$ | 1/ − 1 | (11748, 11768, 11767, 11786) | ρ, ω, K* | − 1, 1, 0/ − 1, − 1, − 2 |
$\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 2, 1, 0/2, − 1, − 2 | ||||
${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{(* )}{\bar{{\rm{\Omega }}}}_{b}^{(* )}$/${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{b}^{(* )}$ | 0 | 2/ − 2 | (11859, 11879, 11883, 11903) | K* | 0/−4 |
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{{\prime} (* )}{\bar{{\rm{\Xi }}}}_{b}^{{\prime} (* )}$/${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{{\prime} (* )}{{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{{\prime} (* )}$ | 1 | 0/ − 2 | (11870, 11889, 11908) | ρ, ω, φ | $-\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{1}{2},1$/$-\tfrac{1}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2},-1$ |
0 | $\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{1}{2},1$/$\tfrac{3}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2},-1$ | ||||
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{{\prime} (* )}{\bar{{\rm{\Omega }}}}_{b}^{(* )}$/${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{{\prime} (* )}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{b}^{(* )}$ | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 1/ − 3 | (11981, 12000, 12005, 12024) | φ, K* | 2, 0/ − 2, − 2 |
${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{b}^{(* )}{\bar{{\rm{\Omega }}}}_{b}^{(* )}$/${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{b}^{(* )}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{b}^{(* )}$ | 0 | 0/ − 4 | (12092, 12116, 12140) | φ | 4/−4 |
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Table 10.
Table 10.The group theory factor F, defined in equation (
System | I | S | Thresholds [MeV] | Exchanged particles | F |
${B}^{(* )}{\bar{B}}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$/B(*)B1,2 | 0 | 0/0 | (11005, 11051, 11018, 11063) | ρ, ω | $\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$/$\tfrac{3}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$ |
1 | 0/0 | $-\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$/ $-\tfrac{1}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$ | |||
${B}^{(* )}{\bar{B}}_{s1,s2}$/B(*)Bs1,s2 | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 1/ − 1 | (11093, 11141, 11105, 11154) | − | 0/0 |
${B}_{s}^{(* )}{\bar{B}}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$/${B}_{s}^{(* )}{B}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$ | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | − 1/1 | (11108, 11153, 11119, 11165) | − | 0/0 |
${B}_{s}^{(* )}{\bar{B}}_{s1,s2}$/${B}_{s}^{(* )}{B}_{s1,s2}$ | 0 | 0/−2 | (11196, 11207, 11244, 11255) | φ | 1/−1 |
${B}_{\mathrm{1,2}}{\bar{B}}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$/B1,2B1,2 | 0 | 0/0 | (11452, 11464, 11477) | ρ, ω | $\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$/$\tfrac{3}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$ |
1 | $-\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$/$-\tfrac{1}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$ | ||||
${B}_{s1,s2}{\bar{B}}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$/Bs1,s2B1,2 | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 1/1 | (11555, 11566, 11567, 11578) | 0/0 | |
${B}_{s1,s2}{\bar{B}}_{s1,s2}$/Bs1,s2Bs1,s2 | 0 | 0/ − 2 | (11657, 11669, 11680) | φ | 1/1 |
${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{b}{\bar{B}}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$/ΛbB1,2 | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 0/0 | (11346, 11358) | ω | −1/1 |
${{\rm{\Lambda }}}_{b}{\bar{B}}_{s1,s2}$/ΛbBs1,s2 | 0 | − 1/1 | (11448, 11459) | − | 0/0 |
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}{\bar{B}}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$/ξbB1,2 | 1 | − 1/ − 1 | (11520, 11533) | ρ, ω | $-\tfrac{1}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$/$-\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$ |
0 | $\tfrac{3}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$/$\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$ | ||||
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}{\bar{B}}_{s1,s2}$/ξbBs1,s2 | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | − 2/0 | (11623, 11634) | φ | −1/1 |
${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{(* )}{\bar{B}}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$/${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{(* )}{B}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$ | $\tfrac{3}{2}$ | 0/0 | (11539, 11551, 11559, 11571) | ρ, ω | − 1, − 1/ − 1, 1 |
$\tfrac{1}{2}$ | 2, − 1/2,1 | ||||
${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{(* )}{\bar{B}}_{s1,s2}$/${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{b}^{(* )}{B}_{s1,s2}$ | 1 | 1/ − 1 | (11642, 11653, 11661, 11672) | − | 0/0 |
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{{\prime} (* )}{\bar{B}}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$/${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{{\prime} (* )}{B}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$ | 1 | − 1/ − 1 | (11661, 11673, 11680, 11692) | ρ, ω | $-\tfrac{1}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$/$-\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$ |
0 | $\tfrac{3}{2},-\tfrac{1}{2}$/$\tfrac{3}{2},\tfrac{1}{2}$ | ||||
${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{{\prime} (* )}{\bar{B}}_{s1,s2}$/${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{b}^{{\prime} (* )}{B}_{s1,s2}$ | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | − 2/0 | (11764, 11775, 11783, 11794) | φ | −1/1 |
${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{b}^{(* )}{\bar{B}}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$/${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{b}^{(* )}{B}_{\mathrm{1,2}}$ | $\tfrac{1}{2}$ | − 2/ − 2 | (11772, 11784, 11796, 11808) | − | 0/0 |
${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{b}^{(* )}{\bar{B}}_{s1,s2}$/${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{b}^{(* )}{B}_{s1,s2}$ | 0 | − 3/ − 1 | (11875, 11886, 11899, 11910) | φ | −2/2 |
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We would like to thank Marek Karliner and Eulogio Oset for useful comments. This work is supported in part by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) under Grant No. XDPB15, No. XDB34030000 and No. QYZDB-SSW-SYS013, by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant No. 11835015, No. 12047503 and No. 11961141012, and by the NSFC and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) through funds provided to the Sino-German Collaborative Research Center 'Symmetries and the Emergence of Structure in QCD' (NSFC Grant No. 12070131001, DFG Project-ID 196253076—TRR110).Reference By original order
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