

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-30


简  历:  教育背景:
  2002.04-2005.11  法国路易斯-巴斯德(Louis Pasteur)大学 博士学位(激光雷达遥感),导师 Massimo Menenti. 教授
  1998.09-2001.07  南京师范大学地理科学学院 理学硕士学位(遥感与GIS),
  1994.09-1998.07  河海大学测量工程系 工学学士学位(工程测量)
  2009.10-现在   中科院遥感与数字地球研究所,研究员,博士生导师
  2007.05-2009.09 美国爱达荷州立大学(Idaho State University)助理研究员
  2006.09-2007.04 中科院光电研究院 助理研究员
  2005.11-2006.08  法国路易斯-巴斯德(Louis Pasteur)大学 博士后(激光雷达遥感)
社会任职:  [1] 国际数字地球学会中国国家委员会委员、激光雷达专业委员会主任委员
  [2] 电网工程航空遥感与线路智能巡检 国家电网公司重点实验室 学术委员会委员
  [3] 中国光学工程学会激光雷达探测技术专家委员会委员
承担科研项目情况:  [1] 高分专项项目:“GF-7卫星建筑模型构建及真正射影像生成技术”, 2018/01-2019.12,负责人
  [2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“基于光子计数激光雷达数据的森林生物量反演研究”(**),负责人,2017.1-2020.12
  [3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“基于机载激光雷达和高光谱影像的森林LAI自动提取研究”(**),负责人,2012.1-2015.12
  [4] 科技部国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项项目——机载双频激光雷达产品开发和应用(2013YQ120343),负责课题“基于机载双频激光雷达的地理信息应用软件开发”,2014.01-2017.09.
  [5] “激光雷达植被结构参数反演”,负责人,2010.1-2013.12.
  [6] 国家973项目,“青藏高原气候系统变化及其对东亚区域的影响与机制研究”,专题“航空遥感试验及激光雷达地表参数反演”,负责人,2010.6-2015.6.
  [7] 中科院国际合作重点项目,吴哥遗产地环境遥感(241311KYSB**),负责人,2014.01-2016.12.
  [8] 国家电网公司项目:机载激光扫描机上实时处理技术研究,负责人,2019.3-2020.12
  [9] 国家电网公司项目:机载激光雷达电力巡线软件系统研制,负责人,2014.06-2016.03.
代表论著:  [1] 王成等主编. 星载激光雷达数据处理与应用[M]. 北京:科学出版社,2015.
  [2] 郭华东等主编. 全球变化科学卫星[M]. 北京:科学出版社,2014. (负责星载激光雷达部分).
  [1] Wang Cheng, Nie Sheng*, Xi Xiaohuan, Luo Shezhou. Estimating the biomass of maize with hyperspectral and LiDAR data[J]. Remote Sensing, 2017, 9, 11, doi:10.3390/rs**. SCI
  [2] Cheng Wang, Fuxin Tang, Liwei Li, Guicai Li, Feng Cheng, Xiaohuan Xi.. Wavelet Analysis for ICESat/GLAS Waveform Decomposition and Its Application in Average Tree Height Estimation, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2013, 10 (1), 115-119. SCI
  [3] Xuebo Yang, Cheng Wang, Feifei Pan, Xiaohuan Xi, Sheng Nie, Shezhou Luo. Retrieving leaf area index in discontinuous forest using ICESat/GLAS full-waveform data based on gap fraction model[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2019, 148, 54-62. SCI
  [4] Nie Sheng,Wang Cheng,Xi Xiaohuan, Luo Shezhou,Li Guoyuan,Cheng Feng. AContinuousWaveletTransformBasedMethodforGroundElevationEstimation Over Mountainous Vegetated Areas Using Satellite Laser Altimetry[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2018, 11(8): 2945-2956. DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2018.**.
  [5] Sheng Nie, Cheng Wang*, Xiaohuan Xi, Shezhou Luo, Guoyuan Li, Jinyan Tian, and Hongtao Wang. Estimating the vegetation canopy height using micro-pulse photon-counting LiDAR data[J]. Optics Express, 2018, 26(10): A520. SCI
  [6] Qin Haiming, Wang Cheng*, Xi Xiaohuan, Nie Sheng, Zhou Guoqing. Integration of airborne LiDAR and hyperspectral data for maize FPAR estimation based on a physical model[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2018, 10.1109/LGRS.2018.**. SCI
  [7] Yang Xuebo, Wang Cheng, Nie Sheng, Xi Xiaohuan, Hu Zhenyue, Qin Haiming. Application and Validation of a Model for Terrain Slope Estimation Using Space-Borne LiDAR Waveform Data[J]. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10, 1691, doi:10.3390/rs**. SCI
  [8] Nie Sheng, Wang Cheng*, Xi Xiaohuan, Li Guoyuan, Luo Shezhou, Yang Xuebo, Wang Pu, Zhu Xiaoxiao. Exploring the influence of various factors on slope estimation using large-footprint LiDAR data[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2018,56(11): 6611-6621. SCI
  [9] Haiming Qin, Cheng Wang, Kaiguang Zhao, Xiaohuan Xi. Estimation of the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fPAR) in maize canopies using LiDAR data and hyperspectral imagery[J]. PLOS ONE, 2018 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.**. SCI
  [10]Zhu Xiaoxiao, Wang Cheng, Nie Sheng, Xi Xiaohuan, Hu Zhenyue. A Ground Elevation and Vegetation Height Retrieval Algorithm Using Micro-Pulse Photon-Counting Lidar Data[J]. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10, 1962; doi:10.3390/rs**. SCI
  [11]Shezhou Luo, Jing M Chen, Cheng Wang*, Alemu Gonsamo, Xiaohuan Xi, Yi Lin, Mingjie Qian, Dailiang Peng, Sheng Nie, and Haiming Qin. Comparative Performances of Airborne LiDAR Height and Intensity Data for Leaf Area Index Estimation[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2018, 11(1): 300-310. DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2017.** SCI
  [12]Nie Sheng, Wang Cheng*, Xi Xiaohuan, Luo Shezhou, Li Shihua, Tian Jianlin. Estimating the height of wetland vegetation using airborne discrete-return LiDAR data[J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2018, 154:267-274 SCI
  [13]Shezhou Luo, Jing M Chen, Cheng Wang*, Alemu Gonsamo, Xiaohuan Xi, Yi Lin, Mingjie Qian, Dailiang Peng, Sheng Nie, and Haiming Qin. Comparative Performances of Airborne LiDAR Height and Intensity Data for Leaf Area Index Estimation[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2017: 1-11, DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2017.**. SCI
  [14]Nie Sheng, Wang Cheng*, Xi Xiaohuan. A novel model for terrain slope estimation using ICESat/GLAS waveform data[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2017, PP(99):1-11 SCI
  [15]Qin Haiming, Wang Cheng*, Xi Xiaohuan, Tian Jianlin, Zhou Guoqing. Estimation of coniferous forest aboveground biomass with airborne small-footprint full-waveform LiDAR data[J]. Optics Express, 2017, 25(16): A851-A869.
  [16]Qin Haiming, Wang Cheng*, Xi Xiaohuan, Tian Jianlin, Zhou Guoqing. Simulating the Effects of the Airborne Lidar Scanning Angle, Flying Altitude, and Pulse Density for Forest Foliage Profile Retrieval[J]. Applied Sciences, 2017, 7, 712: 1-18; doi:10.3390/app**.
  [17]Qin Haiming, Wang Cheng*, Pan Feifei, Lin Yi, Xi Xiaohuan, Luo Shezhou. Estimation of FPAR and FPAR profile for maize canopies using airborne LiDAR[J]. Ecological Indicators, 2017, 83:53-61.
  [18]Luo Shezhou, Wang Cheng*, Xi Xiaohuan, Pan Feifei, Qian Mingjie, Peng Dailiang, Nie Sheng, Qin Haiming, Lin Yi. Retrieving aboveground biomass of wetland Phragmites australis(common reed) using a combination of airborne discrete-return LiDAR and hyperspectral data[J]. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2017, 58: 107-117.
  [19]Nie Sheng, Wang Cheng*, Zeng Hongcheng, Xi Xiaohuan, Li Guicai. Above-ground biomass estimation using airborne discrete-return and full-waveform LiDAR data in a coniferous forest [J]. Ecological Indicators, 2017, 78: 221-228. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.02.045.
  [20]Nie Sheng, Wang Cheng*, Dong Pinliang, Xi Xiaohuan, Luo Shezhou, Qin Haiming. A revised progressive TIN densification for filtering airborne LiDAR data[J]. Measurement, 2017, 104: 70-77. DOI:10.1016/j.measurement.2017.03.007.
  [21]Luo Shezhou, Wang Cheng*, Xi Xiaohuan, Pan Feifei, Peng Dailiang, Zou Jie, Nie Sheng, Qin Haiming. Fusion of airborne LiDAR data and hyperspectral imagery for aboveground and belowground forest biomass estimation [J]. Ecological Indicators, 2017, 73: 378-387.
  [22]杨学博, 王成*, 习晓环, 田建林, 聂胜, 朱笑笑. 大光斑LiDAR全波形数据小波变换的高斯递进分解(Wavelet transform of Gaussian progressive decomposition method for full-waveform LiDAR data) [J]. 红外与毫米波学报( Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves), 2017, 36(6): 731-737. SCI
  [23]Luo Shezhou, Wang Cheng*, Chen Jingming, Xi Xiaohuan, Zeng Hongcheng, Peng Dailiang, Li Dong. Effects of LiDAR point density, sampling size and height threshold on estimation accuracy of crop biophysical parameters[J]. Optics Express, 2016, 24(11): 1-16. DOI:10.1364/OE.24.011578.
  [24]Nie Sheng, Wang Cheng*, Dong Pinliang, Xi Xiaohuan, Luo Shezhou. Estimating Leaf Area Index of maize using airborne discrete-return LiDAR data[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2016, 9(0): DOI:10.1109/JSTARS.2016.**.
  [25]Sheng Nie, Cheng Wang*, Pinliang Dong, Xiaohuan XI. Estimating Leaf Area Index of maize using airborne full-waveform LiDAR data[J]. Remote Sensing Letters, 2016, 7(2): 111-120.
  [26]Xi Xiaohuan, Han Tingting, Wang Cheng*, Shezhou Luo, Shaobo Xia and Feifei Pan. Forest above ground biomass inversion by fusing GLAS with optical remote sensing data[J]. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2016, 5, 45: 1-12. doi:10.3390/ijgi**.
  [27]Shaobo Xia, Cheng Wang*, Feifei Pan, Xiaohuan Xi , Hongcheng Zeng , He Liu. Detecting stems in dense and homogeneous forest using single-scan TLS. Forest, 2015, 6, 3923-3945. doi:10.3390/f** SCI
  [28]Nie Sheng, Wang Cheng*, Zeng Hongcheng, Xi Xiaohuan, Shaobo Xia. A revised terrain correction method for forest canopy height estimation using ICESat/GLAS data[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2015, 108:183-190. SCI
  [29]Yong Xiao, Cheng Wang*, Jing Li, Wuming Zhang, Xiaohuan Xi, Changlin Wang & Pinliang Dong (2014): Building segmentation and modeling from airborne LiDAR data, International, Journal of Digital Earth, 2015, 8(9): 694-709. DOI: 10.1080/**.2014.914252. SCI
  [30]骆社周,王 成*,习晓环, 聂胜, 夏少波, 万怡平. 星载激光雷达GLAS与TM光学遥感联合反演森林叶面积指数(Forest leaf area index estimation using combined ICESat/GLAS and optical remote sensing image), 红外与毫米波学报(JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES), 2015, 34(2): 243-249. SCI
  [31]Yang Ting, Wang Cheng*, Li Guicai, Luo Shezhou, Xi Xiaohuan, Gao Shuai, Zeng Hongcheng. Forest canopy height mapping over China Using GLAS and MODIS data. Science China, Earth Sciences, 2014, 57(1): 1-11.(数据库中58(1),pp: 96-105)
  [32]Luo Shezhou, Wang Cheng*, Pan Feifei, Xi XIaohua, LI Guicai, Nie Sheng, Xia Shaobo. Estimation of wetland vegetation height and leaf area index using airborne laser scanning data. Ecological Indicators, 2014, 48: 550-559.
  [33]Luo Shezhou, Wang Cheng*, Xi Xiaohuan, Pan Feifei. Estimating FPAR of maize canopy using airborne discrete-return LiDAR data, Optics Express, 2014, 22(5): 5106-5117.
  [34]Nie Sheng, Wang Cheng*, Li Gguicai, Pan Feifei, Xi Xiaohuan, Luo Shezhou. Signal-to-noise ratio-based quality assessment method for ICESat/GLAS waveform data, Optical Engineering, 2014, 53(10), 103104, DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.53.10.103104.
  [35]Shezhou Luo, Cheng Wang* , Guicai Li, Xi Xiaohuan. Retrieving leaf area index using ICESat/ GLAS full-waveform data Using ICESat GLAS full-waveform data, Remote Sensing Letters, 2013, 4(8): 745-753.
  [36]Luo Shezhou, Wang Cheng*, Zhang Guibin, Xi Xiaohuan, Li Guicai. Forest leaf area index(LAI) estimation using airborne discrete-return LiDAR data. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2013, 56(3): 233-242.
  [37]骆社周,王 成*,张贵宾,习晓环,李贵才. 机载激光雷达森林叶面积指数反演研究(Forest leaf area index (LAI) inversion using airborne LiDAR data).地球物理学报(CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION), 2013, 56(5): 1467-1475.
  [38]Feng Cheng, Cheng Wang *, Jinliang Wang, Fuxin Tang, Xiaohuan Xi et al. Trend analysis of building height and total floor space in Beijing, China using ICESat/GLAS data International Journal of Remote sensing. 2011, 32(23), 8823-8835.
  [39]Cheng Wang, Nancy F Glenn(2009). Estimation of fire severity using pre- and post-fire LiDAR data in sagebrush steppe rangelands. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 18(8), 848-856.
  [40]Cheng Wang, Massimo Menenti, Marc-Philippe Stoll, Alessandra Feola, Enrica Belluco and Marco Marani (2009). Separation of ground and low vegetation signatures in LiDAR measurements of salt-marsh environments. IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, 47(7), 2014-2023.
  [41]Cheng Wang, Nancy F Glenn (2009). Integrating LiDAR intensity and elevation data for terrain characterization in a forested area. IEEE Geosciences and Remote Sensing Letters, 6(3), 463-466.
  [42]Cheng Wang, Nancy F Glenn(2008). A linear regression method for tree canopy height estimation using airborne LiDAR data. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 34, S217-S227.
  [43]Cheng Wang, Massimo Menenti, Marc-Philippe Stoll, Enrica Belluco, Marco Marani. Mapping mixed vegetation communities in salt marshes using airborne spectral data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2007, 107, 559-570.
  [1] 一种星载激光雷达树高提取方法,专利号:ZL 9.9, 授权2019.3,王成,聂胜,习晓环
  [2] 基于小波分析的星载激光雷达数据分解方法(专利号:ZL 3.1, 授权:2012.12.24),王成,唐福鑫,李利伟
  [3] 基于LiDAR点云的电力线快速分层提取方法,4.0, 申请日期:2018.12.29
  [4] 一种基于机载LiDAR点云数据的杆塔倾斜预警方法,5.4,申请日期:2018.12.29.
  [5] 基于格网划分的电力杆塔位置提取方法,8.9,申请日期:2018.12.29
  [6] 一种波形信息辅助下的渐进加密三角网LiDAR点云滤波方法,3.5,申请日期:2018.12.29
  [7] 一种基于机载LiDAR点云数据的杆塔自动化建模方法,9.3,申请日期:2018.12.29
  [8] 基于城市矢量数据的房屋简单三维模型构建方法, 6.5,申请日期:2018.12.29.
  [9] 基于杆塔特征点的电力巡线LiDAR数据自动化配准方法,2.6,申请日期:2018.12.29
  [10] 基于LiDAR点云特征的电力走廊场景分类方法,9.1,申请日期:2018.12.29
  [11] 一种基于混合高斯模型的光子点云去噪方法,1.2,申请日期:2018.12.29
  [12] 基于地表模型的星载激光雷达脚点精确定位方法,9.5,申请日期:2018.12.29
  [1] 输电线路机载激光雷达点云数据预处理软件系统V2.0,登记日期:2016.5.24,登记号:2016SR116350.
  [2] 基于机载激光雷达数据的建筑物建模软件系统V1.0,登记日期:2015. 11.27,登记号:2015SR235741.
  [3] 点云数据快速重建建筑三维模型软件系统 V3.0,登记日期:2015.3.10, 登记号: 2015SR042199.
  [4] 地面激光点云数据处理与模型重建软件系统 V2.0,登记日期: 2015.5.19, 登记号: 2015SR085398.
  [5] 星载激光雷达数据处理软件系统 V 2.0, 登记日期: 2015.1.5,登记号:2015SR124008.
  [6] 机载激光雷达提取输电线路电塔软件系统V1.0,完成日期:2016.12.10,登记日期:2017.7.24,登记号:2017SR392299.
  [7] 机载激光雷达建筑物模型构建系统V1.0,完成日期:2017.9.1,登记日期:2018.2.23,登记号:2018SR118964.
  [8] 车载激光雷达道路信息自动提取软件系统V1.0,完成日期:2017.11.10,登记日期:2018.2.13,登记号:2018SR112065
  [9] 三维激光扫描数据体素分割软件系统V1.0,完成日期:2018.3.20,登记日期:2018.8.2,登记号:2018SR611049.
  [11]机载激光点云电力线三维数字重建软件系统 V1.0,完成日期:2018.9.25,登记日期:2018.11.27,登记号:2018SR948148.
  [12]基于激光点云数据的输电线路危险点检测系统 V1.0,完成日期:2018.9.1,登记日期:2018.11.22,登记号:2018SR934264.
  [14]点云数据滤波算法web可视化系统V1.0, 完成日期:2018.9.2,登记日期:2018.11.22,登记号:2018SR935401.
  [21]激光点云数据格式处理软件系统V1.0, 完成日期:2018.9.25,登记日期:2018.11.28,登记号:2018SR951072.

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