中科院声学所超声技术中心主任王秀明特聘研究员、徐德龙研究员、周吟秋副研究员、戴郁郁副研究员,噪声与振动重点实验室的姬培锋副研究员、余紫莹副研究员一行六人参加会议并作报告。王秀明特聘研究员作为2019ICU大会的理事会委员(Board Member),发起并组织了 “Reservoir Acoustics and Borehole Acoustic Logging”、“Guided Waves and their Applications in NDT & SHM”、“NCI:NDE & NDT for Civil Infrastructures”3个专题(Session)9场分会的活动,3个专题共宣讲41篇口头论文。3个专题9个分会的报告内容均得到了与会国际同行的广泛关注和热烈反响,最多的分会与会交流国际专家****达到70人以上。
声学所参会的六位代表共作了8个口头报告和4个墙报展示的学术交流:王秀明作了题为“Modeling wave propagation in methane gas hydrate with varies pore scale micro-models”、“Unipole sonic logging while drilling with eccentric tools and the anisotropy evaluations”的口头报告;徐德龙作了题为“Stimulations and potential application of ultrasonic technology for heavy crude oil in reservoirs”、“Study on P-wave amplitude logging of formation model with radial velocity variation” 、”Flexural modes with multiple zero-group velocity points in fluid-filled cylinders”的口头报告;周吟秋作了题为“Optimization design of a monopole transducer for slim-hole acoustic logging”、“Acoustic ultra-remote detection logging technology and its application in heterogeneous reservoirs of China”的口头报告;戴郁郁作了题为“A kind of deep submergence hydrophone for M4C Seismic Technology”的口头报告。徐德龙作了题为“Numerical Study of Acoustic Field in an Ultrasonic Cleaning Tank with Existence of Honeycomb Panels”的墙报展示;戴郁郁作了题为“Analyses of dipole transmitter with flexible end supports in sonic logging”的墙报展示;姬培锋作了题为“Transducer’s effect on characteristics of sound beam based on the Gaussian-beam expansion technique”的墙报展示;余紫莹作了题为“On The Effect of Time Delay Interference in Acoustic Data Transmission System for Active Noise Control”的墙报展示。
大会闭幕式上,2021 ICU Beijing组委会主席王秀明代表中科院声学所和中国声学学会向国际超声大会理事会委员会和全体与会人员分别作了2021国际超声大会筹备进展和Promotion报告,汇报了会议筹备的主要进展情况。会上,王秀明代表会议组织委员会和科学委员会正式向国际上的超声工作者发出了真挚的邀请。最后,2019 ICU Bruges大会主席Koen Van Den Abeele教授正式将会议主办权移交给2021ICU Beijing大会主席王秀明。
Koen Van Den Abeele向王秀明移交大会主办权