

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-23


简历:    2011年7月-至今      中科院力学所 研究员 (2017至今)、副研究员 (2013-2017)、助研 (2011-2013)
    2006年9月- 2011年6月   中科院力学所 理学博士
    2001年9月- 2006年6月   同济大学 工学学士

研究领域:    微纳米力学,表面与界面力学,物理力学

社会任职:    中国力学学会-微纳米力学工作组,秘书长

获奖及荣誉:    2018年,中科院青年创新促进会优秀会员     
    2015年,中国科协“青年人才托举工程” (力学共6名)
    2014年,国家自然科学二等奖 (第二完成人)

  1.Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Precursor film in dynamic wetting, electrowetting and electro-elasto-capillarity.Physical Review Letters, 104: 246101 (2010). [PDF]
  2. Chen EH, Yuan QZ, Zhao YP. Topography-induced symmetry transition of droplets on quasi-periodically patterned surfaces.Soft Matter, 14: 6198-6205 (2018).[PDF]  
   在JFM (力学)、PRL (物理)、JACS (化学)、Nano Lett. (纳米)等国际权威刊物发表SCI论文20余篇,SCI他引900余次。
   27. MiaoQ, Yuan QZ, Zhao YP. Dissolutive flow in nanochannels: transition between plug-like and Poiseuille-like.Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 22: 141 (2018).[PDF]
   26. 苗青, 杨锦鸿,袁泉子, 赵亚溥. 溶解润湿动力学的物理力学. 科学通报, 63: 2985-2993 (2018). [PDF]
   25. Chen EH, Yuan QZ, Zhao YP. Topography-induced symmetry transition of droplets on quasi-periodically patterned surfaces.Soft Matter, 14: 6198-6205 (2018).[PDF]
   24.Yang JH, Yuan QZ, Zhao YP. Evolution of the interfacial shape in dissolutive wetting: Coupling of wetting and dissolution.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,118:201-207(2018). [PDF]
  23. Yuan QZ, Yang JH, Sui Y, Zhao YP. Dynamics of Dissolutive Wetting: A Molecular Dynamics Study.Langmuir, 33: 6464-6470 (2017). [PDF]
   22.Lin K, Yuan QZ, Zhao YP. Using graphene to simplify the adsorption of methane on shale in MD simulations.Computational Materials Science, 133: 99-107 (2017). [PDF]
   21. Lin K, Yuan QZ, Zhao YP and Cheng CM. Which is the most efficient candidate for the recovery of confined methane: water, carbon dioxide or nitrogen?Extreme Mechanics Letters,9: 127-138(2016). [PDF]
  20.袁泉子, 沈文豪, 赵亚溥. 移动接触线的物理力学研究. 力学进展, 46: 201608 (2016). [PDF]
   19. Chen EH, Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Dynamic polygonal spreading of a droplet on a lyphilic pillar-arrayed surface.Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology,30: 2265-2276(2016). [PDF]
   18. Zhao YP, Chen JC, Yuan QZ and Cheng CM. Microcrack connectivity in rocks: a real-space renormalization group approach for 3D anisotroopic bond percolation.Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 1: 013205 (2016). [PDF]
   17. Yuan QZ, Zhu XY, Lin K and Zhao YP. Molecular dynamics simulations of enhanced recovery of confined methane with carbon dioxide.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17: 31887-31893 (2015) [PDF]
  16. Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Statics and dynamics of electrowetting on pillar-arrayed surfaces at nanoscale.Nanoscale, 7: 2561-2567 (2015). [PDF]
    15. Yuan QZ, Huang XF and Zhao YP. Dynamic spreading on pillar-arrayed surfaces: viscous resistance versus molecular friction.Physics of Fluids, 26: 092104 (2014). [PDF]
    14. Zhu XY, Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Phase transitions of water overlayer on charged graphene: From electromelting to electrofreezing.Nanoscale, 6: 5432-5437 (2014). [PDF]
    13. Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Multiscale dynamic wetting of a droplet on a lyophilic pillar-arrayed surface.Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 716: 171-188 (2013). [PDF]
    12. Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Wetting on flexible hydrophilic pillar-arrays.Scientific Reports, 3: 1944 (2013). [PDF]
    11. Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Topology-dominated dynamic wetting of the precursor chain in a hydrophilic interior corner.Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 468: 310-322 (2012). [PDF]
    10. Zhu XY, Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Capillary wave propagation during the delamination of graphene by the precursor films in electro-elasto-capillarity.Scientific Reports, 2: 927 (2012). [PDF]
    9. Cao H, Yuan QZ, Zhu X, Zhao YP, Liu MH. Hierarchical Self-Assembly of Achiral Amino Acid Derivatives into Dendritic Chiral Nanotwists.Langmuir, 28: 15410-15417 (2012). [PDF]
    8. Cun HY, et al. Tuning Structural and Mechanical Properties of Two-Dimensional Molecular Crystals: The Roles of Carbon Side Chains.Nano Letters, 12: 1229-1234 (2012). [PDF]
    7. Qin XC, Yuan QZ, Zhao YP, et al. Measurement of the rate of water translocation through carbon nanotubes.Nano Letters, 11: 2173-2177 (2011). [PDF]
    6. Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Precursor film in dynamic wetting, electrowetting and electro-elasto-capillarity.Physical Review Letters, 104: 246101 (2010). [PDF]
    5. Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Hydroelectric voltage generation based on water-filled single-walled carbon nanotubes.Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131: 6374-6376 (2009). [PDF]
    4. Yuan QZ, Zhao YP, Li LM and Wang TH. Ab initio study of ZnO based gas sensing mechanisms: Surface reconstruction and charge transfer.The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113: 6107-6113 (2009). [PDF]
    3. Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Transport properties and induced voltage in the structure of water-filled single-walled boron-nitrogen nanotubes.Biomicrofluidics, 3, 022411 (2009). [PDF]
    2. Zang JL, Yuan QZ, Wang FC and Zhao YP. A comparative study of Young’s modulus of single-walled carbon nanotube by CPMD, MD, and first principle simulations.Computational Materials Science, 46: 621-625 (2009). [PDF]
    1. Wang BB, Xie JJ, Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Growth mechanism and joint structure of ZnO tetrapods.Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 41: 102005 (2008). [PDF]

承担科研项目情况:    国家973、863项目;
    英国Royal Society-Newton Mobility Grant。

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