简历:2014/07-至今 中国科学院力学研究所,助理研究员 2018/11-2019/11 Stanford University,Aeronautics & Astronautics Department,
Visiting Scholar (合作导师:Prof. Fu-Kuo Chang,世界知名SHM专家)
2009/09-2014/07 中国科学院力学研究所,工程力学,博士
2005/09-2009/06 北京化工大学,机械工程及自动化,学士
社会任职: 中国仪器仪表学会设备健康监测与预警理事会理事
代表论著:[1] LL LU, J LE, HW SONG*, YB WANG, CG HUANG. Damage detection of sandwich panels with truss core based on time domain dynamic responses. Composite structures, 2019. 211: 443-454. (IF: 4.83 Q1)
[2] J LE, LL LU*, YB WANG, HW SONG, XD XING, CG HUANG. Damage identification of low-density material filled sandwich panels with truss core based on dynamic properties. Structural Health Monitoring: an international journal, 2019, 18 (5-6): 171-1721. (IF: 4.94 Q1)
[3] LL LU, HW SONG, YW WANG*, CG HUANG. Deformation behavior of non-rigid airships in wind tunnel tests. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 2019. 32(3): 611-618. (IF: 2.095 Q1)
[4] LL LU, HW SONG*, CG HUANG. Experimental investigation of unbound nodes identification for metallic sandwich panels with truss core, Composite structures, 2017, 163:248-256. (IF: 4.83 Q1)
[5] LL LU, HW SONG*, CG HUANG. Effects of random damages on dynamic behavior of metallic sandwich panel with truss core, Composites Part B, 2017, 116:278-290. (IF: 6.864 Q1)
[6] LL LU, HW SONG*, W YUAN, CG HUANG. Baseline-free damage identification of metallic sandwich panels with truss core based on vibration characteristics, Structural Health Monitoring: an international journal, 2017, 16(1):24-38. (IF: 4.94 Q1)
[7] LL LU, X WANG, LJ LIAO, YP WEI, CG HUANG, YC LIU. Application of model reduction technique and structural subsection technique on optimal sensor placement of truss structures, Smart Structures and Systems, 2015, 15(2): 355-373. (IF: 3.622 Q1)
[8] W YUAN, HW SONG, LL LU, CG HUANG, Effect of local damages on the buckling behavior of pyramidal truss core sandwich panels. Composite Structures 2016. 149: 271-278. (IF: 4.83 Q1)
[9] Z YANG, H YAN, CG HUANG, XZ DIAO, XQ WU, SH WANG, LL LU. Experimental and numerical study of circular, stainless thin tube energy absorber under axial impact by a control rod. Thin-walled structures 2014. 82: 24-32.
[10] XC WU, YW WANG, CG HUANG, YB LIU, LL LU. Experiment and numerical simulation on the characteristics offluid-structure interactions of non-rigid airships. Theoretical and applied mechanics letters 2015. 5(6): 258-261.
[1] 路玲玲,宋宏伟,黄晨光. 一种金属点阵夹层板的损伤识别方法. 申请号:1.2,申请日:2016-05-25,授权日:2019-10-31.
[2] 宋宏伟,路玲玲,黄晨光. 一种随机损伤对点阵夹层板动力学特性影响的分析方法. 申请号:6.5,申请日:2016-05-26,授权日:2019-05-10.
[3] 毕建权, 路玲玲, 石志强, 赵萌, 邢萌. 基于深度学习的港口渔船智能监控软件V1.0. 完成时间:**. 登记号:2019SR**.
[1] 复杂热力环境下点阵夹层板损伤智能识别方法研究, 2020.01-2023.12. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目 负责人.
[2] 基于动力学特性的金属点阵夹层板损伤反演方法, 2016.01-2018.12. 国家自然科学基金-青年项目 负责人
[3] Yb激光系统在复杂力学环境下的模态分析 横向. 中科院理化所 负责人.
[4] 软管铺设塔结构强度校核及缩比模型试验 横向. 哈尔滨工程大学 负责人.
[5] 高温环境下含损伤的点阵夹层板动特性研究 院重点实验室青年合作基金. 负责人.
[6] 基于深度学习的点阵夹层版损伤识别方法研究 院重点实验室青年基金. 负责人.
[7] 智能采集模块与系统安全研究 2018.10-2023.09中科院先导A. 主要参与人.