1.Center for Gravity and Cosmology, School of Phys. Sci. & Tech., Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225002, China 2.Institute of Modern Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China 3.CERCA/Department of Physics/ISO, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH 44106-7079, USA 4.Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201210, China Received Date:2021-02-13 Available Online:2021-09-15 Abstract:The dark matter puzzle is one of the most important fundamental physics questions in the 21st century. There is no doubt that solving the puzzle will be a new milestone for human beings in achieving a deeper understanding of nature. Herein, we propose the use of the Shanghai laser electron gamma source (SLEGS) to search for dark matter candidate particles, including dark pseudoscalar particles, dark scalar particles, and dark photons. Our simulations indicate that, with some upgrading, electron facilities such as SLEGS could be competitive platforms in the search for light dark matter particles with a mass below tens of keV.
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A.Pseudoscalar particles
If pseudoscalar particles couple with electrons, the corresponding effective Lagrangian can be expressed as [22]
where the dimensionless $ g_{ae} $ is the pseudoscalar-electron coupling constant. Here, we consider a pseudoscalar particle that is emitted in a Compton-like process, i.e., $ \gamma+e^-\rightarrow e^- + a $. The corresponding Feynman diagram is shown in Fig. 2. The differential cross section can be expressed as
The definitions of $ \vec{k} $, $ \vec{k}' $, $ \vec{p} $, $ v_k $, $ v_p $, $ E_k $, $ E_p $, and M are provided in the Appendix. $ spin $ is the spin of the incoming electron. Subsequently, the total cross section in the laboratory coordinator can be obtained by the integral
where subscript index f is the final quantum state of the dark matter candidate (pseudoscalar particle) and electron. Eq. (2) indicates that the differential cross section $\dfrac{{\rm d}\sigma_{\rm lab}}{{\rm d}\Omega}(m_a, \theta_0, \theta, \phi)$ is a function of the DMP mass $ m_a $, colliding angle between the electron and the laser $ \theta_0 $, and scattering angles, $ \theta $ and $ \phi $, whereas the total cross section $\sigma_{\rm lab}(m_a, \theta_0)$ depends only on $ m_a $ and $ \theta_0 $. By using the parameters of SLEGS, $ E_e = 3.5 $ GeV and a photon wavelength of 10.64 $\mu$m, the cross section $\sigma_{\rm lab}(m_a, \theta_0)$ is shown in Fig. 3, which shows the results of four colliding angles: $ \theta_0 = 90^\circ $, $ 120^\circ $, $ 150^\circ $, and $ 180^\circ $. As the figure shows, at $ \theta_0 = 180^\circ $, i.e., head-to-head collision, the cross section approaches its maximum. Moreover, the cross section decreases as the mass of the pseudoscalar particle increases. The differential cross section $\dfrac{{\rm d}\sigma_{\rm lab}}{{\rm d}\Omega}(m_a, \theta_0, \theta, \phi)$ is provided in the Appendix. Figure3. (color online) Cross sections of the pseudoscalar particle through the reaction $ e+\gamma \rightarrow e+a $. The cross section $\sigma_{\rm lab}(m_a, \theta_0)$ is a function of the pseudoscalar particle mass $ m_a $, and colliding angle $ \theta_0 $ between the pseudoscalar particle and electron. The different color lines represent $ \theta_0 = 90^\circ $ (blue dash dot dot), $ 120^\circ $(green dash dot), $ 150^\circ $(red dash), and $ 180^\circ $(black solid). The cross section $ \sigma $ is in barns.
2B.Dark photon -->
B.Dark photon
For the coupling of vector field particles, such as dark photons, to an electron, the corresponding effective Lagrangian can be expressed as [7]
$ {\boldsymbol{L}} = g_{A'e} e \bar{\psi}_e \gamma^\mu \psi_e A'_\mu, $
where the dimensionless $ g_{A'e} $ is the mixing parameter between the dark photon and the Standard Model photon, and e is the electron charge. Similar to the Compton process, the dark-photon-electron interaction process can be expressed as $ \gamma+e^-\rightarrow e^- + A' $. The corresponding Feynman diagram is shown in Fig. 2. The differential and total cross sections of the interaction are described in detail in the Appendix. Similar to the pseudoscalar particle scenario, with an electron energy of $ E_e = 3.5 $ GeV and the laser polarization direction perpendicular to the reaction plane, the cross section $\sigma_{\rm lab}(m_a, \theta_0)$ for interaction $ \gamma+e^-\rightarrow e^- + A' $ is shown in Fig. 4, which shows the $\sigma_{\rm lab}(m_a, \theta_0)$ values at colliding angles of $ \theta_0 = 90^\circ $, $ 120^\circ $, $ 150^\circ $, and $ 180^\circ $. Again, the head-to-head collision at $ \theta_0 = 180^\circ $ has the maximum cross section compared with other collision angles. The cross section for the dark photon decreases as its mass increases. The dependence of the differential cross section on scattering angles with the dark photon is discussed in the Appendix. Figure4. (color online) Cross sections of dark photons through the reaction $ e+\gamma \rightarrow e+\phi $. The cross section $\sigma_{\rm lab}(m_a, \theta_0)$ is a function of the dark photon mass $ m_{A'} $, and colliding angle $ \theta_0 $ between dark photon and electron. The different color lines represent $ \theta_0 = 90^\circ $ (blue dash dot dot), $ 120^\circ $(green dash dot), $ 150^\circ $(red dash), and $ 180^\circ $(black solid). The cross section $ \sigma $ is in barns.
2C.Scalar dark matter particle -->
C.Scalar dark matter particle
For a scalar DMP, $ \gamma+e^-\rightarrow e^- + \phi $, the corresponding effective Lagrangian can be expressed as [23]
$ L = g_{\phi e} \bar{\psi}_e \psi_e \phi, $
where the dimensionless $ g_{\phi e} $ is the scalar-field-particle-electron coupling constant. The corresponding Feynman diagram is shown in Fig. 5. Figure5. (color online) Scalar DMP generating cross sections through the reaction $ e+\gamma \rightarrow e+\phi $. The cross section $\sigma_{\rm lab}(m_a, \theta_0)$ is a function of scalar DMP mass $ m_\phi $, and colliding angle $ \theta_0 $ between the scalar DMP and electron. The different color lines represent $ 180^\circ $ (black solid), $ 150^\circ $ (red dash), $ 120^\circ $ (green dash dot), and $ \theta_0 = 90^\circ $ (blue dash dot dot). The cross section $ \sigma $ is in barns.
Using an electron energy of $ E_e = 3.5 $ GeV, the cross section $\sigma_{\rm lab}(m_a, \theta_0)$ for interaction $ \gamma+e^-\rightarrow e^- + \phi $ can be calculated, and shown in Fig. 5, for the scattering angles $ \theta_0 = 90^\circ $, $ 120^\circ $, $ 150^\circ $, and $ 180^\circ $. For the same mass of a scalar DMP, the interaction cross section increases with increasing scattering angle and reaches its maximum at $ \theta_0 = 180^\circ $. For detection at other given angles, the expected cross section decreases as the scalar DMP mass increases. Further information on the interaction's differential and total cross sections are described in the Appendix, from which we observe that the cross sections have different dependences on the scattering angles. In the calculations, the polarization of the laser beam is parallel to the y-axis. The cross section of pseudoscalar particles is insensitive to the polarization of the incoming photon (Fig. A1). However, the cross sections of dark photons and scalar particles are highly dependent on the polarization of the laser beam (Fig. B1 & C1). The dark photons are primarily emitted parallel to the x-direction, which is similar to the Thomson scattering. In contrast, the scalar particles are emitted primarily parallel to the y-direction (Fig. C1). This is because the radiation of scalar particles is parallel to the laser’s polarization. The angular distributions can be used to distinguish different types of dark matter candidates since the distributions highly depend on particle types. FigureA1. (color online) Differential cross sections of pseudoscalar particles through the reaction $ e^-+\gamma \rightarrow e^-+a $. The mass is selected to be $ 0 $. The origin represents the z-direction. The exit angle $ \theta $ of the DMP is represented by $ \sqrt{x^2+y^2} $. The unit is $ barn/(g^2_{ae}\cdot sr^2) $.
FigureB1. (color online) Cross sections of dark photons through the reaction $ e+\gamma \rightarrow e+A' $. The mass is selected to be $ 0 $. The origin represents the z-direction. The exit angle $ \theta $ of the DMP is represented by $ \sqrt{x^2+y^2} $. The unit is $ barn/(g^2_{A'e}\cdot sr^2)$.
FigureC1. (color online) Cross sections of scalar particles through the reaction $ e+\gamma \rightarrow e+\phi $. The mass is chosen to be $ 0 $. The origin represents the z-direction. The exit angle $ \theta $ of the DMPs represented by $ \sqrt{x^2+y^2} $. The unit is $ barn/(g^2_{\phi e}\cdot sr^2) $.
APPENDIXThe scattering cross section can be obtained directly from an S-matrix.
where we replace $ |M|^2 $ with $\dfrac{1}{2}\displaystyle\sum_{\rm spin}|M|^2$ because the electron's spin is not controllable. It is the average of all possible electron spins. The z-axis is selected to be the moving direction of the incoming electron. The photon and electron are located in the x-z plane. The four momenta of all particles in the Cartesian coordinates are $ p = $$ (p^0,0,0,|\vec{p}|) $, $ k = (k^0,|\vec{k}|\sin\theta_p,0,|\vec{k}|\cos\theta_p) $, and $ k' = (k'^0, |\vec{k'}) $$ |\sin\theta \cos\phi, |\vec{k'})|\sin\theta \sin\phi|,\vec{k'})|\cos\theta ) $. The four momenta of the emitted particles, $ p' $ and $ k' $, can be determined by solving the energy momentum conservation and energy momentum relation: $ p^2 = p'^2 = m_e^2 $ and $ k'^2 = m_A^2 $. For different types of particles (pseudoscalar, scalar, and vector), $\dfrac{1}{2}\displaystyle\sum_{\rm spin}|M|^2$ can be expressed as follows. 2A.Pseudoscalar particles
A.Pseudoscalar particles
There are two possible Feynman diagrams for the interaction $ e^- \gamma \rightarrow e^- \psi_a $, Fig. 2. For a pseudoscalar particle, $\dfrac{1}{2}\displaystyle\sum_{\rm spin}|M|^2$ is
where $ \epsilon $ is the polarization direction of the photon. Here, it points in the y-direction. The differential cross section at different collision angles ($ \theta = 90^\circ, 120^\circ, 150^\circ $, and $ 180^\circ $) are shown in Fig. A1. As expected, because the energy of the electron is significantly larger than that of the photon, in the laboratory frame, the expected scalar DMPs are highly concentrated in the forward angle. This property will benefit experimental detection. 2B.Dark photon -->
B.Dark photon
Similar to the pseudoscalar scenario, the $\dfrac{1}{2}\displaystyle\sum_{\rm spin}|M|^2$ of the vector particle (dark photon) can be expressed as
The differential cross section at different collision angles ($ \theta = 90^\circ, 120^\circ, 150^\circ $, and $ 180^\circ $) are shown in Fig. B1. As expected, because the energy of the electron is significantly larger than that of the photon, in the laboratory frame, the expected scalar DMPs are highly concentrated in the forward angle. This property will benefit experimental detection. 2C.Scalar -->
Similar to the pseudoscalar scenario, the $\dfrac{1}{2}\displaystyle\sum_{\rm spin}|M|^2$ of the scalar particles can be expressed as
where $ \epsilon $ is the polarization direction of the photon. The differential cross section at different collision angles ($ \theta = 90^\circ, 120^\circ, 150^\circ $, and $ 180^\circ $) are shown in Fig. C1. As expected, because the energy of the electron is significantly larger than that of the photon, in the laboratory frame, the expected scalar particles are highly concentrated in the forward angle. This property will benefit experimental detection.