1.Institute of Physics, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, China 2.Aumanities Quality Teaching Department, Hunan Software Vocational Institute, Xiangtan 411100, China Received Date:2021-03-04 Available Online:2021-06-15 Abstract:In this work, we explore the potentiality of future gravitational wave (GW) and Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) measurements to detect cosmic opacity by comparing the opacity-free luminosity distance (LD) of GW events with the opacity-dependent LD of SNe Ia observations. The GW data are simulated from the future measurements of the ground-based Einstein Telescope (ET) and the space-borne Deci-Herz Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory (DECIGO). The SNe Ia data are simulated from the observations of the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) that will be collected over the next few decades. A binning method is adopted to match the GW data with the SNe Ia data at the same redshift z with a selection criterion $ |\Delta z|<0.005$, and most of the available data from the GW measurements is employed to detect cosmic opacity due to improvements in the distribution of the future SNe Ia observations. Results show that the uncertainties of the constraints on cosmic opacity can be reduced to $ \sigma_{\epsilon}\sim 0.0041$ and 0.0014 at the $ 1\sigma$ confidence level (CL) for 1000 data points from the ET and DECIGO measurements, respectively. Compared with the allowable limits of intergalactic opacity obtained from quasar continuum observations, these future astronomical observations can be used to verify the cosmic opacity. In this way, GW and SNe Ia measurements can be used as important and effective tools to detect cosmic opacity in the future.
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A.Mock SNe Ia data
The WFIRST was planned to be launched in the mid-2020s, and it was the highest ranked large space-based mission of the 2010 New Worlds, New Horizons decadal survey. One of its goals according to NASA's Science Plan is to probe the nature of dark energy, dark matter, and gravity. The uncertainty of the distance and expansion history determined by current cosmological observations is about $ 1\%-3\% $, and that of matter clustering is $ 5\%-10\% $. However, WFIRST is planned to improve the precision of these measurements to $ 0.1\%-0.5\% $ [80, 81]. Therefore, the ability of the WFIRST SNe Ia observations to constrain cosmological parameters will be significantly improved. Following the WFIRST 2015 Report [80, 81], the distribution of SNe Ia measurements from the WFIRST observations is shown in the left panel of Fig. 1. The total number of observations is 2725 in the redshift range $ 0.1<z<1.7 $. More than 130 SNe Ia data points are expected from the future observations for each 0.1 redshift bin in the redshift range $ z>0.6 $. In contrast, the total number of data points in the JLA and Pantheon SNe Ia compilations in this redshift range is 145 and 162, respectively [82, 83]. Therefore, compared with the current SNe Ia observations, the density distribution and the total number of SNe Ia observations in the relatively high redshift range $ 0.6<z<1.7 $ will be significantly improved in the future. Figure1. (color online) The redshift distribution (left panel), sample catalogs with one of every ten data points selected (middle panel), and fractional errors in the LD distances per $ \Delta z=0.1$ bin (right panel) for the forecasted WFRIST measurements.
The fiducial LDs ($ D_{\rm{L}}^{\rm{fid}} $) of the SNe Ia observations are obtained from the flat ΛCDM with the constraints from the Planck results [84]:
$ h = 0.678,\; \; \; \Omega_{\rm{m}} = 0.308, $
where $ H_0 = 100 \;h{\rm{km}}{{\rm{s}}^{{\rm{ - 1}}}}{\rm{Mp}}{{\rm{c}}^{{\rm{ - 1}}}} $ denotes the present value of the Hubble constant and $ \Omega_{\rm{m}} $ represents the present cosmic matter density parameter. Then, ($ D_{\rm{L}}^{\rm{fid}} $) can be obtained from
Here, $ E(z)\equiv H(z)/H_0 $, and $ H^2(z) = H_0^2[1-\Omega_{\rm{m}}+ \Omega_{\rm{m}}(1+z)^3] $. The distance modulus can be obtained with $ \mu(z) = 5\log_{10} $$ (D_{\rm{L}}(z))+ 25 $. The uncertainty of $ D_{\rm{L}} $ can be written as
where $ \sigma^{{\rm{stat}}}_{D_{\rm{L,SN}}} $ denotes the total statistical uncertainty in a $ \Delta z = 0.1 $ redshift bin, and it can be obtained from the following expression:
Here, $ N_{\rm{SN}} $ denotes the number of SNe Ia data points in each bin. The photometric measurement error $ {\sigma^{\rm{meas}}_{D_{\rm{L,SN}}}} $ per SNe Ia data point is assumed to be $ {\sigma^{\rm{meas}}_{D_{\rm{L,SN}}}} = 0.08 $ magnitudes, the intrinsic dispersion is assumed to be $ {\sigma^{\rm{int}}_{D_{\rm{L, SN}}}} = 0.09 $ magnitudes, and the error from gravitational lensing magnification is modeled as $ {\sigma^{\rm{lens}}_{D_{\rm{L, SN}}}} = 0.07z $ magnitudes. The systematic error is assumed to be $ \sigma^{{\rm{sys}}}_{D_{\rm{L,SN}}} = $$ 0.01(1+z)/1.8 $ magnitudes. We can then obtain the LDs ($ D_{\rm{L}} $) of the simulated SNe Ia measurements by using the normal distribution $ D_{\rm{L}} = {\cal{N}}(D_{\rm{L}}^{\rm{fid}},\,\sigma_{D_{\rm{L}}}) $. The simulated results are shown in the middle and right panels of Fig. 1, where one out of every ten data points is displayed. The average fractional error of the SNe Ia LDs is 0.7%. The average fractional error of the LDs compiled by the Pantheon [82] and JLA [83] are about 6.6% and 8.3%, respectively. Therefore, one can conclude that the uncertainty of the SNe Ia observations will be reduced by an order of magnitude. 2B.Simulation of GW measurements -->
B.Simulation of GW measurements
In this subsection, we simulate the future GW measurements from the ground-based ET and space-borne DECIGO. The ET is planned for the third generation of the ground-based GW detector, and it has three 10-km-long arms in an equilateral triangle. It is 10 times more sensitive in detecting GW signals than the advanced ground detector. The frequency range that ET can detect is 1 to $ 10^4 $ Hz. For the neutron star (NS)-NS or black hole (BH)-NS compact binaries, its redshift range is up to redshift $ z\sim2 $ or $ z \sim5 $, respectively. The DECIGO is a future space-borne program of the Japanese space mission for GW observations ranging from 0.1 to 10 Hz, and it is composed of four triangle-like units; see Refs. [71, 85] for more details. Following Ref. [65], we briefly summarize the process of simulating the ET and DECIGO GW measurements for simplicity. The ET and DECIGO GW detectors respond to a GW signal, called strain, $ h(t) $. In the transverse-traceless gauge, the strain has the form
where $ F_{+,\times} $ presents the beam pattern functions of the two polarizations, $ \psi $ is the polarization angle, and $ \theta,\phi $ denote the angles to the direction of the source in the detector frame. The corresponding pattern functions are given by equations 6 and 7 in Ref. [71] for ET and DECIGO, respectively. The GW signals are from the inspiralling compact binary systems with the total mass $ M = m_1+m_2 $ [70, 72, 86, 87]. The chirp mass is defined as $ M_{\rm{c}} = M \eta^{3/5} $, and the symmetric mass ratio η has the form $ \eta = m_1m_2/M^2 $. The stationary phase approximation is usually applied to compute the Fourier transform of the GW signal:
where ι denotes the inclination angle. $ {D_{\rm{L}}} $ represents the LD of the GW measurements, and it can be obtained for the simulation estimation from a flat fiducial ΛCDM with the parameters of Eq. (1). Following the process of the advanced LIGO-Virgo network [86, 88], an observational GW event is claimed only when the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for the network of the detector is over $ \rho>8 $. The SNR from the N independent GW interferometers is given by
where $ {S_h(f)} $ is the one-side noise power spectral density (PSD). The lower and upper frequencies for ET are fixed to be $ f_{\rm{lower}} = 1 \;{\rm{Hz}} $ and $ f_{\rm{upper}} = 2f_{\rm{LSO}} $, where $ f_{\rm{LSO}} = 1/ $$ (6^{3/2}2\pi M_{\rm{obs}}) $ denotes the last stable orbit frequency with $ M_{\rm{obs}} = (1+z)M $. The lower and upper cutoff frequencies for the DECIGO are given as $ f_{\rm{lower}} = 0.233 (M_{\odot}/M_{\rm{c}})^{5/8} $$ ({{\rm{yr}}/\tau_{\rm{obs}}})^{3/8}\;{\rm{Hz}} $ and $ f_{\rm{upper}} = 100 \;{\rm{Hz}} $. $ M_\odot $ denotes the solar mass, and $ \tau_{\rm{obs}} $ corresponds to the observational time, which is set as one year in the mock process. The mass distributions of NS and BH are distributed uniformly on the intervals $ [1,2] M_\odot $ and $ [3,10] M_\odot $, respectively. The ratio of the observed BH-NS to NS-NS systems is taken to be approximately 0.03 [71, 88]. The observational signals are only considered GW events if the network SNR ρ is $ \rho>8.0 $ and $ \rho>12.0 $ for ET and DECIGO interferometers, respectively [71]. Now, using the Fisher information matrix, one can obtain the instrumental uncertainty of the GW LD measurements. It is assumed that $ {\cal{H}}\propto D_{\rm{L}}^{-1} $ and that the GW LD ($ D_{\rm{L}} $) measurements are independent of the remaining GW parameters (the inclination angle $ \iota = 0 $). The instrumental uncertainty can be given as $ \sigma_{D_{\rm{L,GW}}}^{\rm{inst}}\simeq{2D_{\rm{L, GW}}/ {\rho}}\, $. At the same time, the observed GW LD is also influenced by the weak lensing effects. The weak lensing uncertainty for the ET and the DECIGO can be given as $ \sigma_{D_{\rm{L,GW}}}^{\rm{lens}} = $$ 0.05z D_{\rm{L,GW}} $ [57, 86, 87] and $ D_{\rm{L, GW}}\times0.066[4- 4(1+ $$ z)^{-0.25}]^{1.8} $ [65], respectively. Therefore, for the ET, the total error bar of GW LD measurements can be written as
In addition, for the DECIGO measurements, the peculiar velocity error caused by the clustering galaxies and binary barycentric motion is also accounted for:
$ \sigma_{\rm{v, gal}} $ denotes the one-dimensional velocity dispersion of the clustering galaxies, and the value is set to be $ \sigma_{\rm{v, gal}} = $$ 300 \;{\rm{km}} {\rm{/s}} $. Then, the total uncertainty has the form
It is assumed that the GW source redshift can be found with the accidental events of the EM counterparts in the NS-NS and BH-NS compact binary systems. The distribution of the redshift GW source is taken as the forms of equation 8 and equation 9 in Ref. [71]. It is expected that the rate of the observable NS-NS and BH-NS compact binaries is approximately of the order of $ 10^3-10^7 $ per year [89]. Assuming that a median detection rate can be obtained $ \sim10^5 $ and that the detection rate of the EM counterpart is about $ 10^{-3} $ of the total number of standard sirens, approximately $ 10^2 $ GW events coupling with EM counterparts are to be detected every year [72, 87]. Over ten years of astronomical observation, we will obtain nearly 1000 GW observation data points with EM counterparts. To see how the uncertainty of the constraint on cosmic opacity depends on the number of mock GW measurements, we simulate 125, 500, and 1000 data points for the ET and DECIGO in the redshift range $ 0.1<z<1.7 $; the results are shown in the left and right panels of Fig. 2, respectively. The average fractional errors of the 1000 data points for the ET and DECIGO measurements are 15.98% and 5.15%, respectively. This suggests that the space-borne DECIGO measurements will be more competitive than the ground-based ET measurements when constraining cosmology parameters in the future. Figure2. (color online) Sample catalogs of simulated GW measurements for the ET (left panel) and the DECIGO (right panel). The top, middle, and bottom panels correspond to catalogs of 125, 500, and 1000 data points. The corresponding LDs obtained from the binning method are also presented.
A.Optical depth
The LDs obtained from the SNe Ia observations are influenced systematically by cosmic opacity [8], whereas the LDs from the GW standard sirens are considered to be independent of cosmic opacity. Therefore, one can detect cosmic opacity by comparing the LDs obtained from SNe Ia observations with the LDS from GW events at the same redshift. When photons travel from the SNe Ia in the deep universe to our observers, the observed LD can be written as [21, 90, 91]
given that the received photon flux decreases in the form of the function $ {\rm e}^{-\tau(z)} $. The true LD can be obtained from the LD of GW measurements. Then the cosmic optical depth $ {\tau(z)} $, which is related to the scattering and absorption of photons, can be obtained by comparing the LD $ D_{\rm{L}}(z_i) $ of the GW data with that from the SNe Ia observation at the same redshift:
Two typical parameterizations are adopted for the optical depth function: $ \tau(z) = 2\epsilon z $ (P1) and $ \tau(z) = (1+z)^{2\epsilon}-1 $ (P2). 2B.Intergalactic opacity -->
B.Intergalactic opacity
Note that the cosmic intergalactic opacity was tested by Xie et al. [21], and its value was constrained to be $ \lambda_{\rm{V}}\approx0.01-0.02 {\rm{Gpc}}^{-1} $ with luminosity and redshifts of the quasar continuum of $ \sim90 000 $ objects in the redshift range $ z < 1.5 $. Similar results are also obtained in Refs. [19, 20], in which the visual intergalactic attenuation is estimated to be 0.03 mag by correlating the brightness of about 85000 quasars at $ z>1 $. To test the cosmic opacity resulting from intergalactic dust, the cosmic opacity is also quantified by the redshift-dependent optical depth function $ \lambda_{\rm{B}} $ [92, 93], which has the form
where the parameter $ \lambda_{\rm{B}} $ denotes the rest-frame B-band attenuation per unit ray path. However, the existence of cosmic opacity given by only one astronomical observation is not sufficient. The GW and SNe Ia measurements can be used to detect cosmic opacity in a different way than the quasar continuum observations. To show how well the parameterizations P1 and P2 for optical depth approximate the cosmic opacity, we fit the intergalactic opacity $ \tau_{\rm{B}} $ with them, where the value of the intergalactic opacity is taken as the minimum value $ \lambda_{\rm{B}}\approx0.01{\rm{Gpc}}^{-1} $. As shown in Fig. 3, the relative difference between the parameterizations is less than 2%, which is more accurate than most current astronomic observations, when the parameter ? is 0.024 and 0.032, respectively. Therefore, these two parameterizations for cosmic intergalactic opacity are valid. Assuming that the dimming of SNe Ia is mainly caused by intergalactic dust, one can verify the cosmic opacity with these two parameterizations. Figure3. (color online) The difference and relative difference between the parameterizations and intergalactic opacity $ \tau_{\rm{B}}$, where the parameter ? is 0.024 and 0.032, respectively, and $ \lambda_{\rm{B}}$ is 0.01.
2C.The binning method -->
C.The binning method
In principle, given an LD sample from a GW measurement, the corresponding LD data point of the SNe Ia observation at the same redshift z can be obtained to determine the optical depth $ \tau{(z_i)} $. However, in the next few decades, it will be difficult to observe such compact binaries, where gravitational waves and SNe Ia explosions can be detected simultaneously. Some methods have been adopted to achieve this goal [33, 94, 95]. To test cosmic opacity in a cosmological-model-independent method, the nearest SNe Ia data is selected to match a GW measurement [76] with the selection criterion $ \Delta z = |z_{\rm{GW}}-z_{\rm{SN}}|< $$ 0.005 $. This matching method is also used to test the CDDR in Refs. [33, 94, 96, 97]. However, when the GW data points do not match SNe Ia data, some available data have to be discarded. In addition, if only one of the available SNe Ia data points that meets the selection criteria is used, there will be a larger statistical error. To avoid these defects, we bin the simulated SNe Ia data that meet the criterion according to the process in Refs. [95, 98]. To avoid correlations between the individual astronomical measurements, we select SNe Ia samples with a procedure in which once a data point matches a GW sample, it is not used a second time. We adopt an inverse variance weighted average of all the selected data in this method. If $ D_{{\rm{L}}i} $ and $ \sigma_{D_{{\rm{L}}i}} $ denote the ith appropriate luminosity distance data point and the corresponding observational uncertainty, respectively, by using the conventional data reduction techniques in Chapter 4 of Ref. [99], one can obtain the weighted mean LD $ \bar{D_{\rm{L}}} $ and its uncertainty $ \sigma_{\bar{D_{\rm{L}}}} $ with the following equations:
The selection criteria can be met with most of the simulated GW measurements: 125, 499, and 998 data points in the simulated GW compilations can be adopted to probe cosmic opacity. Compared with the tests in Refs. [76, 77], where the selection criterion is also adopted, many more of the available GW measurements can be used to perform the task of testing cosmic opacity in this work. The main reason is that the distribution of SNe Ia observations will be significantly improved in the future, especially in the relative high redshift range $ z>0.6 $. Therefore, the potential of future GW measurements can be fully exploited to detect cosmic opacity while matching the SNe Ia observations. The distributions of GW samples and the corresponding SNe Ia LDs obtained with the binning method are shown in Fig. 2. Using the equation $ P(\epsilon) = A\,{\rm{exp}}[-\chi^2(\epsilon)/2] $, one can obtain the probability density of ?. Here, $ \chi^2(\epsilon) $ can be given by the following expression:
and A is a normalized coefficient. The results from the observational data are shown in Fig. 4 and Table 1. Figure4. (color online) Likelihood distribution functions obtained from the ET (left panel) and DECIGO (right panel). The top, middle, and bottom panels correspond to the results from 125, 500, and 1000 data points in the catalogs.
Table1.Constraints on ? with the best fit value at $ 1\sigma$, $ 2\sigma$, and $ 3\sigma$ CL obtained from each data set. A and B denote the cosmological model-dependent and model-independent methods, respectively.