1.Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Institute of Quantum Matter, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China 2.Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China 3.School of Nuclear Science and Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China Received Date:2020-09-17 Available Online:2021-05-15 Abstract:Measuring the pionic structure function is of high interest, as it provides a new area for understanding the strong interaction among quarks and testing QCD predictions. To this end, we investigate the feasibility and expected impact of a possible experiment at EicC (Electron-ion collider in China). We show the simulation results on the statistical precision of an EicC measurement, based on the model of leading neutron tagged DIS process and the parton distribution functions of the pion from JAM18 global analysis. The simulation shows that at EicC, the kinematics cover the $x_{\pi}$ range from 0.01 to 1, and the $Q^2$ range from 1 to 50 GeV$^2$, within the acceptable statistical uncertainty. Assuming an integrated luminosity of 50 fb$^{-1}$, in the low-$Q^{2}$ region ($<10$ GeV$^2$), the Monte Carlo data show that the suggested measurement in the whole $x_{\rm{\pi}}$ range reaches very high precision ($<3$%). To perform such an experiment, only the addition of a far-forward neutron calorimeter is needed.
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II.LEADING-NEUTRON DIS AND PIONIC STRUCTURE FUNCTIONTo explore the structure of the pion in e-p scattering, the key idea is to take advantage of the abundant “pion cloud” around the proton. The $ \pi^+ $ in the n-$ {\rm{\pi}}^+ $ Fock state of proton dissociation [53] is abundant because of the large $ \pi-N-N $ coupling. Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of LN-DIS, where the exchanged pion of the Sullivan process [54] is probed and broke up by the virtual photon. In the case of e-$ {\rm{\pi}}^+ $ DIS, the neutron spectator carries a large fraction of the momentum of the incoming proton and a small transverse momentum $ P_{T,n} $. The final neutron in this case has a large longitudinal momentum and rapidity. It is called the leading neutron and is quite distinguishable from the neutron fragment from normal DIS [32, 33]. More theoretical calculations indicate that the structure of the virtual pion at low virtuality ($ |t = m_{\pi}^2|<0.6 $ GeV$ ^2 $) can be effectively extrapolated to the on-shell pion, based on an analysis of the Bethe-Salpeter amplitude [55]. Figure1. The Sullivan process [54] for leading-neutron deep inelastic scattering, where the one-pion exchange process dominates.
According to the momenta labeled in Fig. 1, the commonly used virtuality of the photon probe $ Q^2 $, the Bjorken variable $ x_B $, and the inelasticity y of the DIS process are defined as:
Other kinematical variables related to the final-state neutron are the longitudinal momentum fraction $ x_{\rm L} $ and the square of the momentum transfer to the virtual pion, t:
$ x_{\rm{L}} $ is the longitudinal momentum fraction (approximately, energy fraction) of the final neutron to the incoming proton. In experiment, the LN-DIS process dominates in the large-$ x_{\rm L} $ region ($ \gtrsim 0.5 $) [33]. Hence, a proper cut on the $ x_{\rm L} $ variable is an efficient way to select events that are sensitive to the pion structure. Viewing the virtual pion as the effective target, similar to the definition of the normal Bjorken variable, the momentum fraction of the parton inside the pion is given by
From the above definition, we see that the smallest momentum fraction of the parton in the pion measured in LN-DIS is larger than the smallest momentum fraction of the parton in the proton measured in DIS, for e-p collisions with the same c.m. energy. To estimate the statistics of LN-DIS events and the distributions of the kinematical observables at EicC, we need to calculate the differential cross-section of the channel. Integrating the azimuthal angles, the four-fold differential cross-section of the LN-DIS process is expressed with the semi-inclusive structure function $ F_2^{{\rm{LN}}(4)}(Q^2, x_{\rm{B}}, x_{\rm{L}}, t) $ [32, 33, 53]:
In the above formula, the leading-neutron structure function $ F_2^{{\rm{LN}}(4)} $ is then factorized into the pionic structure function $ F_2^{{\rm{\pi}}} $ and the pion flux around the proton $ f_{{\rm{\pi}}^+/{{p}}} $. The pion flux is usually evaluated to be a pion pole in effective field theory [32, 33, 53],
where $ g^2_{{pn\pi}}/4\pi = 13.6 $ is the $ {{\rm{\pi}}}-N-N $ effective coupling, and $ R_{{n\pi}} = 0.93 $ GeV$ ^{-1} $ is an adjustable parameter describing the radius of the n-$ {{\rm{\pi}}} $ Fock state [53]. By integrating over the t variable, the three-fold LN structure function is also often used. It is written as
For now, the theoretical framework for the pion structure function measurement in the e-p process is mature and has been tested with the pioneering experiments at the HERA facility. The shape of the structure function of the pion is encoded in the LN structure function. So to complete the quantitative calculation of the cross-section, the last thing left is to seek a valid structure function model of the pion over a wide kinematical range of $ x_{\pi} $ and $ Q^2 $.
V.STATISTICAL ERROR PROJECTIONS OF PIONIC STRUCTURE FUNCTION FOR EicCThe statistical uncertainty of the measured experimental observable is directly related to the number of events collected during an experiment. Given the calculation of the cross-section in the above discussion, now we only need to know the accumulated luminosity to estimate the number of events. We assume the integrated luminosity of an EicC experiment to be 50 fb$ ^{-1} $, which corresponds to a run of one to two years. To study the pionic structure function, we have applied the following conditions for the event selection: $ x_{\rm{L}}>0.75 $, $ P_{{T}}^{{n}}<0.5 $ GeV, $ M_{{X}} = (p_{{e}}+P_{{p}}-p_{{e'}}-P_{{n}})^2>0.5 $ GeV, $ W>2 $ GeV. $ x_{\rm{L}}>0.75 $ and $ P_{{T}}^{{n}}<0.5 $ GeV makes sure the final neutron is a spectator in the e-$ {{{\pi}}} $ DIS process, where the neutron is from the Fock-state dissociation of the proton, having a large fraction of the longitudinal momentum of the incoming proton and a small transverse momentum. $ M_{{X}}>0.5 $ GeV requirement is to get rid of the contamination of the e-$ {{{\pi}}} $ elastic scattering process, and makes sure the struck pion is broken up so as to study the partons inside the pion. $ W>2 $ GeV is a common criterion of DIS. With the above event selection, the LN-DIS events then are divided into different kinematical bins. Figure 9 shows the binning scheme of $ x_{{\rm{\pi}}} $ and $ -t $, for the low $ Q^2 $ ($ \sim 4 $ GeV$ ^2 $) MC data. The number of events in each bin is calculated with the following formula, Figure9. (color online) The binning scheme in the $x_{\rm{\pi}}$ vs. $-t$ plane, for 3 GeV$^2$$<Q^2<$ 5 GeV$^2$, $x_{\rm{L}}>0.75$, $P_{{T}}^{{n}}<0.5$ GeV, $M_{{x}}>0.5$ GeV, and $W^2>4$ GeV$^2$.
in which $ \epsilon $ is the detector efficiency, L is the integrated luminosity, $ \overline{\sigma}_{{i}} $ is the mean differential cross-section in bin i, and the rest denotes the sizes of the kinematical bins. The factor $ (1-x_{\rm{L}}) $ is the Jacobian coefficient, which comes from the transform from integration over $ x_{\rm{B}} $ into integration over $ x_{{\rm{\pi}}} $. According to the dimensions and performance of a conceptual design in the far-forward region, the detector efficiency for neutrons can be high. In this simulation, an efficiency of 50% is assumed for collecting both the final electron and neutron. With the number of events in each bin simulated, then the relative statistical error is estimated to be $ 1/\sqrt{N_{{i}}} $. Figure 10 shows the statistical error projections in a low $ Q^2 $ bin between 3 and 5 GeV$ ^2 $, for an EicC experiment. The statistical errors are all less than 3%, starting from $ x_{{\rm{\pi}}}\sim 0.05 $ to $ x_{{\rm{\pi}}}\sim 1 $ at different t bins. For about half of the data ($ x_{\rm{\pi}}<0.45 $), the precisions are very high ($ <0.5 $%). Recalling the uncertainties of pionic parton distributions from the current global analyses shown in Fig. 6, it is very clear that the precision of the EicC measurement at small $ x_{\rm{\pi}} $ will improve the current analysis tremendously. The measurement of t is important to know the virtuality of the pion and to extrapolate the structure function of the real pion. If we analyze the data at $ x_{\rm{L}} $ around 0.5, we can provide the data of $ x_{{\rm{\pi}}} $ close to 0.01. Focusing on the large-x behavior, it is quite exciting to point out that we could measure precisely the pion structure function of $ x_{{\rm{\pi}}} $ approaching 0.9. The error projections of the measurements at high $ Q^2 $ ($ >20 $ GeV$ ^2 $) are also projected and shown in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12. With fewer bins, the data at high $ Q^2 $ still have good precision. These precise measurements in different $ Q^2 $ bins over a broad range of $ x_{{\rm{\pi}}} $ will give a test of the QCD evolution equations and a better understanding of the gluon distribution of the pion. Figure10. (color online) Statistical error projections of the pionic structure function at $Q^2 \sim 4$ GeV$^2$, for a suggested EicC experiment with an integrated luminosity of 50 fb$^{-1}$. The left and bottom axes indicate where the bin center of the data point is. The right axis shows how large the statistical error is.
Figure11. (color online) Statistical error projections of the pionic structure function at $Q^2 \sim 25$ GeV$^2$, for a suggested EicC experiment with an integrated luminosity of 50 fb$^{-1}$. The left and bottom axes indicate where the bin center of the data point is. The right axis shows how large the statistical error is.
Figure12. (color online) Statistical error projections of the pionic structure function at $Q^2 \sim 40$ GeV$^2$, for a suggested EicC experiment with an integrated luminosity of 50 fb$^{-1}$. The left and bottom axes indicate where the bin center of the data point is. The right axis shows how large the statistical error is.