Four α correlations in nuclear fragmentation: a game of resonances
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01
M. Huang1,2, , A. Bonasera3,4, , S. Zhang1, , H. Zheng5, , D. X. Wang1,2, , J. C. Wang1,2, , N. Song1,2, , X. Tang1,2, , L. Lu1,2, , G. Zhang6, , Z. Kohley3,7, , M. R. D. Rodrigues3, , Y. G. Ma8,9, , S. J. Yennello3,7, , 1.College of Mathematics and Physics, Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, Tongliao 028000, China 2.Institute of Nuclear Physics, Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, Tongliao 028000, China 3.Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA 4.Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, INFN, via Santa Sofia, 62, 95123 Catania, Italy 5.School of Physics and Information Technology, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710119, China 6.Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201210, China 7.Chemistry Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA 8.Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Ion-beam Application (MOE), Institute of Modern Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China 9.Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China Received Date:2020-05-01 Available Online:2021-02-15 Abstract:Heavy ion collisions near the Fermi energy produce a ‘freezout’ region where fragments appear and later decay, emitting mainly neutrons, protons, alpha particles, and gamma rays. These decay products carry information about the decaying nuclei. Fragmentation events may result in high yields of boson particles, especially alpha particles, and may carry important information about the nuclear Bose Einstein condensate (BEC). We study ‘in medium’ four α correlations and link them to the ‘fission’ of 16O in two 8Be in the ground state or 12C*(Hoyle state)+α. Using novel techniques for the correlation functions, we confirm the resonance of 16O at 15.2 MeV excitation energy, and the possibility of a lower resonance, close to 14.72 MeV. The latter resonance is the result of all α particles having 92 keV relative kinetic energies.
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II.EXPERIMENTAL SETUP, SELECTION OF EVENTS, AND METHOD OF ANALYSISThe beams of 70Zn, 64Zn, and 64Ni at 35 MeV/u were produced by the K500 Superconducting Cyclotron at the Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute, and collided with 70Zn, 64Zn, and 64Ni self-supporting targets, respectively. Fragments were measured on an event-by-event basis, using a 4$ \pi $ array Neutron Ion Multidetector for Reaction Oriented Dynamics with the Indiana Silicon Sphere (NIMROD-ISiS), which consisted of 14 concentric rings, covering from 3.6° to 167° in the laboratory frame [50, 51]. In the forward rings covering from 3.6° to 45°, two modules were set. The supertelescope modules had two Si detectors (150 and 500 μm) placed in front of a CsI(Tl) detector (3-10 cm). The telescope modules in the forward and backward rings had one Si detector (either 150, 300, or 500 μm) followed by a CsI(Tl) detector. Light charged particles with Z = 1-3 were identified using the pulse shape discrimination method by the CsI(Tl) detectors. Intermediate mass fragments (IMFs) were identified by the telescopes and supertelescopes, using the ‘$ \Delta $E-E’ method. In the forward rings, isotopic resolution of up to Z = 12 and elemental identification of up to Z = 20 were achieved. In the backward rings, only Z = 1-2 particles were identified, owing to the detector energy thresholds. Further experimental details can be found in Refs. [25, 29, 30, 32, 50, 51]. We emphasize that only the events with $ \alpha $ multiplicity equal to four were analyzed, and the results for the three nuclear collision systems were combined, to improve the statistical evidence. The same approach was used for the 12C analysis [35, 36]. The momenta of $ \alpha $ particles can be measured very well. A major problem arises when the relative kinetic energy of the two $ \alpha $ particle system becomes as low as tens of keV; then, the particles are detected by two nearby detectors (or by the same one). Owing to the limited size (finite granularity) of the detectors, angle and relative momentum errors arise. We note that all detectors suffer from this problem, and the resulting error or minimal measurable relative kinetic energy is on the order of 40 keV [9, 10, 25]; the better the granularity, the smaller the error. Our method has an obvious advantage, because our beam energy is close to the Fermi energy; that is, the kinetic energy of each ion is high, above a few MeV/u [32, 36]. This is ideal for our detector. To detect the low energy excited levels of 8Be, 12C, and 16O, the relative kinetic energy should be very low. Let us start by recalling the expression for the excitation energy E* of 16O decaying into four $ \alpha $ particles with the Q-value, Q = ?14.44 MeV. This expression is given by Eq. (1):
where ${{E}}_{ij} $ is the relative energy of the two $ \alpha $ particle system, and we have classified (undistinguishable) $ \alpha $ particles according to their relative energies, such that ${{E}}_{ij}^{1} \leqslant{{E}}_{ij}^{2} \leqslant \dots \leqslant {{E}}_{ij}^{6}$. Using Eq. (1) we can easily estimate excited levels for 16O, assuming that we have not one but two HSs in 16O. In the rest frame of 8Be (8Beg.s.), we assumethat the energy of each of the two $ \alpha $ particles is that of the HS of 12C. Thus, the excitation energy of 16O in this configuration is given by E*(16O) = 2*0.235+0.092+14.44 = 15.0 (MeV), i.e., very close to the suggested level [18, 21, 22], where 0.235 MeV is the relative energy of the two $ \alpha $ particle system from the decay of 12C in the HS, 0.092 MeV is the energy of 8Beg.s., and 14.44 MeV is the Q-value [35, 36]. We stress that calculating the tunneling probability for such a configuration at this stage can be tricky, since the intermediate state involves 12C that is not in the ground state. Thus, reactions for the excited levels of 12C may occur with higher probability, as discussed in [52]; this will be addressed elsewhere. We note that the occurrence of the excited level of 16O at 15.0 MeV, as discussed above, involves multiple resonances in the 8Be+$ \alpha $+$ \alpha $ system similar to the Efimov mechanism [34, 40-44]; thus, a careful investigation is needed. The proposed analysis relies heavily on the detector performance. The finite granularity of the detector (like all detectors) demands making some choices, which becomes crucial when searching for fine details. Because of the finite granularity, the first important choice is to assign a position to a fragment in a single detector. Commonly, two possible avenues are followed [10, 32, 53]. One is to assign the fragment position at the center of a single detector (CD). Another approach is to assign a random position on the surface of a single detector (RD). While the first approach is sufficient for determining resonances within the reach of the detector granularity, the second approach spreads the resonance but is sensitive to resonances located at even lower excitation energies. Thus, the two approaches are somewhat complementary, and we will analyze our data using both. The RD approach is advantageous compared with the CD one, because it allows to randomly choose the positions of real events N$ > >1 $ times (RDN). Thus, we can uniformly cover the detector surface and, by normalizing, we obtain the probability of finding a fragment at a certain angle and energy. This procedure (not to be confused with the mixing method discussed below) smoothens the fluctuations owing to statistics or resonances; as a result, if two resonances have sufficiently similar energies, they cannot be distinguished. Of course, for wide relative angles between the two fragments and sufficient amounts of data, the RD(N) and CD methods yield similar results. Another detector feature to consider is the phenomenon of double hits (DHs). Because of the finite granularity, it is possible that two fragments will hit the same detector during the same event. The signals induced by DHs of $ \alpha $-particles are quite unique, and such DH events can be distinguished clearly from other fragments, such as 6,7Li [53]. However, only the total energy of the two $ \alpha $ particles can be determined, without informing about the energies of individual particles. Ref. [53] adopted the ‘democratic’ assumption that the total energy is equally divided between the two fragments. This, together with the CD method, automatically yieldsa ‘resonance’ for relative energies ${{E}}_{ij} $(DH) = 0 MeV. The RD(N) method, on the other hand, may yields a non-zero relative energy, since the positions of the two particles in the single detector are randomly chosen. As we have discussed in Ref. [35] for the 12C case (for which the RD method was adopted), the lowest relative energy of two $ \alpha $ particles peaked at 92 keV after correcting for the detector acceptance. This result suggests that the DH energy choice ${{E}}_{ij} $(DH) can be modified to 92 keV; clearly, this assumption, especially for the CD case, will improve the 8Be resonance decay. Below, we will show that it is amply justified. Notice that real events exhibit strong quantum correlations, since $ \alpha $ particles are not distinguishable bosons; thus, at low excitation energies or temperatures, they might be in a BEC. Therefore, the next step in the data analysis is to generate mixing events for each assumption discussed above. This is achieved by choosing four different $ \alpha $-particles from four different events. This procedure can be repeated many times (more than the number of real events), yielding a smooth benchmark of the available phase space. When events are mixed, quantum correlations are lost, and the distribution can be described as a classical one or a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. In the absence of resonances, we expect the correlation function to be given by the ratio of the Bose-Einstein distribution divided by the Maxwell-Boltzmanndistribution opportunely corrected by Coulomb interactions[54]. Strong resonances, especially close to the threshold, may dominate the correlation function; this can be inferred from data, as we show below. As for real events, we normalize the total number of mixing events to 1. A four-body correlation function can be defined as
$ 1+R_4 = \frac{Y_{\rm R}}{Y_{\rm M}}, $
where ${{Y}}_{\rm R} $ is the yield of real events and ${{Y}}_{\rm M} $ is the yield of mixing events. Similarly, three-body (1+${{R}}_{3} $) and two-body (1+${{R}}_{2} $) correlation functions can be obtained. The ratio can be reported as a function of the 16O excitation energy defined in Eq. (1) or other relevant physical quantities. In Ref. [35], we have defined an alternative way of deriving correlation functions using the transverse energy distribution ($ E_{\rm T} $) instead of the mixing events technique. This is based on the same assumption that for equilibrated systems, the transverse and total energy distributions are the same, apart from the trivial 3/2 scaling factor [35]. A major problem in our analysis is the detector acceptance. Most of our results provide circumstantial evidence of low energy resonances, and using the methods discussed here with more performing detectors would be crucial for shedding some light on the discussed mechanisms. Of course, a perfect 4$ \pi $ detector is quite impossible to realize; thus, it is very important to optimize it according to the studied phenomena. For $ \alpha $ particles generated in heavy ion collisions, it is important to select those events that yield the largest number of correlated particles. In our experiment, this can be easily visualized by deriving the average angle for $ \alpha $ particles (i.e., average over the four $ \alpha $ particle angles for each event), as a function of the $E^* $ of 16O. In Fig. 1 we plot such a distribution, with the color encoding the value of 1+${{R}}_4 $. Evidently, the correlation function is above 1 for energies below 30 MeV, where many 16O resonances are observed. These events are associated with narrow angles, suggesting peripheral collisions with a low deposited excitation energy. In particular, excitation energies near 15 MeV correspond to angles below 15 degrees. Thus, for improving the call sensitivity, a larger granularity is required, especially for those forward angles. Figure1. (color online) Emission angle of the four $\alpha$ particle system, vs. the excitation energy, for the RD case. (a) with DH events and (b) without DH events.