1.Department of Physics and Institute of Theoretical Physics, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China, 2.School of Physics, Southeast University, Nanjing 210094, China, 3.The Laboratory of Image Science and Technology, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China Received Date:2020-06-16 Available Online:2020-12-01 Abstract:In this work, we propose the possible assignment of the newly observed $X(2239)$, as well as $\eta(2225)$, as a molecular state from the interaction of a baryon $\Lambda$ and an antibaryon $\bar{\Lambda}$. With the help of effective Lagrangians, the $\Lambda\bar{\Lambda}$ interaction is described within the one-boson-exchange model with $\eta$, $\eta'$, $\omega$, $\phi$, and $\sigma$ exchanges considered. After inserting the potential kernel into the quasipotential Bethe-Salpeter equation, the bound states from the $\Lambda\bar{\Lambda}$ interaction can be studied by searching for the pole of the scattering amplitude. Two loosely bound states with spin parities $I^G(J^{PC})=0^+(0^{-+})$ and $0^-(1^{--})$ appear near the threshold with almost the same parameter. The $0^-(1^{--})$ state can be assigned to $X(2239)$ observed at BESIII, which is very close to the $\Lambda\bar{\Lambda}$ threshold. The scalar meson $\eta(2225)$ can be interpreted as a $0^+(0^{-+})$ state from the $\Lambda\bar{\Lambda}$ interaction. The annihilation effect is also discussed through a coupled-channel calculation plus a phenomenological optical potential. It provides large widths to two bound states produced from the $\Lambda\bar{\Lambda}$ interaction. The mass of the $1^-$ state is slightly larger than the mass of the $0^-$ state after including the annihilation effect, which is consistent with our assignment of these two states as $X(2239)$ and $\eta(2225)$, respectively. The results suggest that further investigation is required to understand the structures near the $\Lambda\bar{\Lambda}$ threshold, such as $X(2239)$, $\eta(2225)$, and $X(2175)$.
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2.Theoretical frameFirst, we describe the $ \Lambda\bar{\Lambda} $ interaction within the one-boson-exchange model. As in Ref. [53], to construct the potential, the Lagrangians for the couplings between the $ \Lambda $ baryon and exchanged mesons can be written as
where $ \psi_{\Lambda} $, $ \eta $, $ \eta' $, $ \sigma $, $ \omega $, and $ \phi $ are the fields of the $ \Lambda $ baryon and $ \eta $, $ \eta' $, $ \sigma $, $ \omega $, and $ \phi $ mesons, respectively. The coupling constant $ g_{\alpha\Lambda\Lambda} $ can be derived from the SU(3) symmetry and considering the mixings between octet and singlet states [53], and the masses of exchanged mesons $ m_e $ are cited from the Review of Particle Physics (PDG) [1]; the explicit values are listed below:
The mass of the $ \sigma $ meson has a large uncertainty of $ 400-550 $ MeV [1]. Here, we choose a value of 500 MeV, and the uncertainty will be discussed latter. In the current work, we consider the $ \Lambda\bar{\Lambda} $ interaction instead of the $ \Lambda\Lambda $ interaction. Hence, the couplings between the light mesons and the antibaryon $ \bar{\Lambda} $ are also required. As in the nucleon-antinucleon interaction, we adopt the well-known G-parity rule to write the $ \Lambda\bar{\Lambda} $ interaction from the $ \Lambda\Lambda $ interaction. By inserting the $ G^{-1}G $ operator into the potential, the G-parity rule can be obtained easily as [57, 61]
$ V =\sum\limits_{i}{\zeta_{i}V_{i\Lambda\Lambda}}. $
The G parity of the exchanged meson is left as a $ \zeta_{i} $ factor for the i meson. Because $ \omega $ and $ \phi $ mesons carry odd G parity, $ \zeta_{\omega} $ and $ \zeta_{\phi} $ should be $ -1 $, and the others are still $ 1 $. Finally, we obtain the following relation:
Now, we only need the potential of the $ \Lambda{\Lambda} $ interaction. With the Lagrangians and the coupling constants given above, we can write the relevant meson exchange potentials with the standard Feynman rule as
where $ u_\Lambda $ is the spinor of the $ \Lambda $ baryon. q, $ m_{\mathbb P} $, $ m_{\mathbb V} $, and $ m_\sigma $ are the exchanged momentum and the masses of exchanged pseudoscalar $ {\mathbb P} $ ($ \eta $ and $ \eta' $), vector $ {\mathbb V} $ ($ \omega $ and $ \phi $), and scalar $ \sigma $ mesons, respectively. Usually, a form factor needs to be introduced at the vertices because the exchanged mesons are not point particles and have internal structures. Such form factors are also used to ensure the convergence of the integral (the qBSE is an integral equation and will be given later). There are many types of form factors in the literature. Because of the absence of experimental data regarding the $ \Lambda\Lambda $ interaction, we cannot determine which type is more realistic. In the current work, we adopt three types of form factors, as in Ref. [62]:
We parameterize the cutoff in the form of $ \Lambda_{e} = m_{e}+ \alpha_{e}\; 0.22 $ GeV, where $ m_e $ is the mass of an exchanged meson [16, 62-66]. Such cutoff parameterization can introduce the effect of the mass of an exchanged meson, which is more reasonable than the adoption of the same cutoff for different mesons. $ \alpha_{e} $ is taken as a free parameter close to 1. Considering the explicit forms of form factors, the $ \alpha $ for $ f_1 $ should be larger than 0 to avoid an unphysical suppression near $ \Lambda_e = m_e $. For the other two types of form factors, a value of approximately zero can be chosen. The aforementioned form factors satisfy the requirement that $ f(m^2) = 1 $. The radius of the $ \Lambda $ baryon can be estimated with the relation $r^2 = 6/f(0)\; {\rm d}f(q^2)/ {\rm d}q^2|_{q^2\to0}$, which leads to a reasonable value, approximately 0.5 fm, for three choices of form factors. Hence, the three types of form factors satisfy the basic requirements, and we will further check whether our conclusion is sensitive to different choices. Different from Ref. [53], we will adopt the qBSE to explore possible bound states from the $ \Lambda\bar{\Lambda} $ interaction. The potential kernel obtained above will be inserted into the Bethe-Salpeter equation to obtain the scattering amplitude, the poles of which correspond to bound states. The Bethe-Salpeter equation is a 4-dimensional integral equation in Minkowski space. Considering the complexity and difficulty of directly solving such an integral equation, we adopt a quasipotential approximation approach to reduce the 4-dimensional Bethe-Saltpeter equation to a 3-dimensional integral equation [67-69]. Then, using partial-wave decomposition, the 3-dimensional equation is further reduced to a 1-dimensional equation with fixed spin parity $ J^P $ as follows [5, 70],
where the sum extends only over nonnegative helicity $ \lambda'' $. In the current case, we will consider spin parities $ J^P = 0^- $ and $ 1^- $, which can couple to baryons $ \Lambda $ and $ \bar{\Lambda} $ in the S wave, and are called S-wave states in the non-relativistic calculation [53]. Since we make a decomposition on spin parity $ J^P $ directly, contributions from all possible orbital angular momenta L are included naturally. Hence, in the qBSE approach, no special treatment is needed to include the D-wave contribution. The reduced propagator with the spectator approximation can be written down in the center-of-mass frame with $ P = (W,{ 0}) $ as
where $ \delta^+(p''^{\; 2}_2-m_2^{2}) $ is the Dirac delta function, but with only $p''^{0}_2 = +E_2({{p}}'')$. Here, as required by the spectator approximation, we place one of the particles, 2 here, on the shell, which satisfies $p''^0_2 = E_{2}({{p}}'') = \sqrt{ m_{2}^{\; 2}+{{p}}''^2}$. In the above equations, the definition ${{p}} = |{ p}|$ is adopted. The partial-wave potential is defined with the potential of the $ \Lambda\bar{\Lambda} $ interaction obtained above as
where $ \eta = PP_1P_2(-1)^{J-J_1-J_2} $, with P and J being the parity and spin for the system, $ \Lambda $, or $ \bar{\Lambda} $ baryon. The initial and final relative momenta are chosen as $ { p} = (0,0,{\rm{p}}) $ and ${ p}' = ({{p}}'\sin\theta,0,{{p}}'\cos\theta)$. $ d^J_{\lambda\lambda'}(\theta) $ is the Wigner d-matrix. Since particle 1 is off-shell in the qBSE approach, a form factor should also be introduced to reflect its internal structure. Here, we adopt an exponential regularization by introducing a form factor into the propagator as $G_{0}(p)\rightarrow G_{0}(p)[{\rm e}^{-(k^{2}_{1}-m^{2}_{1})^{2}/\Lambda^{4}_{r}}]^{2}$, where $ k_{1} $ and $ m_{1} $ are the momentum and mass of the off-shell particle, respectively. With such regularization, the convergence of the integral equation is guaranteed, even without the form factor for the exchanged meson. The cutoff $ \Lambda_{r} $ is parameterized as in the $ \Lambda_{e} $ case, that is, $ \Lambda_{r} = m_{e}+\alpha_{r}\; 0.22 $ GeV, where $ m_{e} $ is the mass of the exchanged meson and $ \alpha_{r} $ serves the same function as the parameter $ \alpha_{e} $. With the Gauss discretization of momentum, the 1-dimensional integral equation in Eq. (12) is transformed into the matrix equation $ M = V+VG_0M $ [24]. The molecular states correspond to the poles of the scattering amplitude $ M $ in the complex energy plane at $ |1-V(z)G(z)| = 0 $, where $z = W+{\rm i}\Gamma/2$ is the system energy W at the real axis [5].
3.1.Bound states from $ \Lambda\bar{\Lambda} $ interaction
In Fig. 1, the binding energy $ E_B = m_{th}-W $, where $ m_{th} $ and W are the threshold and the position, respectively, of the pole obtained with different types of form factors. The bound state from the $ \Lambda\bar{\Lambda} $ interaction with quantum numbers $ I^G(J^{PC}) = 0^+(0^{-+}) $ is presented in the upper panel of Fig. 1. The bound state can be produced from the interaction with reasonable $ \alpha $. For the monopole type of the form factors $ f_1(a^2) $, the bound state appears at an $ \alpha $ of approximately 1, which is a standard value of $ \alpha $. In Fig. 1, the suggested value of the mass of $ \eta(2225) $ in the PDG [1] is also shown as a cyan line, which can be reproduced at an $ \alpha $ of approximately 1.2. Since the uncertainty of the mass of $ \eta(2225) $ is approximately 10 MeV, which just fills the region we considered, we do not show the uncertainty in the figure. The uncertainty corresponds to $ \alpha $ values ranging from 0.8 to 1.5. For the other two types of form factors, the bound state is produced at an $ \alpha $ of approximately zero, which corresponds to a standard cutoff of approximately 1 GeV. The shapes of the three curves for the different form factors are analogous to each other. Considering that $ \alpha $ is a free parameter in a reasonable range, it is clear that the different choices of form factors do not affect the conclusion. Hence, comparing the theoretical results with experimental ones, the $ 0^- $ state from the $ \Lambda\bar{\Lambda} $ interaction can be related to $ \eta(2225) $. Figure1. (color online) Binding energy $ E_{B} $ with variation of $ \alpha $. The upper and lower panels are for bound states with spin parities $ 0^- $ and $ 1^- $, respectively. The black square, red circle, and blue triangle denote the results with different types of form factors $ f_{i}(q^2) $ with $ i = 1,2,3 $ in Eqs. (9)-(11), respectively. The bands denote the uncertainties from the uncertainties of mass of the $ \sigma $ meson, $ 400\sim550 $ MeV [1]. The cyan line in the upper panel is the suggested value of the mass of $ \eta(2225) $ in the PDG [1]. The cyan band in the lower panel denotes the experimental mass of $ X(2239) $ with uncertainties, where only the part below the threshold is presented [30]. More explanation is given in the text.
Now, we turn to the $0^-(1^{--})$ case, which is shown in the lower panel of Fig. 1. Contrary to the results in [53], the binding energies of the $ 1^- $ state are similar to those of the $ 0^- $ state with the same parameter. For the monopole form factor $ f_1(q^2) $, the bound state appears at an $ \alpha $ of approximately 0.9, increases with increasing $ \alpha $, and reaches a binding energy of approximately 20 MeV at an $ \alpha $ of approximately 1.5. For the other two types of form factors, the bound state is produced at an $ \alpha $ of approximately zero. The experimental mass of $ X(2239) $ reported by the BESIII Collaboration is $ 2239\pm7.1\pm11.3 $ MeV. The central value is slightly higher than the $ \Lambda\bar{\Lambda} $ threshold. After considering the uncertainty, $ X(2239) $ is just on the threshold. In Fig. 1, we also present the uncertainty of the mass of $ X(2239) $ below the $ \Lambda\bar{\Lambda} $ threshold as a cyan band. The experimental uncertainty of $ X(2239) $ corresponds to $ \alpha $ values ranging from 0.8 to 1.2. From the above results, it is clear that the mass gap between the $ 0^- $ and $ 1^- $ states in our model is quite small. The two states appear almost at the same cutoff, and the mass gap at a certain $ \alpha $ is only several MeV in the region considered in Fig. 1. This is quite different from the results in Ref. [53]. In that work, with reasonable cutoffs, they obtained a loosely bound state of $ 0^- $ with a binding energy of approximately $ 7\sim13 $ MeV, while the $ 1^- $ state had a larger binding energy of approximately $ 50\sim82 $ MeV. The mass gap is approximately 50 MeV, which is much larger the one in the current work. Because the Lagrangians and coupling constants adopted in the two works are the same, the difference should arise from the different treatments, such as the different solution method, the relativistic effect, and S-D mixing. We also present the bands from the uncertainties of the mass of the $ \sigma $ meson. The results are found to be insensitive to this uncertainty. In our model, five exchanges, including $ \eta $, $ \eta' $, $ \phi $, $ \omega $, and $ \sigma $ exchanges, are considered to construct the interaction potential. Usually, these exchanges play different roles in producing bound states. In the qBSE approach, the potential cannot be shown as a function of the range r as in the non-relativistic calculation [53]. We check their roles by turning on and off one or more exchanges and vary the parameter $ \alpha $ from -1 to 3 to search for bound states. If we only keep one of five exchanges, no bound state can be produced from $ \eta $, $ \eta' $, or $ \phi $ exchanges while the interaction with only the $ \omega $ or only $ \sigma $ exchange is still strong enough to produce a bound state with a larger $ \alpha $. This result suggests that the $ \omega $ and $ \sigma $ exchanges play the most important role in producing the bound states. We provide more explicit results in Fig. 2 to show the role of exchanges. Figure2. (color online) Binding energy $ E_{B} $ without the $ \eta,\eta' $, and $ \phi $ exchanges (a and b), without the $ \sigma $ exchange (c and d), and without the $ \omega $ exchange (e and f). Other conventions are the same as in Fig. 1.
We present the results after turning off the $ \eta $, $ \eta' $ and $ \phi $ exchanges and only keeping the $ \omega $ and $ \sigma $ exchanges in panels (a) and (b) of Fig. 2. As shown in the figure, the bound states with $ 0^- $ and $ 1^- $ can be produced from the $ \omega $ and $ \sigma $ exchanges with a slight increase in the parameter $ \alpha $ for all three types of form factors. We also check the case after removing both $ \omega $ and $ \sigma $ exchanges but keeping $ \eta $, $ \eta' $, and $ \phi $ exchanges. No bound state can be found with a reasonable parameter. This result suggests that the $ \omega $ and $ \sigma $ exchanges are essential to produce the bound state with $ 0^- $ and $ 1^- $. In panels (c) and (d), the results after removing the $ \sigma $ exchange are presented. Larger values of $ \alpha $ are required for the three types of form factors than in the previous case. The largest effect comes from the $ \omega $ exchange, as shown in panels (e) and (f). To reproduce the binding energy in the full model, the parameter $ \alpha $ should be increased by 0.5 or more. 23.2.Annihilation effect from intermediated mesons -->
3.2.Annihilation effect from intermediated mesons
In the above calculation, we do not consider the effect of the annihilation of baryon $ \Lambda $ and antibaryon $ \bar{\Lambda} $. The annihilation effect was found to be important in the study of the $ N\bar{N} $ interaction [58-60]. This contribution is often considered as the multipion intermediation in the s channel, which is usually replaced by annihilation into two mesons, plus an optical potential [71-74]. The annihilation effect induces an imaginary potential, which leads to a width and variation of the mass of the bound state [75, 76]. In the $ \Lambda\bar{\Lambda} $ interaction, such annihilation can also occur, which will affect the experimental observables [77, 78]. In the literature, the two-meson intermediation part of the annihilation effect was included by introducing a box diagram or coupled-channel effect [75, 76, 79-81]. In the current work, we will adopt the latter treatment, i.e., a coupled-channel calculation in our qBSE approach, which was developed in Ref. [62]. Explicitly, we follow the method in Ref. [81], which has been successfully applied to the $ N\bar{N} $ interaction and is more consistent with our qBSE approach. In Ref. [81], the annihilation effect was introduced by the two-meson intermediation and an imaginary phenomenological optical potential. Regarding the former, we still adopt the two-meson intermediation picture here, as in the $ N\bar{N} $ case. As in the aforenoted calculation, only the pseudoscalar mesons $ {\mathbb P} $ ($ \pi $, $ \eta $ and $ \eta' $), vector mesons $ {\mathbb V} $ ($ \omega $ and $ \phi $), and scalar meson $ \sigma $ will be considered to avoid more uncertainties arising from the incorporation of more Lagrangians and coupling constants. In the current work, we focus on states with quantum numbers $ I^G(J^{PC}) = 0^+(0^{-+}) $ and $ 0^-(1^{–}) $. For the former state, the possible intermediated two-meson channels include $ {\mathbb V}{\mathbb V} $ and $ {\mathbb P}\sigma $, which leads to an eight-channel calculation. For the latter state, the $ {\mathbb P}{\mathbb V} $ and $ {\mathbb V}\sigma $ channels are involved in the calculation, which includes twelve channels. Additionally, the $ K\bar{K} $ channel will be considered for the $ 0^-(1^{–}) $ state, which is forbidden for the $ 0^+(0^{-+}) $ state. We introduce the $ \Lambda\bar{\Lambda}-m_1m_2 $ interaction, where $ m_1m_2 $ are two of the mesons considered. Following the treatment in the $ N\bar{N} $ case [74], all interactions between two mesons and couplings between different meson channels are ignored in the calculation. As in Ref. [81], we consider a two-channel interaction to provide a simple explanation about the relation of the standard coupled-channel approach to the well-known forms in the study of the the annihilation $ N\bar{N} $ interaction from the box diagram in Ref. [75]. The coupled-channel Bethe-Salpeter equation in matrix form is written as
where B and m refer to $ \Lambda\bar{\Lambda} $ and $ m_1m_2 $ channels, respectively, and $ V_{el} $ is the potential given in Eq. (7). Here, we choose $ V^{mm} = 0 $, that is, the interaction between two mesons is not considered. Then, we can obtain the following equations
where we define $ V^{BB} = V_{el}+V^{Bm}G^{mm}V^{mB} $ as in Ref. [81]. Here, the second term is the annihilation term from the box diagram. Hence, we need the transition potential, which can be obtained from the Lagrangians in Eqs. (1)-(5) as
where $ g_{m_{1,2}\Lambda\Lambda} $ is the coupling constant given in the previous section, and $ u_\Lambda $ and $ v_{\bar{\Lambda}} $ are the spinors for the $ \Lambda $ and $ \bar{\Lambda} $ baryons, respectively. The $ \Gamma_{1,2} $ has a vertex of $ 1 $, $ \gamma_5 $, or $ \epsilon\!\!\!/ $ for scalar, pseudoscalar and vector mesons, respectively. Here, we need an additional coupling constant $ g_{NK\Lambda} = 13.926 $ for the $0^-(1^{--})$ state [82]. q and $ m_\Lambda $ are the momentum and mass of the exchanged $ \Lambda $ baryon, respectively. $ f_i(q^2) $ is the form factor introduced in the previous section. $ \zeta $ has a sign that reflects the difference between a baryon and antibaryon following the G-parity rule. It does not affect the result because the aforementioned interaction always appears in a pair. Obviously, the above treatment is not enough to include all annihilation effects. A phenomenological treatment is often introduced in the literature [73, 78, 81, 83-87]. In the current work, we introduce an additional imaginary optical potential into $ V_{el} $ with the following parameterization in coordinate space, as in Ref. [81]:
$ V_{\rm opt} = {\rm i} W {\rm e}^{-\frac{r^2}{2r_0^2}}. $
To insert this optical potential into our qBSE approach, we need to transform it into momentum space using the Fourier transformation,
where q is the four-momentum, as for the exchanged mesons. Because of a lack of experimental data for the $ \Lambda\bar{\Lambda} $ interaction, the parameters are not as well determined as for the $ N\bar{N} $ interaction. In Ref. [78], the $ p\bar{p}\to\Lambda\bar{\Lambda} $ process was studied, and the parameters were determined to be $ W\approx-1 $ GeV and $ r_0\approx0.3 $ fm, which will be adopted in the current calculation. These values are similar to those in the nucleon-nucleon interaction as adopted in Ref. [81], $ W = -1 $ GeV and $ r_0 = 0.4 $ fm, which are also similar to the values adopted in Ref. [87]. The positions of the poles of the bound states with different $ \alpha $ values are listed in Table 1. The real part of $ M_{th}-z $ presented in the table is the binding energy of the $ \Lambda\bar{\Lambda} $ molecular states. After including the annihilation effect, the poles appear at $ \alpha $ valules of approximately 1.9, 0.8, and 0.4 for the respective form factors. Compared with the results in Fig. 1, a larger $ \alpha $ is required to produce molecular states from the interaction. This result suggests that the attraction of the interaction becomes weaker and requires a larger $ \alpha $ to compensate. However, the changes in the mass gap between the $ 0^- $ and $ 1^- $ states are slight. For most cases, the mass of the $ 1^- $ state becomes even larger than that of the $ 0^- $ state, with mass gaps of approximately 11, 8, and 5 MeV for the three respective form factors, which is more consistent with the assignment of the two states as $ X(2235) $ and $ \eta(2225) $. In Table 1, we also present the results without the coupled-channel effect, that is, with only the imaginary optical potential. The result suggests that the coupled-channel effect on the mass is obvious. The mass decreases by approximately 5 and 10 MeV for the $ 0^- $ and $ 1^- $ states, respectively, after including the coupled-channel effect.
$25.5+ 90i$
$37.5+ 95i$
Table1.Position of the poles of $ 0^- $ and $ 1^- $ states with different $ \alpha $. $ M_{th}-z $ denotes the mass of the $ \Lambda\bar{\Lambda} $ threshold $ M_{th} $ minus the position of the pole z, in units of MeV. $ f_i $ refers to the results with different types of form factors. The first and second lines for every $ \alpha $ are the results without and with the coupled-channel effect. For the $ 1^- $ state, the results with the coupled-channel effect, except for the $ K\bar{K} $ channel, are listed in the third line.
Another obvious variation after including the annihilation effect is that the poles leave the real axis and the states acquire widths. The imaginary part of $ M_{th}-z $ corresponds to half of the width of the states. The current result suggests large widths for both $ 0^- $ and $ 1^- $ states, approximately 200, 100, and 60 MeV for the three form factors, respectively. This is consistent with the experimental observation that $ X(2239) $ and $ \eta(2225) $ have widths of $ 139.8\pm12.3\pm20.6 $ MeV [30] and $ 185^{+40}_{-20} $ MeV [1], respectively. Here, we also consider the results without the coupled-channel effect. It is clear that the variations of the widths for the two states and different form factors range from several to approximately 10 MeV. Considering that the widths are several dozens of MeV, the variations of width caused by the coupled-channel effect considered here are relatively small. The widths are primarily from the imaginary potential. For the $ 1^- $ state, we present the results with and without the $ K\bar{K} $ channel; the result suggests that the $ K\bar{K} $ channel provides a width comparable with all the contributions from other channels.