Ksh. Newton Singh1, , Ravindra K. Bisht2, , S. K. Maurya3, , Neeraj Pant4, , 1.Department of Physics, National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla, Pune- 411023, India and Department of Mathematics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata- 700032, India 2.Department of Mathematics, National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla, Pune- 411023, India 3.Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, College of Arts and Science, University of Nizwa, Nizwa, Sultanate of Oman 4.Department of Mathematics, National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla, Pune- 411023, India Received Date:2019-07-22 Accepted Date:2019-12-06 Available Online:2020-03-01 Abstract:We explore a new relativistic anisotropic solution of the Einstein field equations for compact stars based on embedding class one condition. For this purpose, we use the embedding class one methodology by employing the Karmarkar condition. Employing this methodology, we obtain a particular differential equation that connects both the gravitational potentials ${\rm e}^{\lambda}$ and ${\rm e}^{\nu}$. We solve this particular differential equation choosing a simple form of generalized gravitational potential $g_{rr}$ to describe a complete structure of the space-time within the stellar configuration. After determining this space-time geometry for the stellar models, we discuss thermodynamical observables including radial and tangential pressures, matter density, red-shift, velocity of sound, etc., in the stellar models. We also perform a complete graphical analysis, which shows that our models satisfy all the physical and mathematical requirements of ultra-high dense collapsed structures. Further, we discuss the moment of inertia and M-R curve for rotating and non-rotating stars.
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2.Einstein field equationsThe interior of the super-dense star is assumed to be described by the line element
Here, all the symbols have usual meanings with $ v_\alpha v^\alpha = -1 = -\chi_\alpha \chi^\alpha \; \; {\rm{and}}\; \; v_\alpha \chi^\alpha = 0 $. The Einstein field equations for the line element (1) are
where primes (' and '') denote the first and second derivatives w.r.t. the radial coordinate $ r $. We use the geometrized units $ G = c = 1 $ throughout the study. Using Eq. (4) and (5), we get
To solve Eqs. (3)–(5), we adopted the method of embedding class one, where $ {\rm e}^\nu $ and $ {\rm e}^\lambda $ are linked via the Karmarkar condition [51] as
For the isotropic case, the first solution $ \nu = 0 $ or $ \nu = {\rm const}. $ and $ {\rm e}^\lambda = 1 $ is not a physically relevant solution. The second solution can be found by equating the second factor of Eq. (9), i.e.,
This solution is the well-known interior Schwarzschild's uniform density model ($ c $ is constant of integration). If the the third factor in (9) vanishes, i.e.,
This is the Kohler-Chao solution with boundary at infinity. Both the solutions are physically irrelevant from astrophysical points of view, as one leads to the constant density model, and the other yields the infinite boundary model. With the inclusion of net electric charge and anisotropy, one can generate many physically inspired solutions.
3.A new physical solutionIn this model, we assume the following metric potential $ g_{rr} $ consisting of a class of hyperbolic function
In the above equation the constant parameters $ a,\; b $, and $ c $ are positive, and $ n $ should be a negative integer or otherwise the physical values are complex except density. We choose $ {\rm e}^{\lambda(r)} $ such that $ {\rm e}^{\lambda(0)} = 1 $, which infers that the tangent three space is flat at the center, and the Einstein field equations can be solved for a physically acceptable solution. The metric potential $ g_{tt} $ is found using Eq. (7) and given by
The variations of the two metric functions are shown in Fig. 1. For $ n = -2 $ to $ n = -18 $ the behavior of metric function changes slightly. Figure1. (color online) Variation of metric functions for neutron star in Vela X-1 with parameters $n = -2$ to $ -18,\; b = 0.001/{\rm{km}}^2,$$ c = 0.0001, M = 1.77M_\odot$ and $R = 9.56\;{\rm{km}}.$
Using metric potentials given in Eq. (15) and (16), the expressions of $ \rho, p_r, \Delta $, and $ p_t $ can be calculated as
The variations of pressures, density, anisotropy, equation of state parameters, $ {\rm d}\rho/{\rm d}r,\; {\rm d}p_r/{\rm d}r $, and $ {\rm d}p_t/{\rm d}r $ are shown in Figs. 2–6. As values of $ n $ increase the central density, anisotropy, adiabatic index decrease, however, the pressures, equation of state parameters and speed of sounds decrease. Figure2. (color online) Variation of pressures for neutron star in Vela X-1 with parameters $n = -2$ to $ -18,\; b = 0.001/{\rm{km}}^2,$$ c = 0.0001, M = 1.77M_\odot$ and $R = 9.56\;{\rm{km}}$. Here, $\delta n$ is the increment in $n$ while ploting the graph.
Figure3. (color online) Variation of density for neutron star in Vela X-1 with parameters $n = -2$ to $-18,\; b = 0.001/{\rm{km}}^2,$$\; c = 0.0001, M = 1.77M_\odot$ and $R = 9.56\;{\rm{km}}.$
Figure4. (color online) Variation of pressure anisotropy for neutron star in Vela X-1 with parameters $n = -2$ to $ -18,\; b = 0.001/{\rm{km}}^2,$$c = 0.0001, M = 1.77M_\odot$ and $R = 9.56\;{\rm{km}}.$
Figure5. (color online) Variation of pressure and density gradients for neutron star in Vela X-1 with parameters $n = -2$ to $-18,\; b = 0.001/{\rm{km}}^2,\; c = 0.0001, M = 1.77M_\odot$ and $R = 9.56\;{\rm{km}}.$
Figure6. (color online) Variation of equation of state parameters for neutron star in Vela X-1 with parameters $n = -2$ to $-18,\; b = 0.001/{\rm{km}}^2,\; c = 0.0001, M = 1.77M_\odot$ and $R = 9.56\;{\rm{km}}.$
$\begin{split} f_1(r) =& 2 A b (n+1) r \sqrt{1-\cosh \left(b r^2+c\right)}-\sqrt{2} B \\ &\sinh \left(b r^2+c\right)\sqrt{a r^2 \left[\cosh \left(b r^2+c\right)+1\right]^n} \\ &_2F_1\left[\frac{1}{2},\frac{n+1}{2};\frac{n+3}{2};\cosh ^2\left(\frac{b r^2+c}{2} \right)\right] \\ f_2(r) = & 2 b (n+1) \sqrt{1-\cosh \left(b r^2+c\right)} \Big(2 B r-A\\ &\sqrt{a r^2 \left[\cosh \left(b r^2+c\right)+1\right]^n}\Big) +\sqrt{2} a B r \\ & \sinh \left(b r^2+c\right) \left[\cosh \left(b r^2+c\right)+1\right]^n \, \\ & _2F_1\left[\frac{1}{2},\frac{n+1}{2};\frac{n+3}{2};\cosh ^2\left(\frac{b r^2+c}{2} \right)\right] \\ f_3(r) = & 2 b (n+1) \sqrt{1-\cosh \left(b r^2+c\right)} \Big(B r -A\\ & \sqrt{a r^2 \left[\cosh \left(b r^2+c\right)+1\right]^n}\Big) +\sqrt{2} a B r \end{split} $
4.Matching of interior and exterior spacetimeAssuming the exterior spacetime to be the Schwarzschild solution, which has to match smoothly with our interior solution and is given by
By matching the first and second fundamental forms the interior solution of Eq. (1) and exterior solution of Eq. (21) at the boundary $ r = R $ (Darmois-Israel condition [54,55]) we get
5.Properties of a new class of solutionThe central pressure and density at the interior are given by
$ \begin{split} 8\pi p_r(0) = & 8\pi p_t(0) = \Bigg\{\sqrt{2} a B \sinh c \left(\cosh c +1\right)^n \\ & _2F_1\left[\frac{1}{2},\frac{n+1}{2};\frac{n+3}{2};\cosh ^2\left(\frac{c}{2}\right)\right]\Bigg\} \\ &\Bigg\{8 \pi \Big (\sqrt{2} B \sinh c \sqrt{a \left(\cosh c + 1\right)^n}\\ &_2F_1\left[\frac{1}{2},\frac{n+1}{2};\frac{n+3}{2};\cosh ^2\left(\frac{c}{2}\right)\right] \\ &-2 A b (n+1) \sqrt{1-\cosh c}\Big)\Bigg\}^{-1}>0, \end{split} $
$ \rho(0) = \frac{3a \left(\cosh c +1\right)^{n-1} \left(\cosh c + 1\right)}{8\pi}>0. $
The finite central values of the above parameters ensure that the solution is non-singular. The Zeldovich's condition, i.e., $ p_r/\rho $ at center is $ \leqslant 1 $, which is a prerequisite for physical matters. 25.1.Velocity of sound and adiabatic index
5.1.Velocity of sound and adiabatic index
The velocity of sound inside the stellar interior can be determined using
For a stable configuration, the stability factor $ v_t^2-v_r^2 $ should lie between 0 and –1 [56,57]. Variations of sound speed and stability factor are shown in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. The figures depict that the class of solution satisfy the causality condition and stability criterion. If $ n = 0 $, some parts of the stability factor becomes positive and hence introduces instability in the model. However, for $ n $ beyond –18, the stability factor seems stable. Figure7. (color online) Variation of velocities of sound for neutron star in Vela X-1 with parameters $n = -2$ to $-18,\; b = 0.001/{\rm{km}}^2, $$ c = 0.0001, M = 1.77M_\odot$ and $R = 9.56\;{\rm{km}}.$
Figure8. (color online) Variation of stability factor for neutron star in Vela X-1 with parameters $n = -2$ to $-18,\; b = 0.001/{\rm{km}}^2, $$ c = 0.0001, M = 1.77M_\odot$ and $R = 9.56\;{\rm{km}}.$
For a static configuration at equilibrium, $ \Gamma $ has to be more than 4/3 [58]. Figure 9 shows that the adiabatic index is >4/3. Figure9. (color online) Variation of adiabatic index for neutron star in Vela X-1 with parameters $n = -2$ to $ -18,\; b = 0.001/{\rm{km}}^2,$$ c = 0.0001, M = 1.77M_\odot$ and $R = 9.56\;{\rm{km}}.$
25.2.Equilibrium via modified Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equation -->
5.2.Equilibrium via modified Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equation
The modified Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equation for anisotropic fluid distribution was given by [59] as
The TOV Eq. (34) is plotted in Fig. 10, which shows that all the three forces counter-balance each other. As $ n $ decreases from –2 to –18, the peak of the $ F_g $ increases, $ F_h $ is almost same from the center up to about 4 km and show significant increment up to the surface. However, $ F_a $ decreases as $ n $ approaches –18. Figure10. (color online) Variation of forces acting on system via TOV-equation for neutron star in Vela X-1 with parameters $n = -2$ to $-18,\; b = 0.001/{\rm{km}}^2,\; c = 0.0001, $$ M = 1.77M_\odot$ and $R = 9.56\;{\rm{km}}.$
The satisfaction of the static stability criterion ensures that the solution is static and stable. This was proposed independently by Harrison et al. [60] and Zeldovich-Novikov [61]. According to this criterion, the mass of compact stars must be an increasing function of its central density, i.e., $ {\rm d}M/{\rm d}\rho_c >0 $. For this class of solution, mass as a function of central density can be written as
Referring to Fig. 11, we see that the class of solution fulfills this criterion. Figure11. (color online) Variation of mass with central density for neutron star in Vela X-1 with parameters $n = -2$ to $-18,\; b = 0.001/{\rm{km}}^2$ and $R = 9.56\;{\rm{km}}.$
Now, the gravitational red-shift is given by
$ \begin{split} z (r) = & {\rm e}^{-\nu/2}-1 \\ =& \Bigg[-\frac{ f(r) B \sqrt{a r^2 \left[\cosh \left(b r^2+c\right)+1)\right]^n}}{b (n+1) r \sqrt{2-2 \cosh \left(b r^2+c\right)}}+ A \Bigg]^{-1} - 1. \end{split} $
The variation of red-shift is shown in Fig. 12. Figure12. (color online) Variation of red-shift for neutron star in Vela X-1 with parameters $n = -2$ to -18, $ b = 0.001/{\rm{km}}^2,\; c = 0.0001, $$ M = 1.77M_\odot$ and $R = 9.56\;{\rm{km}}.$
25.4.Maximum allowable mass and compactness factor -->
5.4.Maximum allowable mass and compactness factor
The mass function and compactness factor of the solution can be determined using the equations given below:
Using the Buchdahl limit, i.e., $ u = 8/9 $, we obtain the maximum surface redshift $ z_s({\rm max}) = 2 $. When the compactness parameter is zero, the surface red-shift is likewise zero. As the compactness parameter reaches the Buchdahl limit, i.e., $ u = 8/9 $, the surface red-shift becomes exactly two. However, if the compactness parameter is beyond the Buchdahl limit, then because of the formation of singularity, the surface red-shift blows up. However, Ivanov [62] has derived that for a realistic anisotropic star models the surface red-shift $ Z_s $ cannot go beyond to 5.211 (this value corresponds to a model without the cosmological constant).
6.Slow rotation approximation, moment of inertia, and Kepler frequencyFor a uniformly rotating star with angular velocity $ \Omega $, the moment of inertia is given by
with $ j = {\rm e}^{-(\lambda+\nu)/2} $, which has boundary value $ j(R) = 1 $. The approximate solution of the moment of inertia $ I $ up to the maximum mass $ M_{\rm max} $ is provided by Bejger and Haensel [63] as
$ I = {2 \over 5} \Big(1+x\Big) {MR^2}, $
where parameter $ x = (M/R)\cdot {\rm km}/M_\odot $. For this class of solution, we plotted the mass vs. $ I $ in Fig. 15 that shows as $ n $ increases, the mass also increases, while the moment of inertia increases up to certain value of mass and subsequently decreases. Comparing Figs. 13 and 15, we see that the mass corresponding to $ I_{\rm max} $ is not equal to $ M_{\rm max} $ from the $ M-R $ diagram. In fact, the mass corresponding to $ I_{\rm max} $ is lower by ~1.46% from the $ M_{\rm max} $. This happens to the equation of states without any strong high-density softening due to hyperonization or phase transition to an exotic state [64]. Using this graph, we can estimate that the maximum moment of inertia for a particular compact star or by matching the observed $ I $ with the $ I_{\rm max} $, we can determine the validity of a model. The causality of the maximum mass in Fig. 13, especially the star for $ 2.529M_\odot $ and 12 km is verified from the behaviour of velocity of sound in Fig. 14. Figure13. (color online) Variation of mass with radius for $a = 0.01, \; b = 0.001$ and $c = 0.0001.$
Figure15. (color online) Variation of moment of inertia with mass for $n = -2$ to $n = -3$ taking $a = 0.01 /{\rm{km}}^2,\; $$ b = 0.001/{\rm{km}}^2,\; c = 0.0001.$
Figure14. (color online) Variation of velocity of sound for $2.529M_\odot$ and 12.8 km.
A rotating compact star can hold higher $ M_{\rm max} $ than a non-rotating one. The mass relationship between a non-rotating and rotating compact star is given in the units ( $ G = C = 1 $ ) and can be written as [65]
Because of the centrifugal force, the radius at the equator increases up to some factor as compared to the static one. Cheng and Harko [66] found the approximate radii for static and rotating stars as $ R_{\rm rot}/R_{\rm non-rot} \approx 1.626 $, respectively. Assuming the compact star is rotating in the Kepler frequency $ \Omega_K = (GM_{\rm non-rot}/R^3_{\rm non-rot})^{1/2} $ and using the Cheng-Harko formula, we plotted the $ M-R $ graph for rotating and non-rotating stars (Fig. 16). The corresponding frequency of a rotating star can be determined as [67] Figure16. (color online) Variation of mass with radius for $n = -2$ & $n = -4$ taking $a = 0.01 /{\rm{km}}^2,\; b = 0.001/{\rm{km}}^2,\; c = 0.0001$ for a rotating and non-rotating star.
The variation of frequency with mass is shown in Fig. 17. This shows that the frequency of rotation corresponds to the maximum mass. In contrast, we like to mention that recently, the direct detection of the gravitational wave (GW) signal $ {\rm GW}1- 70817 $ has been reported by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration from a binary compact star system [68]. New constraints for the tidal deformability of the 1.4 solar mass compact stars ($ \Lambda_{1.4} $) have been estimated as $ \Lambda_{1.4} < 800 $ [69], which can also place constraints on the equation of state (EOS) for the star matter and constrain the parameter sets for phenomenological models. In the studies of Refs. [69–71], researchers have used different phenomenological models to calculate the properties of the tidal deformability and the maximum mass of neutron stars or quark stars with the constraints of $ {\rm GW}1- 70817 $, which can provide other alternative methods to constrain the parameter sets in the models. Figure17. (color online) Variation of rotational frequency with mass for $n = -2$ to $n = -3$ taking $a = 0.01 /{\rm{km}}^2,\; $$ b = 0.001/{\rm{km}}^2,\; c = 0.0001$ for a rotating and non-rotating star.
26.1.Energy conditions
6.1.Energy conditions
Any physical solutions other than those representing exotic matters must fulfill all the energy conditions, i.e., strong, weak, null, and dominant energy conditions, which are stated as follows,
where $ i\equiv ({\rm radial}\; r,\; {\rm transverse} \; t),\; t^\mu $ and $ l^\mu $ are the time-like vector and null vector, respectively. Because the pressure and density are positive throughout the stellar objects, it is obvious that the energy conditions NEC, WEC, and SEC are satisfied vacuously. We have shown the graphical representation for dominant energy conditions in Figs. 18-20, where it can be observed that our solutions are also valid under dominant energy conditions. Figure18. (color online) Variation of $\rho +p_r$ for neutron star in Vela X-1 with parameters $n = -2$ to $-18,\; b = 0.001/{\rm{km}}^2, \; $$c = 0.0001,\;M = 1.77M_\odot$ and $R = 9.56\;{\rm{km}}.$
Figure19. (color online) Variation of $\rho +p_t$ for neutron star in Vela X-1 with parameters $n = -2$ to $-18,\; b = 0.001/{\rm{km}}^2, \;$$c = 0.0001,\; M = 1.77M_\odot$ and $R = 9.56\;{\rm{km}}.$
Figure20. (color online) Variation of $\rho +p_r+2p_t$ for neutron star in Vela X-1 with parameters $n = -2$ to $ -18,\; b = 0.001/{\rm{km}}^2,$$c = 0.0001, M = 1.77M_\odot$ and $R = 9.56\;{\rm{km}}.$
$ a $
$ A $
$ B $
$M \; M_\odot$
$ R\;{\rm{ km}}$
$ z_c $
$ \rho_c \times 10^{14} $$ g/cc $
$ \rho_s\times 10^{14} $$ g/cc $
$ p_c\times 10^{34} $$ {\rm dyne}/{\rm cm}^2 $
$ \Gamma_{rc} $
Table1.Central and surface values of some parameters for different values of $ n .$
8.Generating functionsHerrera et al. [76] proposed an algorithm for generating all types of spherically symmetric static solutions using two physical quantities, namely anisotropy and a function related to the redshift. These two generators are respectively defined as