1.College of Science, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China 2.Instituut-Lorentz for Theoretical Physics, Leiden University, Niels Bohrweg 2, Leiden 2333 CA, The Netherlands 3.Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China 4.School of Physics, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China 5.Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and System Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China 6.Hua Loo-Keng Key Laboratory of Mathematics, CAS, Beijing 100190, China 7.Institute of Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics, Shanxi Datong University, Datong 037009, China 8.School of Physics and Technology, University of Jinan, 336 West Road of Nan Xinzhuang, Jinan, Shandong 250022, China Received Date:2018-09-15 Available Online:2019-01-01 Abstract:Gravity/fluid correspondence acts as an important tool in investigating the strongly correlated fluids. We carefully investigate the holographic fluids at the finite cutoff surface by considering different boundary conditions in the scenario of gravity/fluid correspondence. We find that the sonic velocity of the boundary fluids at the finite cutoff surface is critical in clarifying the superficial similarity between the bulk viscosity and perturbation of the pressure for the holographic fluid, where we set a special boundary condition at the finite cutoff surface to explicitly express this superficial similarity. Moreover, we further take the sonic velocity into account to investigate a case with a more general boundary condition. In this more genaral case, although two parameters in the first order stress tensor of holographic fluid cannot be fixed, one can still extract the information about the transport coefficients by considering the sonic velocity seriously.
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2.Warm-up: The first order perturbative solution of the Schwarzschild-AdS black brane solutionWe make a concise review of the Schwarzschild-AdS black brane. The action of five-dimensional Einstein gravity with a negative cosmological constant Λ=?6/?2 is as follows:
where r+ is the location of horizon and positive root of f(r)=0. In the Eddington-Finkelstin coordinates, the black brane solution takes the following form.
Where, v=t+r* and r* is the tortoise coordinate satisfying dr*=dr/(r2f). Note that, the holographic fluid is investigated to reside at some cutoff hypersurface with constant radial coordinate r=rc (rc is a constant). It is helpful to make the following coordinate - Ctransformation: $v\to v/\sqrt{{r}_{c}^{2}f({r}_{c})}$ and xi → xi/rc in the solution (6), which makes the induced metric on the cutoff surface to be explicitly flat metric, i.e. the cutoff surface with metric ds2=?dv2+dx2+dy2+dz2. The Hawking temperature is expressed as $T={T}_{+}/\sqrt{{r}_{c}^{2}f({r}_{c})}$ with respect to the killing observer (?/?v)a in the new coordinate system; the Schwarzschild-AdS black brane solution then takes the following form.
Where, xμ=(v, xi) represents the boundary coordinates at the cutoff surface, Pμν is the projector onto spatial directions, velocities βi are constants, and the boundary indices (μ , ν ) are raised and lowered by using the Minkowski metric ημν, while the bulk indices are distinguished by (A, B). We define a useful tensor
while solutions of equation motions are equivalent to WAB=0. Viewed from the gravity/fluid correspondence scenario, one needs perturb the gravitational solutions in the bulk spacetime to obtain transport coefficients of holographic fluids like shear viscosity η. The general procedure is to promote the constant parameters βi and M in (8) to functions of boundary coordinates xμ, i.e. βi(xμ) and M(xμ) [11, 12]. Therefore, (8) will be no longer the solution of the field equation represented by (2) since the parameters now depend on the boundary coordinates and hence extra correction terms need to be added to make (8) a self-consistent solution. For the extra correction terms, we can just focus on the extra correction terms around the origin xμ=0; the first order extra correction terms around xμ=0 are [11] as given below.
where G(0), G(1) are the corresponding zero order and first order terms in GAB; αij(r) is in fact traceless for this background field gauge since Tr((G(0))?1G(1))=∑iαii. Note that, parameters around xμ = 0 expanded to the first order are
Where, βi(0) = 0 are assumed at the origin xμ = 0. Thus, after inserting the metric (8) with nonconstant parameters and (13) into WAB, the nonzero ?WAB is usually considered as the first order source term ${S}_{AB}^{(1)}$, while the first order perturbation solution around xμ = 0 can be obtained from the vanishing ${W}_{AB}=({\rm{effect}}\,{\rm{from}}\,{\rm{correction}})-{S}_{AB}^{(1)}$, which are casted into the Appendix A. Still, there are two constraint equations
Where, α(r) is $\alpha (r)={r}_{c}\sqrt{f({r}_{c})}\displaystyle {\int }_{{r}_{c}}^{r}\frac{{s}^{3}-{r}_{+}^{3}}{-{s}^{5}f(s)}{\rm{d}}s$, and Ch1, Ch2, Ck2, Ci1, and Ci2 are nine constants of integration.
3.The stress tensor of first order holographic fluid under different boundary conditions at the finite cutoff surfaceNote that the previous studies usually investigated the holographic fluid just residing at the UV boundary or infinite cutoff surface (i.e., rc to infinity) [11, 12]. Here, we will try to use the gravity/fluid correspondence to shed some insights on the holographic fluid at the finite cutoff surface, which can be considered as a simple generalization of the previous works. However, it should be emphasized that this generalization is nontrivial as the stress tensor of the holographic fluid at the finite cutoff surface is usually nonconformal and depends on the choice of boundary conditions. All these points can be seen more clearly in the following content. According to the gravity/fluid correspondence, the stress tensor Tμν of holographic fluid residing at the cutoff surface with the induced metric γμν is given by [22, 29, 44-48]
the extrinsic curvature is ${K}_{\mu \nu }=-\frac{1}{2}({\nabla }_{\mu }{n}_{\nu }+{\nabla }_{\nu }{n}_{\mu })$, and nμ is the unit normal vector of the constant hypersurface r=rc pointing toward the increasing r direction. In addition, the term Cγμν is usually related to the boundary counterterm added to cancel the divergence of the stress tensor Tμν when the boundary r=rc approaches infinity, for example, C=3 in the asymptotical AdS5 case. However, there is no divergence of the stress tensor in our case with finite boundary. In the following, we still add the boundary counterterm with C = 3 in the stress tensor simply because we require our result to reduce to the previous result when rc goes to infinity [11, 12, 42, 43]. Therefore, after obtaining the first order perturbative solution in the bulk, we can obtain the general formula of stress tensor Tμν of the holographic fluid at the cutoff surface, i.e. around the origin xμ=0
Obviously, the further explicit results of the first order stress tensor depend on several conditions and hence extract the information of transport coefficients. In the following, we will carefully investigate the boundary conditions; particularly, the boundary condition related to h(rc)will be investigated as the cases under this boundary condition are complicated. Moreover, this boundary condition can be relaxed to arbitrary at the finite cutoff surface, which has not been investigated before. 23.1.Boundary condition with h(rc)=0
3.1.Boundary condition with h(rc)=0
It is clear that one can fix the nine parameters Ch1, Ch2, Ck2, Ci1, and Ci2 in (16) to extract the exact transport coefficients of first order holographic fluid at the finite cutoff surface in (20). Therefore, several conditions can be assumed. In fact, the Dirichlet boundary condition is usually chosen in (11) like [24, 38, 42, 43]
In addition, the following condition can be chosen.
since ${T}_{vi}^{(1)}=0$ is a gauge choice usually considered in the Landau frame, i.e. ${T}_{vv}^{(1)}={T}_{vi}^{(1)}=0$ which corresponds that the velocity uμ is identified as the 4-velocity of energy of the relativistic fluid or a (normalized) time-like eigenvector of Tμν. Therefore, one final condition is needed to fix the nine parameters. Note that, obviously, the final condition can be chosen as ${T}_{vv}^{(1)}=0$, which is just the Landau frame case with (22), and the corresponding results have been explicitly obtained in the Appendix B. However, from (20), we find that ${T}_{vv}^{(1)}=0$ under (21) just corresponds to a special boundary condition related to h′(rc), while ${T}_{vv}^{(1)}$ will be nonzero for many other boundary condition cases, i.e. h′(rc)=0. Therefore, it will be interesting to investigate another special boundary condition case, i.e., h(rc)=0 and h′(rc) is kept as an arbitrary constant. Moreover, one will find that this special boundary condition will also be critical to explicitly see the superficial similarity between the bulk viscosity and perturbation of pressure in the stress tensor of the holographic fluid, while ${T}_{vv}^{(1)}=0$ case is a little more difficult to note this superficial similarity. Therefore, in the following, we will just focus on carefully investigating the stress tensor of holographic fluid under this case of special boundary conditions. From (16), it is easy to find that keeping h′(rc) as an arbitrary constant is equivalent to keeping the parameter Ch1 as an arbitrary constant. Therefore, the other eight parameters Ch2, Ck2, Ci1, and Ci2 can be solved from (21) and (22), which are all expressed in Ch1
Note that if the fluid is not considered under the Landau frame, usually the stress tensor of holographic fluid at the cutoff surface with the induced metric γμν = ημν can be written in the following general form [41].
and ζ′ is a shift of the local energy density by the expansion of the fluid, while κ is the heat conductivity. In our case, if we still consider the fluid with the velocity in (9), the above form of stress tensor can be represented as given below.
where av=0, ai=?vβi around xμ=0 has been used in our case and the ${T}_{vi}^{(1)}\ne 0$ can be cancelled by the gauge choice in (22); in addition, it should be pointed out that here ρ and p can contain the first order terms with respect to the derivative of velocity although the stress tensor form looks like the form under the Landau frame. A comparison between the results of (24) and (27) makes it easy to identify the energy density ρ and shear viscosity η. However, a superficial similarity between the pressure p and bulk viscosity ζ is explicitly seen in this case. Note that, from (19), the zero order pressure and energy density of dual fluid are ${p}_{0}=\frac{-4M+2(3-3\sqrt{f({r}_{c})}){r}_{c}^{4}}{{r}_{c}^{4}\sqrt{f({r}_{c})}}$, ${\rho }_{0}=2(3-3\sqrt{f({r}_{c})})$, and hence the entropy density s of dual fluid can be computed through the following equation
which is consistent with the entropy density of the black brane solution (7) with 16πG = 1 recovered, and it is convenient to check this equation if we express p0 and T in the functions of r+. Furthermore, it can be easily checked that the familiar thermodynamic relation still holds on the arbitrary cutoff surface for the zero order pressure and energy density.
${\rho }_{0}+{p}_{0}-Ts=0,$
where T is the temperature of the dual fluid related to the Hawking temperature of the black brane solution by $T={T}_{+}/\sqrt{{r}_{c}^{2}f({r}_{c})}$. Therefore, the precise underlying superficial similarity, is in fact, between the perturbation of pressure p and the bulk viscosity ζ, i.e., the term proportional to ?kβk in ${T}_{ij}^{(1)}$ in (24) belongs to the perturbation of pressure or the bulk viscosity. For example, there can be two simple different choices, the first choice is
However, (30) and (31) cannot satisfy the thermodynamic relation between energy density and pressure at the same time. In addition, the bulk viscosity should be only one number in the same boundary condition case. Moreover, the bulk viscosity can increase the total entropy of fluid and hence, it is different from the other pressure term although sometimes it is also considered as the effective pressure. Therefore, we should use an underlying method to extract the physical information of the holographic fluids. In fact, after a careful consideration, we will find that there are two subtleties in the first choice or consideration (30). First, the ${T}_{vv}^{(1)}=0$ case as a special case contained in (24) has been explicitly shown in the Appendix B, and the bulk viscosity is zero, which will not be consistent with the results in the first choice with a nonzero bulk viscosity in (30). Second, the Ch1 term in (30) can be also considered as the bulk viscosity term, particularly when it is also proportional to ?kβk in some boundary condition case and hence, there is an underlying ambiguity for the choice of bulk viscosity related to the term Ch1 in (30). Therefore, for further obtaining the true transport coefficients particular the bulk viscosity, one needs find out a method. In the following, we will propose a method by checking the underlying consistency in (30) or (31) with the thermodynamic relation between energy density and pressure, i.e. through the studies of sonic velocity cs between the perturbations of energy density and pressure. As we know, the first order term in ρ can also be considered as the perturbation of energy density δρ, while this perturbation of energy density usually deduces the perturbation of pressure of fluid δp. In our case, using the above explicit expressions of zero order pressure p0 and energy density ρ0 of holographic fluid, we can easily further obtain ${p}_{0}=-\frac{{\rho }_{0}(6+{\rho }_{0})}{3(-6+{\rho }_{0})}$. Therefore, the perturbations of energy density and pressure should satisfy the underlying thermodynamic relation through the sonic velocity cs, i.e. $\delta p={c}_{s}^{2}\delta \rho $, while the square of sonic velocity can be easily obtained from the following expression.
where the zero order energy density ρ0 and pressure p0 have been used and the derivative is usually taken for an adiabatic process, i.e. the constant entropy density $s=\frac{{r}_{+}^{3}}{4G{r}_{c}^{3}}$ situation. In our case, we check that the perturbations of energy density δρ and pressure δp should be
Therefore, it is obvious and interesting to find that the second choice (31) will be the right choice as it satisfies the underlying thermodynamic relation between the perturbations of energy density and pressure through the sonic velocity, i.e. $\delta p=\frac{(2M+{r}_{c}^{4})}{3(-2M+{r}_{c}^{4})}\delta \rho ={c}_{s}^{2}\delta \rho $. In addition, this choice is also consistent with the ${T}_{vv}^{(1)}=0$ case with zero bulk viscosity in the Appendix B. Note that our proposal of taking the sonic velocity into account also implicates that the true bulk viscosity ζT should not be ζ but ${\zeta }_{T}=\zeta -{\zeta }^{\prime}(\frac{\partial p}{\partial \rho })=\zeta -{c}_{s}^{2}{\zeta }^{\prime}$ in (25), which is consistent with the discussion in [49], where a frame invariant scalar related to the bulk viscosity has been defined in (2.10) and later explicitly obtained in (2.24). 23.2.Boundary with h(rc)≠0 -->
3.2.Boundary with h(rc)≠0
In the above subsection, we have proposed a method to clarify the superficial similarity between the bulk viscosity and perturbation of the pressure. Note that while using the Dirichlet boundary condition (21), the main underlying simple reason is to keep a well-defined boosted transformation at the finite cutoff surface, r=rc, i.e. γμν=ημν. However, after a careful observation at the corrected metric (11), we find that the condition h(rc)=0 in (21) can be relaxed as h(rc) ≠0, which also keeps a well-defined boosted transformation at the finite cutoff surface r=rc. The cost is that the traceless condition in (12) Tr((G(0))?1G(1))=0 has been broken as
where we have used the deduced condition ${\alpha }_{xx}({r}_{c})={\alpha }_{yy}({r}_{c})={\alpha }_{zz}({r}_{c})=\frac{2}{3}h({r}_{c})$ from the order γμν = ημν. In addition, for the corrected metric in (11) with a non-traceless αij(r), i.e. ∑iαii(r)≠0, the new components of tensor WAB = (effect from correction)?SAB become more complicated, which have also been expressed in Appendix C. However, from these new components WAB, we find that the solutions h(r), k(r), and ji(r) are the same as those from (16), while αij(r) can be instead as
where $B(r)=\displaystyle {\sum }_{i}{\alpha }_{ii}^{\prime}(r)$. Therefore, from the Dirichlet boundary condition, k(rc) = 0, ji(rc) = 0 and ${T}_{vx}^{(1)}=0$ in (21) and (22), we can obtain the parameters Ck2, Ci1, and Ci2
where Ch1 and Ch2 are arbitrary parameters related to the unfixed h(rc) and B(r) will be found to be zero in this case. Substituting (37) into (36), i.e. the nonzero first order stress tensor of holographic fluid at finite cutoff surface, one can obtain
where the condition $b=\frac{2}{3}h({r}_{c})$ has been used to keep ${\alpha }_{xx}({r}_{c})={\alpha }_{yy}({r}_{c})={\alpha }_{zz}({r}_{c})=\frac{2}{3}h({r}_{c})$. From these results and taking the method into account, one will be surprised that precise transport coefficients can still be extracted although some parameters have not been fixed, i.e. Ch1 and Ch2. The bulk viscosity is still zero in this more general boundary condition case with h(rc) ≠0.
Appendix A: The tensor components of WAB and SABThe tensor components of WAB=(effect from correction)-SAB are
Thus, the dual fluid obtained at the finite cutoff surface is not conformal because the trace of Tμν is nonzero, i.e. ρ=3p has been broken. This result is consistent with that in Ref. [26], and expected from the fact that the conformal symmetry has been broken with a finite radial coordinate in the bulk. In addition, as rc→∞, the results in (7) is $s=\frac{{r}_{+}^{3}}{4G{r}_{c}^{3}}$ and after substituting the coefficient 16πG in η, we can easily find that η/s=1/(4π), which is consistent with the well-known η/s result for the dual fluid at the infinite boundary in the Einstein gravity [11, 12, 18, 19, 42].
Appendix C: New tensor components of WAB and SABFor the corrected metric in (11) with a nontraceless αij(r) i.e., ∑iαii(r)≠0, we can obtain the new tensor components of WAB=(effect from correction)-SAB as