Thermal production of charmonia in Pb-Pb collisions at \begin{document}${ \sqrt{{ s}_{\bf{ {\rm
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01
Baoyi Chen1,2, , 1.Department of Physics, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China 2.Institut für Theoretische Physik, Goethe-Universit?t Frankfurt, Max-von-Laue-Str. 1, D-60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Received Date:2019-07-09 Available Online:2019-12-01 Abstract:This work uses the Boltzmann transport model to study the thermal production of $J/\psi$ and $\psi(2S)$ in the quark gluon plasma (QGP) produced by $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=5.02$ TeV Pb-Pb collisions. The $J/\psi$ nuclear modification factors are studied in detail alongside the mechanisms of primordial production and the recombination of charm and anti-charm quarks in the thermal medium. The $\psi(2S)$ binding energy is much smaller in the hot medium compared to the ground state; thus, $\psi(2S)$ with middle to low $p_{\rm T}$ can be thermally regenerated in the later stages of QGP expansions, enabling $\psi(2S)$ to inherit larger collective flows from the bulk medium. We quantitatively study the nuclear modification factors of both $J/\psi$ and $\psi(2S)$ in different centralities and transverse momentum bins for $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=5.02$ TeV Pb-Pb collisions.
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2.Transport model and hydrodynamicsHeavy quarkonium evolution in phase-space has, though the use of Boltzmann transport models, been well-studied for hot deconfined mediums in the SPS [9] and LHC [29, 30], for both p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions. Focusing on hot-medium effects, one can start quarkonium evolutions after their production in hard-scattering processes. The three-dimensional transport equation for charmonium evolution is simplified as,
$ f_{\Psi} $ is the Ψ phase-space density. y and η are the rapidities in momentum and coordinate space, respectively. $ { v}_{\rm T} = { p}_{\rm T}/E_{\rm T} = { p}_{\rm T}/\sqrt{m_{\Psi}^2+p_{\rm T}^2} $ is the transverse velocity of charmonium, which represents the leakage effects for a cooling system with finite size, i.e., charmonia with large velocities tend to escape from the thermal medium instead of dissociating. Primordially-produced charmonia in the initial hadronic collisions suffer color screening effects and parton inelastic scatterings, which are both included in the decay rate $ \alpha_{\Psi} $,
where $ E_{\rm g} $ and $ f_{\rm g} $ are gluon energy and density in the thermal medium, respectively. $ F_{{\rm g}\Psi} $ is the flux factor. In the expanding QGP, $ u^\mu $ represents the four-velocity of the fluid. The gluonic Ψ cross-section in a vacuum is extracted from the perturbative calculation with a Coulomb potential approximation. For the thermal medium, this paper takes a similar approach to Ref. [9], using a reduced charmonium binding energy of the form,
with $ A_0 = (2^{11}\pi/27)(m_c^3\epsilon_{\Psi})^{-1/2} $ and $ \epsilon_{\Psi} $ representing the binding energy of Ψ. The charm quark mass is taken as the mass of a D meson, to fit the binding energy of charmonium in a vacuum. $ w = p_{\Psi}^\mu p_{{\rm g}\mu}/m_{\Psi} $ is the gluon energy in the Ψ rest-frame. In Fig.1, the $ J/\psi $ decay rate $ \alpha_{\Psi} $ is compared with the quasi-free dissociation rate [27]. Most $ J/\psi $s can survive in the relatively low temperature region, and two different transport models of the decay rate present similar final results for the region $ T<300 $ MeV, where most QGP and charmonia are located [7, 30]. Figure1.$ J/\psi $ decay rate in the thermal medium as a function of temperature T. The decay rate from quasi-free dissociation is shown for comparison. The solid line is from the improved version of the transport model, developed by TSINGHUA Group [9, 10, 31], and the dotted line is from the calculations of TAMU Group [6, 7, 27].
The heavy quark potential $ V(r,T) $ can be partially screened by the thermal medium, especially at the large distances and high temperatures suggested by lattice QCD calculations [32]. Charmonium bound states may disappear sequentially in the static medium. The maximum survival temperature of a certain bound state is called the "dissociation temperature" $ T_{\rm d} $, above this the bound state disappears. In nuclear collisions, the assumption that no bound states survive at $ T>T_{\rm d} $ strongly suppresses the $ \psi(2S) $ production, where no excited states can survive inside the QGP at $ T>T_{\rm d}^{\chi_c,\psi(2S)}\approx 1.1T_{\rm c} $. Similarly to fast cooling systems, charmonium states might survive in the region $ T>T_{\rm d} $ if the medium quickly cools down to below $ T_{\rm d} $. In this work, the approximation of $ \alpha_{\Psi}(T>T_{\rm d}) = +\infty $ employed in [33] is replaced by a large but finite value, shown in Fig.1. The new decay rate increases the survival probability of excited states, and weakly affects the production of $ J/\psi $s due to their large $ T_{\rm d} $. The $ \psi(2S) $ decay rate is extracted from the nuclear geometry scale, $ \alpha_{\psi(2S)} = \alpha_{J/\psi}\times \langle r\rangle^2_{\psi(2S)}/\langle r\rangle^2_{J/\psi} $, and $ \chi_c $ is found in a similar way. The mean radius of charmonia in a vacuum is calculated with the potential model $ \langle r\rangle_{J/\psi, \chi_c,\psi(2S)} = (0.5, 0.72, 0.9) $ fm [14]. At LHC energies, many charm pairs are also produced in Pb-Pb collisions, which can significantly increase the recombination of uncorrelated charm and anti-charm quarks in the QGP. This process is included in Eq.(1) by the term $ \beta_{\Psi} $. The regeneration rate depends on both charm and anti-charm quark densities in the QGP, and also their recombination probability. At high temperatures, charmonium binding energies are reduced significantly, which suppresses the regeneration probability of charmonium. As $ \psi(2S) $s are loosely bound, they are thermally produced in the hadronization of QGP. Charm quarks with color charges strongly couple with the QGP and lose energy. In relativistic heavy ion collisions, large quench factors and collective flows for charmed mesons have been observed [34–36]. Therefore, one can approximately take the kinetically thermalized phase-space distribution for charm quarks as being at $ \tau\geqslant \tau_0 $, where $ \tau_0 $ is the time-scale of the QGP local equilibrium [37]. As heavy quarks are rarely produced in the thermal medium due to their large masses, the total number of charm pairs is conserved with spatial diffusions inside the QGP [38]. The spatial density is controlled by the conservation equation.
$ \partial_{\mu}(\rho_{\rm c}u^\mu) = 0. $
The initial charm quark density at $ \tau_0 $ is obtained from nuclear geometry,
where $ T_A $ and $ T_B $ are the thickness functions of two colliding nuclei, with the definition $ T_{A(B)}({ x}_{\rm T}) = $$ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} {\rm d}z\rho_{A(B)}({ x}_{\rm T},z) $. $ \rho_{A(B)}({ x}_{\rm T},z) $ is understood to be the Woods-Saxon nuclear density. The rapidity distribution of charm pairs in $ \sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 5.02 $ TeV pp collisions is obtained by interpolation of the experimental data for 2.76 TeV and 7 TeV collisions, $ {\rm d}\sigma_{\rm pp}^{c\bar c}/{\rm d}y = 0.86 $ mb in the central rapidity region $ |y|<0.9 $, and 0.56 mb in the forward rapidity region $ 2.5<|y|<4 $ [39]. The momentum distribution of charmonium primordially produced in A-A collisions is scaled from its distribution in pp collisions. The parametrization of the charmonium initial distribution at 5.02 TeV is similar to the form it takes at 2.76 TeV,
The charmonium rapidity differential cross-section at 5.02 TeV is $ {\rm d}\sigma_{\rm pp}^{J/\psi}/{\rm d}y = $ 5.0 μb in the central rapidity $ |y|<1 $, and 3.25 μb in the forward rapidity $ 2.5<|y|<4 $, these were found through an interpolation between the experimental results for 2.76 TeV [40] and 7 TeV [41] pp collisions. $ f_{J/\psi}^{\rm{Norm}}(p_{\rm T}|y) $ is the normalized transverse momentum distribution of charmonium with rapidity y. The mean squared transverse momentum $ \langle p_{\rm T}^2\rangle $ and the parameter n are calculated as $ \langle p_{\rm T}^2\rangle_{\rm pp}|_{y = 0} = 12.5\ {\rm{(GeV/c)^2}} $ and $ n = 3.2 $. For the charmonium momentum distribution in other rapidities, which have less constraints, $ \langle p_{\rm T}^2\rangle_{\rm pp}(y) $ is determined by the relation,
where $ y_{\rm{max}} = \cosh^{-1}(\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}/(2E_{\rm T})) $, and is the maximum rapidity of charmonium in pp collisions with zero transverse momentum. As the masses of charmonium excited states ($ \chi_c,\psi(2S) $) are similar to $ J/\psi $s, their initial momentum distributions are approximated to be the same as those in Eqs.(6,7). In nuclear collisions, the charmonium initial distribution is also modified by shadowing effects in the nucleus [42, 43]. This paper employs the EPS09 NLO model [44] to generate the modification factors for primordially-produced charmonium in $ \sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 5.02 $ TeV Pb-Pb collisions. This suppression factor is $ \sim 0.8 $ depending on the impact parameter. For the regeneration, shadowing effects reduce the number of charm pairs by around 20%, and suppress the regeneration by a factor of $ \sim 0.8^2 $. The expanding QGP background of charmonium evolution is simulated with the (2+1)-dimensional ideal hydrodynamic equations in the transverse plane, under the assumption of Bjorken expansion in the longitudinal direction.
$ \partial_{\mu} T^{\mu\nu} = 0 , $
$ T^{\mu\nu} = (e+p)u^\mu u^\nu -g^{\mu\nu}p $, and is the energy-momentum tensor. e and p are the energy density and pressure, respectively. $ u^\mu $ is the four-velocity of the QGP fluid, which can affect charm quark spatial diffusions through Eq.(4) as well as charmonium regeneration. It also determines the collective flows of light hadrons, charmed mesons and regenerated charmonia. The deconfined matter is treated as an ideal gas of massless gluons, u and d quarks and strange quarks with mass $ m_{\rm s} = 150 $ MeV [45]. Hadron gas is an ideal gas made up of all known hadrons and resonances with masses of up to 2 GeV [46]. The two phases are connected by a first-order phase transition with a critical temperature of $ T_{\rm c} = 170 $ MeV. The initial maximum temperature of the QGP is calculated as $ T_0({ x}_{rm T} = 0, \tau_0) = 510 $ MeV in the central rapidity $ |y|<2.4 $, and 450 MeV in the forward rapidity $ 2.5<|y|<4 $. Here $ \tau_0 = 0.6 $ fm/c, and is the time-scale for the QGP to reach local equilibrium [37]. The lifetime of QGP is $ \sim 10 $ fm/c for the most central Pb-Pb collisions at $ \sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 5.02 $ TeV.