1.School of Physics, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan 450001, China 2.Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China 3.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 101408, China 4.School of Physics and Nuclear Energy Engineering and International Research Center for Nuclei and Particles in the Cosmos, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China 5.Departamento de Física Teórica and IFIC, Centro Mixto Universidad de Valencia-CSIC Institutos de Investigación de Paterna, Aptdo. 22085, 46071 Valencia, Spain Received Date:2019-07-10 Available Online:2019-11-01 Abstract:We investigate the $ J/\psi \phi $ invariant mass distribution in the $ e^+e^-\to \gamma J/\psi\phi $ reaction at a center-of-mass energy of $ \sqrt{s} = 4.6 $ GeV measured by the BESIII collaboration, which concluded that no significant signals were observed for $ e^+e^- \to \gamma X(4140) $ because of the low statistics. We show, however, that the $ J/\psi \phi $ invariant mass distribution is compatible with the existence of the $ X(4140) $ state, appearing as a peak, and a strong cusp structure at the $ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $ threshold, resulting from the molecular nature of the $ X(4160) $ state, which provides a substantial contribution to the reaction. This is consistent with our previous analysis of the $ B^+\to J/\psi\phi K^+ $ decay measured by the LHCb collaboration. We strongly suggest further measurements of this process with more statistics to clarify the nature of the $ X(4140) $ and $ X(4160) $ resonances.
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2.1.$ J/\psi\phi $ production mechanism
$ J/\psi \phi $, a system of two vector mesons containing a $ c\bar{c} $ pair, interacts strongly with other vector-vector systems, in particular with those containing a $ c\bar{c} $ pair. This interaction is addressed in Ref. [6], and several states were found that are dynamically generated by the interaction in the coupled channels $ D^*\bar{D}^* $, $ D^*_s \bar{D}^*_s $, $ K^*\bar{K}^* $, $ \rho\rho $, $ \omega\omega $, $ \phi\phi $, $ J/\psi J/\psi $, $ \omega J/\psi $, $ \phi J/\psi $, $ \omega \phi $, $ \rho\omega $, $ \rho \phi $, and $ \rho J/\psi $. One finds three states to which $ J/\psi \phi $ couples: the $ 0^+(0^{++}) $ state denoted as $ Y(3940) $, the $ 0^+(2^{++}) $ state denoted as $ Z(3930) $, and the $ 0^+(2^{++}) $ state denoted as $ X(4160) $. $ Y(3940) $ couples mostly to $ D^*\bar{D}^* $, $ Z(3930) $ also couples mostly to $ D^*\bar{D}^* $, and $ X(4160) $ couples mostly to $ D^*_s \bar{D}^*_s $. The coupling to $ J/\psi\phi $ is also three times stronger for $ X(4160) $ than for the other two states. This feature, plus the fact that the two light resonances are about $ 200 \sim 300 $ MeV below the range of invariant mass of the $ J/\psi \phi $ system $ M_{\rm inv}(J/\psi\phi) $ in the BESIII experiment, means that the $ X(4160) $ state is the only one playing a relevant role in this reaction. In Ref. [4], the $ J/\psi\phi $ invariant mass distribution in the $ B^+\to J/\psi\phi K^+ $ reaction from the threshold to about 4250 MeV [7,8] is described by considering the contributions of the $ X(4140) $ and $ X(4160) $ states, which means that both $ X(4140) $ and $ X(4160) $ play an important role in $ J/\psi\phi $ production. Thus, we extend in the present work the mechanism developed in Ref. [4] to the following $ J/\psi\phi $ production reaction,
where $ \epsilon_\mu $, $ \epsilon_\alpha $, $ \epsilon_\gamma $, and $ \epsilon_\beta $ are the polarization vectors for the virtual photon $ \gamma^* $, outgoing photon $ \gamma $, $ J/\psi $, and $ \phi $, respectively. The BESIII collaboration measured the process $ e^+e^- \to \gamma \phi J/\psi $ at $ \sqrt{s} = 4.6 $ GeV, which determines the energy of the virtual photon. The Feynman diagrams for the process are depicted in Fig. 1. This reaction can proceed through the $ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $ interaction, which dynamically generates the $ X(4160) $ resonance, as depicted in Fig. 1(a), and also through the intermediate $ X(4140) $ resonance of Fig. 1(b). Obviously, in the neighborhood of the $ X(4140) $ and $ X(4160) $ resonances, the tree level term, proportional to the phase space, is small compared to the resonance terms, and therefore we neglect its contribution. Figure1. (color online) Feynman diagrams for the $e^+e^- \to \gamma J/\psi\phi$ process. (a) the contribution of the $D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s$ molecular state $X(4160)$ contained in the $D^*_s \bar{D}^*_s \to J/\psi\phi$ vertex, (b) the contribution of the $X(4140)$ resonance.
Let us look at the amplitude of the process depicted in Fig. 1(a). We have,
where $ A' $ is an unknown constant for the vertex $ \gamma\gamma^*\to D_s^*\bar{D}_s^* $, P ($ \equiv \sqrt{s} $) is the $ e^+e^- $ total momentum, $ t_{D_s^*\bar{D}_s^*,\phi J/\psi} $ is the transition matrix element from $ D_s^*\bar{D}_s^* $ to $ \phi J/\psi $, which is evaluated with coupled channels in Ref. [6] and contains the resonant structure of the state, and q is the momentum of $ D^*_s $. $ {\cal{D}}(q) $ is the vector meson propagator, without the $ (-g_{\rho\rho'}+q_\rho q_{\rho'}/M_{D^*_s}^2) $ term, which comes from the sum over polarizations $ \epsilon_\rho \epsilon_{\rho'} $, and $ t^\mu_{e^+e^-} $ is the $ e^+e^-\gamma^* $ vertex given in Ref. [16],
with $ u_{r'} $ ($ p_2 $), $ v_r $ ($ p_1 $) the four spinors (momenta) of $ e^- $ and $ e^+ $, respectively. We immediately find for the average over $ e^+e^- $ polarizations,
The $ {\rm i} \int \displaystyle\frac{{\rm d}^4q}{(2\pi)^4}{\cal{D}}{\cal{D}} $ term in Eq. (2) gives rise to the loop function $ G_{D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s} $, which is a function of $ M_{\rm inv}(\phi J/\psi) $. Since we know the $ D_s^*\bar{D}_s^* \to \phi J/\psi $ transition amplitude and loop function in the $ \phi J/\psi $ rest frame, we shall work in that frame in what follows. In Eq. (2), we have written the generic polarization vectors for the external particles $ \gamma $, $ \phi $, $ J/\psi $. Next, we look at the spin structure. Since the resonance $ X(4160) $ is $ 2^{++} $ coming from the vector in s-wave, the generic polarization vector for $ D_s^*\bar{D}_s^* \to \phi J/\psi $ becomes,
where the indices $ \beta $, $ \gamma $, m and $ m' $ are now spatial $ (1,2,3) $, since we are neglecting the $ \epsilon^0 $ component of these vectors. This can be done because the three momenta of these vectors are much smaller than their masses. A detailed evaluation of the accuracy of this approximation is done in Ref. [17] (see Appendix A of that work), with the conclusion that, for a problem like the present one, the error omitting $ \epsilon^0 $ is of the order of 1%. This approximation can be extended to the vector polarizations in the $ D_s^*\bar{D}_s^* $ propagator, since $ {\rm d}^3 \vec{q} $ is restricted to momenta $ |\vec{q}\; |<q_{\rm max} $, with $ q_{\rm max} \simeq 600 \sim 700 $ MeV. Furthermore, most of the contribution to the integral comes from momenta lower than $ q_{\rm max} $ [18-20]. For the $ D^*_s $ propagator, we can now write the structure of the polarization vectors,
and as a consequence, the tensor structure $ \epsilon_{\beta}\epsilon_{\gamma} $ of Eq. (6) is translated to $ \epsilon_\rho \epsilon_\sigma $ of Eq. (2) that couples to $ \gamma $$ \gamma^* $. For $ \gamma $ and $ \gamma^* $, we can also have the s-wave and this forces the structure,
where $ \beta $, $ \gamma $, n are also spatial indices. The $ \gamma^* $ propagator in Eq. (2), after summing over polarizations (virtual photon), gives,
with spatial indices $ \beta $, $ \gamma $. In principle, conserving the total spin and parity, we can also have $ L = 2 $ and spin zero, which corresponds to a structure,
with $ \lambda(x,y,z) = x^2+y^2+z^2-2xy-2yz-2xz $. To compare with the former structure, we must make the amplitude of Eq. (10) dimensionless, which means that $ \vec{p} \to \vec{p}/M_{J/\psi} $, or $ \vec{p}/M_{D^*_s} $, or $ \vec{p}/M_\phi $. In either case, the contribution of this term to $ |{{\cal{M}}}^{(a)}_{J/\psi \phi}|^2 $ is very small ($ \sim 10^{-2}- 10^{-4} $) and can be neglected. This conclusion leads to the general rule that reactions proceed with the smallest possible value of L. This is a consequence of the factor $ \vec{p}^{\,2} $ that introduces a $ M_{\rm inv}(\phi J/\psi) $ dependence in Eq. (11), apart from the one we shall discuss next, but is in any case smooth and does not distort the resonant shapes induced by the resonances. With the above conclusion, the amplitude of Eq. (2) takes the form,
where the sum over repeated indices is implied. We sum next over the polarizations of $ \phi $, $ J/\psi $, but not $ \gamma $, and the indices j, $ j' $. One can do the explicit exercise, but it is unnecessary because the only indices that remain are l and s, and the only polarization vectors left are the two $ \epsilon(\gamma) $. There can be only two possible combinations,
where the external $ \gamma $ momentum $ \vec{p} $ in the rest frame of the $ \phi J/\psi $ system is given by Eq. (11), and we have taken explicitly into account the two transverse polarizations of the external photon. Thus finally,
with $ \delta_{ls}-\displaystyle\frac{p_l p_s}{\vec{p}^{\,2}} $ replaced by $ 2\delta_{ls} $ in the second case of Eq. (20). The contribution of the two parentheses of Eq. (21) gives,
As mentioned, the calculations are done in the $ \phi J/\psi $ reference frame, hence, $ p_1 $, $ p_2 $, $ E_1 $, $ E_2 $ in the former equations are evaluated in that frame. It is easy to relate them with the momenta $ p'_1 $, $ p'_2 $ of $ e^+ $, $ e^- $ in the $ e^+e^- $ rest frame. Indeed, to pass from this frame to the $ \phi J/\psi $ rest frame, we use the velocity of $ \phi J/\psi $ in the $ e^+e^- $ frame,
For the average of $ M(\phi J/\psi) $ in the range of our study, we find $ |\vec{v}|\simeq 0.09 $. This is a non-relativistic velocity in the sense that $ \vec{v}^{\,2} $ can be neglected, and $ \sqrt{1-\vec{v}^{\,2}} \simeq 1 $. Actually we find,
where $ \theta $ is the angle between $ \vec{p}^{\,\prime}_1 $ and $ \vec{p} $. After the phase space integration, $ {\rm cos}^2\theta $ becomes $ 1/3 $. What matters from this result is that since,
and the square of the photon propagator $ 1/{P^4} $ in Eq. (21) is $ 1/{s^2} $, $ |{\cal{M}}^{(a)}_{J/\psi \phi}|^2 $ from Eq. (16) goes as $ 1/s $ and the only $ M_{\rm inv}(\phi J/\psi) $ dependence comes exclusively from $ |\tilde{{\cal{M}}}^{(a)}_{J/\psi\phi}|^2 $. For the term $ 6E_1E_2-2 \vec{p}_1\cdot\vec{p}_2 $ in Eq. (23) we find the same result, and neglecting $ m^2_e $ and $ \vec{v}^{\,2} $ it becomes $ 6 \left( \vec{p}^{\,\prime}_1 \right)^2 +2\left( \vec{p}^{\,\prime}_1 \right)^2 $, independent of $ M_{\rm inv}(\phi J/\psi) $. In Ref. [6], dimensional regularization was used for the G loop function appearing in Eq. (12). It was pointed out in Ref. [21] that the G function in the charm sector can eventually become positive below the threshold and give rise to the pole $ (V^{-1}-G) $ with a repulsive potential, which is physically unacceptable. This is not the case in Ref. [6]. Here, we use the cut-off method with a fixed $ q_{\rm max} = 630 $ MeV such that it gives the same value at the pole position as G with the dimensional regularization used in Ref. [6]. We also use the dimensional regularization form to evaluate uncertainties in the formalism. With the couplings of $ X(4160)(\equiv X_1) $ to $ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $ and $ J/\psi\phi $ obtained in Ref. [6], the amplitude for the $ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s \to J/\psi \phi $ transition has the following form,
where $ \tilde{p}_\phi $ and $ \tilde{p}_{D^*_s} $ are the $ \phi $ and $ D^*_s $ momenta in the rest frame of $ J/\psi\phi $ and $ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $, respectively,
Let us mention in passing that the couplings in Eq. (32), as obtained in Ref. [6], are complex. This is a consequence of the use of a unitary scheme in the coupled channels, but not in the individual channels. This is common to all unitary coupled channel studies [6,18-20,22-26]. Hence, it should not be surprising that individual diagonal amplitudes are not unitary. Nevertheless, note that in the non-diagonal amplitude of Eq. (32), the imaginary parts are small and their role in $ |{\cal{M}}^{(a)}_{J/\psi \phi}|^2 $ is basically negligible. Let us now discuss the role of the other resonance. $ J/\psi\phi $ can also be produced via the $ X(4140) $ ($ 1^{++} $) resonance, as depicted in Fig. 1(b). Taking suitable operators for the vertex of $ X(4140) $ [$ \equiv X_2 $] to $ \gamma^*\gamma $
where $ M_{X_2} = 4135 $ MeV and $ \Gamma_{X_2} = 19 $ MeV, the same as those of Ref. [4], and $ B' $ corresponds to the strength of the contribution of the $ X(4140) $ resonance term. We can now proceed as in the former case and show also that after the boost, $ \sum_{\rm pol} t^\mu_{e^+e^-} t^{\nu*}_{e^+e^-} $ of Eq. (5) only depends on s and not on $ M_{\rm inv}(\phi J/\psi) $. In this case, one could have a p-wave coupling to $ \gamma^*\gamma $, which introduces a factor p in the $ {{\cal{M}}}_{J/\psi\phi}^{(b)} $ amplitude that depends smoothly on $ M_{\rm inv}(\phi J/\psi) $. For the same reasons as before, this term should be very small and we neglect it. Also, since the $ X(4140) $ resonance is very narrow, the change of p in the range of the resonance is very small and its effect in the $ M_{\rm inv}(\phi J/\psi) $ dependence would anyway be negligible. Another relevant aspect for the present work is that the two structures $ \tilde{{\cal{P}}}^{(a)}_{l,j}(\phi J/\psi) $ and $ {\cal{P}}^{(b)} $ do not interfere when one sums over polarizations of all final states, since $ \epsilon(\phi) \times \epsilon(J/\psi) $ is antisymmetric in the vectors, while $ \tilde{{\cal{P}}}^{(a)}_{l,j} $ of Eq. (15) is symmetric. Finally, the $ J/\psi\phi $ invariant mass distribution in the process $ e^+e^- \to \gamma J/\psi \phi $ can be written as,
where we incorporate in A and B the factors $ A' $ and $ B' $, the terms from the $ e^+e^- $ vertex and photon propagator, the factors from the sum over vector polarizations, and the factors of the formula for the cross-section of $ e^+e^- $, all of which are independent of $ M_{\rm inv}(\phi J/\psi) $. It should be pointed out that we neglect the mechanism for $ J/\psi\phi $ produced primarily from the virtual photon decay, with the $ J/\psi\phi $ intermediate state instead of $ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $ in Fig. 1(a), which would involve an extra factor $ g_{J/\psi\phi}/g_{D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s} $ in the amplitude of Fig. 1(a). We expect that it provides a small contribution compared with that of Fig. 1(a). 22.2.$ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $ production mechanism -->
2.2.$ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $ production mechanism
As the $ X(4160) $ state mainly couples to the $ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $ channel according to Ref. [6], it is interesting to predict the $ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $ mass distribution in the process $ e^+e^-\to \gamma D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $, which can be used to test the relevance of the $ X(4160) $ resonance. The mechanism of this process is depicted in Fig. 2. In addition to the contribution of the $ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $ molecular state $ X(4160) $, as shown in Fig. 2(b), we also take into account the tree level term of Fig. 2(a), which is small compared to the $ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $ interaction term in the region around the $ X(4160) $ resonance. Since the threshold of $ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $ is about 60 MeV higher than the $ X(4160) $ mass, we will keep the tree level term in our calculation. Figure2. Feynman diagrams for the $e^+ e^-\to \gamma D_s^*\bar{D}_s^*$ process. (a) the tree level term, (b) the contribution of the $D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s$ molecular state $X(4160)$.
In analogy to the process $ e^+e^- \to \gamma J/\psi \phi $, the $ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $ mass distribution in the process $ e^+e^-\to \gamma D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $ can be written as,
where the factor A and the loop function G are the same as those of Eq. (45). The transition amplitude $ t_{D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s,D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s} $ is given in terms of the coupling $ g_{D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s} $ obtained in Ref. [6] ,
We would like to make an observation concerning the gauge invariance of the model. We recall that we have taken spin structures consistent with having the process proceeding in s-wave, with the implicit assumption that the lowest partial wave amplitudes give the largest contribution to the process. We even estimated that the effects of higher partial waves are very small. As a result, we also simplified the formalism and made it manifestly non-covariant, which makes the nontrivial calculations easier. Given these facts, the test of gauge invariance, which requires the amplitude to vanish under substitution of $ \epsilon_\mu(\gamma) $ by $ p_\mu(\gamma) $, cannot be done. In addition, when taking the lowest angular momentum contribution, while this is a good approximation for the amplitude, one is omitting terms that can be essential for the test of gauge invariance, which means that in such a case the test of gauge invariance would not be satisfied. However, we are relying on a specific gauge, the Coulomb gauge, where photons are transverse and have null time polarization component [see Eq. (19) for the sum over the transverse polarizations]. This situation appears in some physical processes, like the radiative capture of pions by nuclei [27], where one considers only the manifestly non-gauge invariant Kroll-Ruderman term, because the pion pole term required for gauge invariance is null in the Coulomb gauge [28]. The same situation appears when using vector meson dominance to evaluate amplitudes for photon processes, where removing the longitudinal vector components before vector-photon conversion is suggested as a method which is implicitly consistent with gauge invariance [29,30].
4.Alternative methodEquation (32) is valid around the resonance peak but we are extrapolating it to the $ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $ threshold. It would be interesting to have the amplitude in the coupled channel unitary approach [6] and see if there are changes which could help estimate the uncertainties. We reproduce the result of Ref. [6] in a simplified way here, using at the same time the dimensional regularization for the G function. The most important channels for the $ X(4160) $ resonance in the range of the $ J/\psi\phi $ invariant masses of the present reaction are the $ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $ and the $ J/\psi\phi $ channels. We consider these two channels and take the full strength of the light vector channels in the most important one, the $ \phi\phi $ channel. The purpose is to generate the $ \Gamma_0 $ width of Eq. (33), which is otherwise kept constant in the range of invariant masses considered. In fact, given the large amount of the phase space available for the decay, its relative change in the region of interest is small. The coupled channel method gives rise automatically to $ \Gamma_{J/\psi \phi} $ and $ \Gamma_{D^*_s\bar{D^*_s}} $, and we do not need to evaluate them since the method provides directly the transition matrices $ t_{D^*_s\bar{D^*_s},J/\psi\phi} $, incorporating $ \Gamma_{J/\psi \phi} $ and the Flatté effect produced by $ \Gamma_{D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s} $. We solve the Bethe-Salpeter equation in coupled channels,
$ \begin{array}{l} T = \left[1-V G\right]^{-1}V, \end{array} $
where G is the diagonal matrix diag$ [G_{D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s}, G_{J/\psi\phi}, G_{\phi\phi}] $, and V is the matrix,
$ \begin{array}{l} V = \left(\begin{array}{ccc} V_{11}& V_{12} & a \\ V_{21} & V_{22} & 0 \\ a & 0 & 0 \end{array} \right) \end{array} $
where the channels 1, 2, 3 are $ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $, $ J/\psi\phi $ and $ \phi\phi $. $ V_{11} $, $ V_{12} $, $ V_{21} $, $ V_{22} $, are taken from Ref. [6], and the magnitude $ a = 110 $ is chosen such that,
where $ \tilde{p}_\phi $ is the $ \phi $ momentum in the $ X(4160)\to \phi\phi $ decay, and $ g_{\phi\phi} $ the coupling at the $ X_1 $ pole of the $ X(4160) $ resonance. The subtraction constants in G are $ \alpha_{D_s^*\bar{D}_s^*} = -2.19 $ and $ \alpha_{J/\psi \phi} = -1.65 $ , respectively for the $ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $ and $ J/\psi\phi $, taken from Refs. [6, 32]. Since we are only interested in the $ \Gamma_0 $ width, it is sufficient to take $ i {\rm Im}G_{\phi\phi} $ with,
with $ q_\phi = \lambda^{1/2}(M^2_{\rm inv}, m^2_\phi, m^2_\phi)/2M_{\rm inv} $. This simplified approach to a more enlarged coupled channel problem has proven successful in Ref. [33]. The method provides the G function and the transition amplitudes directly. In Fig. 6, we show the modulus squared of the transition amplitudes $ |t_{D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s,D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s}|^2 $, $ |t_{D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s,J/\psi\phi}|^2 $, $ |t_{D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s,\phi\phi}|^2 $, given by Eq. (50). As can be seen, the peaks are around 4160 MeV, and two cusp structures are found at the thresholds of $ J/\psi\phi $ and $ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $, respectively. With the above formalism, we make again a fit of the data by changing the parameters A and B, with a resulting $ \chi^2/d.o.f. \approx 6.6/(12-$$2) = 0.66 $. We present the $ J/\psi\phi $ mass distribution in Fig. 7, where we find a clear peak around 4135 MeV, and a broad bump around the mass of $ X(4160) $. There is also a cusp structure around the $ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $ threshold, which is softer than in Fig. 3. We also present the $ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $ mass distribution with the new fit parameters in Fig. 8, where the enhancement of the mass distribution close to the $ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $ threshold is not as strong as in Fig. 5, but is clearly different from the phase space distribution (labeled as ‘tree’). Figure6. (colon online) The modulus squared of the transition amplitudes $|t_{D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s,D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s}|^2$, $|t_{D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s,J/\psi\phi}|^2$, $|t_{D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s,\phi\phi}|^2$, given by Eq. (50).
Figure7. (color online) The $J/\psi\phi$ invariant mass distribution in the process $e^+e^- \to \gamma J/\psi \phi$ with the new fit parameters. The explanation of the curves is the same as in Fig. 3.
Figure8. (color online) The $D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s$ invariant mass distribution in the process $e^+e^- \to \gamma D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s$ with the new fit paramteres. The explanation of the curves is the same as in Fig. 5.
The alternative method serves to show the uncertainties in the theoretical analysis of the data that we have carried out. The method allows for a more realistic extrapolation at high $ J/\psi \phi $ invariant masses. A comparison of Figs. 7 and 3 shows indeed that the differences appear in the region of $ M_{\rm inv}(J/\psi\phi)\sim 4220 $ MeV. We also see differences in the strengths between Figs. 8 and 5, although they are compatible within the estimated errors. Yet, the basic features are the same in both approaches: a peak contribution at low $ J/\psi\phi $ invariant mass coming from a narrow $ X(4140) $ and a broad bump resulting from the $ X(4160) $ resonance, together with a cusp structure around the $ D^*_s\bar{D}^*_s $ threshold with a more uncertain strength. In summary, we show that the data are compatible with the interpretation given for the $ B^+\to J/\psi \phi K^+ $ reaction in Ref. [4], with a narrow $ X(4140) $ and a broad $ X(4160) $ responsible for the $ J/\psi\phi $ invariant mass distribution at low invariant masses. A significant improvement of the data for this reaction is necessary to further test the ideas presented in this work. In addition, it is interesting to note the different interpretation of the data offered here and in Ref. [10]. In Ref. [10], admitting large errors from the lack of statistics and systematic uncertainties, it was shown that the processes $ e^+ e^-\rightarrow \phi \chi_{c1} (\chi_{c2}) $ followed by $ \chi_{c1} (\chi_{c2} $) decaying into $ J/\psi \gamma $, can account for some fraction of the process $ e^+ e^-\rightarrow \phi J/\psi \gamma $, but there is no clear contribution from $ \gamma X(4140) $. On the other hand, in the present work we showed that the mechanisms discussed, albeit with unknown strength, are also unavoidable. We should note that all these mechanisms have a different spin structure and in principle are distinguishable. The satisfactory interpretation of the $ B^+\rightarrow J/\psi \phi K^+ $ reaction along the lines exposed here makes us believe that it should be responsible also for a good fraction of the $ e^+ e^- \rightarrow \phi J/\psi \gamma $ process. Yet, what is clear is that a much better statistics is needed to make any firm conclusions, and the main purpose of this paper is to encourage the experimental effort in this direction.