1.Department of Physics and State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China 2.Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter, Beijing 100871, China 3.Center for High Energy Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China Received Date:2019-03-15 Available Online:2019-08-01 Abstract:We explore the Kibble-Zurek scaling of conserved charge using stochastic diffusion dynamics. The characteristic scales $ \tau_{\rm{KZ}}$ and $ l_{\rm{KZ}}$ are determined and used to properly rescale the traditional correlation function and cumulant. We construct universal functions for the two-point correlation $ C(y_1-y_2;\tau)$ and the second-order cumulant $ K(\Delta y,\tau)$ of the conserved charge in the critical regime, both of which are, near the critical point, insensitive to both the initial temperature and a parameter in the mapping between the 3D Ising model and the hot QCD system.
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2.1.Stochastic diffusion equation
For a dynamical model near the critical point, the slow modes are the relevant and essential modes that largely influence the critical behavior of the evolving system. According to the classification in Ref. [54], the critical dynamics of the non-conserved and conserved order parameter field belong to models A and B, respectively. Meanwhile, model H describes a system with a conserved order parameter field, conserved transverse momentum density, and nonzero Poisson bracket between the two. In general, it is believed that the dynamical system near QCD critical point lies in model H [32,55-57]. However, the related analysis or numerical implementation of model H is complicated, and it has not been fully developed. For simplicity, our previous work [51] only focused on the dynamics and universal scaling of the non-conserved order parameter field within the framework of model A. Recently, the stochastic diffusion dynamics of the conserved charge for model B has been developed by Ref. [42] , which demonstrated that the two-point correlation function and cumulant behave non-monotonically with the change of the rapidity interval and window, respectively. In this study, we explore the universal behavior of the conserved charge based on the stochastic diffusion equation described in Ref. [42]. For simplicity, we focus on the 1+1-dimensional evolution of the conserved charge density $ n(y,\tau) $ with the proper time $ \tau = \sqrt{t^2-z^2} $ and the spacetime rapidity $ y = \tanh^{-1}(z/t) $ for a boost-invariant Bjorken system. The related stochastic diffusion equation is [42]:
Here $ \delta n(y,\tau) = n(y,\tau)-\langle n(y,\tau)\rangle $, and $ \langle \cdots\rangle $ denotes the event average. The diffusion coefficient $ D_y(\tau) $ is related to the Cartesian one $ D_C(\tau) $ with $ D_y(\tau) = D_C(\tau)\tau^{-2} $. The noise $ \zeta(y,\tau) $ satisfies the fluctuation-dissipation theorem:
where $ \chi_y(\tau) $ is the susceptibility of the conserved charge per unit rapidity, related to the Cartesian one $ \chi_C(\tau) $ with $ \chi_y(\tau)/\tau = \chi_C(\tau) $. For notational convenience, these subscripts of the diffusion coefficient and susceptibility are omitted in the following part of this paper, such that $ D(\tau) = D_y(\tau) $ and $ \chi(\tau) = \chi_y(\tau) $, respectively. After solving the SDE (1), the correlation function is obtained as follows:
represents the diffusion “length” in rapidity space from $ \tau_1 $ to $ \tau_2 $ with $ \tau_1\leqslant \tau_2 $. The amount of the charge deposed within a finite rapidity window $ \Delta y $ at mid-rapidity and at a proper time τ can be calculated as:
The detailed derivation is given in Appendix A. Note that Eq. (1) only considers the two-point interaction. The higher order terms and the kinetic term $ \partial^4 \delta n /\partial y^4 $ are neglected, and their contributions are considered to be included in the renormalized coefficients $ D(\tau) $ and $ \chi(\tau) $ (See Sec. 2.2) [42]. The advantage of this treatment is that Eq. (1) can be analytically solved, as shown in Eqs. (3) and (7). To obtain proper results, we implement this simplified model slightly off the critical point in the following calculation and consider it as our first attempt to study the Kibble-Zurek scaling for the two-point correlations in the diffusion dynamics. 22.2.Parametrizing the susceptibility $ \chi(\tau) $ and diffusion coefficient $ D(\tau) $ -->
2.2.Parametrizing the susceptibility $ \chi(\tau) $ and diffusion coefficient $ D(\tau) $
Both the correlation function (3) and the cumulant (7) depend on the susceptibility $ \chi(\tau) $ and diffusion coefficient $ D(\tau) $, which requires additional parametrizations. In general, the susceptibility $ \chi $ and diffusion coefficient D include both the singular parts $ \chi^{\rm cr} $, $ D^{\rm cr}_C $ and the regular parts $ \chi^{\rm reg} $, $ D^{\rm reg}_C $, respectively [42]. As the system evolves near the critical point, the singular contributions become dominant. We thus neglect the regular parts to simplify the following study of the Kibble-Zurek scaling. The susceptibility $ \chi(\tau) $ and diffusion coefficient $ D(\tau) $ with only the singular parts are then written as:
Here, we construct the singular part $ \chi^{\rm cr} $ and $ D^{\rm cr}_C $ through a mapping between the hot QCD matter and the 3D Ising model. The mapping is non-universal, which has some other strategies for the mapping relation. For illustration purposes, we use the linear parametric model [58,59], in which the magnetization of 3D Ising systems is parameterized with two variables R and θ:
where we have adopted the values of the Ising critical exponents [60], and the normalization constants $ m_0 $ and $ h_0 $ are fixed by the conditions $ M(r = -1,H = 0^+) = 1 $ and $ M(r = 0,H = 1) = 1 $. From Eq. (11), the susceptibility of the 3D Ising model can be calculated:
The susceptibility $ \chi_{M}(r,H) $ of the 3D Ising system is translated into $ \chi_{M}(T,\mu) $ on the temperature T and chemical potential μ plane $ (T,\mu) $ with the linear mapping as in Refs. [37,42], where T linearly relates to H: $ (T-T_{\rm c})/ $$\Delta T = H/\Delta H $, and r is treated as a free parameter to simulate the change of μ [42]. The critical temperature is set to $ T_{\rm c} = 160 $ MeV, and the width of the critical region is set to $ \Delta T/\Delta H = 10 $ MeV. As in Ref. [61], we assume the critical component of the conserved charge for the hot QCD systems $ \chi^{\rm cr}(T,\mu) $ is directly proportional to the Ising component $ \chi_{M}(T,\mu) $ and satisfies similar critical behavior①:
where the dimensionless factor $ c_c $ is treated as a free parameter. $ \chi^H $ is the susceptibility in the hadronic medium, which can be absorbed by the definitions $ C'(y_1-y_2;\tau)\equiv $$ C(y_1-y_2;\tau)/\chi^H $ and $ K'(\Delta y,\tau)\equiv K(\Delta y,\tau)/\chi^H $. In the following calculations, we omit the prime to simplify the notation. Considering that the evolving hot QCD system belongs to model H in the classification of Ref. [54], we scale the diffusion coefficient $ D^{\rm cr}_C $ with the correlation length $ \xi $ as: $ D^{\rm cr}_C\sim \xi^{-2-\chi_\eta+\chi_\lambda} $ with the exponents $ \chi_\eta\simeq 0.04 $ and $ \chi_\lambda\simeq 0.916 $ [54]. The correlation length $ \xi $ in $ \tau-y $ frame is connected to the susceptibility $ \chi^{\rm cr} $ as:
where the constant $ d_c = 1 $ fm, as used in Ref. [42]. We only focus on an evolving system in 1+1-dimension with Bjorken expansion. We assume that the heat bath is evolving along a trajectory with fixed r, and the temperature T dropping down with the proper time τ as [37]:
where the speed of sound is taken as $ c^2_s = 0.15 $. The initial time $ \tau_0 $ and the corresponding temperature $ T_0 $ are described in Sec. 4.
3.Kibble-Zurek scalingThe correlation (3) and cumulant (7) obtained from solving SDE (1) are non-universal and sensitive to some inputs in the parametrization of $ \chi(\tau) $ and $ D(\tau) $, such as the strength of the critical component $ c_c $, initial temperature $ T_0 $, etc. In Refs. [41] and [51], the universal functions were constructed within the framework of the Kibble-Zurek mechanism for model A, which involves with the evolving non-conserving order parameter field near the critical point. In this section, we study the possible universal behavior of the correlation function (3) and cumulant (7) for the evolving conserved charge of model B. For a dynamical system near the critical point, there are two competitive time scales, namely the relaxation time $ \tau_{\rm{ rel}} $ that describes the time for the system to equilibrate, and the quench time $ \tau_{\rm{ quench}} $ that characterizes the alteration rate of the external potential. The Bjorken expansion of the hot medium Eq. (18) introduces the variation of the susceptibility $ \chi(\tau) $ and diffusion coefficient $ D(\tau) $, with which the quench time can be calculated as:
For a diffusion system near the critical point, the relaxation time of the two-point correlation function takes the form $ \tau_{\rm{ rel}} = [2 D(\tau) q^2]^{-1} $ for a particular mode q. For the slow modes with $ q\ll \xi^{-1} $, the relaxation time is large compared to $ \tau_{\rm{ quench}} $, which leads to these modes moving out of equilibrium as the system evolves near the critical point. For the fast modes with $ q\gg \xi^{-1} $, the relaxation times are small, which corresponds to sufficiently fast equilibration even near the critical point. In this work, we focus on the mode with $ q\xi = 1 $, and the relaxation time is given by:
The relaxation time $ \tau_{\rm{ rel}} $ is strongly enhanced as the system cools down to the critical point and the quench time $ \tau_{\rm{ quench}} $ continuously decreases. Consequentially, there exists a point $ \tau^* $, where the relaxation time equals to quench time, after which the system goes out of equilibrium with the formation of correlated patches. According to the Kibble-Zurek Mechanism, the characteristic time scale $ \tau_{\rm{ KZ}} $ and scale in the longitudinal direction $ l_{\rm{ KZ}} $ are determined by $ \tau^* $ with [41]:
In Fig. 1, we plot the relaxation time $ \tau_{\rm{ rel}} $ and quench time $ \tau_{\rm{ quench}} $ as functions of $ \tau-\tau_c $, where $ \tau_c $ is the time when the temperature of the system hits the critical temperature $ T_c $. It shows that the relaxation time $ \tau_{\rm{ rel}} $ increases and the quench time $ \tau_{\rm{ quench}} $ decreases as the system approaches to the critical point, and the proper time $ \tau^* $ can be determined by Eq. (21). Figure1. (color online) Temporal evolution of quench time $\tau_{\rm{quench}}$ and relaxation time $\tau_{\rm{rel}} $ with different $c_c $. Location of the proper time $\tau^* $ is computed from $\tau_{\rm{rel}}(\tau^*)=\tau_{\rm{quench}}(\tau^*) $.
After obtaining the characteristic scales $ \tau_{\rm{ KZ}},\,l_{\rm{ KZ}} $ in Eq. (21), the universal function is constructed with the following redefined variables:
The rescaled correlation function $ \tilde{C}(\tilde{y}_1-\tilde{y}_2,\tilde{\tau}) $ and the rescaled function of cumulant $ \tilde{K}\left(\Delta y/l_{\rm{ KZ}}, \tilde{\tau}\right) $ is constructed as
The rescaled functions $ \tilde{C}(\tilde{y}_1-\tilde{y}_2,\tilde{\tau}) $ and $ \tilde{K}\left(\Delta y/l_{\rm{ KZ}}, \tilde{\tau}\right) $ as functions of the redefined variables $ \tilde{y}_1-\tilde{y}_2,\tilde{\tau} $ and $ \Delta y/l_{\rm{ KZ}}, \tilde{\tau} $ are universal and insensitive to some free parameters, which is demonstrated in the following section. The calculated correlation function $ C(y_1-y_2,\tau) $ and cumulant $ K(\Delta y,\tau) $ evolves with respect to proper time τ, while the Kibble-Zurek scaling procedure is with respect to the relative time $ \tau-\tau_c $ as shown in Eq. (21). Therefore, the above rescaling formulae (23) and (24) are valid near the critical point, where the relative time $ \tau-\tau_c $ is small.
Appendix A: Derivation for the temporal evolution of correlation functionIn this appendix, we present the detailed derivation of the correlation function (3) from the stochastic diffusion equation (1), which is based ${\rm{on}} $ Ref. [42]. With the Fourier transform
based on which the relaxation time of the correlation function is obtained as: $ \tau_{\mbox{rel}} = [ D(\tau) (q^2_1+q^2_2)]^{-1} $. With the assumption of the locality in the initial fluctuations