1.College of Physics and Electronics information, Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, Tongliao 028000, China 2.Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843, USA 3.Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, INFN, via Santa Sofia, 62, 95123 Catania, Italy 4.School of Physics and Information Technology, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710119, China 5.Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201210, China 6.Shanghai Institute Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China 7.Chemistry Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843, USA 8.Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Ion-beam Application (MOE), Institute of Modern Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China Received Date:2019-01-15 Available Online:2019-06-01 Abstract:The Efimov (Thomas) trimers in excited 12C nuclei, for which no observation exists yet, are discussed by means of analyzing the experimental data of 70(64)Zn(64Ni) + 70(64)Zn(64Ni) reactions at the beam energy of E/A = 35 MeV/nucleon. In heavy ion collisions, $ \alpha $-particles interact with each other and can form complex systems such as 8Be and 12C. For the 3 $ \alpha $-particle systems, multi-resonance processes give rise to excited levels of 12C. The interaction between any two of the 3 $ \alpha $-particles provides events with one, two or three 8Be. Their interfering levels are clearly seen in the minimum relative energy distributions. Events with the three $ \alpha $-particle relative energies consistent with the ground state of 8Be are observed with the decrease of the instrumental error for the reconstructed 7.458 MeV excitation level in 12C, which was suggested as the Efimov (Thomas) state.
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3.MethodFor a three body system with equal masses, we can define the excitation energy E* as:
where $ E_{ij} $ is the relative kinetic energy of two particles, and Q is the Q-value. Note that the important ingredient entering Eq. (1) are the relative kinetic energies; since we have three indistinguishable bosons, we analyze the $ E_{ij} $ distribution by cataloguing for each event the smallest relative kinetic energy, $ E_{ij}^{\rm Min.} $, the middle relative kinetic energy, $ E_{ij}^{\rm Mid.} $, and the largest relative kinetic energy, $ E_{ij}^{\rm Lar.} $. In this work, we reconstruct the excitation level E* = 7.458 MeV in 12C from 3 $ \alpha $-particles when the sum of the three $ E_{ij} $ is 0.276 MeV (0.092×3 MeV, where 0.092 MeV is the relative energy of 2 $ \alpha $-particles corresponding to the ground state decay of 8Be [11, 39]) with the Q-value =?7.275 MeV. In Fig. 5, the minimum relative kinetic energy distribution is shown. In the top panel, the solid black circles give the distribution obtained from the real events. They show bumps but no real structure. This is due to the fact that in the fragmentation region, some $ \alpha $-particles may come from the decay of 8Be or 12C, but also from completely non-correlated processes, for example, $ \alpha $-particle emission from a heavy fragment. To distinguish the correlated from non-correlated events, we randomly choose three different $ \alpha $-particles from three different events and build the distribution displayed in Fig. 5 (mixing events-red open circles). The total number of real and mixing events is normalized to one. We fit the highest points of Fig. 5 (top) with an exponential function. This allows to derive the instrumental error $ \Delta E $ = 1/22 MeV = 0.045 MeV. By subtracting the fit function from the real events, we obtain the open squares in Fig. 5 (top), which can be considered as the real events corrected by the detector acceptance. The ratio (1+$ R_{3} $) of the real and mixing events is plotted in the bottom of Fig. 5, together with the Breit-Wigner fits. As one can see, the first peak around 0.088 MeV (very close to 0.092 MeV) with a width of 1192 fm/c corresponds to the ground state of 8Be, but depends on the detector correction given by the exponential fit. The second peak around 3.05 MeV and a width of 14.2 fm/c (independent of the detector correction) corresponds to the first excited state of 8Be. Higher energy peaks above 10 MeV are also visible. Figure5. (color online) (Top) Relative kinetic energy distribution as a function of the minimum relative kinetic energy. The solid black circles represent data from real events, red open circles are from mixing events, and the blue open squares represent the difference between the real events and the exponential fit (solid line), which takes into account the experimental errors. (Bottom) Ratios of the real data (pink open triangles) and the real data minus the fit function (green solid squares) are divided by the mixing events as a function of the minimum relative kinetic energy. Solid lines are the Breit-Wigner fits.
In order to determine if there are events with equal relative kinetic energies, we selected 3 $ \alpha $-particle events with $ E_{ij}^{\rm Min.} = E_{ij}^{\rm Mid.} = 0.092\pm\displaystyle\frac{\delta E}{3} $ MeV and decreased the value of $ \delta E $ to the smallest value allowed by the statistics. In Fig. 6, we plot the results for the real (solid black circles) and the mixing (red open circles) events in the upper panels, and their ratio (1+$ R_3 $) in the bottom panels. Even though the number of real events decreases to almost 90 when $ \delta E$ = 0.06 MeV , we can see a hint of a signal around ($ E_{ij}^{\rm Lar.} + E_{ij}^{\rm Mid.} + E_{ij}^{\rm Min.} )\times \displaystyle\frac{2}{3} $ ? Q $ \leqslant $ 7.47 MeV, which is consistent with the suggested Efimov (Thomas) state [10, 11, 39] at an excitation energy of about 7.458 MeV in 12C . Figure6. (color online) Reconstructed excitation energy distributions of 12C from 3 $\alpha$-particles with $E_{ij}^{\rm Min.} = E_{ij}^{\rm Mid.} = 0.092\pm\frac{\delta E}{3}$ MeV. The solid black circles are from the real events, red open circles are the mixing events, pink open triangles indicate the ratios of the real events to the mixing events.
Similar to Fig. 6, we selected 3 $ \alpha $-particle events with $ E_{ij}^{\rm Min.} = 0.092\pm\displaystyle\frac{\delta E}{3} $ MeV, $ E_{ij}^{\rm Mid.} = 0.092\times2\pm\displaystyle\frac{\delta E}{3} $ MeV in Fig. 7. We also observe events where the largest relative energy is three times the minimum one around ($ E_{ij}^{\rm Lar.} + E_{ij}^{\rm Mid.} + E_{ij}^{\rm Min.} )\times \displaystyle\frac{2}{3} -Q =$ 7.64 MeV with different $ \delta E $. These events suggest that there are events where the 3 $ \alpha $ -particle relative energies are in the ratio of 1:2:3. Figure7. (color online) Reconstructed excitation energy distributions of 12C from 3 $\alpha$-particles with $E_{ij}^{\rm Min.} = 0.092\pm\frac{\delta E}{3}$ MeV, $E_{ij}^{\rm Mid.} = 0.092\times2\pm\frac{\delta E}{3}$ MeV. The solid black circles and the red open circles denote respectively the real events and the mixing events, pink open triangles indicate the ratios of the real events to the mixing events.
In Figs. 6 and 7, we can see a significant signal around $ E^{*} $ = 7.65 MeV, which is consistent with the famous $ 0^{+} $ Hoyle state of 12C predicted by Fred Hoyle in 1953 [40].