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袁增伟,, 程明今污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室,南京大学环境学院,南京 210023

Object, theories and methods of material cycling science

YUAN Zengwei,, CHENG MingjinState Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China


作者简介 About authors
袁增伟,男,河南平顶山人,教授,主要从事物质循环及其环境效应研究。E-mail: yuanzw@nju.edu.cn

关键词: 物质循环科学;资源流动;排放清单;环境归趋;环境效应;固废资源化

An important part of human activities is the continuously mining and processing of natural resources, and then transforming them into various products to meet the demand of production and consumption. Pollutants are discharged along the life cycle processes from mining to processing, production, consumption, and even waste management. From the perspective of material cycling, human activities are a fundamental way to relocate and reconstruct materials on the surface of the Earth. Nowadays, intensified human activities are altering the pathways and the spatial distribution of material cycles on the Earth’s surface, and furthermore, causing resources depletion and environmental pollution. Therefore, closing material cycling loop is vital for promoting the sustainability of resources and environment. Material cycling science and technology explores material cycling patterns, dynamic processes, and the associated environmental effects, discovers rules of mutual conversions between resource- and environment-character of materials, explains feedbacks and responses between ‘human activities-resources exploitation and utilization-pollutant emissions-environmental fate-environmental effect’, and develops waste recycling technologies. In this article, we firstly delineated the research perspectives, object and boundary, defined material cycling science as a discipline that explores paths, patterns, processes and effects of material cycling on the surface of the Earth. And then, we shed light on the theoretical framework with Anthropogenic Depositology as the core, which is built in 3 parts: material cycling patterns and processes, waste recycling technologies and environmental effects of emissions, and research content and methods of the discipline. We also clarified the logical relationships among the concepts of material flow analysis, emission inventory, resources recycling technology, environmental fate, and environmental effect, as well as the life-cycle data processing methods.
Keywords:material cycling science;resources flow;emission inventory;environmental fate;environmental effect;solid waste recycling

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袁增伟, 程明今. 物质循环科学的研究对象、理论与方法. 资源科学[J], 2021, 43(3): 435-445 doi:10.18402/resci.2021.03.01
YUAN Zengwei, CHENG Mingjin. Object, theories and methods of material cycling science. RESOURCES SCIENCE[J], 2021, 43(3): 435-445 doi:10.18402/resci.2021.03.01

1 引言





为了克服以往局部过程研究带来的视角、理论和方法局限,本文尝试提出建立物质循环科学(Material Cycling Science)的学科概念,在统一的学科框架下,可以:①从物质资源和环境属性交替变换的视角统筹研究资源和环境问题,体现了物质属性的一体两面特征及资源环境问题的不可分割性;②从物质循环生命周期过程来审视人类活动与资源环境问题,有助于规避局部过程及单一资源利用或环境保护研究可能得出的片面结论;③从物质循环路径与效应定量分析的角度构建“人类活动-资源消耗-污染物排放-环境归趋-环境效应”之间的响应关系,切实推动学科交叉的广度和深度;④从物质循环分析精度来看,不仅研究物质循环路径、通量、强度、效率,还刻画其时空异质性和赋存形态变化/转化规律。时至今日,物质循环科学具备了成为一门学科所需要的独特研究对象、理论体系与方法论。

2 研究对象

广义的物质循环是一个宽泛的概念,不同自然科学学科基于各自的研究目的和任务,分别从不同角度定义了“物质循环”的内涵。例如,生物地球化学循环(Biogeochemical Cycles)偏重生物体与无机环境间的物质交换[18],地球化学循环(Geochemical Cycles)更侧重地球内部与表层系统间的物质交 换[19]。然而,这些学科都是将“物质循环”研究中涉及到的人类活动作为黑箱或灰箱处理,无法解析特定人类活动造成的物质循环路径变化及其资源环境影响,难以从人类活动本身提出解决资源环境问题的根源性方案。





Figure 1Spatiotemporal scale of material cycling




Figure 2Concept and scope of material cycle science

3 理论体系

3.1 概念范畴体系



(2)废物循环技术。废物循环利用是物质的资源与环境属性转换过程,是人类主动调控物质循环路径的重要手段。然而,单从某一过程或技术视角研究废物循环利用,可能会局限于单一时空尺度、单一过程、单一物质、单一效应。因此,需要建立多时空尺度的物质闭路循环理论方法,尤其是涵盖人类矿床探测(再生资源储量、分布、形态及其富集规律)、开采(废物资源化技术)、利用(再生资源产业链)的人类矿床学(Anthropogenic Depositology)理论方法体系,以便能够系统性、分阶段、分层次性地调控物质循环,推动资源可持续利用。在现有条件下,具有较大资源化潜力的固体废弃物一般有3类:有机废弃物(畜禽粪便、餐厨垃圾、厨余和园林绿化垃圾、城市污泥等)[36]、非金属废旧材料(建筑垃圾、废塑料、废玻璃等)[37]、废旧金属(电子废弃物等)[38]。相应地形成了一系列基于废物特征的资源化技术,如针对有机废弃物的好氧堆肥[39,40,41,42,43]、厌氧发酵制沼气[44,45,46,47,48,49]、生物液体燃料生产[50,51]、焚烧发电[52]等,利用非金属废旧材料生产建材[53,54]、制备陶粒[55],以及废旧金属的回收[56]、催化热解[57]、生物浸出[58]等。




Figure 3Process of emission-to-damage of pollutants

3.2 理论基础







(6)人类矿床学。人类矿床学主要研究人类社会经济系统中矿产资源的形成和富集规律,包括人类矿产的种类、基本特征、形成机理、储量[67,68]、时空分布[69]、高效开采技术以及评估经济与环境可行性 等[70]

4 研究方法




Figure 4Key research methods of material cycle science

(1)物质流分析。基于元素流分析(Substance Flow Analysis)[1]方法,研究某一特定物质在一定时空内的流动强度及其时空分异,涵盖“开采-生产-使用-存储-报废-排放”的物质循环过程(图4 A-B-C)。着力提高物质循环路径分析精度,主要技术方法包括多源数据观测技术、多源数据融合方法、智能计算模型、可视化仿真等。物质流分析按照图4A中的物质流动路径,建立各过程物质输入、输出、存储等物料清单,并基于过程元素守恒原理对该过程的测算结果进行验证。其基本表达式如公式(1)所示。

式中: Qi,?t,jin?t时间内输入到过程i的物质j的量; rj,win为输入过程ij物质中元素w的含量;N为所有输入过程i的含有w元素的j物质的种类; ?Si,?t,w?t时间内累积到过程iw元素的总量; Qi,?t,mout?t时间内从过程i输出的m物质的量; θm,wout为从过程i输出的m物质中w元素的含量;M为所有从过程i输出的含有w元素的m物质的种类。



式中: Q?t,ap为研究边界内第a个空间单元上?t时间内污染物p的排放量; A为研究区域内划分的空间单元个数; ADa,?t,b为第a个空间单元上第b类人类活动在?t时间内的平均活动水平(Activity Data); EFa,n,p为第a个空间单元上人类活动b排放污染物p的强度,也即排放因子(Emission Factor); B是第a个空间单元上排放污染物p的人类活动类别数。需要注意的是,研究区域内空间单元格的划分可以是大小均匀的,如划分为大小相同的网格;也可以是不均匀的,如按行政单元省、市、县等。


(3)废物循环技术。废物资源化是改变物质流动方向、实现物质闭路循环的关键过程。其目标是最大限度将某一废物转化为可再生利用资源并减少污染物排放(图4 B-C)。相比于微观尺度的废物资源化技术,废物循环技术还考虑推动废物循环的技术路径、实现模式、技术成本有效性和技术政策等。目前废物资源化技术已经突破了单一物理、化学、生物过程机理,向多种技术原理的组合方向发展,如城镇污泥资源化不仅涉及固液分离等物理、化学过程,还涉及好氧堆肥等微生物过程。从资源可持续利用的角度来看,随着越来越多的自然资源被开发利用并累积在社会经济系统中形成人类矿床资源,废物资源的再生利用必将成为未来资源开发利用的重点,因此亟需配套的技术、政策、标准等支撑。


式中: ?C?t,i,j表示?t时间内污染物p在环境介质s中的浓度变化; Q?t,p表示?t时间内污染物p的排放量; FF?t,p,s表示?t时间内排放的污染物量 Q?t,p进入环境介质s的比例,即归趋因子; K*表示其他潜在的相关变量;f (·)表示环境介质s中污染物p的增量与环境浓度间的响应关系函数。


(5)人类活动的环境效应评估。为了揭示人类活动与污染物危害的相互作用机制,需要建立从污染物排放到潜在环境效应的系统定量评估方法(图4 C-D-E-F)。除了排放清单和环境质量模型外,还需要发展污染物环境暴露剂量检测监测方法、剂量-效应模型和环境效应评估工具。环境效应评估遵循公式(4)。

式中:IS表示环境效应评估分数; Cs,p表示污染物p在环境介质s中的浓度; XFs,p是暴露因子,表示在一定时间段内受体从环境介质s中摄入污染物p的比例; EFs,p是污染物p在环境介质s中的效应因子,根据效应的不同也可以称为损害因子。在生命周期环境影响评价中,效应因子对应中点评估,损害因子对应终点评估。需要说明的是,在很多生命周期评价方法中,上述公式中的 Cs,p被污染物环境增量所替代,这种方式缺少对“量-浓度”转换关系的考虑,忽略了环境介质中污染物背景浓度可能造成的影响,从而大大降低了这一环节原本应有的时空异质性。另外,从公式(4)可以看出,除污染物浓度分布外,暴露因子、效应/损害因子也是提高环境效应评估时空分辨率和评估精度的关键。

5 研究展望






6 结论


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In a disease-state-dependent manner, the histamine-resistant itch in dry skin-based skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis (AD) and xerosis is mainly due to hyperinnervation in the epidermis. Semaphorin 3A (Sema3A) is a nerve repulsion factor expressed in keratinocytes and it suppresses nerve fiber elongation in the epidermis. Our previous studies have shown that Sema3A ointment inhibits epidermal hyperinnervation and scratching behavior and improves dermatitis scores in AD model mice. Therefore, we consider Sema3A as a key therapeutic target for improving histamine-resistant itch in AD and xerosis. This study was designed to screen a library of herbal plant extracts to discover compounds with potential to induce Sema3A in normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEKs) using a reporter gene assay, so that positive samples were found. Among the positive samples, only the extract of S. baicalensis was found to consistently increase Sema3A levels in cultured NHEKs in assays using quantitative real-time PCR and ELISA. In evaluation of reconstituted human epidermis models, the level of Sema3A protein in culture supernatants significantly increased by application of the extract of S. baicalensis. In addition, we investigated which components in the extract of S. baicalensis contributed to Sema3A induction and found that baicalin and baicalein markedly increased the relative luciferase activity, and that baicalein had higher induction activity than baicalin. Thus, these findings suggest that S. baicalensis extract and its compounds, baicalin and baicalein, may be promising candidates for improving histamine-resistant itch via the induction of Sema3A expression in epidermal keratinocytes.

Lin L, Xu F Q, Ge X M, et al. Improving the sustainability of organic waste management practices in the food-energy-water nexus: A comparative review of anaerobic digestion and composting
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Chuenchart W, Logan M, Leelayouthayotin C, et al. Enhancement of food waste thermophilic anaerobic digestion through synergistic effect with chicken manure
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Xing B S, Han Y L, Wang X C, et al. Acclimatization of anaerobic sludge with cow manure and realization of high-rate food waste digestion for biogas production
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This study investigated the effects of garbage enzyme (GE), pelelith (PL), and biochar (BC) on nitrogen (N) conservation, nitrogenase (Nase) and N-fixing bacteria during the composting of sewage sludge. Results showed that the addition of GE, PL, and BC reduced NH3 emissions by 40.9%, 29.3%, and 67.4%, and increased the NO3-N contents of the end compost by 161.4, 88.2, and 105.8% relative to control, respectively, thus increasing the TN content. Three additives improved Nase, cellulase, and fluorescein diacetate hydrolase (FDA) activities and the abundances of nifH gene, and the largest increase was BC, followed by PL and GE. In addition, the additives also markedly influenced the succession of N-fixing bacteria, and significantly increased the abundance of Proteobacteria during the whole process. The BC and PL additions strengthened the sensitivity of N-fixing bacteria to environmental variables, and FDA, TN, moisture content, and NO3-N significantly affected the N-fixing bacteria at genus level.

Bi S J, Hong X J, Yang H Z, et al. Effect of hydraulic retention time on anaerobic co-digestion of cattle manure and food waste
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Xing B S, Cao S F, Han Y L, et al. Stable and high-rate anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and cow manure: Optimisation of start-up conditions
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Reduced clearance of lipoproteins by HDL scavenger receptor class B1 (SR-B1) plays an important role in occlusive coronary artery disease. However, it is not clear how much microvascular dysfunction contributes to ischemic cardiomyopathy. Our aim was to determine the distribution of vascular dysfunction in vivo in the coronary circulation of male mice after brief exposure to Paigen high fat diet, and whether this vasomotor dysfunction involved nitric oxide (NO) and or endothelium derived hyperpolarization factors (EDHF). We utilised mice with hypomorphic ApoE lipoprotein that lacked SR-B1 (SR-B1(-/-)/ApoER61(h/h), n = 8) or were heterozygous for SR-B1 (SR-B1(+/-)/ApoER61(h/h), n = 8) to investigate coronary dilator function with synchrotron microangiography. Partially occlusive stenoses were observed in vivo in SR-B1 deficient mice only. Increases in artery-arteriole calibre to acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside stimulation were absent in SR-B1 deficient mice. Residual dilation to acetylcholine following L-NAME (50 mg/kg) and sodium meclofenamate (3 mg/kg) blockade was present in both mouse groups, except at occlusions, indicating that EDHF was not impaired. We show that SR-B1 deficiency caused impairment of NO-mediated dilation of conductance and microvessels. Our findings also suggest EDHF and prostanoids are important for global perfusion, but ultimately the loss of NO-mediated vasodilation contributes to atherothrombotic progression in ischemic cardiomyopathy.

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The scientific consensus model USEtox((R)) is recommended by the European Commission as the reference model to characterize life cycle chemical emissions in terms of their potential human toxicity and freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity impacts in the context of the International Reference Life Cycle Data System Handbook and the Environmental Footprint pilot phase looking at products (PEF) and organizations (OEF). Consequently, this model has been systematically used within the PEF/OEF pilot phase by 25 European Union industry sectors, which manufacture a wide variety of consumer products. This testing phase has raised some questions regarding the derivation of and the data used for the chemical-specific freshwater ecotoxicity effect factor in USEtox. For calculating the potential freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity impacts, USEtox bases the effect factor on the chronic hazard concentration (HC50) value for a chemical calculated as the arithmetic mean of all logarithmized geometric means of species-specific chronic median lethal (or effect) concentrations (L[E]C50). We investigated the dependency of the USEtox effect factor on the selection of ecotoxicological data source and toxicological endpoints, and we found that both influence the ecotoxicity ranking of chemicals and may hence influence the conclusions of a PEF/OEF study. We furthermore compared the average measure (HC50) with other types of ecotoxicity effect indicators, such as the lowest species EC50 or no-observable-effect concentration, frequently used in regulatory risk assessment, and demonstrated how they may also influence the ecotoxicity ranking of chemicals. We acknowledge that these indicators represent different aspects of a chemical's ecotoxicity potential and discuss their pros and cons for a comparative chemical assessment as performed in life cycle assessment and in particular within the PEF/OEF context. Environ Toxicol Chem 2017;36:3450-3462. (c) 2017 The Authors. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of SETAC.

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