Coordinating village and town construction and corresponding resources and environment development: International experiences and implications for China
WANG Lei,1,2, LIU Yuanyuan1,3, Ren Zongyue1,4, YAN Wei11. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS, Nanjing 210008, China 2. Key Laboratory of Watershed Geographic Sciences, CAS, Nanjing 210008, China 3. Shanxi Collaborative Innovation Center for Coordinated Urban and Rural Development, Taiyuan Normal University, Taiyuan 030000, China 4. College of Tourist and Geoscience, Jilin Normal University, Siping 136000, China
Abstract The regional system of villages and towns is an important part of national territorial development. The construction of villages and towns is of great significance for coordinated urban and rural development and adjusting regional human-land relationship. The construction of villages and towns mainly involves housing, industry, infrastructure, and ecological environment, which not only is the basis of production and livelihoods of rural communities but also reflects the development level of villages and towns and the quality of life of their residents. This article first reviewed the main types of village and town construction in Western Europe (Germany and the United Kingdom) and East Asia (Japan and South Korea) and the functional evolution of villages and towns after World War II. It then summarized the development of government policies, plans, and regulations for rural governance in terms of regional systems, industrial development, and residents’ livelihood to coordinate rural development and local resources and environment. It also explored the interactive effects between resource and environmental conditions and rural development, that is, the impact of rural development on the change of resource and environmental quality, and the feedback of resource and environmental degradation on rural livelihoods and governments’ plans and practices. Based on this literature and policy review, we comparatively analyzed the stages of rural construction, major resource and environmental issues, and corresponding urban and rural development policies in the process of rapid urbanization in China. From the perspective of international comparison, the characteristics of China’s village and town construction were summarized with respect to regional rural systems and the types of rural development. Finally, this article proposed some policy implications on how to improve the coordinated relationship between rural construction and resources and environmental protection and utilization to promote sustainable regional rural development. Keywords:village and town construction;resource utilization;environmental protection;developmental stage;Chinese and international experiences;implication
PDF (4087KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 王磊, 刘圆圆, 任宗悦, 颜蔚. 村镇建设与资源环境协调的国外经验及其对中国村镇发展的启示. 资源科学[J], 2020, 42(7): 1223-1235 doi:10.18402/resci.2020.07.01 WANG Lei, LIU Yuanyuan, Ren Zongyue, YAN Wei. Coordinating village and town construction and corresponding resources and environment development: International experiences and implications for China. RESOURCES SCIENCE[J], 2020, 42(7): 1223-1235 doi:10.18402/resci.2020.07.01
1926年英国提出“保护性治理”理念,1947年《城乡规划法案》中提出了绿带(Green belt)的理念用以控制城市蔓延,1949年又构建“科研专用区”(Site of Special Scientific Interest)制度,作为自然保护区、生态脆弱区、特殊保护区的集合扩展区域[43];2002年颁布《乡村发展计划》以保护乡村环境,加强其可持续性。诸多政策法规的出台,成为英国村镇生态环境的有效保障。首先,对乡村周边的自然环境和资源进行保护性利用。其次,按照“零能源建筑”的设计理念,最大限度利用太阳能等自然能源,减少乡村环境破坏与污染,加强废物处理,基本实现资源循环利用。为了降低农业生产对生物多样性和村民生活环境的破坏,将环境保护与农业补贴政策相结合,并对积极的环境保护行为进行资助,强调首要任务是保护环境,增加绿化空间[44,45,46]。其中,“国家公园”[47]和“绿带政策”[48]通过设定不同类型国家公园及城市郊区环带,并以法律形式确定国家保留地进行长期执行,以控制城市无序蔓延,保护乡村和自然景观,对于生态环境保护作用显著。
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