

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

敖长林,, 王菁霞, 孙宝生东北农业大学管理科学与工程系,哈尔滨 150030

Impact of air quality on public outings based on big data

AO Changlin,, WANG Jingxia, SUN BaoshengDepartment of Management Science and Engineering, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China


作者简介 About authors
敖长林,男,黑龙江杜蒙县人,教授,研究方向为生态环境管理、评价理论与方法。E-mail: aochanglin2002@126.com

关键词: 空气质量;旅游大数据;外出游玩;负二项回归;有序Probit回归;哈尔滨市

Exploring the impact of air quality on public outings based on big data not only can enrich the practical research on air quality issues, but also have important significance for strengthening air pollution control and promoting the development of tourism industry. Taking Harbin City as the research object, this study used the data of 16,554 Ctrip online reviews, the Ministry of Environmental Protection’s air quality index data, and historical weather data and constructed the number of public outings and satisfaction models based on negative binomial regression and ordered Probit regression to quantitatively assess the influences and degrees of air quality on public outings. The findings are as follows. (1) Controlling for other influencing factors such as temperature, wind speed, and holidays, air quality significantly affected the number of public outings and the satisfaction of outings. (2) The number of public outings decreased significantly with the increase of air pollution. Compared with excellent air quality, the number dropped by 40.1% when the air quality was severe, and by 15.1% when the air quality was good. (3) For the tourist attractions in Harbin City, severe air pollution significantly reduced satisfaction of public outings, while lower levels of air pollution did not significantly affect satisfaction of public outings. This research not only provides a new perspective with an accurate assessment of the influences of air quality on public outing behavior, but also provides references for relevant air pollution prevention and tourism policy formulation.
Keywords:air quality;tourism big data;outings;negative binomial regression;ordered probit regression;Harbin City

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敖长林, 王菁霞, 孙宝生. 基于大数据的空气质量对公众外出游玩影响研究. 资源科学[J], 2020, 42(6): 1199-1209 doi:10.18402/resci.2020.06.16
AO Changlin, WANG Jingxia, SUN Baosheng. Impact of air quality on public outings based on big data. RESOURCES SCIENCE[J], 2020, 42(6): 1199-1209 doi:10.18402/resci.2020.06.16

1 引言




2 研究区概况、数据来源与研究方法

2.1 研究区概况


然而,进入21世纪以来,哈尔滨市空气污染状况愈发严重的问题日益凸显[22]。哈尔滨市统计局数据显示,2017年哈尔滨平均PM2.5浓度约为87 μg/m3,远超过世界卫生组织(WHO)所建议的10 μg/m3标准。因此,本文选取哈尔滨市作为研究空气质量对公众外出游玩影响的案例地具有一定的典型性和代表性。

2.2 数据来源及处理

2.2.1 数据来源






控制变量中的天气条件数据,如:日均温度(temperature)、日均风速(wind speed)、日均能见度(visibility)、日降水量(precipitation)、是否降雪(snow)以及是否降雨(rain)等来源于网站“https://www.wunderground.com/”。公众外出游玩次数、空气质量指数与部分天气条件数据的变化趋势如图1所示。



Figure 1Trends of trip frequency, air quality index (AQI), precipitation, temperature, visibility, and wind speed

2.2.2 数据处理






利用收集的温度数据来计算评论当天的平均温度估计值 Tˉ=i=124Ti/24, Ti为第i小时的温度,将温度划分为4个类别,描述公众对温度的感知[20]。同时,参考中国气象局天气变量的划分标准,将日均风速划分为5个类别,日均能见度划分为3个类别,日降水量划分为3个类别,如表1所示。

Table 1
Table 1Classification results of air quality index (AQI) and other control variables
空气质量指数 AQI[0, 50]降水量 precipitation/mm=0
[51, 100](0, 25]
[101, 150](25, ∞)
[151, 200]snow=0无雪
[201, 300]=1有雪
(300, ∞)rain=0无雨
温度 temperature/℃(-∞, -7]=1有雨
(-7, 5]供暖季 season=0非供暖季
(5, 21]=1供暖季
(21, 38]节假日 holiday=0非节假日
风速 wind speed/(m/s)(-∞, 1.5]=1节假日
(1.5, 3.3]周末 weekend=0非周末
(3.3, 5.4]=1周末
(5.4, 7.9]门票价格 price/元[0, 100]
(7.9, 10.7](100, 200]
能见度 visibility/km(-∞, 2](200, ∞)
(2, 10]
( 10, ∞)



2.3 研究方法

2.3.1 公众外出游玩次数模型构建

分析自变量与因变量关系时,常采用多元线性回归,并用最小二乘估计回归参数。但由于多元线性回归要求因变量是连续型变量,而本文的研究数据为离散型,因此需要考虑其他的分析方法。泊松回归与负二项回归模型已广泛应用于交通事故[28]、医学[29]、流行病学[30]等方面的研究。通过对数据的观察与分析,公众外出游玩次数 y的方差 σ2=436.510,均值 μ=24.802,负二项回归更适合因变量过度离散的情况,即因变量的方差大于均值[31]。依据数据的属性特点及统计特征,本文基于负二项回归构建公众外出游玩次数yAQI之间的函数模型,并加入控制变量,模型可表示为如下形式:

式中: I是截距;AQI是哈尔滨市空气质量指数数据,反映哈尔滨市每日的空气质量情况,也是主要解释变量;在模型的控制变量中,temperaturewind speedvisibilityprecipitationsnowrain等为天气变量,分别为每日的温度、风速、能见度、降水量、是否降雪、是否降雨等,season为供暖季变量,holiday为节假日变量,weekend为周末变量。 β为游玩次数模型的边际效应,是指在控制其他影响因素不变的条件下, β对应的自变量变化时游玩次数对数的变化率[31]。传统的负二项回归模型采用最大似然法估计参数,在负二项回归的基础上,采用贝叶斯参数估计方法即为贝叶斯负二项回归。相比于传统的负二项回归模型,贝叶斯负二项回归模型的拟合参数不再是固定值,而是具有某种先验分布的随机变量。本文采用马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗方法(MCMC)对贝叶斯负二项回归参数进行抽样,分别采用不同的先验分布进行贝叶斯建模,即假设负二项回归参数分别服从正态分布、均匀分布和拉普拉斯分布。

2.3.2 公众外出游玩满意度模型构建



式中: zi*表示游玩满意度 z的内在趋势,它并不能被直接测量,游玩满意度变量有5个类别,相应取值为 z=1,2,?,5,共有4个分界点(即 μjj=1,2,3,4,且 μ1<μ2<μ3<μ4)将各相邻类别分开,即若 z*μ1,则 z=1;若 μ1<z*μ2,则 z=2;以此类推,若 z*>μ4,则 z=5εi为误差项,是难以观测但对反应变量有影响的其他因素的总和,当 εi服从正态分布时,模型即为有序Probit回归模型[32]。在式(1)解释变量基础上,将景区门票价格price与等级level变量加入控制变量中,用于控制景区自身条件对游玩满意度的影响。 β'为满意度模型的边际效应,是指在其他条件不变的情况下, β'对应的自变量变化时游玩满意度的变化率。

3 结果与分析

3.1 公众外出游玩次数模型结果及分析


Table 2
Table 2Parameter estimation and test results
AQI [51, 100]-0.164***0.062-0.162**0.063
AQI [101, 150]-0.285***0.089-0.281***0.092
AQI [151, 200]-0.269**0.131-0.263*0.135
AQI [201, 300]-0.449***0.153-0.434***0.153
AQI (300, ∞)-0.513**0.227-0.491**0.235
温度(-7, 5]-0.503***0.074-0.502***0.075
温度(5, 21]-0.592***0.088-0.590***0.088
温度(21, 38]-0.0240.121-0.0180.121
风速(1.5, 3.3]-0.1470.094-0.1470.095
风速(3.3, 5.4]-0.292***0.100-0.292***0.102
风速(5.4, 7.9]-0.1740.143-0.1710.146
风速(7.9, 10.7]-0.3510.323-0.3150.324
能见度(2, 10]0.0300.2050.0290.210
能见度(10, ∞)-0.0760.219-0.0750.224
降水量(0, 25]-0.1010.069-0.1000.070
降水量(25, ∞)-0.3820.353-0.3320.358
McFadden R 20.289——


由于AIC指标会忽略贝叶斯负二项回归模型估计参数的先验分布信息,因此本文使用均方误差(MSE)评估模型拟合精度的高低。由表2可知,负二项回归模型的MSE值较低,说明该模型的拟合效果更优。同时,负二项回归模型的McFadden R2值为0.289,介于0.2到0.4区间范围内[33],说明该模型的解释能力较好。


公众外出游玩次数与空气质量指数(AQI)呈显著负相关,在控制变量不变的条件下,以空气质量为优的类别作为参考,其他类别的AQI均会导致游玩次数的减少。当AQI大于300时,公众外出游玩次数最少,是空气质量为优时的59.9%( βAQI(300,)=-0.513),即下降了40.1%;AQI在201~300时,游玩次数是空气质量为优时的63.8%( βAQI201,300=-0.449);AQI在101~150和151~200时的游玩次数差别较小,分别是空气质量为优时游玩次数的75.2%和76.4%;而AQI在51~100时,游玩次数是空气质量为优时的84.9%( βAQI51,100=-0.164),下降了15.1%,说明空气质量良好时,公众更愿意外出游玩,而当空气质量处于严重污染或重度污染时,外出游玩次数会明显减少,表明公众会产生规避空气污染的行为,这与郑思齐等[5]探究空气污染对北京市居民外出就餐行为影响的研究结果基本一致。

在控制变量中,以温度低于-7℃的类别作为参考,温度在-7℃~5℃和5℃~21℃时,游玩次数分别是温度低于-7℃的60.5%( βtemperature(-7,5]=-0.503)和55.3%( βtemperature(5,21]=-0.592),表明哈尔滨市温度在低于-7℃时能够促进公众外出游玩次数增加。与1.5 m/s的风速相比,3.3~5.4 m/s的风速对游玩次数有显著的负向影响,其游玩次数是1.5 m/s风速条件下游玩次数的74.7%( βwind?speed(3.3,5.4]=-0.292),说明低风速为公众提供了良好的外出游玩条件,增加了公众外出游玩的可能。哈尔滨市景区在节假日期间的游玩次数是非节假日游玩次数的2.46倍,由于公众在节假日有大量自由安排的时间,因此会在节假日期间放松身心,进行外出游玩,这与事实情况相符。供暖季的游玩次数是非供暖季游玩次数的82.9%( βseason=-0.188),其原因可能是在供暖季公众更愿意处于温和的室内,从而减少了外出游玩次数。

3.2 公众外出游玩满意度模型结果及分析


Table 3
Table 3Parameter estimation of Ordered Probit regression and test results
AQI [51, 100]0.0310.032
AQI [101, 150]0.0140.048
AQI [151, 200]-0.0390.072
AQI [201, 300]-0.0850.087
AQI (300, ∞)-0.679***0.121
温度(-7, 5]-0.0730.046
温度(5, 21]-0.105**0.051
温度(21, 38]-0.0470.065
风速(1.5, 3.3]-0.0270.051
风速(3.3, 5.4]-0.0150.055
风速(5.4, 7.9]-0.0190.078
风速(7.9, 10.7]-0.0450.170
能见度(2, 10]-0.0790.120
能见度(10, ∞)-0.0730.128
降水量(0, 25]0.0570.038
降水量(25, ∞)-0.305**0.125
门票价格(100, 200]0.0250.037
门票价格(200, ∞)-0.182***0.051




在模型的控制变量中,以温度低于-7℃的类别作为参考,温度在5℃~21℃时,对游玩满意度有显著的负向影响,其原因可能是在温度介于5℃~21℃时哈尔滨市特色旅游项目相对较少,导致了游玩满意度的降低;以降水量为0 mm作为参考,降水量超过25 mm时,公众外出游玩满意度会下降,原因在于降水量过大时,会严重影响景区的观赏性和道路交通,从而降低了游玩满意度;以门票价格不大于100元的类别作为参考,门票价格高于200元的系数显著为负,说明与门票价格不大于100元相比,门票价格高于200元时的游玩满意度会降低,原因为高门票价格使公众对景区产生较高期望值,当游玩体验未达到心理预期时,公众的满意度会下降。供暖季的系数显著为正,表明与非供暖季相比,供暖季对外出游玩满意度有显著的正向影响。

4 结论、建议与展望

4.1 结论




4.2 建议




4.3 不足与展望




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We measured concentrations of multiple elements, including rare earth elements, in waters and sediments of 38 shallow lakes of varying turbidity and macrophyte cover in the Prairie Parkland (PP) and Laurentian Mixed Forest (LMF) provinces of Minnesota. PP shallow lakes had higher element concentrations in waters and sediments compared to LMF sites. Redundancy analysis indicated that a combination of site- and watershed-scale features explained a large proportion of among-lake variability in element concentrations in lake water and sediments. Percent woodland cover in watersheds, turbidity, open water area, and macrophyte cover collectively explained 65.2 % of variation in element concentrations in lake waters. Sediment fraction smaller than 63 microm, percent woodland in watersheds, open water area, and sediment organic matter collectively explained 64.2 % of variation in element concentrations in lake sediments. In contrast to earlier work on shallow lakes, our results showed the extent to which multiple elements in shallow lake waters and sediments were influenced by a combination of variables including sediment characteristics, lake morphology, and percent land cover in watersheds. These results are informative because they help illustrate the extent of functional connectivity between shallow lakes and adjacent lands within these lake watersheds.

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The increasing use of web 2.0 applications has generated numerous online user reviews. Prior studies have revealed the influence of user-generated reviews on the sales of products such as CDs, books, and movies. However, the influence of online user-generated reviews in the tourism industry is still largely unknown both to tourism researchers and practitioners. To bridge this knowledge gap in tourism management, we conducted an empirical study to identify the impact of online user-generated reviews on business performance using data extracted from a major online travel agency in China. The empirical findings show that traveler reviews have a significant impact on online sales, with a 10 percent increase in traveler review ratings boosting online bookings by more than five percent. Our results highlight the importance of online user-generated reviews to business performance in tourism. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

敖长林, 李凤佼, 许荔珊, . 基于网络文本挖掘的冰雪旅游形象感知研究: 以哈尔滨市为例
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AIM: Oral health in old persons is frequently poor; non-functional prostheses are common and negatively affect quality of life. The objective of this study was to estimate the impact of oral health problems on oral health related quality of life in a sample of home dwelling Mexican elders. METHODS: Household survey in 655 persons 70 years old and over residing in one county in Mexico City. VARIABLES: Oral Health Related Quality of Life (Short version of the Oral Health Impact Profile validated in Mexico-OHIP-14-sp), self-perception of general and oral health, xerostomia, utilization of dental services, utilization and functionality of removable dental prostheses, dental and periodontal conditions, age, gender, marital status, schooling, depression, cognitive impairment and independence in activities of daily living (ADL). A negative binomial regression model was fitted. RESULTS: Mean age was 79.2 +/- 7.1 years; 54.2% were women. Mean OHIP-14-Sp score was 6.8 +/- 8.7, median was 4. The final model showed that men (RR = 1.30); persons with xerostomia (RR = 1.41); no utilization of removable prostheses (RR = 1.55); utilization of non-functional removable prostheses (RR = 1.69); fair self-perception of general health (RR = 1.34); equal (RR = 1.43) or worse (RR = 2.32) self-perception of oral health compared with persons of the same age; and being dependent for at least one ADL (RR = 1.71) increased the probability of higher scores of the OHIP-14-sp. Age, schooling, depression, cognitive impairment and periodontal conditions showed no association. CONCLUSIONS: Oral rehabilitation can improve quality of life, health education and health promotion for the elder and their caregivers may reduce the risk of dental problems. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2017; 17: 744-752.

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