Quantitative analysis of knowledge maps of natural resources accounting and assessment research in China based on CiteSpace
LAN Man, LIN Aiwen,, JIN Tian, LUO LitingSchool of Resource and Environmental Sciences / The Key Laboratory of Geographic Information System,Wuhan 430079, China
Abstract Using the literature from the Web of Science (WOS) and the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) databases and the CiteSpace software as an analytical tool, this study analyzed the national distribution and hotspots of the publications from international natural resources accounting and assessment research, and core author distribution and research institution distribution of the research in China, with a special focus on the hotspot changes of natural resources accounting and assessment research in China. The following results were derived: (1) In this field, America is the country with the highest number of research articles, followed by China. China and Australia have high influence in international cooperation. (2) International research mainly covered the estimation methods, development and utilization, management and protection of various resource elements. (3) Domestic research involved many fields. A stable core author network has not been formed. The cooperation relationship of each institution was greatly restricted by the region. (4) According to the requirements of specific policies, Chinese research hotspots can be divided into three stages including establishment, development, and improvement. (5) In addition to the non renewable resources and clean energy that are generally concerned at home and abroad, China has done a lot of researches on fishery resources, and studied the unique resources of traditional Chinese medicine; “ecosystem services” has become an important aspect of international research, while it is only in recent years that the ecological value has been included in the discussion in China. The results are helpful for a comprehensive understanding of the overall developing stages and the frontiers of the natural resources accounting and assessment research in China, providing a reference for the theoretical and methodological developments of future research. Keywords:natural resources accounting and assessment;research hotspot changes;knowledge map;bibliometrical method;CiteSpace
PDF (9827KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 蓝曼, 林爱文, 金添, 罗丽婷. 中国自然资源核算评估研究知识图谱量化分析. 资源科学[J], 2020, 42(4): 621-635 doi:10.18402/resci.2020.04.03 LAN Man, LIN Aiwen, JIN Tian, LUO Liting. Quantitative analysis of knowledge maps of natural resources accounting and assessment research in China based on CiteSpace. RESOURCES SCIENCE[J], 2020, 42(4): 621-635 doi:10.18402/resci.2020.04.03
自然资源核算评估(Natural Resources Accounting and Assessment)是自然资源稀缺和可持续发展背景下衍生的重要命题。起初,资源核算的概念诞生于西方市场经济国家,主要是源于对资源有限和经济增长极限的担忧[3],以期采用基于统计核算的方法对自然资源进行管理。1978年,挪威统计局率先进行了资源环境核算工作[4],芬兰、美国、英国等发达国家也先后在此方面进行了有益探索[5]。其中,以荷兰统计局提出的环境与国民经济核算矩阵(NAMEA)[6]和联合国公布的综合环境经济核算体系(SEEA)[7]最具影响力。中国有关自然资源核算的讨论开始于20世纪80年代[8],较为系统的研究工作则是始于1992年世界环境与发展大会的召开[9]。中国科学技术名词审定委员会将资源核算认定为“政府等管理主体对一定空间和时间内的某类或若干类资源,在其真实统计和合理评估的基础上,从实物、价值和质量等方面,运用核算帐户和比较分析等,来反映资源变化情况的行为或过程”。其中涉及各自然科学领域的包含资源潜力评估、持续能力评估、承载能力评估等在内的资源评估[10]。自然资源核算评估,本质上就是针对某类或若干自然资源进行估算,以达到合理开发、利用、保护自然资源的目的。
国际数据以科学引文索引(SCI)数据库Web of Science的核心数据库为检索平台,在高级检索中输入“TS=("resource* accounting" OR "resource* assessment" OR "resource* estimation" OR "resource* valuation")”进行检索,语种为“English”,文献类型设定为“Article”,检索年限为“全部年限(1900—2019年)”,引文索引限定为“SCI-EXPANDED”“SSCI”,共检索出2290条结果。
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