Changes of climate and land cover in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River over the past 2000 years
ZHENG Jingyun1,4, WEN Yanjun2,3, FANG Xiuqi31. Key Laboratory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation, Institute of Geographic Sciences and NaturalResources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China 2. School of Geography and Environment, Baoji University of Arts and Sciences, Baoji 721013, China 3. Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China 4. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Abstract Based on the research on the changes of climate, disasters, vegetation, and land use in the past 40 years, this study made a comprehensive assessment of the characteristics of changes of temperature, dry/wet conditions, and extreme droughts and floods, and the general trend of land cover caused by the agricultural land use, in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River over the past two millennia. We also discussed the general relationships between the above changes and the sedimentation, breaches, and avulsions in the lower Yellow River from a historical perspective. The main conclusions are as follows. (1) During the past two millennia, multi-scale periodic fluctuations of temperature and dry/wet conditions were significant in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, but the dry/wet changes in the middle and the lower reaches were not completely synchronized. Frequencies of extreme droughts and floods varied in different time periods. (2) As early as in the late Western Han Dynasty, the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River had already been developed into an agricultural area with a spatial range similar to today’s, where, especially on relative flat terrains, only limited natural vegetation remained. Since then, the intensity of reclamation showed an increasing trend in general, although it fluctuated greatly over time. (3) The changes of climate and land cover had influenced the water-sediment balance, channel sedimentation, and riverbed stability in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, and driven, as an important trigger, the repeated diking-sedimentation-suspended river-burst and avulsion cycle in the lower Yellow River during the historical period. These understandings can provide historical backgrounds for further revealing the characteristics of environmental change in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and their impacts on the security of the lower Yellow River region. Keywords:middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River;past 2000 years;climate change;extreme drought/flood events;land cover;cropland reclamation
PDF (8514KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 郑景云, 文彦君, 方修琦. 过去2000年黄河中下游气候与土地覆被变化的若干特征. 资源科学[J], 2020, 42(1): 3-19 doi:10.18402/resci.2020.01.01 ZHENG Jingyun, WEN Yanjun, FANG Xiuqi. Changes of climate and land cover in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River over the past 2000 years. RESOURCES SCIENCE[J], 2020, 42(1): 3-19 doi:10.18402/resci.2020.01.01
(a)黄河与长江中下游地区冬半年温度[31];(b)全国年均温度[32];(c)黄河中上游地区干湿指数;(d)西安年旱涝等级序列的50年滑动平均[33];(e)黄河中游年径流量的31年低通滤波[34];(f)黄河下游地区干湿指数。(c)和(f)的上方箭头指公元前2世纪中期以来主要改道事件及其发生年(其中1个空心朝上箭头指发生在上游地区的改道,2个空心箭头指下游人为决口造成的改道) Figure 2The series of climate change in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and the years (marked as arrows) with river avulsion for the past 2000 years.
(a) The winter temperature anomaly (in 30 a resolution) in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River (bold line: 90-year running mean)[31]. (b) The annual temperature anomaly in China (thin line: 10 a resolution; bold line: the 100-year FFT low-pass filters; gray shading: the 95% confidence intervals)[32]. (c) The dry-wet index for the middle reaches (bold line: the 50-year FFT low-pass filters). (d) The 50-year running mean of drought/flood grade in Xi’an area[33]. (e) The 31-year low-pass filter of tree-ring based annual runoff reconstruction over the middle reaches[34]. (f) Same as plate (c), but for the lower reaches. Down arrows in plates (c) and (f): river avulsion in the lower reaches, in which 2 white marks indicated that induced by human activities; up arrows: river avulsion in the upper reaches
(a)每50年的极端干旱发生年数(点粗线)及具体发生年份(下方短竖线);(b)每50年的极端雨涝发生年数(点粗线)及具体发生年份(下方短竖线),其上方箭头意义同图2用于对比;(c)历史文献记载的大范围特大(方块)/大(小花)洪灾发生年[22]和下游河段决溢次数(下方竖线)[51] Figure 3Changes of the occurrences of extreme droughts and floods in the middle-lower reaches of the Yellow River and the events of dyke breaching and over-flowing.
(a) The frequency (dot-bold line) per 50 year and the years (vertical line in the bottom) for extreme drought. (b) Same as (a), but for extreme flood. Arrows in the top are the same as Figure 2. (c) The frequency for the events of dyke breaching and over-flowing (vertical line)[51], and the years with very large (marked as white square) and large (black flower) scale devastating flood events recorded in the historical documents[22]
Table 1 表1 表1公元960年来中国长江以北地区发生的大范围持续性重旱事件[46,47] Table 1Severe and prolonged droughts occurred in the north of the Yangtze River since A.D.960 [46,47]
Table 2 表2 表2历史时期黄河流域的主要暴雨区及引发的洪涝灾害简要特征[8,22,52] Table 2Characteristics of the main rainstorm areas and its resultant floods in the Yellow River Basin during historical times
(a)黄土高原地区及其中丘陵沟壑区的人口密度与丘陵沟壑区人口占整个黄土高原人口的百分比[60]。(b)渭河上游高山湖泊沉积物中的孢粉记录(木本孢粉比例下降指示垦殖对自然植被的影响增强,葎草及谷物孢粉比例增加指示垦殖强度加大)[77]。(c)黄土高原不同时期的侵蚀率[7,15]与渭河上游高山湖泊的沉积物磁化率(高值指示侵蚀强度大)[78]。(d)黄河下游河段不同时期的年均来沙量[79]及河道沉积速率[80] Figure 4Changes of reclamation intensity, soil erosion in the middle reaches, and sediment load and sedimentation rates in the lower reaches of the Yellow River for the past 2500 years.
(a) Population density of the whole Loess Plateau (gray bar), as well as population density (star-solid line) and population percentage of its mid-hill gully region (dot-dash line)[60]. (b) Pollen records in alpine lake sediments in the Upper Reaches of the Weihe River, in which the decreasing of tree pollen (solid line) indicates great impact of reclamation on natural vegetation, and the increasing Humulus-type (gray shading) and Cereal-type pollen (black shading) indicate large reclamation intensity[77]. (c) Erosion rates (star-solid line) of the Loess Plateau[7,15] and magnetic susceptibility (gray shading) of the alpine lake sediments (high values indicate great erosion intensity) in the Upper Reaches of the Weihe River[78] in different periods. (d) The mean of annual sediment load[79] (dot-dash line) and sedimentation rates[80] (star-solid line) in the Lower Reaches of the Yellow River in different periods
Figure 5Schematic map of the alluvial fans and deltas formed in the lower reaches of the Yellow River during different periods in the historical time and the main paleo-channels since 400BC [15,104,105]
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