关键词:耕地质量;地块尺度;土地流转;规模化经营;黑龙江省;吉林省 Abstract Low land transfer restricts the scale and modernization of agriculture. Based on a sample of 312 households and 1527 plots of 12 typical administrative villages in Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces in 2017, this study used the ordinary least squares (OLS) and Probit models to explore the impact of cultivated land quality on land transfer behaviors at the scale of plots. The results indicate that: (1) Cultivated land quality has a significant impact on whether a plot is rent out or rent in. Plots with large area, flat slopes, and well-irrigated condition have a higher probability of being rent in, while plots that are small in size and far away from homes have a relatively lower probability of being rent out. (2) Non-agricultural income has a positive effect on rent out behavior of farmer. (3) The older the head of the household, the higher the probability that the farmer will participate in the land transfer. The farmers with lower education have a higher probability of renting in plots. The greater the number of agricultural fixed assets, the more reluctant the farmers are to rent out plots. There is less possibility of renting in plots for the family who has the larger contracted farmland. Some policy implications can be drawn from the results. The direction of related policy is to attract new agricultural management organizations to rent in farmland, and thus to promote land transfer market and to improve land quality. Simultaneously, improving the level of agricultural mechanization and agricultural production efficiency with higher land transfer levels need to be further valued.
表2对比分析了自有地块、转入地块和转出地块的耕地质量特征。从统计结果来看,3类地块的耕地类型、面积、主观评价质量、灌溉条件及离住宅距离均有明显差异,而土壤类型和地块坡度无明显差异。发生流转的地块在耕地类型、面积、灌溉条件及离住宅距离方面,均优于自有地块。对地块面积而言,自有地块和转出地块的面积相近,约为0.733 hm2;转入地块的面积基本是其两倍,约为1.333 hm2。也就是说,农户更倾向转入面积较大的地块。转入面积较大的地块一方面可以减少交易频率从而降低交易成本,另一方面转入地块的面积越大越有利于开展机械化、规模化经营,形成规模经济。近年来,随着非农产业的发展,一些农户退出农业生产,中国农业的经营规模有一定改善,但仍处于较低水平[21]。2013年末,经营土地的农村住户的平均土地经营面积为0.653 hm2,分为5.1块,块均不足0.133 hm2[22],地块面积狭小与分散状况制约土地流转与规模化经营[23],农户通过转入面积较大的地块以减少地块细碎化带来的负面作用。 Table 2 表2 表2不同土地流转类型的地块质量特征 Table 2Characteristics of plots by land transfer status
调研样本中土地流转的转入行为主要发生在旱田、面积大、地块坡度平缓和灌溉条件好的地块。调研的农户选择发生转入行为的耕地类型多为旱田,发生这些行为的原因是调研区的旱地地租相对水田便宜,旱田平均地租约为7155元/hm2,考虑到成本收益,选择旱田更易形成规模经营;另一方面的原因是发生流转的旱田为相对质量较好的旱田。地块面积在1%的水平上通过显著性检验,说明地块面积对土地转入行为具有控制意义,即农户倾向转入面积较大的地块。这主要是由于地块面积越大,越易于机械化耕作,在农村劳动力不足的情况下有利于减少劳动力投入,进而提高单位耕地面积收益。地块土壤质量对地块转入行为没有起到正向作用,表明土壤质量越好的地块流转程度越差,主要原因是质量较好的耕地地租水平较高,影响流转规模;另一原因是部分质量较好的地块未进入流转市场。地块坡度和地块灌溉条件对转入行为起正向促进作用,且均通过了1%的显著性检验。地块平整与良好的灌溉条件表明耕地质量高、投入产出高,地块平整还意味着更易实现机械化与规模化经营,这类土地更受农业经营户的青睐。 OLS与Probit模型的结果基本一致,通过稳健性检验。而地块离住宅距离这一变量在Probit中通过了1%的显著性检验(表3),表明通勤距离是土地流转行为的主要影响因素,亦即通勤距离越小,越有利于减少劳动力和机械化投入,越易于降低生产成本。本文的研究结果与重庆市“两翼”山区农户调研结果[8]一致,农户倾向于转入坡度小、灌溉条件好、离家近等耕作条件较好的地块。可见,耕作条件的等级是影响土地流转行为是否发生的主要因素[24,25,26]。 Table 3 表3 表3地块转入模型回归结果 Table 3Regression results of inward farmland transfer model
鉴于研究区农户的地块流转主要受耕地质量和耕作条件的制约,本文提出如下政策启示:以现代化规模经营为目标,综合考量南北方地区的人口、耕地特点及差异,对未来中国土地流转市场发展有指导性意义。第一,对于耕地质量优和耕作条件佳的地块,应发挥土地流转市场的主导作用,强化农机投入补贴政策,促进农业规模化经营。第二,对于耕地质量较差、耕作条件欠佳的地块,一方面,引入适宜的农作物品种;另一方面,在国家建设高标准农田的新契机下,改善灌溉设施和农田道路等农业生产条件,吸引更多的规模户特别是种植大户、合作社和龙头企业等新型农业经营组织转入耕地,积极推动土地流转市场发育。 本文调研所获得的数据中转出地块较少,转入和转出样本存在不对称性,原因是外出务工且转出地块的农户未被采访到,可能会导致研究结论有一定偏差。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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