关键词:稻麦轮作;农户行为;有机肥施用;影响因素;Logistic-ISM;江苏省 Abstract Organic fertilizer application is beneficial for agricultural green development. However, the rate of application in agricultural production is still very low, especially for rice and wheat production. As rice and wheat are the main crops of agricultural production, it is significance to study farmers’ behavior of organic fertilizer application and the key influencing factors for promoting the application of organic fertilizer in rice and wheat croplands. This study was conducted based on a questionnaire survey of 392 farmers from rice-wheat rotation cropland of Jiangsu Province. We analyzed the influencing factors and their relationships by using a Logistic model and interpretive structural modeling (ISM). The results show that there were eight main influencing factors. Higher educational level, understanding of organic fertilizer, understanding of environmental pollution caused by excessive chemical fertilizer application, consideration of damage to soil when purchasing fertilizer, raising poultry, and guidance of agricultural technology department of the government had positive effects on farmers' organic fertilizer application while higher sensitivity to price of fertilizer and labor saving had a negative effect on organic fertilizer application. By an in-depth analysis, the influencing factors formed a “one path, three driving factors” structure. Based on these results, several suggestions were put forward to promote the application of organic fertilizer.
Keywords:rice-wheat rotation cropland;farmers’ behavior;application of organic fertilizer;influencing factors;Logistic-interpretive structural modeling;Jiangsu Province -->0 PDF (3540KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章 本文引用格式导出EndNoteRisBibtex收藏本文--> 胡乃娟, 孙晓玲, 许雅婷, 周子阳, 朱利群. 基于Logistic-ISM模型的农户有机肥施用行为影响因素及层次结构分解[J]. 资源科学, 2019, 41(6): 1120-1130 https://doi.org/10.18402/resci.2019.06.11 HUNaijuan, SUNXiaoling, XUYating, ZHOUZiyang, ZHULiqun. Influencing factors of farmers’ organic fertilizer application behavior and their stratification based on Logistic-ISM model[J]. RESOURCES SCIENCE, 2019, 41(6): 1120-1130 https://doi.org/10.18402/resci.2019.06.11
基于理论模型的构建,设稻麦轮作区“农户是否施用有机肥”为因变量,“农户有机肥施用影响因素”为自变量,包括农户的个体及家庭特征、对肥料的认知及外部因素3个方面13个因素,具体变量定义及其描述性统计如表1所示。 Table 1 表1 表1模型变量说明 Table 1Variables of the model
江苏省是中国粮食高产省份,种植制度以稻麦两熟为主。随着稻麦持续高产,化肥施用量始终保持较高水平。表2所示为2011—2017年江苏省稻麦种植情况[35]。2017年江苏省水稻和小麦种植面积达4456.74千hm2,年产量为3095.83万t,整个江苏省年化肥投入量高达303.85万t[35],并且稻麦轮作区的施用量所占比例最大[36]。 Table 2 表2 表22011—2017年江苏省稻麦种植情况 Table 2Planting area and production of rice and wheat in Jiangsu Province, 2011-2017
新窗口打开 本文所用数据来源于课题组2017年8—10月在江苏省稻麦轮作区的农户调查。农户样本的选取按照多阶段抽样方法:首先,在苏北、苏中、苏南各选取1个市,分别为连云港市、南通市、南京市,再在3个市中随机选取1~2个县(区),分别为灌云县、海安县、六合区、溧水区,然后,在每个县(区)随机选取2个镇,每个镇选取50~55户从事稻麦轮作农田种植的农户进行问卷调查。共发放问卷430份,收回有效问卷397份,有效率达到92.33%。本文在进行研究时剔除了种植大户5例,实际有效问卷为392份。 被调查农户的基本情况如表3所示。在被调查的392家农户中,不施用有机肥的农户为313户,占总体的79.85%,施用有机肥的农户为79户,仅占总体的20.15%;被调查农户的年龄主要集中在46~75岁之间,平均年龄61.88岁,其中,男性占60.20%,女性占39.80%;农户的受教育程度主要以小学以下、小学和初中为主,占样本总数的91.33%;农户的种植面积平均为5.44亩;兼业的农户占样本总数的73.72%,不兼业的只占26.28%。农户获取肥料信息的渠道主要为自身经验、经销商介绍和亲朋好友介绍等传统方式,且分别占样本总体的84.95%、36.73%、25.51%;而依靠农技部门、广播电视等新型方式了解肥料信息的农户仅分别占8.20%、4.30%。在农户施用的有机肥中,商品有机肥占34.18%,人畜粪便与畜禽堆肥占65.82%;农户不施用有机肥的原因中,买不到占21.41%,没有饲养家禽占29.71%,并且很多农户表示没有听说过商品有机肥,附近农资销售店为了保证销量和收益不会冒险去购进商品有机肥。 Table 3 表3 表3被调查农户的基本信息 Table 3Basic information of the surveyed farmers
基于上述研究结论,可得到如下政策启示: 一是加强有机肥推广中的宣传和指导。由研究结果可知,农技部门的指导是影响农户选择有机肥的深层根源因素之一。因此,政府、农技部门应充分发挥宣传和引导作用,并提供必要的技术指导和培训,一方面让农户认识到化肥过量投入对环境的危害;另一方面,使农户能够意识到有机肥的优点,并科学、合理的施用有机肥。 二是完善有机肥扶持政策。农户施用有机肥的成本较高,导致农户选择有机肥的意愿较低。因此,政府应该完善有机肥扶持力度,根据实际情况,对施用有机肥的农户进行补贴,或对有机肥生产企业、农资经销商进行扶持补贴,降低有机肥价格,从而降低农户施肥成本,激励农户选择施用有机肥。 三是加快有机肥的科技研发。有机肥肥效缓慢,且对于施用量控制、劳动力投入等要求较高,不能满足普通农户的需求。因此,有机肥生产企业及科研部门应加快有机肥研发工作,生产出符合农户需求的有机肥,简化施肥程序,降低劳动力投入,同时提升有机肥的品质,增强肥效。 四是建立种植业和养殖业的密切合作关系。饲养家禽的农户因有机肥获得便捷、成本低等原因更倾向于施用有机肥。因此,在村、镇、乡、县的种植户与养殖户之间建立密切、长远的合作关系,不仅能为种植户提供可靠的有机肥来源,而且能解决养殖业带来的环境污染,实现种植户、养殖户及生态环境的共赢。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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