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朱晟君1, 金文纨1, 胡晓辉,21.北京大学城市与环境学院,北京 100871
2.浙江财经大学公共管理学院,杭州 310018

The regional industrial dynamics from the perspective of relatedness

ZHU Shengjun1, JIN Wenwan1, HU Xiaohui,21.Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
2.School of Public Administration, Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics, Hangzhou 310018, China

通讯作者: 胡晓辉(1982-),男,浙江湖州人,博士,副教授,研究方向为演化经济地理与地方产业动态、老工业区重塑和区域经济弹性。E-mail: xhhugeo@gmail.com


作者简介 About authors

关键词: 区域产业动态;企业关联;产业关联;区域关联;演化经济地理学

Chinese economic development has experienced a rapid transformation since 1978 due to the implementation of the reform and opening-up policy. Arguably the research of regional industry dynamics is at the core of economic geography. Traditional researches in economic geography tend to focus on individuals such as firms, industries and regions, ignoring the relationship between them. Over the past few years, much progress has been made in researches on the relatedness of firms, while the relatedness of industries and regions is still not paid sufficient attentions. From the perspective of relatedness, this paper attempts to shed some light on the linkages of industries and regions, and explore their formation mechanisms. It puts forward that the translocal linkages and resource mobilization on different scales are sources of the relatedness of firms, industries and regions. In addition, this paper also sketches out how industrial relatedness and regional relatedness influences regional industrial dynamics. As for industrial relatedness, evolutionary economic geography (EEG) theories based on a network model named the "product space" have adopted a view that regional spillovers from related, yet not too proximate industries will endogenously induce new industries in a region through processes of recombinatorial innovation. The vast majority of empirical case studies have confirmed these theories. Regional industrial dynamics has thus far largely been conceptualized as an endogenous process, underplaying exogenously-driven forms of regional relatedness. Then, this paper provides a systematic conceptual analysis of the role regional relatedness may play for industrial dynamics in regions. Good connections between the regions improve matching on labour markets, speeding up knowledge flows and plausibly fostering learning which will contribute to the reciprocal industrial dynamics of geographically distant regions. Accordingly, this paper argues that future studies can further investigate the regional development from a relatedness perspective: (1) pay more attention to the industrial relatedness, such as its indirect links, link strengths and industrial relatedness dynamics; (2) enhance the understanding of the properties of regional relatedness and draw on network analysis approaches; (3) forge a link between industrial relatedness and regional relatedness. Emanated from different disciplines, the new perspective of relatedness in the study of regional industry dynamics provides a sound basis for understanding China's special development path and deserves the attention of economic geography scholars. Besides, there is rapidly expanding various data of relatedness which will make the perspective of relatedness more potential in the future.
Keywords:regional industrial dynamics;firm relatedness;industrial relatedness;regional relatedness;evolutionary economic geography

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朱晟君, 金文纨, 胡晓辉. 关联视角下的区域产业动态研究进展与反思. 地理研究[J], 2020, 39(5): 1045-1055 doi:10.11821/dlyj020190995
ZHU Shengjun. The regional industrial dynamics from the perspective of relatedness. Geographical Research[J], 2020, 39(5): 1045-1055 doi:10.11821/dlyj020190995

1 引言






2 关联形成机制





3 产业关联与区域产业动态




总之,演化经济地理学基于产业关联发现区域产业动态是一个路径依赖的过程,而相关产业的空间集聚通过知识溢出会影响区域经济发展。由于演化经济地理学认为区域的能力难以复制和跨区域流动,目前绝大多数的演化研究在考虑产业关联的同时忽视了区域关联的重要性[45]。演化经济地理也因此被批判过于内源化,存在“区域拜物主义”(regional fetishism)的风险[53]。在现实中,区域并非孤立与封闭。近年来交通和通讯技术的迅速发展缩短了区域之间的时空距离,强化区域之间复杂和动态的相互作用。在此背景下,只考虑产业关联会使区域产业动态研究过于强调原有产业基础的重要性,偏离区域产业发展的真实情况[54,55]。事实上,区域不仅可以通过产业关联发展相关产业,还可以突破过去生产能力和技术的基础实现区域产业飞跃式发展。一些新兴经济体的研究表明区域关联是促进区域产业路径突破的重要动力之一[56]。区域关联视角有助于区域产业动态研究将研究重点从“路径依赖”拓展到“路径突破”。

4 区域关联与区域产业动态





5 讨论与展望


首先在产业关联方面,未来研究需要进一步关注产业关联的类型。现有研究多关注产业间的直接关联(direct links),而忽视了间接关联(indirect links)[69]。直接关联是指两个产业之间的直接联系,间接关联则指两个产业通过第三个产业形成的间接联系。如图1a所示,在只考虑直接关联的情况下,图中产业a与产业d和e之间均存在较弱的直接关联,区域发展产业d与e的概率应该相同。而考虑到间接关联的情况下,产业d与产业b之间存在强关联,其可以通过产业b与区域优势产业a之间形成较强的间接关联,进而影响区域发展产业d的概率[70]。这种产业间的间接关联会影响区域产业发展,甚至改变区域最佳的产业演化模式。



Fig. 1The analysis of industrial links

当前区域产业研究还存在模糊强关联(strong links)和弱关联(weak links)差异的问题。如图1b所示,不同产业之间的关联程度存在差异,强关联和弱关联产业之间的性质也不相同。强关联产业之间更容易产生信息交换和知识溢出[71],但是交换的知识技术较为同质化,存在信息冗余问题,可能反而不利于区域创新[72]。而弱联系可以促使产业获取差异化的新知识,实现突破性创新[73],但其同时也需要区域具备很高的知识信息吸收能力。强关联(strong links)和弱关联(weak links)各有优劣,可能在区域产业动态中扮演不同角色[74]





6 研究总结






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全球化带来的新国际劳动分工使全球生产网络(Global Production Network, GPN)成为研究全球经济与区域发展的重要框架。与此同时,金融在现代社会经济运行中的地位日益提升,经济金融化在全球不同尺度下深刻影响着经济活动的空间分布和网络。因此,金融已经成为GPN研究不能忽略的重要环节。更重要的是,金融化带来的逻辑也日益深刻地影响到GPN的演化和运行。尽管GPN研究日益重视金融的作用,并开始研究金融业的全球生产网络,但是随着越来越多的企业通过获得国际股权投资或者在境外资本市场上市等方式融入全球资本市场,主要从生产角度理解地方经济融入全球过程的GPN难以对该现象深入分析。全球金融网络(Global Financial Network, GFN)为刻画和分析这个过程提供了新的框架。在这个分析框架中,地方经济体通过高级商业服务业(Advanced Business Service, ABS)企业与世界城市(国际金融中心)和离岸管辖区产生联系,从而融入GFN。论文介绍了GFN的基本结构,探讨了地方经济融入GFN的主要方式及其产生的影响。最后,提出GFN未来在理论和实证方面可继续深入研究的方向。
[ Pan Fenghua, Fang Cheng . From global production network to global financial network: A new framework for understanding global-local economic linkages
Progress in Geography, 2019,38(10):1473-1481.]

DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.10.003URL [本文引用: 2]
全球化带来的新国际劳动分工使全球生产网络(Global Production Network, GPN)成为研究全球经济与区域发展的重要框架。与此同时,金融在现代社会经济运行中的地位日益提升,经济金融化在全球不同尺度下深刻影响着经济活动的空间分布和网络。因此,金融已经成为GPN研究不能忽略的重要环节。更重要的是,金融化带来的逻辑也日益深刻地影响到GPN的演化和运行。尽管GPN研究日益重视金融的作用,并开始研究金融业的全球生产网络,但是随着越来越多的企业通过获得国际股权投资或者在境外资本市场上市等方式融入全球资本市场,主要从生产角度理解地方经济融入全球过程的GPN难以对该现象深入分析。全球金融网络(Global Financial Network, GFN)为刻画和分析这个过程提供了新的框架。在这个分析框架中,地方经济体通过高级商业服务业(Advanced Business Service, ABS)企业与世界城市(国际金融中心)和离岸管辖区产生联系,从而融入GFN。论文介绍了GFN的基本结构,探讨了地方经济融入GFN的主要方式及其产生的影响。最后,提出GFN未来在理论和实证方面可继续深入研究的方向。

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DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0070726URLPMID:23940633 [本文引用: 1]
We investigate a recent methodology we have proposed to extract valuable information on the competitiveness of countries and complexity of products from trade data. Standard economic theories predict a high level of specialization of countries in specific industrial sectors. However, a direct analysis of the official databases of exported products by all countries shows that the actual situation is very different. Countries commonly considered as developed ones are extremely diversified, exporting a large variety of products from very simple to very complex. At the same time countries generally considered as less developed export only the products also exported by the majority of countries. This situation calls for the introduction of a non-monetary and non-income-based measure for country economy complexity which uncovers the hidden potential for development and growth. The statistical approach we present here consists of coupled non-linear maps relating the competitiveness/fitness of countries to the complexity of their products. The fixed point of this transformation defines a metrics for the fitness of countries and the complexity of products. We argue that the key point to properly extract the economic information is the non-linearity of the map which is necessary to bound the complexity of products by the fitness of the less competitive countries exporting them. We present a detailed comparison of the results of this approach directly with those of the Method of Reflections by Hidalgo and Hausmann, showing the better performance of our method and a more solid economic, scientific and consistent foundation.

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[ Lin Xiaoyan . Space of knowledge flow and high-speed railway
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The United Kingdom spends less on health care than most other Western nations. Consequently, intensive care, which is seen as a service rather than as an independent discipline, has been neglected and under-resourced. Plans to develop intensive care as a multidisciplinary specialty may change the situation. However, the National Health Service is itself undergoing major organizational reforms with the development of an internal market. In addition, competition between hospital trusts may impose cost constraints that prevent the expansion of intensive care facilities and impede regionalization of intensive care services. Severity-adjusted outcomes indicate that the standard of intensive care in the United Kingdom is high, and good outcomes are achieved at comparatively low cost. However, there is evidence that the underfunding of intensive care is resulting in lost opportunities for preventing avoidable morbidity and mortality. Unless a modest increase in funding for intensive and high-dependency care is made available, formal strategies for rationing and triage may have to be adopted.

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DOI:10.1016/j.respol.2010.12.001URL [本文引用: 1]
There is an ongoing debate in innovation research as to which type of social capital is more conducive to innovation: structural holes as proposed by Burt or network closure as proposed by Coleman. Although Coleman focused on the quality of relationships, Burt argued that the structural configuration of relationships was more important. I argue that, instead of being alternative substitutes. Burt's social capital theory complements Coleman's theory. More precisely, I demonstrate that, in the presence of strong ties, weak network architectures (structural holes or a peripheral network position) leverage the strength of strong ties in the creation of innovation. This implies that weak network architectures have no value without strong ties, whereas strong ties have some value without weak network architectures but are leveraged by this type of structure. The findings indicate that innovation research tends to overestimate the impact of weak network architectures in the creation of innovation. By pointing to the necessity of strong ties, the results may be of particular interest for research on open innovation. They suggest that open innovation will not work if closed innovation principles are pushed back. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V.

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[本文引用: 1]

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DOI:10.1016/j.respol.2008.08.010URL [本文引用: 1]


This paper aims to understand better the innovation potential of a firm’s alliance network. Here we analyze the role of an alliance network in terms of the technological distance between partners, a firm’s network position (centrality) and total network density. We study how these three elements of an alliance network, separately and in combination, affect the ‘twin tasks’ in exploration, namely novelty creation on the one hand and its efficient absorption on the other hand. For an empirical test, we study technology-based alliance networks in the pharmaceutical, chemical and automotive industries. Our findings indicate that successful exploration indeed seems to require a delicate balance between these two exploration tasks. A second conclusion is that different network positions yield different pay-offs in terms of the number of explorative patents. In other words, success rates for exploration are not spread equally across firms. However, position alone does not tell the full story. Our empirical findings clearly indicate that exploration success also depends on the other two dimensions of embeddedness, namely technological distance and network density. The three elements of network embeddedness need to be considered jointly in order to understand their complementary effects on both novelty creation and absorptive capacity.

Castaldi C, Frenken K, Los B . Related variety, unrelated variety and technological breakthroughs: An analysis of US state-level patenting
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DOI:10.1080/00343404.2014.940305URL [本文引用: 1]

Jin F, Jiao J, Qi Y , et al. Evolution and geographic effects of high-speed rail in East Asia: An accessibility approach
Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2017,27(5):515-532.

DOI:10.1007/s11442-017-1390-8URL [本文引用: 1]
The rapid development of high-speed rail (HSR) is influencing regional development, regional structure, commuting, and regional integration. East Asia is the region with the world’s first and largest current operating and planned HSR network. In this paper, we examine the evolutionary mechanism and impacts on the transport circle and accessibility of HSR in East Asia. The results indicate that the HSR network first follows a “core-core” model and then forms a corridor in Japan, South Korea, and China Taiwan, but then forms a complete network in China Mainland. The current operating HSR lines are mostly distributed in regions with developed economies and dense populations, and more than half of the population and GDP in China can be served by HSR within 1 hour’s travel time. The planned HSR network will expand to the western region of China and Japan and the southern region of South Korea. The development of the current operating and planned HSR network considerably enlarges the transport circle of core cities, especially cities along trunk HSR lines. This 1 h transport circle of core cities has formed continuous regions in the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, Tokyo, Seoul, and along trunk HSR lines. The HSR network will bring about substantial improvement in accessiblity, but also increase the inequality of nodal accessibility in China Mainland. Spatially, the spatial patterns of the weighted shortest travel time of cities in China Mainland, Japan, and South Korea all present the “core-peripheral structure”, taking Zhengzhou, Tokyo, and Seoul, respectively, as core cities, and cities located along the trunk HSR lines gain large improvement in accessibility.

钟业喜, 陆玉麒 . 基于铁路网络的中国城市等级体系与分布格局
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[ Zhong Yexi, Lu Yuqi . Hierarchical structure and distribution pattern of Chinese urban system based on railway network
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URL [本文引用: 1]

司月芳, 曾刚, 曹贤忠 , . 基于全球—地方视角的创新网络研究进展
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DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.05.007URL [本文引用: 1]
[ Si Yuefang, Zeng Gang, Cao Xianzhong , et al. Research progress of glocal innovation networks
Progress in Geography, 2016,35(5):600-609.]

DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.05.007URL [本文引用: 1]
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