Export spillovers from foreign invested enterprises and export market extension of domestic enterprises

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1 引言
近年来,统计数据表明外资企业对于中国出口增长贡献巨大,据中国海关统计,中国外资企业出口总额从2001年的1332亿美元增长到2011年的10047亿美元,年均增长率达22.4%。进入21世纪,随着全球经济一体化的发展,全球产品和资本流动性增强,而本世纪初中国的“入世”使得外资与国内的交流更为频繁。2001年后,外资企业出口份额突破50%,更是成为中国对外贸易中最不容忽视的一环。另一方面,有研究表明外资企业的出口增长对于经济发展并无直接影响。Xu等[1]发现,对于增长方程的估计表明,内资企业才是中国出口收入增加的主要贡献者;Amiti等[2]则发现,一旦控制了内资企业的出口,外资企业在中国的出口活动对于中国各省的经济增长并不重要。虽然,外资企业对于中国的出口并无直接影响,但是外资企业作为FDI最主要的落地形式,往往意味着先进的知识和技术,能够为东道国的企业进步和经济发展带来重要的“溢出效应”。目前国内外存在大量关于FDI对内资企业出口的溢出效应的研究[3,4,5,6],其中多数研究证实FDI对于内资企业出口存在正向溢出。这种溢出效应发生的渠道可以被总结为三种方式,即示范效应、出口信息溢出和竞争效应。示范效应即认为内资企业通过对外资企业的学习和模仿,包括学习后者的管理和技术等,实现从国内市场迈向国际市场的跨 越[7];出口信息溢出即认为外资企业不可避免地会将海外市场信息溢出给内资企业,从而减少内资企业的出口风险,降低交易成本,促进后者出口[8];竞争效应则认为内资企业为争夺国内外市场而会与外资企业产生激烈竞争,从而不利于内资企业进入出口市场[9],抑或是为了应对市场竞争,内资企业会加大创新力度,提升管理水平,从而提升企业的出口竞争力[10]。因此,外资企业是否能够促进内资企业的出口扩张,一直以来是一个备受关注的问题。
值得注意的是,这类研究基本上使用的都是行业层面的数据(2位数到4位数的ISIC),而非更加精细的产品级海关数据[17]。此外,现有的绝大多数对于企业出口溢出效应的研究往往只从出口地、行业或目的地中的一个维度切入,缺少对多维度下溢出效应的进一步探究。近年,少数****开始关注多维度的综合视角下的出口溢出效应。Koenig 等[18]是最早研究对特定产品和目的地的企业出口溢出效应的研究,他们使用法国企业层面的数据,发现在考虑特定产品和特定出口目的地的情况下,企业的出口溢出效应会加强。在此基础上,Mayneris等[17]使用1997-2007年中国海关数据,检验了外资企业出口对于同省份内资企业出口的溢出效应,发现同类产品且同出口目的地的外资企业出口对于内资企业的积极溢出效应最明显,而未进行产品和目的地分类的外资企业出口总额则对同省的内资企业出口存在一定的挤出效应。
然而上述研究主要还存在两方面的不足。其一,其使用的地理尺度均为省级层面,对于研究企业出口溢出效应而言,范围偏大。Rosenthal等[19]研究发现,出口企业溢出效应的空间范围较为狭窄;Duranton等[20]则通过实证发现,对于4位数SITC行业而言,地理溢出效应在50 km内较为显著,而对于3位数SITC行业,有效的溢出范围也在140 km以内。此外,地级市政府间不可忽视的“政治竞标赛”和地方保护主义,也使得溢出效应的不扩散受到抑制[21]。其二,这些研究也缺少对于出口目的地异质性对出口溢出效应可能产生的影响的探讨。然而在考虑出口区位选择的影响因素时,目的地的经济、地理、政治和制度方面的因素都不可忽视[22,23]。从地理的视角来看,出口目的地与出口地在这些方面的相似程度或相对距离在一定程度上会影响企业对外出口决策,Zhou[24]研究发现地理距离、政治因素、制度差距等都对进出口贸易有积极影响。在地理距离方面,由于地理邻近能够产生知识技术溢出并降低交易成本,因此大量****断言地理距离对出口活动存在负效应[25,26,27],Anderson等[28]则发现无共同边界会使国家间双边贸易额减少二至五成;在政治距离方面,考虑到权益保护、政治风险等方面可能带来的影响,一些****也对此进行了探索,綦建红等[29]认为政治因素对贸易活动存在影响,但对中国而言这种影响有减弱的趋势,谢孟军[30]研究发现政治距离差距越大越不利于企业的出口活动;在制度距离方面,许多****指出相近的制度(法律环境)会通过削弱“外来者劣势”、降低交易成本等方式使得出口更加容易[30,31]。由此可见,经济、地理、政治和制度等目的地属性对双边贸易的影响需要得到更多的重视[29]。结合上述研究,可以发现各个维度上的“邻近性”可以促进中国总体上的出口活动,因此对于企业,尤其是内资企业,对“邻近”国家出口会相对容易;从另一个角度而言,内资企业若希望开拓非“邻近”国家的市场,或许还需要借助其他的力量,在这种情况下,外资企业对这些国家出口的溢出效应对于内资出口商将显得尤为重要。
综上所述,现有研究还未在同时考虑特定产品和目的地情况下,对更合适的尺度下外资企业的出口溢出效应进行探索和讨论。因此,结合当前研究现状,本文试图探究:① 在地级市层面下,考虑产品种类和目的地分类后,外资企业出口对于内资企业的出口是否存在溢出效应?② 如果存在溢出效应,中国与出口目的地之间的经济、地理、政治和制度距离的差异是否会对这种溢出效应产生异质性的影响。本文有助于加深对于外资企业在中国出口的演化过程中所发挥的作用的理解,同时为外资企业出口溢出效应的研究提供来自新兴经济体的新证据。
2 实证方法
3 数据来源与变量构建
3.1 数据来源
主要数据来源是中国海关收集的数据库。其中包括2001-2011年期间按企业、年、产品和目的地国家汇总的中国企业出口信息。从数据的可用性和对于分析溢出效应更佳的尺度范围考虑,将中国海关数据在地级市尺度和4位数HS产品层面进行了汇总,构建了地级市—产品—目的地尺度的平衡面板数据。3.2 被解释变量
主要关注中国内资企业新的出口联系的产生,通过构建一个虚拟变量——内资出口起始(Domstart)来刻画这一过程。具体而言,当城市i在t+1年开始向国家j出口产品k时,Domstart取值为1,否则为0。足够长的时间跨度使一个出口联系(城市i—产品k—目的地j)中也可能出现多个内资出口起始点。由于关注的是内资企业对外出口从无到有的过程,因此如Koenig等[18]****一样,对于连续出口和停止出口不予考虑。例如,对于城市i-产品k-目的地j,其出口实际情况为“00110001111”(0表示无出口流量,1表示有出口流量),在构建的数据中,其将被表示为“.01…01…”,其中“.”表示数据缺失。另外,由于外资企业的出口是进行溢出效应研究的起点,结合数据处理和计算的可行性,构建的数据库中,每个城市—产品—目的地细分下,在2001-2011年间至少出现过一次外资企业出口记录。3.3 解释变量
按照Mayneris等[17,18]的方法,考虑了不同类型的企业出口溢出效应(见表1)。根据对出口进入新市场所需要的信息类型,出口溢出效应可能是针对特定目的地、特定产品或两者兼有。本文重点关注特定国家特定产品的出口(t年i城市外资企业出口k产品到j国的出口额),此外也考虑了对所有出口目的地特定产品的出口(t年i城市外资企业出口k产品到所有目的地的出口额)、对特定出口目的地全部产品的出口(t年i城市外资企业出口全部产品到j国的出口额)和对全部出口目的地全部产品的出口(t年i城市外资企业出口全部产品到全部目的地的出口额)。前文提到,外资企业的出口溢出效应存在多种溢出路径,其中包含出口信息溢出、示范效应等正外部性,也包含由于激烈竞争带来的负外部性,因此实证回归得到的估计参数实际上是多重效益叠合之后表现出的净效应。Tab. 1
Tab. 1Variables explanation
变量 | 变量类型 | 定义 |
Domstart | 虚拟变量 | 中国内资企业新的出口联系的产生,当城市i在t+1年开始向国家j出口产品k时,Domstart取值为1,否则为0 |
lnci_exp | 连续变量 | 中国城市外资企业对全部出口目的地全部产品的出口(t年i城市外资企业出口全部产品到全部目的地的出口额) |
lnci_hs4 | 连续变量 | 中国城市外资企业对所有出口目的地特定产品的出口(t年i城市外资企业出口k产品到所有目的地的出口额) |
lnci_country | 连续变量 | 中国城市外资企业对特定出口目的地全部产品的出口(t年i城市外资企业出口全部产品到j国的出口额) |
lnfex | 连续变量 | 中国城市外资企业对特定国家特定产品的出口(t年i城市外资企业出口k产品到j国的出口额) |
lctimp | 连续变量 | 各国对HS4产品的进口额 |
let | 连续变量 | 中国城市的总出口额 |
lech | 连续变量 | 中国城市对某类产品(HS4)的出口额 |
lecc | 连续变量 | 中国城市对某出口目的地的出口额 |
leh | 连续变量 | 中国对某类产品(HS4)的出口额 |
lec | 连续变量 | 中国对某出口目的地的出口额 |
3.4 控制变量
4 描述性统计
通过对于原始数据的处理和汇总,构建2001-2011年的平衡面板数据库,囊括388个地级城市,覆盖176个出口目的地和1231个HS4产品。数据库中共包括12193027条样本(城市/产品/目的地/年份),每年包含1108457条样本,其中大约35%的样本内资企业出口贸易额大于零。表2呈现样本中包含的内资企业出口起始个数以及外资企业的出口状况。Tab. 2
Tab. 2Summary of domestic enterprises' export starting and the export of FIEs from 2001 to 2010
年份(t) | 当Domstartt+1=1时 | |||
For. Expt>0 | For. Expt=0 | Total For. Expt | For. Expt>0/Total For. Expt | |
2001 | 14693 | 72454 | 87147 | 0.169 |
2002 | 18829 | 74191 | 93020 | 0.202 |
2003 | 23364 | 79685 | 103049 | 0.227 |
2004 | 26729 | 81060 | 107789 | 0.248 |
2005 | 30199 | 71763 | 101962 | 0.296 |
2006 | 31090 | 65567 | 96657 | 0.322 |
2007 | 35168 | 58126 | 93294 | 0.377 |
2008 | 36210 | 56147 | 92357 | 0.392 |
2009 | 39836 | 59121 | 98957 | 0.403 |
2010 | 39201 | 50932 | 90133 | 0.435 |
总计 | 295319 | 669046 | 964365 | 0.307 |
Tab. 3
Tab. 3Overviews of the domestic enterprises' export on products, destinations and export cities from 2001 to 2011
部门(HS2) | 比例(%) | ||
核反应堆、锅炉、机器、机械器具及其零件 | 12.1 | ||
电机、电气设备及其零件;录音机及放声机、电视图像、声音的录制和重放设备等 | 9.8 | ||
塑料及其制品 | 5.6 | ||
针织或钩编的服装及衣着附件 | 5.0 | ||
钢铁制品 | 4.8 | ||
非针织或非钩编的服装及衣着附件 | 4.4 | ||
光学、照相、电影、计量、检验、医疗或外科用仪器及设备、精密仪器及设备等 | 3.9 | ||
家具;寝具、褥垫、弹簧床垫、软坐垫及类似的填充制品;活动房屋等 | 3.1 | ||
纸及纸板;纸浆、纸或纸板制品 | 2.6 | ||
有机化学品 | 2.6 | ||
目的地 | 比例(%) | 城市 | 比例(%) |
美国 | 3.8 | 上海 | 5.1 |
日本 | 3.2 | 深圳 | 4.1 |
韩国 | 3.1 | 厦门 | 3.4 |
德国 | 2.7 | 天津 | 2.9 |
中国香港 | 2.7 | 宁波 | 2.8 |
澳大利亚 | 2.3 | 青岛 | 2.4 |
英国 | 2.2 | 北京 | 2.4 |
加拿大 | 2.1 | 苏州 | 2.3 |
新加坡 | 2.1 | 广州 | 2.2 |
意大利 | 2.0 | 杭州 | 2.0 |
5 实证分析
通过构建2001-2011年城市—产品—目的地尺度的平衡面板数据,模型采用条件逻辑模型方法,实证分析2001-2011年间外资企业出口对当地内资企业出口的溢出效应。为了一定程度上消除可能存在的反向因果关系带来的内生性问题,同时考虑溢出效应的传播和发挥作用需要时滞,将被解释变量滞后一期。此外,Moulton等[32,33]发现使用汇总变量对个体变量回归,在不做处理的情况下,回归的标准误会存在向下偏误,因此回归采用的标准误均在城市层面进行了聚类调整。5.1 条件逻辑模型回归
Tab. 4
Tab. 4The impact of the export of FIEs on the export decision of domestic enterprises
变量 | Domstartt+1 | ||||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | |
lnci_exp | -0.0145 | ||||
(0.0362) | |||||
lnci_hs4 | 0.0053*** | 0.0374*** | |||
(0.0012) | (0.0069) | ||||
lnci_country | 0.0103*** | 0.0657** | |||
(0.0027) | (0.0120) | ||||
lnfex | 0.0028*** | 0.0841*** | |||
(0.0006) | (0.0138) | ||||
lctimp | 0.0179*** | 0.0180*** | 0.0171*** | 0.0180*** | 0.0172*** |
(0.0050) | (0.0051) | (0.0050) | (0.0050) | (0.00504) | |
let | 0.1810*** | 0.1650*** | 0.1650*** | 0.1670*** | 0.164*** |
(0.0443) | (0.0510) | (0.0515) | (0.0511) | (0.0515) | |
lech | -0.0031 | -0.00697*** | -0.00326 | -0.00394* | -0.00705*** |
(0.0021) | (0.0024) | (0.0022) | (0.0022) | (0.00243) | |
lecc | -0.0064*** | -0.00695*** | -0.0174*** | -0.00731*** | -0.0174*** |
(0.0025) | (0.0026) | (0.0034) | (0.0026) | (0.00342) | |
leh | 0.1290*** | 0.1263*** | 0.1290*** | 0.1280*** | 0.125*** |
(0.0091) | (0.0091) | (0.0091) | (0.0090) | (0.00906) | |
lec | 0.1070*** | 0.1080*** | 0.1031*** | 0.1072*** | 0.103*** |
(0.0110) | (0.0109) | (0.0106) | (0.0109) | (0.0105) | |
城市—产品—目的地固定效应 | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
时间固定效应 | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
R-squared(%) | 10.62 | 10.65 | 10.66 | 10.94 | 11.03 |
Observations | 1807444 |
5.2 出口目的地异质性
通过实证检验可以发现,对于城市出口特定的产品到特定的国家,外资企业对内资企业存在显著的溢出效应,那么这种溢出效应是否会因中国与出口目的地之间的经济、地理、政治和制度距离的差异而产生异质性的结果呢?这也是本文更感兴趣的内容。因此,分别从经济距离、地理距离、政治距离、制度距离四个视角,对样本进行分组回归,以探索中国与出口目的地之间的“距离”对外资企业出口溢出可能产生的异质性影响。由于本部分主要关注外资企业出口溢出变量的变化,且控制变量得到的结果在变量系数符号和显著性方面基本与主回归(表4)相同,因此下文不再赘述对控制变量回归结果的讨论。5.2.1 经济距离 经济距离主要刻画中国与出口目的地的经济发展水平的差距。多数****采用人均GDP衡量,故采用2001-2011年各国人均GDP均值来刻画各国经济发展水平,使用目的地人均GDP与中国人均GDP之比的形式衡量两国的经济距离,以“人均GDP比值是否<3”为分类标准②(②本文首先分别尝试了将样本分为三组(<0.33、>0.33且<3,>3),回归结果发现“比值>3”的一组外资企业溢出效应显著(P<0.01)为正,而其它两组溢出效应为正,但不显著;考虑到“<033”和“>033且<3”的两组,样本量较少且结果均不显著,故确定以“人均GDP比值是否<3”来分组。),对样本进行分组回归(表5第1列、第2列)。实证结果发现,对于经济发展水平低于中国或与中国相近的国家,外资企业对特定国家出口特定产品产生的溢出效应并不显著(表5第1列)。然而对于经济发展水平明显高于中国的国家,这种溢出效应则显著为正,这一差异性的结果表明,外资企业的出口活动对于内资企业进入高经济发展水平国家的市场帮助更大,因为经济发展水平较高的国家整体居民收入相对较高,收入决定消费,区域消费能力的不同,必然会在很大程度上造成区域市场需求的差异,这一差异使得中国企业在进入这些市场时,需要做出相对更多的调整和适应,进而需要外资企业的出口溢出效应的帮助,这一结论与谢孟军[30]的研究结果相近。
Tab. 5
Tab. 5The group regression results of economic distance and geographical distance
Domstartt+1 | ||||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | |
变量 | 经济距离 | 地理距离 | ||
lnfex | 0.00033 | 0.00289*** | 0.00194*** | 0.00380*** |
(0.000771) | (0.000676) | (0.000678) | (0.000821) | |
lctimp | 0.02810*** | 0.00068 | 0.0152*** | -0.0145 |
(0.00544) | (0.00656) | (0.00523) | (0.0134) | |
let | 0.139*** | 0.183*** | 0.171*** | 0.140*** |
(0.0539) | (0.0511) | (0.0496) | (0.0485) | |
lech | -0.00792* | -0.00520** | 0.0290*** | -0.0216*** |
(0.00408) | (0.00227) | (0.00308) | (0.00208) | |
lecc | -0.0144*** | -0.0104*** | -0.0122*** | 0.00895 |
(0.00357) | (0.00374) | (0.00254) | (0.00614) | |
leh | 0.137*** | 0.121*** | 0.140*** | 0.0937*** |
(0.0111) | (0.00983) | (0.0109) | (0.00918) | |
lec | 0.123*** | 0.0969*** | 0.0726*** | 0.0881*** |
(0.0199) | (0.0111) | (0.00910) | (0.0250) | |
城市—产品—目的地固定效应 | √ | √ | √ | √ |
时间固定效应 | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Observations | 577761 | 1214611 | 641761 | 1165683 |
5.2.2 地理距离 地理距离主要刻画中国与出口目的地之间的运输可达性。结合Anderson等[28]的研究,以“中国发往出口目的地的民用航班频次/月”为分组指标,以“航班频次是否>10/月”为分组标准,对样本进行分组回归(表5第3列、第4列)。可以发现,对中国运输可达性高的国家,外资企业的出口溢出效应显著(P<0.01)为正,而对其他运输可达性较低的国家进行回归,溢出效应变量的系数仍然在相同显著性水平下显著,但变量回归系数大小约是前者的两倍。这一结果表明地理距离可能是影响外资企业出口发挥溢出效应的重要因素,随着地理距离的增加,外资企业出口对内资企业产生的溢出效应会增加,从而在地理距离较大(运输可达性较差)的情况下帮助内资企业开拓潜在的外国市场。随着地理距离的增加,不仅运输成本会增加,而且由于贸易两国在风俗人情和文化沟通等方面都可能存在较大差异,这种差距也会增加契约达成的交易成本并降低贸易双方的互信程度。从而,在中国的内资企业出口到这些地理距离较远的国家时,需要利用外资出口的知识溢出,以获取出口目的地的文化、社会、政治和制度等信息。
5.2.3 政治距离 政治距离主要刻画出口目的地与中国在民主程度方面上的差距。采用世界银行公布的全球治理指数中各国民主自由权利指数与中国的相近程度作为分类依据③ (③使用2001-2011年该指数各国的平均得分作为刻画这一时期各国民主程度的具体衡量指标,中国平均得分为-1.59。还使用2008年英国经济学人智库(EIU)发表的民主指数(0~10分)来刻画政治距离,并以“民主指数得分是否>6”为分组标准对样本进行分组回归检验,所得结果与民主自由权利指数作为分组回归依据的结果基本一致。),基于中国在该指标上的得分以及样本量的考虑,以“指数是否>0”为分类标准,对回归样本进行了分组回归(表6第1列、第2列)。实证结果表明外资企业对那些与中国政治距离差距不大的国家的出口溢出效应不显著,而对那些与中国有较大政治距离的国家的出口则存在显著的正向溢出效应。政治上的距离使得国内企业在出口到政治差距较大的国家时面临更陌生的政治环境和贸易环境,从而面对更多的政治风险,因此更需要外资企业出口的信息溢出帮助内资出口企业了解出口目的地的政治环境。这意味着外资企业的出口溢出对于内资企业向与中国政治距离较大的国家进行出口有显著的促进作用。
Tab. 6
Tab. 6The group regression results of political distance and institutional distance
Domstartt+1 | |||||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | |
变量 | 政治距离 | 制度距离 | |||
lnfex | 0.000824 | 0.00372*** | 0.00199** | 0.00142 | 0.00269*** |
(0.000752) | (0.000730) | (0.000853) | (0.000987) | (0.000757) | |
lctimp | 0.0152*** | 0.0201** | -0.0122 | 0.0244*** | 0.0302*** |
(0.00580) | (0.00885) | (0.00753) | (0.00888) | (0.00514) | |
let | 0.215*** | 0.144*** | 0.168*** | 0.149** | 0.175*** |
(0.0538) | (0.0483) | (0.0490) | (0.0613) | (0.0530) | |
lech | 0.0152*** | -0.0123*** | 0.00291 | 0.0150*** | -0.0179*** |
(0.00302) | (0.00223) | (0.00286) | (0.00335) | (0.00259) | |
lecc | -0.0111*** | 0.00120 | -0.00760 | -0.0132*** | -0.0150*** |
(0.00300) | (0.00408) | (0.00566) | (0.00418) | (0.00354) | |
leh | 0.136*** | 0.117*** | 0.119*** | 0.117*** | 0.132*** |
(0.00983) | (0.00992) | (0.0115) | (0.0114) | (0.00982) | |
lec | 0.0789*** | 0.143*** | 0.140*** | 0.139*** | 0.0737*** |
(0.0113) | (0.0177) | (0.0196) | (0.0147) | (0.0141) | |
城市—产品—目的地固定效应 | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
时间固定效应 | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Observations | 577761 | 1214611 | 506423 | 426768 | 859181 |
5.2.4 制度距离 制度距离主要指国家间法律环境的差异程度。采用了使用较多的《国际国家风险指南》中的法律与秩序指标(0~6分)对中国与其他出口目的地间的制度距离进行了计算,将样本分为三组,即“指标得分明显高于中国”(指标得分>5)、“指标得分与中国相近”(3≤指标得分≤5)和“指标得分明显低于中国”(指标得分<3),进行分组回归(表6第3列、第4列、第5列)。回归结果与对此前其他维度的分组回归的结果相似,对于与中国制度相近的国家,外资企业的出口溢出效应变量的回归系数并不显著;而对于其他制度距离较大(指标得分明显高于或低于中国)的国家,溢出效应变量在1%的显著性水平下显著为正,且对于得分明显低于中国的国家,溢出效应变量的系数相对更大。这表明在贸易双方制度差距相近的情况下,外资企业对内资企业的出口发挥的促进作用并不明显;而当贸易两地存在较为明显的制度差距时,内资企业可能更难适应和了解出口目的地的制度环境,从而在贸易过程中遇到更多的阻碍。研究结果表明,外资企业的出口活动则会帮助内资企业对这些国家进行出口,促进内资企业的国外市场开拓。
5.3 外资企业出口溢出的区域差异
Tab. 7
Tab. 7Test on regional differences and robustness
变量 | Domstartt+1 | |||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | |
东部城市 | 中西部城市 | 替代变量 | 去极端值 | |
Dummyfex | 0.0230*** | |||
(0.00567) | ||||
lnfex | 0.00162*** | 0.00813*** | 0.00315*** | |
(-0.000563) | (-0.002) | (0.000704) | ||
lctimp | 0.0163*** | 0.0298 | 0.0180*** | 0.0127** |
(-0.00514) | (-0.0267) | (0.00504) | (0.00498) | |
let | 0.178** | 0.122*** | 0.167*** | 0.163*** |
(-0.0722) | (-0.0273) | (0.0511) | (0.0530) | |
lech | -0.00326 | -0.0177*** | -0.00387* | -0.00629** |
(-0.0025) | (-0.00462) | (0.00216) | (0.00245) | |
lecc | -0.00799** | -0.0242*** | -0.00726*** | -0.0156*** |
(-0.00343) | (-0.00532) | (0.00257) | (0.00310) | |
leh | 0.124*** | 0.119*** | 0.128*** | 0.144*** |
(-0.00954) | (-0.0297) | (0.00902) | (0.0125) | |
lec | 0.0946*** | 0.123*** | 0.107*** | 0.124*** |
(-0.0107) | (-0.0427) | (0.0109) | (0.0133) | |
城市—产品—目的地固定效应 | √ | √ | √ | √ |
时间固定效应 | √ | √ | √ | √ |
R-squared(%) | 10.13 | 9.78 | 10.82 | 11.71 |
Observations | 1647732 | 159712 | 1807444 | 1279156 |
5.4 稳健性检验
6 结论与讨论
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
参考文献 原文顺序
[1] | . China's export structure has shown a rapid shift towards more sophisticated industries. While some believe that this trend is a result of processing trade and foreign direct investment, the evidence is mixed. This paper examines variations in level of export sophistication across China's manufacturing industries. We find that an industry's level of export sophistication is positively related to the share of wholly foreign owned enterprises from OECD countries and the share of processing exports of foreign-invested enterprises, and negatively related to the share of processing exports of indigenous Chinese enterprises. Evidence from the relative export prices of Chinese goods, which measure within-product export sophistication, shows a similar pattern. |
[2] | |
[3] | . |
[4] | . Multinational firms are important conduits of managerial skills, foreign market linkages, and technology. Foreign export spillovers associated with multinational firms have the potential to reduce entry costs for local exporting firms. This paper examines whether exports by multinational firms increase the probability of exporting by domestic Chinese firms. The findings from the Probit estimation highlight the varying relationships between multinational exports and local foreign entry based on the type of ownership. The results from separating foreign-invested enterprises into overseas Chinese companies and OECD-based multinational firms suggest that the export activity of the former does not increase the probability of exporting by local firms, whereas the latter positively influence the export decision of local firms, particularly under processing trade. |
[5] | . Abstract. This paper studies the relationship between multinational firm proximity and the formation of new export connections by private Chinese exporters between 1997 and 2003. The results indicate that growth in the presence of multinational firms is positively associated with the formation of new trade by local Chinese firms. Further exploration suggests that information spillovers may drive this result, as the positive association due to own-industry multinational presence is particularly strong in contexts where information improvements may be the most helpful. Thus, it appears that a growing presence of multinational firms may enhance the export capabilities of local domestic firms. |
[6] | . . |
[7] | . Significant research is needed in the design and implementation of outward-looking development strategies, recognizing that the supply response must come from individual firms. However, in studying industrial development policy issues, one often become over-influenced by a preconceived model, leaving out the most critical aspect, i.e. real world experience in the intricacies of the industrial development process in low-income countries. The approach taken here gives the highest priority to finding the real stories on the development process at the firm or factory level. In all the cases reviewed, the most critical ingredient for successful entry in the international markets was nearly always the presence of foreign and/or domestic catalysts. The catalyst model of development that emerges from the analysis of eleven export success stories aims at providing feasible and practical answers to questions about workable development strategies for low-income countries. To that end, the catalyst model of development is a model for initiating and transmitting outward-oriented development and for sequencing realistic policy reforms, starting from |
[8] | . Case studies of export behavior suggest that firms who penetrate foreign markets reduce entry costs for other potential exporters, either through learning by do |
[9] | . 本文利用我国规模及规模以上制造业企业数据考察了FDI对我国本土企业的出口溢出效应。主要结论包括:FDI对中国本土企业出口的影响是双向的,同时存在"挤出效应"和"溢出效应";基于竞争渠道所产生的出口溢出总体为负,基于信息渠道和示范渠道所产生的出口溢出效应总体为正;不同外向性程度的FDI对我国本土企业的出口溢出效应有明显差异。 . 本文利用我国规模及规模以上制造业企业数据考察了FDI对我国本土企业的出口溢出效应。主要结论包括:FDI对中国本土企业出口的影响是双向的,同时存在"挤出效应"和"溢出效应";基于竞争渠道所产生的出口溢出总体为负,基于信息渠道和示范渠道所产生的出口溢出效应总体为正;不同外向性程度的FDI对我国本土企业的出口溢出效应有明显差异。 |
[10] | . Attracting inward investment is a major preoccupation of policymakers worldwide, and a wide range of instruments, including direct subventions, are deployed to attract multinational enterprises (MNEs). Intervention is predicated on the assumption that there are direct productivity spillovers associated with the presence of MNEs and the policy of attracting them is targeted at capturing these externalities. Yet robust evidence on direct spillovers is hard to find. An underexplored indirect channel for productivity spillovers is via exports. Exporting firms are more productive than nonexporting firms. Thus, if the presence of MNEs results in more indigenous firms exporting, an indirect productivity spillover will result. In this paper, we identify possible transmission mechanisms for export spillovers and test for their existence on a large panel of firms in the UK. Our results confirm positive spillover effects from MNEs on the decision to export of UK-owned firms as well as on their export propensity. |
[11] | . In this paper we investigated the hypothesis of export spillovers from foreign multinationals to domestic firms using a data set of UK manufacturing firms from 1992 to 1999. Unlike previous studies we allow not only for the possibility of horizontal (i.e. intra-industry) and regional externalities, but also for vertical ones (i.e. inter-industry: forward and backward). Deploying and Heckman selection process we modelled the two decisions of whether to export or not, and how much to export, separately. The results indicate that the decision to start exporting is positively associated with the presence of foreign firms in the same industry and region; furthermore export oriented foreign affiliates seem to be the source of stronger export spillovers. The decision concerning how much to export is affected positively by foreign firms in downstream industries and by those in the same industry and region that do not export. |
[12] | . |
[13] | . |
[14] | . Should economies that promote themselves as export platforms for FDI be expected to experience relatively high levels of export spillovers from foreign to host-country enterprises? To investigate how export decisions of host-country enterprises are associated with the presence and export intensity of foreign-owned enterprises (FOEs) in an export-platform economy we use enterprise-level data for the manufacturing sector in Ireland. We postulate that export spillovers from FOEs are dependent upon the sectoral presence and export intensity of FOEs, so that third country export-platform FDI may not result in positive export spillovers to host-country enterprises. We find that the decision by host-country enterprises to enter the export market is positively associated with the presence of FOEs in their sector. However, the export intensity of host-country enterprises is negatively associated with the export sales ratios of FOEs, a result that contrasts with evidence of positive FOE export intensity spillovers in most previous empirical studies. Classification- |
[15] | . 本文描述了1980年以来中国产业结构、贸易结构以及出12竞争力的演变趋势,并分析了FDI对中国产业结构变迁和出12竞争力的影响.统计分析表明,中国生产和出口的行业结构以及出12竞争力呈现出高度一致的变化趋势,即都由劳动密集型行业转向资本及技术密集型行业.进一步的经验研究发现,FDI推动了中国的产业结构升级,并显著提升了中国的出口竞争力.除FDI之外,技术进步和劳动力成本对中国出口竞争力的影响也非常明显. . 本文描述了1980年以来中国产业结构、贸易结构以及出12竞争力的演变趋势,并分析了FDI对中国产业结构变迁和出12竞争力的影响.统计分析表明,中国生产和出口的行业结构以及出12竞争力呈现出高度一致的变化趋势,即都由劳动密集型行业转向资本及技术密集型行业.进一步的经验研究发现,FDI推动了中国的产业结构升级,并显著提升了中国的出口竞争力.除FDI之外,技术进步和劳动力成本对中国出口竞争力的影响也非常明显. |
[16] | . . |
[17] | . In this paper, the effect of proximity to multinational exporters on the creation of new export linkages (the extensive margin of trade) is debated. Using panel data from Chinese customs for 1997-2007, the capacity for Chinese domestic firms to begin exporting new varieties to new markets is shown to respond positively to the export activity of neighboring foreign firms. These spillovers are shown to be product and country specific. This conclusion is robust to fixed effects and instrumental variable specifications that control for both supply and demand shocks that could bias the estimations. The impact is sizable. The marginal impact of product-country-specific foreign export spillovers is five times as large as the effect of a 10 percent increase in the demand for the product in the destination country. Foreign export spillovers are also shown to be primarily limited to ordinary trade activities. Overall, our findings suggest that even for a country with an important cost-advantage such as China, there is room for initiatives from policy-makers that will diffuse best practices regarding export experience among exporters. |
[18] | . |
[19] | . |
[20] | . |
[21] | . . |
[22] | . Abstract This paper has two main objectives: first, to consider country specific determinants that attract services FDI, and second, to compare the importance of these determinants vis- -vis traditional determinants that attract manufacturing FDI. Using OECD countries as our sample, and 1980 to 2003 as our time period, we consider the determinants of inward FDI in a panel setting. Our results provide empirical evidence to support the view that no new theories may be necessary to explain the determinants of services FDI. Copyright 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
[23] | . Chinese outward foreign direct investment (FDI) has increased substantially in recent years. Though this has generated considerable interest in the motivations and drivers of Chinese investment abroad, there have been few systematic empirical studies of these questions. This paper performs an econometric analysis of the host country determinants of Chinese outward FDI in the period 2003鈥2006. We find that Chinese outward FDI is attracted to large markets, and to countries with a combination of large natural resources and poor institutions. Disaggregation shows that the former effect is related to OECD countries, whereas the latter interaction effect holds for non-OECD countries. |
[24] | . This article extends the homophily principle (similarity breeds connection) found in many social networks to the study of global trade. Using a large data set about global bilateral trade from 1950 through 2000, analyzed by the gravity model borrowed from international economics, this study identifies increased geographic and cultural homophily in global trade, suggesting that countries increasingly favor their geographically and culturally proximate counterparts in global trade. Another analysis of bilateral trade data at the sector level produces an explanation for this observed intensification of geo-cultural homophily. The technological and institutional improvements facilitate disintegration of productive activities and product differentiation, thereby intensifying geo-cultural homophily in the intermediate input and finished manufacture sectors; moreover, trade expansion in these geo-culturally sensitive sectors outpaces geo-culturally less sensitive sectors such as the raw material sector. This differential expansion of trade across sectors shifts the composition of the overall global trade and makes it more subject to geo-cultural influences. Taken together, global trade has become more geo-culturally embedded. Instead of eliminating geo-cultural homophily in global economic activities, ironically, the improved technologies provide better conditions for it to materialize and grow. |
[25] | . The estimated coefficient of distance on the volume of trade is generally found to increase rather than decrease through time using the traditional gravity model of trade. This distance puzzle proved robust to several ad hoc versions of the model using data for 1962-96 for a large sample of 130 countries. The introduction of an "augmented" barrier to trade function removes the paradox, yielding a decline in the estimate of the elasticity of trade to distance of about 11 percent over the 35-year period for the whole sample. However, the "death of distance" is shown to be largely confined to bilateral trade between rich countries, with poor countries becoming marginalized. |
[26] | . . |
[27] | . |
[28] | . Gravity equations have been widely used to infer trade flow effects of various institutional arrangements. We show that estimated gravity equations do not have a theoretical foundation. This implies both that estimation suffers from omitted variables bias and that comparative statics analysis is unfounded. We develop a method that (i) consistently and efficiently estimates a theoretical gravity equation and (ii) correctly calculates the comparative statics of trade frictions. We apply the method to solve the famous McCallum border puzzle. Applying our method, we find that national borders reduce trade between industrialized countries by moderate amounts of 20-50 percent. |
[29] | . 中国对外直接投资(OFDI)呈明显的洲际分布不均衡特征。首先运用2003--2010年中国对40个国家(地区)OFDI的面板数据,并且引入交叉项变量进行总体检验,结果表明:地理距离和文化距离均与OFDI呈负向关系,并通过双边贸易额等因素产生传导作用。然后依据地理距离均值对样本数据进行分组检验,发现当地理距离较小时,地理距离与OFDI负向关系不变,但是随着地理距离的增大,其对OFDI的影响转而呈现正向关系。同理,文化距离分组检验也验证了门槛效应的存在,即当文化距离增大时,文化距离对OFDI的影响愈不明显,但能通过贸易间接阻碍OFDI。基于此,中国OFDI在集中于地理距离与文化距离较小的周边国家和地区的同时,应通过各种正式与非正式的贸易与文化交流,削弱文化距离对中国OFDI的间接阻碍作用,完善中国OFDI的空间格局。 . 中国对外直接投资(OFDI)呈明显的洲际分布不均衡特征。首先运用2003--2010年中国对40个国家(地区)OFDI的面板数据,并且引入交叉项变量进行总体检验,结果表明:地理距离和文化距离均与OFDI呈负向关系,并通过双边贸易额等因素产生传导作用。然后依据地理距离均值对样本数据进行分组检验,发现当地理距离较小时,地理距离与OFDI负向关系不变,但是随着地理距离的增大,其对OFDI的影响转而呈现正向关系。同理,文化距离分组检验也验证了门槛效应的存在,即当文化距离增大时,文化距离对OFDI的影响愈不明显,但能通过贸易间接阻碍OFDI。基于此,中国OFDI在集中于地理距离与文化距离较小的周边国家和地区的同时,应通过各种正式与非正式的贸易与文化交流,削弱文化距离对中国OFDI的间接阻碍作用,完善中国OFDI的空间格局。 |
[30] | . 改革开放以来,我国经济实现了前所未有、世界罕见的持续快速增长,2012年经济总量已连续三年位居世界第二。自我国提出“走出去”发展战略以来,商品和资本相继走向国际市场,2012年我国成为世界第一货物出口贸易大国,世界第二进口贸易大国,世界第三资本输出国,中国已成为名副其实的贸易大国和投资大国。从宏观统计数据来看,我国出口贸易主要分布在制度质量较高的国家或地区,向制 . 改革开放以来,我国经济实现了前所未有、世界罕见的持续快速增长,2012年经济总量已连续三年位居世界第二。自我国提出“走出去”发展战略以来,商品和资本相继走向国际市场,2012年我国成为世界第一货物出口贸易大国,世界第二进口贸易大国,世界第三资本输出国,中国已成为名副其实的贸易大国和投资大国。从宏观统计数据来看,我国出口贸易主要分布在制度质量较高的国家或地区,向制 |
[31] | . This study addressed the question of whether firms in a competitive, globally integrated environment face a "liability of foreignness" and to what extent either importing home-country organizational capabilities or copying the practices of successful local firms can help them overcome this liability. Predictions were tested with a paired sample of 24 foreign exchange trading rooms of major Western and Japanese banks in New York and Tokyo. Results support the existence of a liability of foreignness and the role of a firm's administrative heritage in providing competitive advantage to its multinational subunits. They also highlight the difficulty firms face in copying organizational practices from other firms. |
[32] | . Many economic researchers have attempted to measure the effect of aggregate market or public policy variables on micro units by merging aggregate data with micro observations by industry, occupation, or geographical location, then using multiple regression or similar statistical models to measure the effect of the aggregate variable on the micro units. The methods are usually based upon the assumption of independent disturbances, which is typically not appropriate for data from populations with grouped structure. Incorrectly using ordinary least squares can lead to standard errors that are seriously biased downward. This note illustrates the danger of spurious regression from this kind of misspecification, using as an example a wage regression estimated on data for individual workers that includes in the specification aggregate regressors for characteristics of geographical states. |
[33] | . ABSTRACT Inference methods that recognize the clustering of individual observations have been available for more than 25 years. Brent Moulton (1990) caught the attention of economists when he demonstrated the serious biases that can result in estimating the effects of aggregate explanatory variables on individual-specific response variables. The source of the downward bias in the usual OLS standard errors is the presence of an unobserved, state-level effect in the error term. More recently, John Pepper (2002) showed how accounting for multi-level clustering can have dramatic effects on t statistics. While adjusting for clustering is much more common than it was 10 years ago, inference methods robust to cluster correlation are not used routinely across all relevant settings. In this paper, I provide an overview of applications of cluster-sample methods, both to cluster samples and to panel data sets. Potential problems with inference in the presence of group effects when the number of groups is small have been highlighted in a recent paper by Stephen Donald and Kevin Lang (2001). I review different ways of handling the small number of groups case in Section III. |
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