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郭仁忠1,2,3,, 罗平1,2, 罗婷文1,2
1. 国土资源部城市土地资源监测与仿真重点实验室,深圳 518034
2. 深圳市数字城市工程研究中心,深圳 518034
3. 深圳大学智慧城市研究院,深圳 518060

Three-dimensional thinking for land management and land space resources recognition

GUORenzhong1,2,3,, LUOPing1,2, LUOTingwen1,2
1. Key Laboratory of Urban Land Resources Monitoring and Simulation, Ministry of Land and Resources of China, Shenzhen 518034, Guangdong, China
2. Shenzhen Research Center of Digital City Engineering, Shenzhen 518034, Guangdong, China
3. Research Institute for Smart Cities, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, Guangdong, China
-->作者简介:郭仁忠(1956- ),男,江苏盐城人,中国工程院院士,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为土地资源管理和地理信息技术。E-mail: guorz2013@qq.com


基于城市发展的三维理念轨迹及土地立体化利用趋势,采用文献检索与综合分析法,剖析土地管理重视三维思维的原因,辨析土地的空间特质,提出土地空间资源的概念内涵,初探土地空间资源管理制度和技术,以促进土地领域实践问题解决。结果显示:① 土地管理三维思维符合社会发展和土地利用趋势,是基于土地管理实践而衍生的创新需求。② 土地作为资源的本质属性之一是空间性,具备三维空间特质;土地空间资源是土地资源概念的外延,是以土地表层为基底或脱离土地表层的可利用的三维空间存在。③ 土地空间资源的提出,能引发土地管理领域在理念、制度和技术上进行三维思维化的重构与创新,具有科学意义和实践价值。

In the background of social-economic elements agglomeration and increasing land resources shortage accompanied with industrialization and urbanization progress, stereoscopic land-use appeared and developed constantly, with the primary features of developing and constructing the ground, upground and underground spaces in spatial cell and multiple functions. Based on the path of three-dimensional urban development and the tendency of stereoscopic land use, using document retrieval and comprehensive analysis, this paper dissects the urgency of strengthening three-dimensional thinking in land management, analyzes the essential attribute and spatial traits of land, proposes the concept and connotation of land space resources, and pre-explores the system and technology of land space resources management, therefore to promote the development of land discipline and the solution of land problems.
Results show that: (1) three-dimensional thinking in land management, which aligns with the tendencies of social development and land use, is an innovative demand based on land management practice. (2) One of the essential attributes of land as the resource is the spatiality with the three-dimensional features. Land space resources, as the extension of land resources, are available three-dimensional spatial existence with the base of or separated from land surface. (3) The recognition of land space resources will initiate the reconstruction and innovation of conceptions, systems and technologies in land management field, which is of theoretical significance and practical value.
Some conclusions can be drawn as follows: developing the three-dimensional thinking in land management based on the continuation of current land management theory and technology, and exploring the land space resources management framework is of theoretical and practical significance. It is necessary to further deepen the theoretical understanding and scientific methodology of three-dimensional management. Then a systematical research and development can follow.

Keywords:land management;stereoscopic land-use;three-dimensional thinking;land space resources

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郭仁忠, 罗平, 罗婷文. 土地管理三维思维与土地空间资源认知[J]. 地理研究, 2018, 37(4): 649-658 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201804001
GUO Renzhong, LUO Ping, LUO Tingwen. Three-dimensional thinking for land management and land space resources recognition[J]. Geographical Research, 2018, 37(4): 649-658 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201804001

1 引言


2 土地管理三维思维源析

2.1 三维思维下的城市发展

纵观世界城市发展,几百年来主要是一种基于二维思维的平面蔓延模式,强调以地面为基面、在地表组织城市活动[28],如同心圆模式[29]、扇形模式[30]、多核心模式[31]等。随着工业化、城市化进程的快速推进,城市发展逐渐从平面蔓延向空间集约转变,注重拓展城市的竖向发展,形成以纵横向结合的方式来组织城市活动的发展模式,一系列体现三维思维的城市发展理念不断被提出并付诸实践。20世纪60年代,欧美、日本等掀起关于垂直城市(Vertical City)[31]的讨论并进行实践,如1968年日本东京霞关大厦建成,实现了都市要素由横向流动向纵向流动的转变[32]。20世纪70年代,紧凑城市(Compact City)[33]理念被提出,主张高密度、结构紧凑的城市形态。荷兰的城市规划深受其影响,在第4次全国空间规划(1988年)中强调集中建设与土地混合利用[34]。20世纪90年代精明增长(Smart Growth)[35]理念被提出,主张兼顾社会、经济、环境综合效益的城市集约发展。如1997年美国马里兰州的《精明增长和邻里保护总决议》,要求通过限制低密度开发、保护自然用地等手段来促进城市的精明增长[36]。21世纪初,在哥本哈根会议上,冯仑提出立体城市(GREAT City)[37]的概念,提倡城市的“竖向发展、大疏大密、资源集约”等。在实践之外,部分国家开展了三维立体城市发展的模型设想,如美国“自由号”海上漂浮城市[38]等,为未来城市立体化发展提供了思路参考。三维思维的城市发展理念及实践的不断涌现,既是城市空间形态的自然演进,也是城市发展过程中解决交通拥堵、环境恶化、资源匮乏等系列问题的路径探索。

2.2 土地立体化利用国内外实践

-->Fig. 1Cases of three-dimensional land use

目前中国北京、上海、深圳等大城市都开展了土地立体化利用,城市开发向地上地下空间延伸,土地分层分空间出让已逐步成为土地利用的重要形式。以深圳市为例,随着2005年在全国首次公开出让两宗地下空间使用权,土地空间使用权的分层设立开始进入土地管理的实践范畴;深圳市前海自贸区提出打造高标准立体化开发模式,地下地上开发面积比例约1 3,旨在建造高密度立体新城;深圳湾超级总部基地提出打造“深圳湾云城市”,大规模规划高层及超高层建筑,充分开展建筑空间的功能混合利用。长沙新河三角洲规划“人车竖向分离”道路系统,在海拔32 m标高设计快速便捷的机动车交通系统,在停车库屋顶规划全天候步行和非机动车交通系统,从而形成自上而下的人、车库、机动车三层立体交通格局,使该地区开发强度提高约40%,绿地率提高了20%以上[44]

2.3 发展土地管理三维思维的现实性

支撑城市蔓延及土地平面利用的、秉承二维思维的土地管理理论和技术已经相当成熟,而随着城市发展及土地利用的三维探索,其已难以继续支撑实践管理,迫切需要拓展蕴含三维思维内涵的土地利用管理理论与方法( 郭仁忠. 土地问题的三维思维. 第六届全国土地资源管理博士生论坛,2015.)。
-->Fig. 2Shenzhen Bay port (port region on Hong Kong side)


3 土地空间资源概念的提出

3.1 土地的空间特质


3.2 空间的资源特征


3.3 土地空间资源的内涵与特征

土地空间资源的主要特征包括:① 自然客观存在性。土地空间资源是自然的产物,是自然形成的客观存在。② 容量增长与相对稀缺性。随着人类技术进步,土地空间资源的利用规模具有增长性,同时体现相对稀缺性。③ 三维形态。土地空间资源具有三维立体的物质形态,是三维空间存在。④ 综合属性。土地空间资源既具备自然属性,也具备社会经济属性。

4 土地空间资源管理的基本框架

-->Fig. 3The parcel transformation from two to three dimensions and the three-dimension property volume drawing


5 结论与讨论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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A cadastral registration system provides insight in rights and limited rights related to (2D) parcels. In case of multiple use of space, the 2D parcel has shown its limitations. To illustrate this we describe two cases in this article. At our Department a research is carried out in collaboration with the Netherlands' Kadaster to study the 3D issue of cadastral registration in a fundamental way. During this research a prototype of a 3D cadastre was developed, in which rights established on 2D parcels can be represented in 3D (3D right-objects). We will give a description of this prototype and will demonstrate that the introduction of 3D right-objects improves the insight in the vertical component of rights considerably by applying this concept to the described cases. Future research will focus on the registration of 3D physical objects (objects as they occur in the real world). The last will require more drastic adjustments in the current cadastral registration system.
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This paper presents results of research dealing with geodetic and cadastral aspects of utilizing space above and below the surface. The research is being conducted at the Geodetic Engineering Division of the Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, as part of the doctoral studies of the first author. The principal objectives of the research are to find a cadastral–geodetic solution for utilizing above and below surface space and for defining the characteristics of the future analytical, three-dimensional and spatial cadastre that will replace the existing two-dimensional graphical surface cadastre in Israel. The research objectives are being realized by attaining the secondary research objectives: defining the future cadastral reality and developing a spatial cadastral model; defining guidelines for transition from the surface cadastre to the spatial cadastre; developing a model for registering property rights in all three spaces; developing models for managing spatial cadastre information and creating the geodetic–cadastral background for a legal solution of utilizing all land space.
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Focusing on the recent management problem of 3D land utilization in the administrative procedure in China, this paper firstly elaborates the basic characteristics of land ownership and management in China, and then introduces the main concepts and steps in the current urban land management procedure, and reveals the deficiency in supporting 3D utilization for urban regions. Finally, from the perspective of 3D space and regarding 3D cadaster management as the core, this paper presents new administrative procedure of urban land management reconstructed from the recent procedure.
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URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[23]Auer S, Balz T, Becker S, et al.3D SAR simulation of urban areas based on detailed building models
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https://doi.org/10.14358/PERS.76.12.1373URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper confirms the need for detailed 3D models for the simulation of high-resolution SAR images in order to support Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) focused on single urban objects. Using a building model enhanced by facade grammar, multiple reflections at building facades are analyzed using ray tracing techniques and scatterers are localized in azimuth, range, and elevation. In a case study, salient signatures of a TerraSAR-X image are analyzed based on simulated SAR reflectivity maps. Phase centers of trihedral reflections are mapped onto the building model and the physical correspondence of scatterers to building features is investigated. Surfaces contributing to salient scatterers are identified at the building model. Eventually, the use of SAR simulation to support PSI is shown from two aspects: (a) for providing a-priori information about building layover, and (b) for extending knowledge about the nature of dominant scatterers.
[24]陈建忠, 盛业华, 孙云清. 利用城镇地籍数据快速构建城市三维模型的方法
. 中国土地科学, 2011, 25(3): 85-89.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-8158.2011.03.014URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
研究目的:利用2DGIS中城 镇地籍数据信息快速建立城市三维模型。研究方法:首先对城镇大比例数据进行归类,提取适合三维建模的点、线、面要素,然后对要素进行重新组织,利用 ArcScene,依据三维表达的要求,对地形背景建立DEM并与DOM叠加处理,界址点、控制点等点状地物建立三维独立地物符号库,一般建筑物按高度进 行拉伸,而对标志性建筑物采用三维建模软件按二维轮廓进行精细模型制作。研究结果:成功地对某市大比例尺城镇地籍数据进行三维可视城市三维模型构建。研究 结论:利用2DGIS中城镇地籍数据信息建立城市三维模型方法可行有效,有利于推进三维地籍的发展。
[Chen Jianzhong, Sheng Yehua, Sun Yunqing.A rapid model for creating three-dimensional city model based on urban cadaster data
. China Land Sciences, 2011, 25(3): 85-89.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-8158.2011.03.014URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
研究目的:利用2DGIS中城 镇地籍数据信息快速建立城市三维模型。研究方法:首先对城镇大比例数据进行归类,提取适合三维建模的点、线、面要素,然后对要素进行重新组织,利用 ArcScene,依据三维表达的要求,对地形背景建立DEM并与DOM叠加处理,界址点、控制点等点状地物建立三维独立地物符号库,一般建筑物按高度进 行拉伸,而对标志性建筑物采用三维建模软件按二维轮廓进行精细模型制作。研究结果:成功地对某市大比例尺城镇地籍数据进行三维可视城市三维模型构建。研究 结论:利用2DGIS中城镇地籍数据信息建立城市三维模型方法可行有效,有利于推进三维地籍的发展。
[25]杨继文, 赵鹏飞, 邓蜀江, . 基于SuperMap的三维土地利用现状信息系统开发研究
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URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
针对土地调查数据的应用需求,本文提出了利用Super Map,Javascript,HTML等技术集成开发"三维土地利用现状信息系统"的方法。对系统技术架构、功能、数据组织进行了设计,并完成系统的构建,实现土地调查数据的三维应用,扩大了土地调查数据成果的应用范围,提高了国土部门的信息化服务水平。
[Yang Jiwen, Zhao Pengfei, Deng Shujiang, et al.Study on developing 3D land use status information system based on SuperMap
. Geomatics & Spatial Information Technnology, 2015, (5): 43-45.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
针对土地调查数据的应用需求,本文提出了利用Super Map,Javascript,HTML等技术集成开发"三维土地利用现状信息系统"的方法。对系统技术架构、功能、数据组织进行了设计,并完成系统的构建,实现土地调查数据的三维应用,扩大了土地调查数据成果的应用范围,提高了国土部门的信息化服务水平。
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[Zhuo Li, Huang Xinrui, Tao Haiyan, et al.High spatial resolution population distribution simulation based on building information and multi-agent
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https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201403011URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
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[Qin Jing, Fang Chuanglin, Wang Yang, et al.A three dimensional box-counting method for estimating fractal dimension of urban form
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[34]Nabielek K.The compact city: Planning strategies, recent developments and future prospects in the Netherlands
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URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract The concept of the compact city is a key strategy to limit suburban sprawl and to obtain a more sustainable urban development. In the Netherlands, concepts for compact forms of urbanization have played a major role since more than half a century. In various Dutch national spatial policy documents different concepts for urban compaction and urban densification have taken a prominent position. The Second and Third National Policy Document on Spatial Planning (1966 and 1973) introduced the concept of 'clustered dispersal' and 'growth centres', whereas the Forth National Policy Document on Spatial Planning (1988) was based on the concept of the 'compact city'. More recently, the National Spatial Strategy (2004) set specific goals for so-called 'concentration areas' around greater urban conurbations and 'urban densification' in existing built-up areas. However, recently ambitions concerning spatial planning and urban compaction have been decentralized to the regional and municipal level and national funds supporting urban regeneration projects are about to face substantial cuts. Moreover, a number of recent studies and publications claim that urban densification is reaching its limits in several Dutch cities because of complex constellations of ownership, increasing costs and complicated legal procedures. This paper gives insight into recent developments of dwellings, inhabitants and jobs in Dutch cities and their surroundings. It raises the question if the recent developments can be described as compact urban developments. Furthermore, future possibilities for compact urban developments in the Netherlands are discussed.
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https://doi.org/10.1080/02697450120107880URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Durham, North Carolina, Virginia Beach, Virginia, Sonoma County, California, and Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, among others.There are two potential drawbacks to the urban growth boundary approach: affordable housing and constrained sprawl. By limiting the supply of buildable land, an urban growth boundary could drive up the price of land and housing. Also, good urban design within the boundaries which emphasises human-scale development, green spaces, mass transit and a pedestrian orientation is important to make living inside a growth boundary attractive. Otherwise, without design guidelines, growth within the boundary could be a constrained version of the usual uninspirin g residential and commercial sprawl.Both Oregon and New Jersey have responded to the affordable housing problem through `fair-share' housing legislation that requires cities and suburbs to provide affordable housing to accommodate a variety of income groups (Porter, 1997). Suburbs, for example, must zone land for multifamily housing, not just large single-family house lots.Greater Portland, Oregon is working to minimise sprawl by developing reliable mass transit that is tied to compact, mixed-use settlements. The Portland metro region is served by a light rail system and is pioneering the creation of `transit-oriente d developments' that combine a mix of residential and commer- cial developments with mass transit. In the Orenco Station project, west of Portland, 1800 units of housing are being built on 200 acres, together with traditiona l three-storey commercial buildings . There is a range of housing types, from condominium s to single-family homes, and one-third of the housing units are designated for rental housing. Orenco Station is within walking distance of a light rail station, connecting to downtown Portland (Livable Oregon, 1999).A key ingredient in attracting new residents and private investment to downtowns is the remediation and re-development of brown eld sites, properties that have been contaminated with hazardous waste. The US Conference of Mayors has cited brown eld clean up and liability protection for developers as their leading issue (Daniels, 1999b). Zoning ordinances that do not rigidly separate uses but allow a mix of residential and commercial development will also be essential to improve livability and a pedestrian orientation. Historic preservation and the re-use of older buildings can be very helpful in bringing in new businesse s and residents and creating tourist attractions.A further contributing factor to sprawl in America is the many small units of local government that are often reluctant to cooperate with each other. One reason is that local governments rely heavily upon local property taxes (known as rates in the UK), and hence compete for development that will expand the tax base. The outcome is often uncoordinated land-use planning and regional sprawl. But many land-use and infrastructure issues transcend individual city, suburban and county boundaries. Transportation, solid waste, public sewer and water, and future growth are all issues that point to the need for regional responses.Metro of Greater Portland, Oregon is America's only elected regional govern- ment, encompassing three counties and 24 municipalities. Metro has control of regional land-use planning, transportation, and utility development (Daniels, 1999b). In the spring of 1999, the State of Georgia created a regional transporta- tion authority with control over transportatio n and land use in Greater Atlanta,
[36]Knaap G J, Frece J W.Smart growth in Maryland: Looking forward and looking back
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[Feng Lun.Feng lun: New urbanization practice in Great City
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[39]Despommier D.The vertical farm: Controlled environment agriculture carried out in tall buildings would create greater food safety and security for large urban populations
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https://doi.org/10.1007/s00003-010-0654-3URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Over the next 50 years, rapid climate change issues will play a major role in agriculture. It is estimated for every 1 of increase in atmospheric temperature, 10 % of the land where we now grow food crops will be lost. The ability of governments to provide essential services for its citizens, and in particular to maintain systems that provide a reliable and safe food and water supply becomes more and more problematic. In less developed countries, other problems also exist that will become magnified because of global warming. For example, diseases transmitted by fecal contamination, such as cholera, typhoid fever and a plethora of parasitic infections, are commonplace where human excrement is used as fertilizer (an estimated 50 % of all farming on the planet). These infections are in large part responsible for widespread poverty and illiteracy. Geo-helminths, alone, cripple enormous numbers of children and adults alike. Heavy infections with ascaris, hookworm and whipworm can permanently reduce a child capacity for learning, and the diarrheal diseases they cause routinely keep them out of school. Illiteracy, malnutrition, and poverty are the result. Today, even in more developed countries where many of these kinds of infectious diseases have been either eradicated or are under control, food safety and security issues dominate the headlines. Over the last 5 years, in the United States alone, food recalls due to bacterial infectious diseases have resulted in billions of dollars of lost income. In traditional farming, a plethora of plant pathogens (e.g., rice blast, wheat rust) and insect pests (e.g., locusts) account for staggering losses of crops worldwide, further pushing the yields of most grain and vegetable crops towards lower and lower limits. Soil erosion due to floods and droughts completes the picture of climate change issues that have already significantly reduced where we can grow our food. The majority of environmental experts agree that farming as we know it will become marginalized over the next 50 years, as climate changes accelerate even more due to deforestation. This is because forests are being sacrificed for farmland. The consequence of this activity is that the carbon cycle is out of balance and will only get worse if nothing is done on a global scale. Controlled environment agriculture is one answer to reversing this situation. Greenhouse technologies are well-established and guarantee a safer, more reliable food supply that can be produced year round, and they can be located close to urban centers. By tacking these buildings on top of each other in an integrated well-engineered fashion, we can greatly reduce our agricultural footprint, and the vertical farm concept can then be applied to every urban center, regardless of location.
[40]Perini K, Ottelé M, Haas E M, et al.Vertical greening systems, a process tree for green fa?ades and living walls
. Urban Ecosystems, 2013, 16(2): 265-277.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-012-0262-3URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This study shows that greening the building envelope with vertical greening systems such as climbing plants or living wall systems provides ecological and environmental benefits. Contemporary architecture in fact is increasingly focusing on vertical greening systems as a means to restore the environmental integrity of urban areas, biodiversity and sustainability. Applying green fa莽ades, which is an established feature of contemporary urban design, can offer multiple environmental benefits on both new and existing buildings and can be a sustainable approach in terms of energy saving considering materials used, nutrients and water needed and efficient preservation of edifices. To provide a full perspective and a viable case study on vertical greening systems a process tree is developed throughout this research. Elaborating the process tree has proved to be a useful methodology to analyse main parameters as climate and building characteristics, avoid damages and maintenance problems caused by inappropriate design, and compare different elements such as technologies, materials, durability, dimensions, and plant species employed.
[41]Bobylev N.Mainstreaming sustainable development into a city's master plan: A case of urban underground space use
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2009.02.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The paper offers an analysis of Urban Underground Space (UUS) use and its influence on cities’ sustainability. It has been widely recognized that urban land is a valuable resource. During recent decades UUS, especially in big cities, has become a scarce and valuable resource. This paper outlines UUS use, including some quantitative descriptors and an analysis of its historical evolution. Historic top-down development of Urban Underground Infrastructure (UUI) and shortcomings in its planning have resulted in a lack of available UUS for new developments. A sectoral approach to UUS development and UUS availability on a first-come-first-served basis does not allow the full benefits that UUI can provide for urban sustainability. This paper recognizes UUS as a valuable non-renewable resource, which requires careful consideration during city planning. It focuses on the need and opportunities for mainstreaming UUS into cities’ Master plans. To facilitate this, UUS services are listed and classified; their characteristics are identified and discussed. UUS users are also identified and possible conflicts between them are discussed. State-of-the-art consideration of UUS in cities’ Master plans is critically analyzed and suggestions are made for mainstreaming UUS and sustainability issues into Master plans. It is recommended that the following are implemented: three-dimensional planning; prioritizing UUS services; studying prospective functional and spatial interrelations between different types of infrastructures; and integrated assessment.
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