

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-22

  郭大立,男,1971年生,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所研究员,博士生导师。长期从事森林生态系统植物根系-土壤系统结构与功能研究, 重点领域包括根系及菌根真菌结构与功能的生物地理学格局、吸收根及菌根真菌功能属性及动态、生态系统界面过程中根系的作用等。目前担任《Journal of Ecology》、《New Phytologist》、《Global Change Biology》等刊物编委。先后主持国家自然科学基金5项,获北京大学“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”(2008),国家自然科学基金委“****科学基金”(根系生物学,2013)支持。
  博士,2001年12月, 美国弗吉尼亚理工学院(Virginia Tech),森林生态学
  硕士,1995年 7月, 中科院沈阳应用生态研究所,森林土壤学
  学士,1992年 7月, 南京农业大学,土壤与植物营养学
  2001年6月-2004年6月:美国Jones Ecological Research Center,博士后
  1. Kong, D.L., C. Ma, Q. Zhang, L. Li, X. Chen, H. Zeng, D. L. Guo*. 2014. Leading dimensions in absorptive root trait variation across 96 subtropical forest species. New Phytologist, In press.
  2. Xiong, Y.M., H. Zeng, H. Xia, D. L. Guo*. 2014. Interactions between leaf litter and soil organic matter on carbon and nitrogen mineralization in six forest litter-soil systems. Plant and Soil, DOI 10.1007/s11104-014-2033-9.
  3. Wu, X., H. Liu, L. He, Z. Qi, O.A. Anenkhonov, A.Y. Korolyuk, Y. Yu, D.L. Guo. 2014. Stand-total tree-ring measurements and forest inventory documented climate-induced forest dynamics in the semi-arid Altai Mountains. Ecological Indicators 36: 231-241.
  4. Hu, G., H. Liu, O. A. Anenkhonov, A. Y. Korolyuk, D. V. Sandanov, D.L. Guo. 2013. Forest buffers soil temperature and postpones soil thaw as indicated by a three-year large-scale soil temperature monitoring in the forest-steppe ecotone in Inner Asia. Global and Planetary Change 104: 1-6.
  5. Zeng, F.J., C. Song, H. Guo, B. Liu, W. Luo, D. Gui, S. Arndt, D.L. Guo. 2013. Responses of root growth of Alhagi sparsifolia Shap. (Fabaceae) to different simulated groundwater depths in the southern fringe of the Taklimakan Desert, China. Journal of Arid Land 5(2): 220-232.
  6. Guo, Y.Y., J Wang, D Kong, W Wang, D.L. Guo, Y. Wang, Q. Xie, Y. Liu, H. Zeng. 2013. Fine root branch orders contribute differentially to uptake, allocation and return of potentially toxic metals. Environmental Science & Technology 47:11465-11472.
  7. Bruelheide, H., et al. 2013. Designing forest biodiversity experiments: general considerations illustrated by a new large experiment in subtropical China. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5: 74-89.
  8. Liu, H.Y., A. P. Williams, C. D. Allen, D.L. Guo, X. Wu, O. A. Anenkhonov, E. Liang, D. V. Sandanov, Y. Yin, Z. Qi And N. K. Badmaeva. 2013. Rapid warming accelerates tree growth decline in semi-arid forests of Inner Asia. Global Change Biology 19: 2500-2510.
  9. Chen, W.L., H. Zeng, D.M. Eissenstat, D.L. Guo*. 2013. Variation of first-order root traits across climatic gradients and evolutionary trends in geological time. Global Ecology and Biogeography 22: 846-856.
  10. Xiong, Y.M., P.P. Fan, S.L. Fu, H. Zeng, D. L. Guo*. 2013. Slow decomposition and limited nitrogen release by lower order roots in eight Chinese temperate and subtropical trees. Plant and soil 363: 19-31.
  11. Ouimette, A., D.L. Guo, E.A. Hobbie, J.C. Gu. 2013. Insights into root growth, function, and mycorrhizal abundance from chemical and isotopic data across root orders. Plant and soil 367: 313-326.
  12. Chen, F.S., K.J. Niklas, G.S. Chen, D.L. Guo. 2012. Leaf traits and relationships differ with season as well as among species groupings in a managed Southeastern China forest landscape. Plant Ecology 213:1489-1502.
  13. Wu, X.C., H.Y. Liu, D.L. Guo, O.A. Anenkhonov, N.K. Badmaeva, D.V. Sandanov. 2012. Growth decline linked to warming-induced water limitation in hemi-boreal Forests. PLoS ONE 7(8): e42619. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.**.
  14. Wang, J.J, Y.Y. Guo, D.L. Guo, S. L. Yin, D.L. Kong, Y.S. Liu, H. Zeng. 2011. Fine root mercury heterogeneity: metabolism of lower-order roots as an effective route for mercury removal. Environmental Science and Technology 46: 769-777.
  15. Sun, Y., J.C. Gu, H.F. Zhuang, D.L. Guo, Z.Q. Wang. 2011. Lower order roots more palatable to herbivores: a case study with two temperate tree species. Plant and Soil 347: 351-361.
  16. Gu, J.C., Z.Q. Wang, D.L. Guo*. 2011. Influence of root structure on root survivorship: an analysis of 18 tree species using a minirhizotron method. Ecological Research 26: 755-762.
  17. Bruelheide, H., M. B?hnke, S. Both, T. Fang, T. Assmann, M. Baruffol, J. Bauhus, F. Buscot, X.Y. Chen, Bi.Y. Ding, W. Durka, A. Erfmeier, M. Fischer, C. Gei?ler, D.L. Guo, L.D. Guo, W. H?rdtle, J.S.He, A. Hector, W. Kr?ber, P. Kühn, A. C. Lang, K. Nadrowski, K. Pei, M. Scherer-Lorenzen, X. Shi, T. Scholten, A. Schuldt, S. Trogisch, G. von Oheimb, E. Welk, C. Wirth, Y.T. Wu, X. Yang, X. Zeng, S. Zhang, H. Zhou, K. Ma, and B. Schmid. 2011. Community assembly during secondary forest succession in a Chinese subtropical forest. Ecological Monographs 81(1): 25-41.
  18. Xia, M.X., D.L. Guo*, K.S. Pregitzer. 2010. Ephemeral root modules in Fraxinus mandshurica. New Phytologist 188: 1065-1074.
  19. Fan, P.P., D.L. Guo*. 2010. Slow decomposition of lower order roots: a key pathway of root C and nutrient retention in the soil. Oecologia 163: 509-515.
  20. Yang, Y.H., J.Y. Fang, W.H. Ma, D.L. Guo, A. Mohammat. 2010. Large-scale pattern of biomass partitioning across China’s grasslands. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19: 268-277.
  21. Hao, S., J. Xue, D.L. Guo, D. Wang. 2010. Earliest rooting system and root/shoot ratio from a new Zosterophyllum plant. New Phytologist 185: 217-225.
  22. Li, A., D.L. Guo*, Z.Q. Wang, H.Y. Liu. 2010. Nitrogen and phosphorus allocation in leaves, twigs and fine roots across forty-nine temperate, subtropical and tropical tree species: a hierarchical pattern. Functional Ecology 24: 224-232.
  23. Guo, D.L.*, M.X. Xia, X. Wei, W.J. Chang, Y. Liu, Z.Q. Wang. 2008c. Anatomical traits associated with absorption and mycorrhizal colonization are linked to branch order in twenty-three Chinese temperate tree species. New Phytologist 180: 673-683.
  相关评论见Pregitzer, K.S. 2008. Tree root architecture – form and function. New Phytologist 180: 562-564.
  24. Guo, D.L.*, R.J. Mitchell, J.M. Withington, P.P. Fan, J.J. Hendricks. 2008b. Endogenous and exogenous controls of root lifespan, mortality and nitrogen flux in a longleaf pine forest: root branch order predominates. Journal of Ecology 96: 737-745.
  25. Guo, D.L.*, H. Li, R.J. Mitchell, W.X. Han, J.J. Hendricks, T.J. Fahey, R.L. Hendrick. 2008a. Heterogeneity by root branch order: exploring the discrepancy in root longevity and turnover estimates between Minirhizotron and C isotope methods. New Phytologist 177: 443-456.
  相关评论见Pritchard, S.G., Strand A. E. 2008. Can you believe what you see? Reconciling minirhizotron and isotopically derived estimates of fine root longevity. New Phytologist 177: 287-291.
  26. Wang, Z.Q., D.L. Guo*, X.R. Wang, J.C. Gu, and L. Mei. 2006. Fine root architecture, morphology, and biomass of different branch orders of two Chinese temperate tree species. Plant and Soil 288: 155-171.
  27. Hendricks, J.J., R.L. Hendrick, C.A. Wilson, R.J. Mitchell, S.D. Pecot, D.L. Guo. 2006. Assessing the Patterns and Controls of Fine Root Dynamics: An Empirical Test and Methodological Review. Journal of Ecology 94: 40-57.
  28. He, J.S., J.Y. Fang, Z. Wang, D.L. Guo, D.F.B. Flynn, Z. Geng. 2006. Stoichiometry and large-scale patterns of leaf carbon and nitrogen in the grassland biomes of China. Oecologia 149: 115-122.
  29. Han, W.X., J.Y. Fang, D.L. Guo, Y. Zhang. 2005. Leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry across 753 terrestrial plant species in China. New Phytologist 168: 377-385.
  30. Mou, P., R.H. Jones, D.L. Guo, A. Lister. 2005. Effects of life history and environmental heterogeneity on spatial-temporal patterns of regenerating vegetation in a Pinus elliottii forest. Landscape Ecology 20: 971-987.
  31. Guo, D.L.*, R.J. Mitchell, J.J. Hendricks. 2004. Fine root branch orders respond differentially to carbon source-sink manipulations in a longleaf pine forest. Oecologia 140: 450-457.
  32. Guo, D.L.*, P. Mou, R.H. Jones, and R.J. Mitchell. 2004. Spatio-temporal patterns of soil available nutrients following experimental disturbance in a pine forest. Oecologia 138: 613-621.
  33. Guo, D.L., P. Mou, R.H. Jones, and R.J. Mitchell. 2002. Temporal changes in spatial patterns of soil moisture following disturbance: an experimental approach. Journal of Ecology 90: 338-347.
  34. 李乐,曾辉,郭大立*. 2013.叶脉网络功能性状及其生态学意义. 植物生态学报 37 (7): 691-698.  
  35. 岳玉麒,郭大立,熊燕梅,陈正侠. 2013. 凉水和宝天曼地区乔木叶片氮素再吸收过程中δ15N的变化.生态环境学报 22(3): 379-386.
  36. 孙丽娟,曾辉,郭大立*. 2012. 鼎湖山亚热带常绿针阔叶混交林凋落物及矿质氮输入对土壤有机碳分解的影响. 应用生态学报22(12): 3087 -3093.
  37. 银森录,孔德良,郭大立*. 2011. 鼎湖山9种常见树木细根组织N浓度的季节变化. 植物生态学报35(11): 1106-1116.
  38. 陈莎莎,刘鸿雁,郭大立. 2010. 内蒙古东部天然白桦林的凋落物性质和储量及其随温度和降水梯度的变化格局. 植物生态学报 34(9): 1007-1015.
  39. 印婧婧,郭大立,何思源,张蕾,王政权. 2008. 内蒙古半干旱区树木非结构性碳、氮、磷的分配格局. 北京大学学报(自然科学版)45(3): 519-527.
  40. 王政权,郭大立. 2008. 根系生态学. 植物生态学报 32 (6): 1213-1216.
  41. 常文静,郭大立*. 2008. 中国温带、亚热带和热带森林45个常见树种细根直径变异的研究. 植物生态学报32 (6): 1248-1257.
  42. 孙玥,全先奎,贾淑霞,谷加存,郭大立,王政权. 2007. 外生菌根真菌侵染对落叶松人工林一级根形态的影响研究. 应用生态学报18 (8): 1727-1732.
  43. 郭大立,范萍萍. 2007. 关于N有效性影响细根生产量和周转率的四个假说. 应用生态学报18 (10): 2354-2360.
  44. 郭大立. 2007. 植物根系:结构、功能及在生态系统物质循环中的地位. 现代生态学讲座(III学科进展与热点论题)(主编:邬建国))(pp. 92-109). 高等教育出版社.
  45. 史建伟,于水强,于立忠,韩有志,王政权,郭大立. 2006. 微根管在细根研究中的应用. 应用生态学报 17: 715-719.
  46.王向荣,王政权,韩有志,谷加存,郭大立,梅莉. 2005. 水曲柳和落叶松不同根序之间细根直径的变异研究. 植物生态学报 29: 871-877.
  47. 梅莉,王政权,程云环,郭大立. 2004. 林木细根寿命及其影响因子研究. 植物生态学报 28: 704-710.
  1. “中国北方两种人工针叶林细根结构与寿命及周转的关系”,国家自然科学基金面上项目,研究期限:2005年01月至2007年12月。
  5. 国家自然科学基金创新群体成员。2011年01月至2013年12月。
  6. 中科院项目“中国四个亚热带森林根系-土壤系统结构与功能研究”。 2011年06月至2014年6月。
  7. 国家“****科学基金”。树木根系生物学。2014年1月至2017年12月。
  1) Journal of Ecology (British Ecological Society) 编委(associate editor),2010年1月-
  2) New Phytologist编委 (advisor), 2010年11月-
  3)Global Change Biology编委 (advisor), 2011年1月-
  4) 《植物生态学报》(中国植物学会) 编委,2009年-
  5)Journal of Plant Ecology (中国植物学会) 编委, 2009年-
  6)Ecological Processes编委, 2012年-
  7)Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 编委 (associate editor), 2013年-
  8)北京土壤学会理事, 2010年-
  9)北京生态学会理事, 2013年-
联系方式: ;guodl@igsnrr.ac.cn


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