1. 地球探测与信息技术教育部重点实验室(成都理工大学), 成都 610059
2. 地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室(成都理工大学), 成都 610059
3. 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 北京 100029
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(41674059,41340009,41574055)与岩石圈演化国家重点实验室自主研究课题(11731210)资助
作者简介: 黄焱羚, 男, 1994年生, 硕士研究生, 主要从事地震活动性研究.E-mail:huangyanling184@163.com
通讯作者: 梁春涛, E-mail:liangchuntao12@cdut.cn
中图分类号: P315收稿日期:2019-09-06
The seismicity in the southern Longmenshan fault zone based on a dense seismic array
HUANG YanLing1,,LIANG ChunTao1,2,,,
WU Jin3,
WANG ChaoLiang1,
LIU ZhiQiang1,
1. Key Laboratory of Earth Exploration and Information Technology of Ministry of Education(Chengdu University of Technology), Chengdu 610059, China
2. State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Projection(Chengdu University of Technology), Chengdu 610059, China
3. Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China
More Information
Corresponding author: LIANG ChunTao,E-mail:liangchuntao12@cdut.cn
MSC: P315--> Received Date: 06 September 2019
Revised Date: 10 October 2019
Available Online: 05 March 2020
摘要:2016年12月—2018年4月间布设于汶川、芦山地震之间地震空段的密集监测台阵(LmsSGA)提供了密集的观测数据.通过拾取地震走时、初始定位,计算地方震级,得到了完备性震级为0级的地震目录.更加完备的地震目录为地震空段及周围地震活动的时空分布特征和孕震风险性评估提供了丰富的信息.重定位结果显示地震主要集中于龙门山断裂带深度为5~20 km的孕震层内.地震活动频繁的汶川、芦山主震区,震源的空间分布模式与其早期余震相似,说明两次大地震的区域仍处于缓慢的应力调整阶段.青藏高原物质东向挤出受宝兴、彭灌杂岩阻挡,在两个杂岩体西北侧地震活动频繁.地震活动性分布显示汶川—茂县、映秀—北川断裂上存在一个清晰的长约30 km,宽约20 km的地震活动"空白"区域,与其下方因部分熔融而产生的低速体分布一致,我们推测熔融体的加温作用是导致空段内极低的地震活动性的主要原因.监测时段内仍观测到降雨变化率和地震数量呈反相关关系,再次证实了汶川—芦山地震间地震空段及邻区内季节性降雨对地震活动性存在一定调节作用.综合分析S波速度模型、历史强震活动及b值,我们推断地震空段东部的彭灌断裂中段及周围部分隐伏断层存在发生强震的风险.
关键词: 地震活动性/
Abstract:A dense seismic array deployed around the seismic gap between the Wenchuan and Lushan earthquakes provided a continuous recording from December 2016 to April 2018. An earthquake catalogue consisting of 2227 earthquakes with complete magnitude of Mc=0 was obtained after manually picking P and S first arrivals, locating and calculating local magnitudes. The complete catalogue carried abundant information about the spatiotemporal distribution of seismicity and earthquake hazard risk. Relocated using hypoDD, focal depths of all earthquakes range from 5 to 20 km, which is consistent with the seismogenic depth of Longmenshan fault zone. Most of events occurred in the source region of the Wenchuan and Lushan earthquakes, and the characteristics of depth expansion is similar to that of early aftershocks. At the same time, the eastward movement of the Tibetan plateau is blocked by Baoxing and Pengguan complexes, forming frequent seismic activities in the northwest side of two complexes. Relocation results clearly delineated a ~30 km long and ~20 km wide seismicity-silent zone on Wenchuan-Maoxian and Yingxiu-Beichuan fault. The seismicity deficit zone is coupled with the low-velocity zone related to partial melting. This phenomenon indicates that the heating effect of the partial melting in the lower crust is a main reason for the abnormally low seismicity. Anticorrelation between seismicity and monthly precipitation variation rate is also observed during the monitoring period, which means earthquake rates is modulated modestly by the seasonal precipitation in the study region. A comprehensive analysis with the 3D velocity model, historical strong earthquakes and b-value suggests the possibility of future earthquake risk along the middle part of Pengguan fault and neighboring blind faults to the east of seismic gap.
Key words:Seismicity/
Seismic gap/
Double difference location/
Spatiotemporal distribution/
Seismic risk