1. 天津市地震局, 天津 300201
2. 河北经贸大学, 石家庄 050061
3. 中国科学院精密测量科学与技术创新研究院, 大地测量与地球动力学国家重点实验室, 武汉 430077
基金项目: 中国地震局地震科技星火计划项目(XH19005Y),中国地震局地震科技星火计划项目(XH20003Y),大地测量与地球动力学国家重点实验室开放式基金项目(SKLGED2018-4-2-E),河北经贸大学科研基金项目(2018QZ11,2018JYY47,2018QY08),河北省教育厅项目(2016GJJG085),河北省地震科研基金项目(DZ20170109002),中国地震局震情跟踪定向工作任务(2019010103),中国地震局三结合课题(3JH-202001004)联合资助
作者简介: 李赫, 工程师, 主要从事地震学及数字地震资料的应用研究.E-mail:lihe200888@sina.com
通讯作者: 董一兵, 博士, 主要从事地震学研究.E-mail:ybdong@heuet.edu.cn
中图分类号: P315收稿日期:2019-05-15
Seismological evidence for a deep-seated shear zone in the Langgu Depression
LI He1,,DONG YiBing2,3,,,
Peng YanFeng2,
LIU ShuangQing1,
WU BoYang1
1. Earthquake Administration of Tianjin Municipality, Tianjin 300201, China
2. Hebei University of Economics and Business, Shijiazhuang 050061, China
3. State Key Laboratory of Geodesy and Earth's Dynamics, Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430077, China
More Information
Corresponding author: DONG YiBing,E-mail:ybdong@heuet.edu.cn
MSC: P315--> Received Date: 15 May 2019
Revised Date: 23 September 2019
Available Online: 05 February 2020
摘要:基于区域地震台网观测数据,采用近震波形反演方法,确定2018年2月12日河北永清M4.3地震的最佳双力偶源震源机制解为:节面Ⅰ走向297°,倾角58°,滑动角-32°;节面Ⅱ走向45°,倾角63°,滑动角-144°;是一个略带正断分量的右旋走滑地震.结合近震转换波测定主震的震源深度在19 km附近.地震序列的双差定位结果显示:永清地震序列震中呈北东向窄带展布,表明此次地震主要向北东向破裂;深度集中分布在17~19 km,整体形态近于铅直,显示发震断裂具有走向北东、倾向南东、倾角陡立的特征,与节面Ⅱ的性质比较吻合,推测节面Ⅱ为发震断层面.将发震断层面参数与震源区附近断裂性质进行对比分析,形成了关于廊固凹陷附近区域地震构造的一些认识:(1)推测永清地震的发震构造不是地壳浅部发育的先存正断裂,而是震源区下方一条地壳尺度的深断裂,该深断裂为新生断裂,具有右旋走滑正断性质,倾角陡峭、近于直立、宽度较大,向上与夏垫断裂相通.(2)综合震源区附近多条深地震反射剖面探测结果,推测永清地震的发震断裂与新夏垫断裂同属一条断裂,称为:新夏垫深断裂.该断裂从夏垫向西南方向延伸至文安,并可能与霸县-束鹿-邯郸断裂带相联系,总长度超过150 km.(3)基于2006年文安M5.1地震与2018年永清M4.3地震在震源机制上的相似性及震源位置上的关联性,结合区域构造条件,认为两次地震的发震构造均为新夏垫深断裂.(4)根据研究区几次显著地震的震源深度分布特征,参考区域断层构造、电性结构和流变学模型,推测活化克拉通块体新生断裂的脆韧性转换界面深度在15 km附近.
关键词: 廊固凹陷/
Abstract:The focal mechanism of 2018 Yongqing M4.3 earthquake was resolved by applying CAP method to local waveforms, showing that the best double-couple solution is as follows:the strike, dip, and rake angles of the two nodal planes are 297°, 58°, -32°, and 45°, 63°, -144°, respectively. The centroid depth of mainshock was resolved as about 19 km with locally converted waves, and the locations of aftershocks were also solved by the HypoDD method. The result from relocation shows that the epicenters of events are distributed along northeast, and the focal depths ranges from 17 to 19 km, distributed within a straight zone, indicating that the causative fault should be a strike-slip fault which strikes to the northeast and dips to the southeast. From the mechanism and spatial distribution, we infer that, (1) the seismogenic tectonic character of the earthquakes should not be caused by normal faults in the shallow crust, but by the deep-seated Cenozoic dextral strike-slip fault, which cuts through the whole crust vertically from the shallow to the deep portion of the crust; and that (2) the causative fault should be one of the branches of the Xiadian fault zone, which strikes from Xiadian to Wen'an with a total length of more than 150 km, and maybe related to the Baxian-Shulu-Handan fault zone; and that (3) the 2006 Wen'an M5.1 earthquake and 2018 Yongqing M4.3 earthquake should be both caused by the Xiadian fault zone. Furthermore, based on the comparison of the distribution of focal depth of events, regional fault zone, electrical structure and rheological model in the area under investigation, we posit that, the brittle-ductile transition depth of the newly-generated fault in the activated craton should be around 15 km.
Key words:Langgu Depression/
Seismogenic tectonics/
Xiadian fault zone/
Brittle-ductile transition zone/
Yongqing M4.3 earthquake