吉林大学地球探测科学与技术学院, 长春 130021
基金项目: 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)重大项目"深部矿产资源探测计划"第13课题(2014AA06A613),国家"十三五"重点研发计划课题(2017YFC0602203,2017YFC0601606),国家自然科学基金项目(41604098),国家科技重大专项子任务(2016ZX05027-002-003)和中国博士后科学基金资助项目(2019M651209)联合资助
作者简介: 王泰涵, 男, 1990年生, 师资博士后, 主要从事位场数据处理及解释方面的研究.E-mail:wangtaihan@jlu.edu.cn
通讯作者: 马国庆, 男, 1984年生, 教授, 主要从事重磁数据处理及解释的研究.E-mail:maguoqing@jlu.edu.cn
中图分类号: P631收稿日期:2018-07-05
Edge detection and space location inversion techniques of magnetic tensor gradient data based on ratio of analytic signal
WANG TaiHan,YU Ping,
MA GuoQing,,
LI LiLi,
College of Geoexploration Science and Technology, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, China
More Information
Corresponding author: MA GuoQing,E-mail:maguoqing@jlu.edu.cn
MSC: P631--> Received Date: 05 July 2018
Revised Date: 25 December 2018
Available Online: 05 October 2019
关键词: 磁张量梯度/
Abstract:Magnetic tensor gradient data has the advantages of high precision, high resolution, multiple parameters, which can delineate the distribution of magnetic sources more correctly, and has a wide range of uses in the exploration of mineral resources. Magnetic tensor data is still affected by the oblique magnetization that will cause the irregular distribution of anomalies, which bring difficulties to the data interpretation. Based on the advantages that the analytic signal is insensitive to magnetization direction and the goal of enhancement of deep sources, we presented balanced edge detection and space location inversion technique of analytic signal ratio to interpret magnetic tensor gradient data. The balanced edge detection method of magnetic tensor gradient data is the arc tangent function of the ratio of different directions of analytic signals, which can balance the amplitude of the sources with different depths, and can low the interference of oblique magnetization and improve the resolution to deep source. Space location inversion technique is to build the linear equation between the ratio of analytic signals and location parameters of geological bodies, and use the fractal corresponding feature between analytic signal ratio and geological body as selection criteria to obtain accurate horizontal location and depth. Modelling tests show that analytic signal ratio method of magnetic gradient tensor data can obtain the edges of the sources with different depths simultaneously, and reduce the change caused by the oblique magnetization. The linear equation of analytic signal ratio function can compute the range and depth of the source correctly, and has higher resolution and precision. We apply the new method to real aeromagnetic tensor data, and obtain the distribution of iron mineral resources, which have important sense to the evaluation of regional mineral resources.
Key words:Magnetic tensor gradient/
Analytic signal/
Balanced edge detection/
Location parameters