1. 湖南师范大学智能计算与语言信息处理湖南省重点实验室, 长沙 410081
2. 湖南师范大学信息科学与工程学院, 长沙 410081
基金项目: 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)重大项目"深部矿产资源勘探技术"第三课题(2014AA06A602)、国家重点研发计划"深地资源勘查开采"重点专项(2018YFC0603202)、国家自然科学基金(41404111)、湖南省自然科学基金(2018JJ2258)和湖南省研究生科研创新项目(CX20190414)联合资助
作者简介: 李晋, 男, 1981年生, 博士, 副教授, 主要从事矿集区大地电磁强干扰压制及信噪辨识研究.E-mail:geologylj@163.com
中图分类号: P631 收稿日期:2018-07-05
Suppression of strong interference for AMT using VMD and MP
LI Jin1,2,,ZHANG Xian1,2,
CAI Jin1,2
1. Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Intelligent Computing and Language Information Processing, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China
2. College of Information Science and Engineering, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China
MSC: P631
--> Received Date: 05 July 2018
Revised Date: 18 February 2019
Available Online: 05 October 2019
关键词: 音频大地电磁/
Abstract:In order to effectively separate the large-scale strong interference in the audio magnetotelluric (AMT) signal and suppress the near-source effect, this paper proposes a method of suppressing strong AMT by using variational mode decomposition (VMD) and matching pursuit (MP). First, we compare the performance of signal decomposition with empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and intrinsic time scale decomposition (ITD), and verify the advantage of VMD algorithm in avoiding model aliasing and endpoint effects. At the same time, we discuss the de-noising performance of the typical large-scale strong interference in a model number of VMD, and the appropriate model is selected to obtain the reconstructed information of the processing signal. Then, the reconstructed signal is further processed by MP, which filters the residual sharp pulse interference. Through analyzing and processing the simulated and measured data, and comparing with the remote reference method, the experiment results show that the proposed method can effectively eliminate the large-scale strong interference in the time domain sequence, and retain more low-frequency of slow change information and detail components. The near-source interference is effectively suppressed, and the apparent resistivity-phase curve is more smooth and continuous. Moreover, the data quality of the low-frequency band is improved obviously and the result can reflect the underground electrical structure information more truly and reliably.
Key words:Audio magnetotelluric/
Strong interference/
Noise suppression/
Variational mode decomposition/
Matching pursuit