

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-03

1. 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 岩石圈演化国家重点实验室, 北京 100029
2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
3. 中国地质调查局青岛海洋地质研究所, 青岛 266071
4. 中国地质调查局滨海湿地生物地质重点实验室, 青岛 266071
5. 中国海洋大学海洋地球科学学院, 海底科学与探测技术教育部重点实验室, 青岛 266100
6. 国家海洋局第一海洋研究所, 青岛 266061
7. 南方科技大学海洋科学与工程系, 深圳 518055
8. 青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室海洋地质过程与环境功能实验室, 青岛 266237

基金项目: 国家基金委-山东省联合基金项目-海洋地质过程与环境(U1606401),国家重点研发计划(2016YFA0601903),亚洲大陆边缘项目"全球变化与海气相互作用"专项(GASI-GEOGE-03)和国家自然科学基金(41430962,41506075)联合资助

作者简介: 王琬璋, 女, 1993年生, 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所硕士, 海洋地质学专业, 主要从事海洋磁学研究.E-mail:wangwzh11@163.com
通讯作者: 刘青松, 男, 1972年生, 教授, 博士, 主要从事古地磁与海洋磁学研究.E-mail:qsliu@sustc.edu.cn
中图分类号: P318


Magnetostratigraphic framework and magnetic properties of modern sediment in the Yellow River Delta

WANG WanZhang1,2,,
ZHOU LiangYong3,4,
DUAN ZongQi1,8,
JIANG ZhaoXia5,8,
LIU JianXing6,8,
LIU QingSong7,8,,
1. Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3. China Geological Survey, Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, Qingdao 266071, China
4. Key Laboratory of Coastal Wetland Biogeosciences, China Geological Survey, Qingdao 266071, China
5. Key Laboratory of Submarine Geosciences and Prospecting Techniques, MOE, College of Marine Geosciences, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China
6. The First Institute of Oceanography, SOA, Qingdao 266061, China
7. Southern University of Science and Technology, Department of Ocean Science and Engineering, Shenzhen 518055, China
8. Laboratory for Marine Geology and Environment, Qingdao National Oceanography Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao 266237, China

More Information
Corresponding author: LIU QingSong,E-mail:qsliu@sustc.edu.cn
MSC: P318

--> Received Date: 14 March 2018
Revised Date: 26 October 2018
Available Online: 05 May 2019

本文对黄河三角洲Z07孔沉积物进行了系统的磁性地层学和环境磁学研究.通过结合沉积速率和古地磁长期变化数据,我们为该孔建立了较为精确可信的年代框架(1999-03-2006-06 A.D.).环境磁学结果表明黄河三角洲沉积物与中国黄土的磁学特征相似,主要载磁矿物为单畴(SD)磁铁矿,超顺磁颗粒(SP)含量也较高.整体上,该孔沉积物磁学参数的变化主要受粒度和含量控制.岩芯磁性参数在2003年前后发生了系统变化.我们认为,黄河自2002年起进行调水调沙工程,黄河下游河道冲刷加剧,形成新的物质来源,河流输入的沉积物粒度变粗,输沙量增加,这一新的物质来源是造成Z07钻孔磁性参数发生显著变化的主因.

Magnetostratigraphic and rock magnetic studies have been conducted on sediments Core Z07 from the Yellow River Delta. Constrained by the deposition rate and paleomagnetic secular variation curves, we constructed a reliable chronological framework. Rock magnetic results indicate that the main magnetic minerals are single domain (SD) magnetites with considerable amount of superparamgnetic (SP) particles. The grain size and concentration of magnetic particles in sediments change significantly with depths. Compared to the bottom sediment, the uppermost part has lower concentrations of SP and SD ferrimagnetic grains. We attribute these changes occurred around 2003 mainly to the Water and Sediment Regulation Scheme (WSRS) project launched by the Chinese government, which focuses on solving the sedimentation reservoir problems at the lower reaches of the Yellow River. Along with the continuous implementations of WSRS, the erosion rate of lower reach of the Yellow River increased. It became a new sediment source and the median grain size of suspended sediment in Lijin station increased accordingly, which results in elevated sediment loads. Therefore, this new source of sediment may cause the differences of magnetic properties around 2003.
Modern Yellow River delta/
Environmental magnetism/
Sedimentary environmental evolution


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