1. 北京市水文地质工程地质大队, 北京 100195
2. 北京市地质工程勘察院, 北京 100083
3. 北京市十三陵水库管理处, 北京 102200
基金项目: 中国地质调查局地质科学院基本科研业务项目(批准号:JYYWF20182004)、北京市科技计划项目(批准号:Z141100003614060)和国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:41831283)共同资助
作者简介: 刘元章, 男, 46岁, 高级工程师, 从事水文地质、构造地质、第四纪地质方面的工作及研究, E-mail:yuanzhangliu@163.com
中图分类号: K928.6 收稿日期:2019-05-19
A study of the location of Ji Hillock and Ji City of early stage from the geological perspective
Liu Yuanzhang1,,Li Wenxian2,
Wang Shufang1,
Zhou Tao1,
Kang Xiaojun3,
Wang Liya1
1. Beijing Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Beijing 100195
2. Beijing Institute of Geological & Prospecting Engineering, Beijing 100083
3. Beijing Ming Dynasty Tombs Reservoir Management Department, Beijing 102200
MSC: K928.6
--> Received Date: 19 May 2019
Revised Date: 14 September 2019
Publish Date: 30 November 2019
摘要:以往的研究表明,作为北京建城之始的蓟城,可能存在一前期蓟城,现今白云观附近已发掘出的蓟城为后期蓟城。本文依据大量钻孔及地铁施工的地层资料,发现在莲花桥地铁站以北区域2 m地下存在一凸起基岩小丘,高出古?水河的一级阶地面约8 m,南北长365 m。依据地质、地貌、水文等方面的综合分析,结合《水经注》等古文献的相关记载,推测此丘可能就是"蓟丘",前期蓟城即位于其南面的今莲花池湖一带。根据沉积地层及水文地质学方面的分析,认为导致其迁城的原因是洪水泛滥引起下游地面淤积抬高,地下水在此开始出露,本区开始出现沼泽化,遂于公元300年前后迁城。这一带最终出现莲花池湖,逐步将前期蓟城埋于今湖面以下约3 m深度。根据古文献中相关的方位描述,对城墙的位置进行了大致推测。
关键词: 蓟丘/
Abstract:The earliest city appeared in today's Beijing urban area is Ji, also known as Jiqiu, because there is a hillock named Jiqiu near it, and the city was named from the hillock. Previous archaeological excavation found an ancient city near the Baiyunguan Temple, but it proved to be the Ji City only after the Han Dynasty. Where the original Ji City site is, it has not been discovered. As a result of the subsequent environmental changes, the sedimentation has caused a general 5~10 m rise for the ground surface, and later there appeared many tall buildings, which made it even difficult to be found. Based on the stratigraphic data of subway construction and large amount of boreholes, the paper tries to find the old city according to the hillock. It finds that there exists a rock hillock in the north area of the Lianhuaqiao subway station, and the length of north and south is about 365 m. Then it is inferred that the early Ji City was located in the area of Lianhuachi Lake in front of the hillock. The location relationship between this area and the ancient rivers is very consistent with the description in the ancient literatures. According to the analysis of sedimentary strata and hydrogeology, it believes that the reason caused moving of the city is that groundwater rose and marshland began to occur in this area, and then the city moved in the year around 300 A.D.
Key words:Jiqiu/
Ji City of the early stage/
Capital of Yan/
Lianhuachi Lake