1. 中国地质科学院地球物理地球化学勘查研究所, 河北 廊坊 065000
2. 天津市地质调查研究院, 天津 300191
基金项目: 基础性公益性地质矿产调查专项项目(批准号:DD20160046)和中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项项目(批准号:AS2017J03、AS2017Y02和AS2015J09)共同资助
作者简介: 代鹏, 男, 30岁, 助理工程师/硕士, 区域地质调查、地质与地球物理结合及相关研究, E-mail:daipeng@igge.cn
中图分类号: P534;P539.3 收稿日期:2018-06-02
Core characteristics and stratigraphic classification of G01 borehole in Gu'an, Hebei Plain
Dai Peng1,,Deng Xiaohong1,
Wang Shengdong1,
Wu Junjie1,
Zhang Quan2
1. Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Langfang 065000, Hebei
2. Tianjin Institute of Geological Survey, Tianjin 300191
MSC: P534;P539.3
--> Received Date: 02 June 2018
Revised Date: 06 October 2018
Publish Date: 30 March 2019
摘要:河北平原发育巨厚的冲积、冲洪积沉积物,其岩性、岩相变化明显,仅仅依靠钻孔岩芯的岩性组合、沉积相分析难以建立具有代表性意义的地层层序,测试手段的发展和研究精度的提高,为建立河北平原区广大冲积平原的标准地层提供了可能。文章通过对第四系标准孔G01孔(钻孔深度415.5 m)的岩芯观察,按照沉积物颜色、沉积环境、沉积旋回和沉积构造等特点,将G01孔揭示的松散沉积物分为9大岩性段:第1岩性段主要为灰黑色粘土及灰黑色中砂,代表了河漫滩沉积和河道沉积;第2~5岩性段主要为灰黄-灰绿色粘土-粉砂质粘土-粉砂,发育水平层理和块状层理,局部发育波状层理,代表了河漫滩沉积;第6~9岩性段主要为灰黄-棕红色粘土、粉砂质粘土、粘土质粉砂夹灰黄色粉砂、细砂及砂砾层,代表了边滩、河道沉积和河床滞留沉积。通过对古地磁实验结果的分析得出,0~105.5 m为布容正极性时,105.5~183.7 m为松山反极性时,183.7~415.5 m为高斯正极性时。以磁性地层为主导、岩性地层特征和14C测年数据为辅,对固安G01孔第四纪岩性地层(183.7 m内)进行初步划分,其第四纪地层的下更新统、中更新统、上更新统和全新统的对应深度分别为183.7~105.5 m、105.5~59.2 m、59.20~21.45 m和21.45~0 m。
关键词: 第四纪地层/
Abstract:The lithofacies of Hebei Plain was dominated by the thick alluvial and diluvial deposit with a complex lithological change. However, it is difficult to establish a representative stratigraphic sequence solely by analyzing the lithological combination and sedimentary facies in the borehole. The advancement of test methods and research precision makes it possible to establish a standard stratum sequence for the extensive alluvial plain of Hebei Plain. Based on observing the cores of the standard Quaternary borehole G01 (39°26'45"N, 116°15'18"E; 415.5 m in depth) in Gu'an County, this paper focused on dividing the loose sediments of it into nine major lithological sections, according to the sediment color, sedimentary environment, sedimentary cycle and structure. The 1st lithological segment mainly consists of gray-black clay and sand, which was interpreted as the river bank deposition and channel deposition. The 2nd~5th lithological segment is mainly composed of gray-yellow and gray-green clay, silty clay and silty with the structures of horizontal bedding and massive bedding as well as current bedding, represents alluvial deposits; The 6th~9th lithological segment is dominated by gray-yellow and brown-red clay, silty clay, clayey silty sand, fine sand and gravel layer. It represents the beach, channel and riverbed deposition. The results of the paleomagnetic test show that the intervals of 0~105.5 m is Brunhes normal polarity chron, from 105.5 m to 183.7 m is Matuyama reversed polarity chron, from 183.7 m to 415.5 m is Gauss normal polarity chron. According to the magnetostratigraphy, combined with the lithostratigraphic property and 14C dating data, we can divide the Quaternary strata into the Lower Pleistocene series, the Middle Pleistocene series, the Upper Pleistocene series and the Holocene series, with the depth of 183.7~105.5 m, 105.5~59.2 m, 59.20~21.45 m and 21.45~0 m, respectively.
Key words:Quaternary strata/