1. 安徽大学资源与环境工程学院, 安徽 合肥 230601
2. 河北师范大学资源与环境科学学院, 河北 石家庄 050024
3. 河北省环境演变与生态建设重点实验室, 河北 石家庄 050024
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:41630753)资助
作者简介: 陈欢, 女, 25岁, 硕士研究生, 环境工程专业, E-mail:hhafkhhh@yeah.net
通讯作者: 周忠泽, E-mail:zhzz@ahu.edu.cn
中图分类号: Q944.571收稿日期:2018-07-09
Relative pollen productivity estimates of subtropical evergreen and deciduous broadleaved mixed forest in Ta-pieh Mountains
Chen Huan1,,Xu Qinghai2,3,
Zhang Shengrui2,3,
Sun Yuanhao2,3,
Wang Meng1,
Zhou Zhongze1,,
1. School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, Anhui
2. College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050024, Hebei
3. Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Ecological Construction of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang 050024, Hebei
More Information
Corresponding author: Zhou Zhongze,E-mail:zhzz@ahu.edu.cn
MSC: Q944.571--> Received Date: 09 July 2018
Revised Date: 16 December 2018
Publish Date: 30 March 2019
摘要:相对花粉产量(RPP)与相关花粉源范围(RSAP)是利用景观重建法(LRA)定量恢复过去土地覆被的关键。大别山地区是亚热带常绿阔叶林和暖温带落叶阔叶林过渡区,对气候变化敏感。研究该地区RPP及RSAP对于完善亚热带孢粉现代过程具有重要意义。文章利用大别山56个样点的现代孢粉及植被数据估算了研究区RSAP及17种主要孢粉类型的RPP,并重建了研究区乔木类型现代植被盖度。估算的松属、栎属、枫香树、栗属、禾本科等17种孢粉类型的孢粉百分比总和在所有样点中超过90.14%,对应的植被平均盖度总和亦达到90.87%,代表了研究区沉积孢粉与植被总体情况。Extended R-value(ERV)模型分析显示,子模型1结合Prentice模型与研究区的植被-孢粉数据拟合度最高,大别山常绿、落叶阔叶林的RSAP为340 m;与其他地区相比RSAP偏小,可能与研究区植被空间格局及植被调查方法有关。以栎属为参照种(RPP=1±0),其余乔木植物RPP依次为松属(6.202±0.107)、枫杨(1.555±0.080)、栗属(0.530±0.026)、化香树(0.434±0.040)、江南桤木(0.266±0.074)、枫香树(0.148±0.029)、漆树科(0.141±0.018)、杉木(0.023±0.004);灌木和草本植物RPP分别为蒿属(0.318±0.065)、紫菀型菊科(0.143±0.018)、金缕梅科(0.056±0.022)、豆科(0.023±0.008)、蔷薇科(0.020±0.009)、禾本科(0.019±0.001)、桑科(0.010±0.007),蕨类植物(0.266±0.021)。枫香树、枫杨、化香树及漆树科的RPP为首次估算。不同地区同种孢粉类型RPP不同,与包含的物种的差异以及人为因素有关。LRA分析表明,本研究获得的RPP结果可信,可以应用于我国亚热带常绿和落叶阔叶混交林区的古植被重建。
关键词: 大别山/
Abstract:Relative pollen productivity (RPP)and relevant source area of pollen (RSAP)are the key to the reconstruction of past land cover quantitatively with Landscape Reconstruction Algorithm (LRA). Ta-pieh Mountains (30°10'~32°30'N, 112°40'~117°10'E) is a transitional zone between subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest and warm temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest, which is sensitive to climate change. The study of RPP and RSAP in this area will contribute to improving the modern process of pollen in subtropical zone. Using modern pollen assemblage and vegetation data at 56 sampling sites from the Ta-pieh Mountains, this paper estimated the RSAP and RPP of the 17 main pollen types in this area, and reconstructed the modern vegetation coverage of the tree pollen taxa. The estimated 17 pollen taxa including Pinus, Quercus, Liquidambar formosana, Castanea and Poaceae exceeded 90.14% of pollen in all sampling sites, and the corresponding average vegetation coverage also reached 90.87%, which approximately represented the sedimentary pollen and vegetation in this study area. Extended R-value (ERV)model analysis showed that the submodel 1 combined with the Prentice model had the highest goodness of fit with the vegetation-pollen data in the study area. Using the maximum likelihood function score, the RSAP was obtained at the distance of 340 m from each sampling point. The smaller RSAP in Ta-pieh Mountains compared with other areas may due to the difference of the vegetation spatial patterns and vegetation survey method. With Quercus as the reference taxon (RPP=1±0), the highest RPP came to Pinus (6.202±0.107). And other tree plants were Pterocarya stenoptera (1.555±0.080), Castanea (0.530±0.026), Platycarya strobilacea (0.434±0.040), Alnus trabeculosa (0.266±0.074), Liquidambar formosana (0.148±0.029), Anacardiaceae (0.141±0.018), Cunninghamia lanceolata (0.023±0.004); RPP of shrubs and herbaceous taxa were Artemisia (0.318±0.065), Aster tataricus type (0.143±0.018), Hamamelidaceae (0.056±0.022), Leguminosae (0.023±0.008), Rosaceae (0.020±0.009), Poaceae (0.019±0.001)and Moraceae (0.010±0.007)respectively and the ferns (0.266±0.021). Liquidambar formosana, Pterocarya stenoptera, Platycarya strobilacea, and Anacardiaceae were first estimated all over the world, their RPP were lower (except for Pterocarya stenoptera). The RPPs of one taxon varied sharply among regions may be related to the differences of species and human factors. The Landscape Reconstruction Algorithm analysis showed that the RPP results obtained in this study are reliable and could be applied to the reconstruction of ancient vegetation in subtropical-warm temperate zone deciduous broad-leaved forest.
Key words:Ta-pieh Mountains/
subtropical area/
relative pollen productivity/
relevant source area of pollen/