1. 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 北京 100029
2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号:41772320)资助
作者简介: 尚彦军, 男, 51岁, 研究员, 地质工程专业, E-mail:jun94@igcas.ac.cn
中图分类号: P941.77;K872 收稿日期:2018-10-11
The relationship of cultural relics with landform types for clarifying ancients living sites along the Middle Route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project(MRWDP)in Holocene
Shang Yanjun1,2,,Zhou Kunshu1,
Qu Yongxin1,
Wei Siyu1,2
1. Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049
MSC: P941.77;K872
--> Received Date: 11 October 2018
Revised Date: 16 January 2019
Publish Date: 30 March 2019
摘要:早期先民聚居和活动遗址及古墓分布受地貌类型及其与河流关系影响,在跨流域不同地区表现关系如何?本文以沿伏牛山和太行山山前地带线性展布的南水北调中线干渠两侧各3 km宽度带为个案,研究干渠沿线唐白河、淮河、黄河北、滏阳河和海河等5个区段的362处文物分布随水系及地貌单元的变化。结果发现,干渠沿线先人多聚居在缓坡地和岗地,其次是冲洪积扇和微倾斜平原。石器时代遗址基本在大河二级支流、河流二级阶地上,高出河床10~20 m左右。文物总数与调查干渠线路长度大致成正比,沿线路分布密度约0.5处/km。淮河-黄河北区段文物较集中且新石器遗址数量与线路长度大致成正比,沿线路分布密度约0.2处/km;海河区段文物密度相对较低。不同时代(7个时期)文物占比表现出一些共性特征,如战国至南北朝文物占比最高的在黄河北和滏阳河区段,分别为30%和41%,而明清文物占比较高的为海河和唐白河区段,分别为32%和44%。战国后太行山山麓带渐变干旱,黄河以北海河以南的华北平原西部湖区与山麓之间聚居遗址增多。上述结果为南水北调中线干渠规划设计中合理避让、科学保护和适量发掘文物供了一定依据
关键词: 南水北调中线/
Abstract:The early ancients settlements and activity sites as well as the distribution of ancient tombs were affected by the type of landform and its relationship with the river. What is the relationship in different regions?Taking a certain width of the Middle Route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project (MRWDP)along the eastern foothill of Funiu Mountain and Taihang Mountain as a case study, this paper presents the study results of the cultural distribution of 362 cultural relics sites along different streams and geomorphic units, focused in five sections, including Tangbai River, Huai River, Yellow River, Fuyang River and Hai River along the main canal. It was found that the ancients along the main canal were concentrated in gentle slopes and hills, followed by alluvial fans and slightly inclined plains. The Stone Age ruins are basically on the secondary tributaries and the second terrace of the rivers, which is about 10~20 m above the riverbed. The total number of cultural relics is roughly proportional to the length of the survey line, and is distributed as an intensity of 0.5 sites/km. The cultural relics in the sections of the north Yellow River and the Huai River are more concentrated and the number of Neolithic ruins is positively correlated with the distance along the line, which is about 0.2 sites/km. The relative density of cultural relics in the Hai River section is low. The proportion of sites in 7 different periods showed some common characteristics. For example, the highest proportion of the Warring States to the Northern and Southern Dynasties in the Yellow River and the Fuyang River, was 30% and 41%, respectively. While the Ming and Qing dynasties accounted for the highest proportion. For the Hai River section and the Tangbai River section, they were 32% and 44% respectively. After the Warring States period, the foothill area was gradually dry, and the site of the settlement between the lake area and the foothills of the North China Plain to the south of the Yellow River was increased. The above results provide a basis for reasonable avoidance, scientific protection and proper excavation of cultural relics in the planning and designing of the MRWDP
Key words:Middle Route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project(MRWDP)/
cultural relics/
landform type/
river terrace