

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-03

1. 中国社会科学院考古研究所, 北京 100710
2. 洛阳市文物考古研究院, 河南 洛阳 471000

基金项目: 国家社科基金青年项目(批准号:16CKG018)资助

作者简介: 陈相龙, 男, 35岁, 助理研究员/理学博士, 科技考古专业, E-mail:chenxianglong09@hotmail.com
中图分类号: P597+.2;K878


Subsistence around 3rd millennium B.C. in Luoyang basin evidenced by human diets at Zhonggou and Wanggedang sites

Chen Xianglong1,,
Wu Yeheng2,
Li Zhipeng1
1. Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100710
2. Luoyang Academy of Archaeology and Culture Relics, Luoyang 471000, Henan

MSC: P597+.2;K878

--> Received Date: 02 October 2018
Revised Date: 20 November 2018
Publish Date: 30 January 2019

作为早期王权国家诞生的核心区域,洛阳盆地新石器时代晚期至青铜时代早期发生了剧烈的社会变革,对这一过程中该地区生业经济状况的研究主要集中于动植物考古方面,尚需其他证据予以全面评估。为此,本文对仰韶晚期的中沟遗址和龙山晚期至二里头早期的王圪垱遗址出土人骨开展了碳氮稳定同位素分析。研究发现,中沟(δ13C=-7.5±1.4 ‰,δ15N=8.5±0.8 ‰,n=28)与王圪垱遗址人群(δ13C=-9.9±1.9 ‰,δ15N=8.8±1.1 ‰,n=14)的δ13C值略有差异,而δ15N却比较接近。结合植物考古等相关研究结果,我们认为两遗址先民虽然均主要以粟、黍等C4类食物为食,但王圪垱先民食物中水稻的比例有所增加。这种状况可能与龙山晚期之后本地与南方稻作农业人群文化交流更加密切有关。本研究的另一发现是,中沟与王圪垱遗址中墓葬人群(δ15N=8.9±0.6 ‰,n=17;δ15N=9.2±1.0 ‰,n=9)的δ15N值明显高于灰坑人群(δ15N=7.8±0.7 ‰,n=11;δ15N=7.9±0.7 ‰,n=5),即前者饮食中肉类比例高于后者。考虑到仰韶中期以来中原地区社会分层越演愈烈,肉食消费的多少一定程度上是人群分化的体现。

As the key area for the origins of the early state-level societies, the hinterland of the Central Plains, centered on the Luoyang basin were characterized by millet cultivation after the establishment of millet farming during early Yangshao period. From the middle and late Yangshao periods onwards, with the intensification of culture exchanges between the north and the south, more and more rice remains were identified from Neolithic sites in the Central Plains, indicating the increasing impact on subsistence economy of the Luoyang basin. In order to explore subsistence shift in the Luoyang basin from the late to the final Neolithic periods, stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis were carried out in this study on human and animal bones from the late Yangshao period Zhonggou site and the late Lonshan to early Erlitou period Wanggedang site.
It is found that the populations at Zhonggou site(δ13C=-7.5±1.4 ‰, δ15N=8.5±0.8 ‰, n=28) and Wanggedang site(δ13C=-9.9±1.9 ‰, δ15N=8.8±1.1 ‰, n=14) are slightly different in δ13C values, despite of their similarity in δ15N values. Since broomcorn and foxtail millets, and rice were the major cultigens in this region according to archaeobotanical research of this period, we hypothesis that although residences of the two sites mainly subsisted on millet and millet-related C4 nutrients, individuals from Wanggedang had eaten slightly more C3 foods, e.g. rice. We therefore hypothesize that millet farming had predominated subsistence economy around 3rd millennium B. C. in Luoyang basin, while rice farming had probably been considered as supplementary food production practice in most cases. When comparing with the sites about the same period in the surrounding area, the importance of rice to subsistence of the late Longshan period in the Luoyang basin was significantly less than those in areas to the south of Songshan Mountains. This probably linked to the archaeological observation that, influence of rice agriculture-based Qujialing and Shijiahe cultures in middle Yangtze River valley on archaeological cultures in the Central Plains region had gradually decreased from south to north.
Another important finding of this study is that, individuals buried in tombs(δ15N=8.9±0.6 ‰, n=17; δ15N=9.2±1.0 ‰, n=9) of both Zhonggou and Wanggedang exhibited significantly higher δ15N values than those from the ash pits(δ15N=7.8±0.7 ‰, n=11; δ15N=7.9±0.7 ‰, n=5), indicative of the different chances between the two populations in consumption of animal products. Since social stratification and population differentiation in the Central Plains turned to be more and more intense from middle Yangshao onwards, we hypothesis that this difference in the degree of meat consumption was a reflection of social stratification to some extent.
Luoyang basin/
stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis/
Zhonggou site/
Wanggedang site/
culture exchange


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