关键词: 汾渭盆地/
Abstract:Fenwei Basin has a special geographical location for it is situated at the conjunction of Ordos block and Qinling orogenic belt. As a Cenozoic faulted basin which is controlled by a series of fault zones distributed in the peripheral and internal areas, the rifting and sedimentation occurred almost simultaneously in the basin, forming the Cenozoic strata with a thickness of several thousand meters. Based on a large number of field outcrops and some drilling data, especially signal features such as lithology, palaeontology, sedimentary structures, paleontological fossils, as well as logging data and regional geological backgrounds, we study the sedimentary facies of different geological periods of Paleogene-Neogene in Fenwei Basin, and five sedimentary types can be distinguished, i.e., alluvial fan, fluvial, delta, lacustrine and aeolian deposit. More specifically, alluvial fan deposits are mainly developed in the basin margin and front areas of mountains, then gradually change into fluvial, delta, and lacustrine facies toward the lake centre while almost all aeolian deposits are observed at the edge of the basin. Except Sanmenxia area, the main part of Fenwei Basin began to deposit from the Late Eocene to the Early Oligocene. During the Late Oligocene, Fenwei Basin experienced regional uplift and the sedimentation was interrupted. Since then, the basin subsided again and the sedimentary range gradually expanded. Xi'an depression and Gushi depression of Weihe Basin, as well as the Sanmenxia-Ruicheng area and Yuncheng-Yongji area all develop lacustrine facies by the Late Miocene. During the Pliocene, the largest the sedimentary range of the Fenwei Basin was formed, and lake was widely distributed in the centre of the area, and aeolian deposits began to be sedimented at the edge of the basin.
Key words:Fenwei Basin/
Sedimentary facies/
Depositional evolution