关键词: 地球化学/
Abstract:Based on the systematic core sampling, major and trace elements testing and sedimentarygeochemical analysis have been carried out to analyze the sedimentary environment characteristicsof the Bianmachong Formation of Lower Cambrian in the Cen′gong block, Guizhou Province. Theresults show that the black shale of the Bianmachong Formation was deposited in a semi.(micro) brackish water.fresh water environment under the background of restricted sea indicated by thepaleosalinity discriminant indicators of Sr/Ba and Rb/K ratio. There is little change in the verticalsalinity of the first and third segment of the Bianmachong Formation, and an obvious respondingrelationship between the Sr content and carbonate minerals content. The distribution of V/Cr,Ni/Co, U/Th ratio and δU value of the paleo.redox indicators indicates that the black shale wasdeposited in an environmentdominated by oxidation and sometimesdysoxic condition.The V/(V+Ni) ratio indicates an reduction environment. The climatic index“C”, Sr/Cu and SiO2/Al2O3 ratio of paleoclimatological distinguishing parameters indicate that the climate is in a warm and humidcondition which is conducive to the formation of organic matter. The Rb/Zr and Sr/Ba ratio of thepalaeobathymetric and offshore distance indicators show that the shale is deposited in a shallowwater and offshore environment. Combining with the analysis of provenance and tectonicbackground, the black shale of the Bianmachong Formation was mainly deposited in relativelyshallow water shelf in the continental margin setting. This research has revealed the dynamicsedimentary environment evolution of the Lower Cambrian in the Cen′gong block, and can providea certain geological basis for the analysis of organic matter enrichment mechanism and theevaluation of shale gas block.
Key words:Geochemistry/
Sedimentary environment/
Black shale/
Bianmachong Formation/
Guizhou Cen′gong