关键词: 碲成矿地质背景/
Abstract:Dashuigou tellurium deposit is the only known independent Te ore deposit in the world. Since accidental discovery, it has attracted much attention and research from scholars. However, there has been a lack of relevant geochemical theories and methods for exploring Te deposits similar to Dashuigou tellurium deposit. The basic field elements or oxides related to basic magmatic activity are enriched, and the overall content of Te and Bi is not high, resulting in different degrees of depletion in Shimian region. There has a good concentration and metallogenic potential of Te in Permian, Silurian Tonghua Formation, Ordovician Dahebian formation, Sinian and Permian-Triassic intrusive rocks. The content of elements in stream sediments is not high in Dashuigou Te deposit area, the average content of Te and Bi is higher than that of Shimian region, but close to the background value of five provinces in Southwest China. There has a certain metallogenic potential for Te. On the basis of the geological background of Te mineralization and the geochemical characteristics in Shimian region and Dashuigou Te deposit area, a geochemical model for Te deposits is established. Six most potential prospecting targets were identified for Te minerals by this model. Already, Te veins or mineralization have been found in some of these areas.
Key words:Geological background of Te mineralization/
Geochemical characteristics/
Geochemical model/
Stream sediments/
Prospecting prediction