

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-30

姓名: 刘景波 性别:

职称: 研究员 学位: 博士

电话: 传真:

Email: jingboliu@mail.iggcas.ac.cn 邮编: 100029

地址: 北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中科院地质与地球物理研究所

【English】 岩石圈演化国家重点实验室

2007.12-现在 研究员, 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所
1997.12-2007.12 副研究员,中国科学院地质研究所
1996.9-1997.12 助理研究员,中国科学院地质研究所
1994.9-1996.9 博士后,中国科学院地质研究所
1988.6-1991.9 工程师,黑龙江地质与矿产研究所











Liu, J.B., Zhang, L.M, 2013, Neoproterozoic low to negative δ18O volcanic and intrusive rocks in the Qinling Mountains and their geological significance. Precambrian Research, 230, 138-167.
Liu, J.B., Zhang, L.M, Mao, Q. and Ye, K., 2011, Increasing chlorinity in fluids along the prograde metamorphic path: Evidence from apatite from Yangkou eclogite, Sulu, China. In Dobrzhinetskaya, L. F., Faryad, S. W., Wallis, S., Cuthbert, S., eds. Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphism: 25 Years After the Discovery of Coesite and Diamond, Elsevier, pp. 213-239.
Liu, J.B., Liu, W.Y., Ye, K., and Mao, Q., 2009, Chlorine-rich amphibole in Yangkou eclogite, Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic terrane, China. European Journal of Mineralogy 21(6), 1265-1286.
刘景波、张灵敏、叶凯、苏文、程南飞, 2013,大别山北部卢镇关群火山岩和共生花岗岩全岩和锆石氧同位素、锆石U-Pb年代学研究。岩石学报,29(5),1511-524。
刘景波, 张灵敏, 陈意, 郭顺,程南飞,2013,大别-苏鲁造山带超高压榴辉岩和脉体磷灰石含氯特征与变质流体演化。科学通报,58(22),2165-2168。
JINGBO LIU, WENYUAN LIU, KAI YE and QIAN MAO, 2009, Chlorine-rich amphibole in Yangkou eclogite, Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic terrane, China. European Journal of Mineralogy, 21(6), 1265-1286. DOI: 10.1127/0935-1221/2009/0021-1968
Liu, Kai Ye and Min Sun, 2006, Exhumation P-T path of UHP eclogites in the Hong’an area, western Dabie Mountains, China. Lithos, 89, 154-173.
刘景波,叶凯,2005,大别山片麻岩锆石的拉曼光谱研究,岩石学报21(4), 1094-1100.
J. Liu and K. Ye, 2004, Transformation of garnet epidote amphibolite to eclogite,western Dabie Mountains, China. Journal of metamorphic Geology, 22, 383–394.
JINGBO LIU, Kai Ye, Shegnori Maruyama, Bolin Cong, Hongrui Fan, 2001, Mineral inclusions in zircon from gneisses in the ultra-high pressure zone of the Dabie Mountains, China. Journal of Geology, 109, 523-535.
刘景波,叶凯,从柏林,范宏瑞,2000,大别山超高压变质带片麻岩锆石中的重晶石和硬石膏包裹体及其意义,岩石学报,16(4), 482-484.
Liu Jingbo, Wu Yin, Guo Lianjie, 1998, Eclogites and their country gneisses: studies on inclusions in the accessory minerals of country gneisses. Chinese Science Bulletin, 43(1), 65-68.
刘景波,游振东,1997,秦岭群中条带状混合岩质量等比线分析岩石学报,13(3), 427-438.
Liu Jingbo, You Zhendong, Zhong Zengqiu, 1996, Eclogites from the middle and north of Dabie Mountains in southern Henan and northern Hubei, China. Science In China, Series D, 39(3): 293-299.
刘文元,刘景波,2009,大别山高压-超高压片麻岩锆石的拉曼光谱研究,岩石学报,25(9), 2157-2164.
Y. Chen, K. Ye, J. B. Liu, M. Sun, 2006, Multistage metamorphism of the Huangtuling ranulite,Northern Dabie Orogen, eastern China: implications for the ectonometamorphic evolution of subducted lower continental crust. Journal of metamorphic Geology, 24, 633–654.
Wen Su, Zhiping Ji, Kai Ye, Zhendong You, JINGBO LIU, Jie Yu, Bolin Cong, 2004, Distribution of hydrous components in jadeite of the Dabie Mountains. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 222, 85-100.
Chen, B., Jahn, B-M., Ye, K., and Liu, J.B., 2002, Cogenetic relationship of the Yangkou gabbro-to-granite unit, Su-Lu terrane, eastern China, and implications for UHP metamorphism: Journal of the Geological Society (London), 159, 457-467.
Fan Hongrui, Liu Jingbo, Guo Jinghui, Ye Kai, Cong Bolin, 2002, Fluid inclusions in whiteschist in the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt of Dabie Shan, China, Chinese Science Bulletin, 47(12), 1028-1032.
Ye, K., Liu, J.B., Cong, B.L., Ye, D., Xu, P., Omori, S. and Maruyama, S., 2002, Ultrahigh-Pressure (UHP) Low-Al Titanites from carbonate-bearing rocks in Dabieshan-Sulu UHP terrane, Eastern China. Am. Mineral., 87: 875-881.
Ye, K., Liu, J.B., Cong, B., Maruyama S., 2001, Overpressures induced by coesite-quartz transition in zircon. American Mineralogist, 86: 1151-1155.
Yao, Y.P., Ye, K., Liu, J.B., Cong, B.L., Wang, Q.C., 2000, A transitional eclogite- to high pressure granulite-facies overprint on coesite–eclogite at Taohang in the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure terrane, Eastern China. Lithos, 52,109–120.
Wang Qingchen, Liu Jingbo, Cong Bolin, 1999, Could tectonic overpressure cause ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism? Chinese Science Bulletin, 44(24), 2295-2298.

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