

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-30

姓名: 孟庆任 性别:

职称: 研究员 学位: 博士

电话: 传真:

Email: qrmeng@mail.igcas.ac.cn 邮编: 100029

地址: 北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中科院地质与地球物理研究所

【English】 岩石圈演化国家重点实验室

孟 庆 任 Qing-Ren Meng
博 士 Ph.D. 研 究 员
Professor of Geology







(15) Wei, H.-H., Meng, Q.-R., Wu, G.-L., and Li, L., 2012, Multiple controls on rift basin sedimentation in volcanic settings: Insights from the anatomy of a small Early Cretaceous basin in the Yanshan belt, northern North China. Geologic Society of American Bulletin, v. 123, doi: 10.1130/B30495.1 (now on-line)
(14) Meng, Q.-R., Wei, H.-H., Qu, Y.-Q., and Ma, S.-X., 2011, Stratigraphic and sedimentary records of the rift to drift evolution of the northern North China craton at the Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic transition. Gondwana Research, v. 20, p. 205 - 218.
(13) Wei, H.-H., Liu, J.-L., and Meng, Q.-R., 2010, Structural and sedimentary evolution of the southern Songliao basin, northeast China, and implications for hydrocarbon prospectivity. AAPG Bulletin, v. 94, no. 4, p. 533 - 566.
(12) 孟庆任,2009,柴达木盆地的成因. 地质科学,v. 44, no. 4, p. 1213 - 1226.
(11) Meng, Q.-R., and X. Fang, 2008, Cenozoic tectonic development of the Qaidam basin in the northeastern Tibetan plateau. in Burchfiel, B.C., and Wang, E., eds., Investigations into the Tectonics of the Tibetan Plateau: Geological Society of America Special Paper 444, p. 15–38.
(10) Meng, Q.-R., Li, S.-Y., and Li, R.-W., 2007, Mesozoic evolution of the Hefei basin in eastern China: sedimentary response to deformations in the adjacent Dabieshan and along the Tanlu fault. Geologic Society of American Bulletin, v. 119, no. 7/8, p. 897–916.
(9) 孟庆任, 渠洪杰, 胡健民, 2007, 西秦岭和松潘地体三叠系深水沉积. 中国科学, v. 37 (增刊 I), p. 209–223.
(8) Meng, Q.-R., Hu, J.-M., Wang, E., and Qu, H.-J., 2006, Late Cenozoic denudation by large-magnitude landslides in the eastern edge of Tibetan Plateau. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 243, p. 252–267.
(7) Meng, Q.-R, Wang, E., and Hu, J.-M., 2005, Mesozoic sedimentary evolution of northwest Sichuan Basin: implications for continued clockwise rotation of the South China Block. Geologic Society of American Bulletin, v. 117, no. 3, p. 396–410.
(6) Wang, E., Meng, Q.-R, Burchfiel, B.C., and Zhang, G.-R, 2003, Mesozoic large-scale lateral extrusion, rotation, and uplift of the Tongbai-Dabie Shan belt in East China. Geology, v. 31, no. 4, p. 307–310.
(5) Meng, Q.-R, 2003, What drove late Mesozoic extension of the northern China- Mongolia tract? Tectonophysics, v. 369, p. 155–174.
(4) Meng, Q.-R, Hu, J.R, Jin, J.-Q, Zhang, Y., and Xu, D.-F, 2003, Tectonics of late Mesozoic wide supracrustal extensional basin system in the China-Mongolia border region. Basin Research, v. 15, no. 3, p. 397–415.
(3) Meng, Q.-R, Hu, J.-R, and Yang, F.-Z, 2001, Timing and magnitude of displacement on the Altyn Tagh fault: constraints from stratigraphic correlation of adjacent Tarim and Qaidam basin, NW China. Terra Nova, v. 13, p. 86–91.
(2) Meng, Q.-R. and Zhang, G.-W, 2000, Geologic framework and tectonic evolution of the Qinling orogen, central China. Tectonophysics, v. 323, p. 183–196.
(1) Meng, Q.-R., and Zhang, G.-R., 1999, Timing of collision of North and South China blocks: controversy and reconciliation. Geology, v. 27, no. 2, p. 123-126.

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