

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-26









  1966年生,安徽岳西人。1986年7月获安徽师范大学学士学位。1989年7月获中国科学院植物研究所硕士学位。1996年12月获德国马丁.路德大学(Martin-Luther University)博士学位,1997年进入德国Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK)进行博士后研究。1999年入选中国科学院“****”,引进国外杰出人才;2004年入选首批新世纪百千****才工程国家级人选;2006年经国务院批准享受政府特殊津贴专家;2008年国家****基金获得者。
  现为“植物基因组学”国家重点实验室副主任,国家植物基因研究中心(北京)理事会秘书、主任助理及项目科学家,中国科学院遗传发育所浙江嘉兴农作物高新技术育种中心副主任。同时任中国科学院研究生院教授,中国农业科学院水稻研究所研究员,南京大学、北京师范大学、天津师范大学、安徽农业大学、河南农业大学兼职教授,天津食品生物技术重点实验室学术委员会主任,国际组织培养与生物技术学会会员,美国植物生理学会会员,中国遗传学会第七届理事会理事,中国遗传学会国际交流委员会委员,中国植物生理学会植物组织培养与生物技术专业委员会副主任委员。《Frontier in Plant Genetics and Genomics》、《植物学报》、《植物生理学报》、《农业生物技术学报》、《遗传》等编委。


  课题组通过对所创制的水稻T-DNA插入突变体库的大规模田间表型筛选,获得大量水稻源供给能力改变(如早衰, 图 1)和库强度(籽粒大小及饱满度等,图 2)发生改变而影响产量的突变体,多个基因已被克隆,功能鉴定正在进行中。对其进一步深入系统的研究对理解水稻产量形成的分子基础和应用其开展水稻产量的分子设计改良具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。

图 1 筛选出一系列影响光合作用源供给能力的不同类型早衰突变体材料。

图 2实验室筛选获得多个影响库强度突变体。


  禾谷类作物的休眠和萌发涉及到种子发育及与环境的互作,是一个极其复杂的农艺性状。小麦、水稻等禾谷类作物穗发芽现象严重影响了作物的产量和品质,但禾谷类种子休眠和萌发的分子机制目前仍无系统深入的研究。我们组通过对突变体的系统筛选,获得一系列影响水稻种子萌发的突变体(图 3A,B),并已对多个控制穗发芽性状的基因进行了克隆和功能鉴定。我们希望通过对不同类型的休眠和萌发突变体的详细分析,阐明水稻休眠和萌发的分子机制。同时,我们通过筛选获得多个具不同休眠程度的自然变异材料及栽培品种(图 3C),利用已有QTL结果和从突变体研究中获得的数据,认识人工驯化过程中种子休眠性降低的原因,为农作物的改良奠定基础。

图 3典型水稻穗发芽突变体表型。A. 杭州高湿条件下,B. 北京低湿条件下的穗发芽表型,C. 筛选获得的具有不同休眠特性的水稻材料。


  随着功能基因组学研究的深入,特别是大量功能基因的克隆,如何利用所获得知识,通过分子辅助选育或转基因技术有针对性对农作物进行品种分子设计改良也是研究组重要的研究内容之一。除了克隆多个有潜在应用价值的基因以外,课题组还克隆了一批具有不同特异性的调控元件(图 4),利用所获得的基因和调控元件针对不同作物的特点,开展农作物品种的分子设计改良。
图 4 克隆鉴定的多个特异性表达调控元件。A. 叶肉特异性表达启动子;B. 维管特异性表达启动子;C. 种子萌发早期特异性表达调控元件。


王义琴  副研究员
曹守云  高级工程师
唐九友  副研究员
胡 斌  副研究员
康 赛  研究助理   
赵显峰  高级农艺师(海南基地)
李古坡  农艺师(田间管理)

李 钊(吉林大学)
闫 禹(中国科学院大学)


Fang J^*, Zhang F^, Wang H, Wang W, Zhao F, Li Z, Sun C, Chen F, Xu F, Chang S, Wu L, Bu Q, Wang P, Xie J, Chen F, Huang X, Zhang Y, Zhu X, Han B, Deng X*, andChu C*(2019)Ef-cdlocus shortens rice maturity duration without yield penalty.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA DOI:10.1073/pnas..
Hu B^*, Jiang Z^, Wang W^, Qiu Y^, Zhang Z, Liu Y, Gao X, Liu L, Qian Y, Huang X, Yu F, Li A, Kang S, Wang Y, Xie J, Cao S, Zhang L, Wang Y, Xie Q, Kopriva S, and Chu C* (2019) Nitrate-NRT1.1B-SPX4 cascade integrates nitrogen and phosphorus signaling networks in plants. Nature Plants doi: 10.1038/s41477-019-0384-1.
Featured in Nature Plants by Scheller HV (2019) When nitrate and phosphate sensors meet. doi: 10.1038/s41477-019-0403-2
Zhang LM, Leng CY, Luo H, Wu XY, Liu ZQ, Zhang YM, Zhang H, Xia Y, Shang L, Liu CM, Hao D, Zhou Y, Chu C, Cai HW, Jing HC (2018) Sweet sorghum originated through selection of Dry, a plant specific NAC transcription factor gene. Plant Cell Doi: 10.1105/tpc.18.00313.
Featured by EmilyBreeze (2018) Sweet and Juicy: Identification and Origins of the Dry Alleles in Sorghum. Plant Cell. Doi:10.1105/tpc.00748.2018.
Tong H and Chu C (2018) Functional specificities of brassinosteroid and potential utilization for crop improvement. Trends Plant Sci. Doi: 10.1016/j.tplants.2018.08.007. (Invited Review)
Wang M^, Li W^, Fang C^, Xu F^, Liu Y^, Wang Z, Yang R, Zhang M, Liu S, Lu S, Lin T, Tang J, Wang Y, Wang H, Lin H, Zhu B, Chen M, Kong F, Liu B, Zeng D, Jackson SC*, Chu C* & Tian Z* (2018) Parallel selection on a dormancy gene during domestication of crops from multiple families. Nature Genet. Doi: 10.1038/s41588-018-0229-2.
Liu C, Ou S, Mao B, Tang J, Wang W, Wang H, Cao C, Schl?ppi MR, Zhao B, Xiao G, Wang X and Chu C (2018) Early selection of bZIP73 facilitated adaptation of japonica rice to cold climates. Nature Commun (Accepted).
Du L, Xu F, Fang J, Gao S, Tang J, Fang S, Wang H, Tong H, Cao S, Zhang F, Chu J, Wang G, Chu C (2018) Endosperm sugar accumulation caused by mutation of PHS8/ISA1 leads to pre-harvest sprouting in rice. Plant J. Doi: 10.1111/tpj.13970.

Kopriva S and Chu C (2018) Are we ready to improve phosphorus homeostasis in rice? J. Exp. Bot. Doi: 10.1093/jxb/ery163 (Expert view)
Gao S and Chu C (2018) Fine-tuning of Eui1: Breaking the bottleneck in hybrid rice seed production. Mol. Plant 11(5): 643-644 (Invited commentary).
Zhang J, Zhang N, Liu YX, Zhang X, Hu B, Qin Y, Xu H, Wang H, Guo X, Zhang P, Jin T*, Chu C*, Bai Y* (2018) Root microbiota shift in rice correlates with resident time in the field and developmental stage. Sci. China Life Sci. Doi: 10.1007/s11427-018-9284-4.
Lu SJ, He H, Sun L, Wang H, Liu XH, Jiang L, Sun JL, Xin X, Kong W, Chu C, Xue HW, Yang JS, Luo X, Liu JX (2018) A novel QTL qTGW3 encodes the GSK3/SHAGGY-like kinase OsGSK5/OsSK41 that interacts with OsARF4 to negatively regulate grain size and weight in rice. Mol. Plant 11(5): 736-749.
Liu C, Wang W, Mao B, Chu C (2018) Cold stress tolerance in rice: physiological changes, molecular mechanisms,and future prospects. Hereditas (Beijing) 40(3): 171-185.
Wang W^, Hu B^, Yuan D, Liu Y, Che R, Hu Y, Ou S, Zhang Z, Wang H, Li H, Jiang Z, Zhang Z, Gao X, Qiu Y, Meng X, Liu Y, Bai Y, Liang Y, Wang Y, Zhang L, Li L, Mergen S, Jing H, Li J, and Chu C (2018) Expression of the nitrate transporter OsNRT1.1A/OsNPF6.3 confers high yield and early maturation in rice. Plant Cell30(3): 638-651..
Featured in Plant Cell by Jennifer Mach (2018) The Real Yield Deal? Nitrate Transporter Expression Boosts Yield and Accelerates Maturation. 30(3): 520-521.
Highlighted in ScienceDaily on February 23, 2018 by Jennifer Mach: New approach to improve nitrogen use, enhance yield, and promote flowering in rice.
Recommended by F1000Prime Doi: 10.3410/f...
Pan J, Huang D, Guo Z, Kuang Z, Zhang H, Xie X, Ma Z, Gao S, Lerdau MT, Chu C, Li L (2018) Overexpression of microRNA408 enhances photosynthesis, growth, and seed yield in diverse plants. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 60(4): 323-340.
Xiao Y^, Liu D^, Zhang G, Tong H*, Chu C* (2017) Brassinosteroids regulate OFP1, a DLT interacting protein, to modulate plant architecture and grain morphology in rice. Front. Plant Sci. 8: 1698.
Qu M, Zheng G, Hamdani S, Essmine J, Song Q, Wang H, Chu C, Sirault X, Zhu XG (2017) Leaf photosynthetic parameters related to biomass accumulation in a global rice diversity panel. Plant Physiol. DOI: 10.1104/pp.17.00332.
Tang J andChu C(2017)microRNAs in crop improvement: fine-tuners for complex traits.Nature Plants.3: 17077.
Chen J, Nolan T, Ye H, Zhang M, Tong H, Xin P, Chu J, Chu C, Li Z, Yin Y (2017) Arabidopsis WRKY46, WRKY54 and WRKY70 transcription factors are involved in brassinosteroid-regulated plant growth and drought response. Plant Cell. 29(6): 1425-1439.
Schl?ppi M, Jackson A, Wang A, Chu C, Eizenga G, Shi Y, Shimoyama N, Boykin DL (2017) Assessment of five cold tolerance traits and GWAS mapping in rice using the USDA mini-core collection. Front. Plant Sci. 8: 957.
Wang H, Vieira FG, Crawford JE, Chu C*, and Nielsen R* (2017) Asian wild rice is a hybrid swarm with extensive gene flow and feralization from domesticated rice. Genome Res. 27:1029-1038.
Cover Story. Highlighted in Asian Scientist Magazine on May 2, 2017: Apparently, Asian Wild Rice Isn’t So Wild Anymore.
Li H, Hu B and Chu C (2017) Nitrogen use efficiency in crops: lessons from Arabidopsis and rice. J. Exp. Bot. 68(10): 2477-2488.
Wang M, Wu HJ, Fang J, Chu C, Wang XJ (2017) A long noncoding RNA involved in rice reproductive development by negatively regulating osa-miR160. Sci. Bull. 62: 470-475.
Tang J and Chu C (2017) microRNAs in crop improvement: fine-tuners for complex traits. Nature Plants. 3: 17077.(in print)

Zhang B, Zhang L, Li F, Zhang D, Liu X, Wang H, Xu Z, Chu C*, Zhou Y* (2017) Control of secondary cell wall patterning involves xylan deacetylation by a GDSL esterase. Nature Plants. 3: 17017.
Featured in Nature Plants with News & Views by Scheller HV (2017) Plant cell wall: Never too much acetate. Nature Plants. 3: 17024.
Ye H, Liu S, Tang B, Chen J, Xie Z, Nolan T, Jiang H, Guo H, Lin HY, Li L, Wang Y, Tong H, Zhang M, Chu C, Li Z, Aluru M, Aluru S, Schnable P and Yin Y (2017) RD26 mediates crosstalk between drought and brassinosteriod signalling pathways. Nature Communications 8: 14573.
Liang C, Li A, Yu H, Li W, Liang C, Guo S, Zhang R, Chu C (2017) Melatonin regulates root architecture by modulating auxin response in rice. Front. Plant Sci. 8: 134.
Tong H and Chu C (2017) Physiological analysis of brassinosteroid responses and sensitivity in rice. Methods Mol. Biol. 1564: 23-29.
Wang H and Chu C (2017) Underlying mechanism for heterosis unveiled by –Omics. Chin. Bull. Bot. 52(1): 4-9.
Hu B and Chu C (2017) Node-based transporter: Switching phosphorus distribution. Nature Plants. 3: 17002.
Wu J, Yang R, Yang Z, Zhao S, Yao S, Wang Y, Li P, Song X, Jin L, Zhou T, Xie L, Zhou X, Chu C, Qi Y, Cao X, and Li Y (2017) ROS accumulation and antiviral defence control by microRNA528 in rice. Nature Plants. 3: 16203.
Liu Y, Mao C, Chu C (2016) Research progress on functional genomics of rice nutrient utilization. Chin. Bull. Life Sci. 28(10): 1230-1242
Guo Q, Wu F, Pang S, Zhao X, Chen L, Liu J, Xue B, Xu G, Li L, Jing H, and Chu C (2016) Crop 3D: a platform based on LiDAR for 3D high-throughput crop phenotyping. Sci. Sin. Vitae 46(10): 1210-1221.
Liu Y, Hu B, and Chu C (2016) 15N-nitrate uptake activity and root-to-shoot transport assay. Bio-protocol. 6(16): e1897.
Wang Y, Liang C, Wu S, Zhang X, Tang J, Jian G, Jiao G, Li F, and Chu C (2016) Significant Improvement of Cotton Verticillium Wilt Resistance byManipulating the Expression of Gastrodia Antifungal Proteins. Mol. Plant 9(10): 1436-1439.
Qu M, Hamdani S, Li W, Wang S, Tang J, Chen Z, Song Q, Li M, Zhao H, Chang T, Chu C, and Zhu X (2016) Rapid stomatal response to fluctuating light: an under-explored mechanism to improve drought tolerance in rice. Funct. Plant Biol. Doi: 10.1071/FP15348.
Li H, Hu B, Wang W, Zhang Z, Liang Y, Gao X, Li P, Liu Y, Zhang L, and Chu C (2016) Identification of microRNAs in rice root in response to nitrate and ammonium. J. Genet. Genomics. 43: 651-661.
Wang H, Xu X, Vieira FG, Xiao Y, Li Z, Wang J, Nielsen R, and Chu C (2016) The power of inbreeding: NGS based GWAS of rice reveals convergent evolution during rice domestication. Mol. Plant 9(7):975-985
Cover Story. Featured in Molecular Plant by Xuehui Huang (2016) “From Genetic Mapping to Molecular Breeding: Genomics Have Paved the Highway”. 9(7):959-960.
Song Q, Chu C, Parry M, and Zhu XG (2016) Genetics-based dynamic systems model of canopy photosynthesis: The key to improve light and resource use efficiencies for crops. Food and Energy Security. 5(1): 18-25.
Tong H and Chu C (2016) Brassinosteroid regulates gibberellin synthesis to promote cell elongation in rice: Critical comments on Ross and Quittenden’s letter. Plant Cell 28(4): 833-835.
Gao S, Fang J, Xu F, Wang W,Chu C (2016) Rice HOX12 regulates panicle exsertion by directly modulating the expression of ELONGATED UPPERMOST INTERNODE1. Plant Cell28(3): 680-695.
Highlighted in Science Daily on April 1, 2016 by Jennifer Lockhart: Feeding the world: Uncovering a key regulator of flower head development in rice.
Che R, Tong H, Shi B, Liu Y, Fang S, Liu D, Xiao Y, Hu B, Liu L, Wang H, Zhao M, Chu C (2015) Control of grain size and rice yield by GL2-mediated brassinosteroid responses. Nature Plants 2: 15195.
Featured with News and Views in Nature Plants by Hirokazu Tsukaya: Yield increase: GRFs provide the key. 2: 15210.
Liu L^, Tong H^, Xiao Y, Che R, Xu F, Hu B, Liang C, Chu J, Li J*,Chu C* (2015) Activation of Big Grain1 significantly improves grain size by regulating auxin transport in rice.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 112(35): 11102-11107 (*Corresponding authors).
Chu C (2015) A new era for crop improvement – From model-guided rationale design to practical engineering. Mol. Plant. 8(9): 1299-1301
Hu B, Wang W, Ou S, Tang J, Li H, Che R, Zhang Z, Chai X, Wang H, Wang Y, Liang C, Liu L, Piao Z, Deng Q, Deng K, Xu C, Liang Y, Zhang L, Li L, Chu C (2015) Variation in NRT1.1B contributes to nitrate-use divergence between rice subspecies. Nature Genet., 47(7): 834-838.
Featured with News and Views in Nature Plants by Chao DY & Lin HX (2015) Nitrogen-use efficiency: Transport solution in rice variations. 1: 15096.
Chen J, Liu X, Wang C, Yin SS, Li XL, Hu WJ, Simon M, Shen ZJ, Xiao Q, Chu CC, Peng XX, Zheng HL (2015) Nitric oxide ameliorates zinc oxide nanoparticles-induced phytotoxicity in rice seedlings. J. Hazard. Mater., 297: 173-182.
Xue Y, Chong K, Han B, Gui J, Wang T, Fu X, He Z, Chu C, Tian Z, Cheng Z, Lin S (2015) A new chapter of designer breeding in China: An update on the strategic program of molecular module-based designer breeding systems. Bull. Chin. Acad. Sci. 30(3): 262-271.
Liang C, Zheng G, Li W, Wang Y, Hu B, Wang H, Wu H, Qian Y, Zhu XG, Tan DX, Chen SY, Chu C (2015) Melatonin delays leaf senescence and enhances salt stress tolerance in rice. J Pineal Res. 59(1): 91-101..
Yin CC, Ma B, Collinge D, Pogson B, He SJ, Xiong Q, Duan KX, Chen H, Yang C, Lu X, Wang YQ, Zhang WK, Chu CC, Sun XH, Fang S, Chu JF, Lu TG, Chen SY, and Zhang JS (2015) Differential regulation of ethylene responses in roots and coleoptiles by a carotenoid isomerase MHZ5-mediated abscisic acid pathway in rice. Plant Cell. 27(4): 1061-1081.
Wang W, Zhang L, Li H, Zhang Z, Hu B, Chu C (2015) Recent progress in molecular dissection of nutrient uptake and transport in rice. Sci. Sin. Vitae. 45(6): 569-590.
Liang C and Chu C (2015) Towards understanding abscisic acid-mediated leaf senescence. Sci. China Life Sci. 58(5): 506-508.
Li X, Liu H, Wang M, Liu H, Tian X, Zhou W, Lv T, Wang Z, Chu C, Fang J and Bu Q (2015) Combinations of four heading date genes determine rice adaptability to Heilongjiang province, northern limit of China. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 57(8): 698-707.
Hu B, Wang W, Deng K, Li H, Zhang Z, Zhang L, and Chu C (2015) microRNA399 is involved in multiple nutrient responses in rice. Frontier Plant Sci. 6:188.
Hamdani S, Qu M, Xin C, Chu C, Govindjee G, and Zhu X (2015) Variations of photosynthetic parameters in Chinese elite rice revealed by simultaneous measurements of Chlorophyll a fluorescence induction and 820nm transmission signal. J. Plant Physiol. 177: 128-138.
Xu F, Fang J, Ou S, Gao S, Zhang F, Du L, Xiao Y, Wang H, Sun X, Chu J, Wang G, and Chu C (2015) Variations in CYP78A13 coding region influence grain size and yield in rice. Plant Cell Environ. 38(4): 800-811.
Tong H, Xiao Y, Liu D, Gao S, Liu L, Yin Y, Jin Y, Qian Q, Chu C (2014) Brassinosteroid regulates cell elongation by modulating gibberellin metabolism in rice. Plant Cell 26(11): 4376-4393.
Liang C, Wang Y, Zhu Y, Tang J, Hu B, Liu L, Ou S, Wu H, Sun X, Chu J, and Chu C (2014) OsNAP connects absisic acid and leaf senescence by fine tuning absisic acid biosynthesis and directly targeting senescence-associated genes in rice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111(27): 10013-10018.
Liu Y, Fang J, Xu F, Chu J, Yan C, Schl?ppi M, Wang Y, Chu C (2014) Expression patterns of ABA and GA metabolism genes and hormone levels during rice seed development and imbibition: A comparison of dormant and non-dormant rice cultivars. J. Genet Genomics, 2014, 41(6): 327-338.
Sun C, Chen D, Fang J, Wang P, Deng X, Chu C (2014) Understanding the Genetic and Epigenetic Architecture in Complex Network of Rice Flowering Pathways. Protein Cell. 5(12): 889-898.
Gao S, Fang J, Xu F, Wang W, Sun X, Chu J, Cai B, Feng Y, Chu C (2014) CYTOKININ OXIDASE/DEHYDROGENASE4 Integrates Cytokinin and Auxin Signaling to Control Rice Crown Root Formation. Plant Physiol. 165: 1035-1046
Zhang L, Hu B, Li W, Che R, Deng K, Li H, Yu F, Ling H, Li Y, Chu C (2014) OsPT2, a phosphate transporter, is involved in active uptake of selenite in rice. New Phytol. 201(4): 1183-1191.
Liu C, Mao B, Ou S, Wang W, Liu L, Wu Y, Chu C*, Wang X* (2014) OsbZIP71, a bZIP transcription factor, confers salinity and drought tolerance in rice. Plant Mol. Biol., 84(1-2): 19-36(*Corresponding author)
Su L, Li A, Li H, Chu C, Qiu JL (2013) Direct modulation of protein level in Arabidopsis, Mol. Plant 6(5): 1711-1714

Chu C
(2013) Biotech crops: Opportunity or challenge? Chin. Bull. Bot. 48(1): 10-22.

Fan Y, Du K, Gao Y,Kong Y, Chu C, Sokolov V, and Wang Y (2013) Transformation of LTP gene into Brassica napus to enhance its resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Russ. J. Genet. 49(4): 380-387.

Wang Y, Lin A, Loake GJ, Chu C (2013) H2O2-induced leaf cell death and the crosstalk of reactive nitric/oxygen species, J. Integr. Plant Biol. 55(3): 202-208.

Wang Y, Loake GJ, Chu C (2013) Cross-talk of nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species in plant programed cell death. Front. Plant Sci. 4: 314. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00314.

Guo X, Hou X, Fang J, Wei P, Xu B, Chen M, Feng Y, Chu C (2013) The rice GERMINATION DEFECTIVE1, encoding a B3 domain transcriptional repressor, regulates seed germination and seedling development by integrating GA and carbohydrate metabolism. Plant J. 75(3): 403-416.

Wang L, Song X, Gu L, Li X, Cao S, Chu C, Cui X, Chen X, Cao X (2013) NOT2 proteins promote Pol II-dependent transcription and interact with multiple miRNA biogenesis factors in Arabidopsis, Plant Cell. 25(2): 715-727.

Sun C, Fang J, Zhao T, Xu B, Zhang F, Liu L, Tang J, Zhang G, Deng X, Chen F, Qian Q, Cao X, Chu C (2012) The histone methyltransferase SDG724 mediates H3K36me2/3 deposition at MADS50 and RFT1, and promotes flowering in rice. Plant Cell. 24(8): 3235-3247.
Tong H, Liu L, Jin Y, Du L, Yin Y, Qian Q, Zhu L, Chu C (2012) DWARF AND LOW-TILLERING acts as a direct downstream target of a GSK3/SHAGGY-like kinase to mediate brassinosteroid responses in rice. Plant Cell. 24(6): 2562–2577.
Wu HJ, Zhang Z, Wang JY, Oh DH, Dassanayake M, Liu B, Huang Q, Sun HX, Xia R, Wu Y, Wang Y, Yang Z, Liu Y, Zhang W, Zhang H, Chu J, Yan C, Fang S, Zhang J, Wang Y, Zhang F, Wang G, Lee SY, Cheeseman JM, Yang B, Li B, Min J, Yang L, Wang J*, Chu C*, Chen SY*, Bohnert HJ*, Zhu J-K*, Wang XJ* and Xie Q* (2012) Insights into salt tolerance from the genome of Thellungila salsuginea. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 109(30): 12219-12224 (*Corresponding author).
Song X, Wang D, Ma L, Chen Z, Li P, Cui X, Liu C, Cao S, Chu C, Tao Y, Cao X (2012) Rice RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 6 acts in small RNA biogenesis and spikelet development. Plant J. 71(3):378-389.
Lin A^, Wang Y^, Tang J^, Xue P, Li C, Liu L, Hu B, Yang F, Loake GJ, Chu C (2012) Nitric oxide and protein s-nitrosylation are integral to hydrogen peroxide induced leaf cell death in rice, Plant Physiol. 158: 451-464
Song X, Li P, Zhai J, Zhou M, Ma L, Liu B, Jeong DH, Nakano M, Cao S, Liu C, Chu C, Wang XJ, Green PJ, Meyers BC, Cao X. (2012) Roles of DCL4 and DCL3b in rice phased small RNA biogenesis. Plant J.69(3):462-474
Tong H and Chu C (2012) Brassinosteroid signaling and application in rice, J. Genet. Genomics, 39(1):3-9.
Wu H, Chen C, Du J, Liu H, Yan C, Zhang Y, He Y, Wang Y, Chu C, Feng Z, Li J, Ling, HQ (2012) Co-overexpression FIT with AtbHLH38 or AtbHLH39 in Arabidopsis enhanced cadmium tolerance via increased cadmium sequestration in roots and improved iron homeostasis of shoots. Plant Physiol.158(2): 790-800.
Liu X^, Li F^, Tang J, Wang W, Zhang F, Wang G, Chu J, Yan C, Wang T, Chu C*, Li C* (2012) Activation of the jasmonic acid pathway by depletion of the hydroperoxide lyase OsHPL3 reveals crosstalk between the HPL and AOS branches of the oxylipin pathway in rice, PLoS ONE, 7(11): e50089 (*Corresponding author).
Shen H, Liu C, Zhang Y, Meng X, Zhou X, Chu C, Wang X. (2012) OsWRKY30 is activated by MAP kinases to confer drought tolerance in rice. Plant Mol. Biol. 80(3): 241-253.
Ou SJ, Wang HR, Chu CC. (2012) Major domestication traits in Asian rice. Hereditas (Beijing), 34(12): 1379-1389 (Cover story).
Zhang FT, Fang J, Sun CH, Li RB, Luo XD, Xie JK, Deng X-J, Chu CC (2012) Characterization of a rice dwarf and twist leaf 1 (dtl1) mutant and fine mapping of DTL1 gene, Hereditas (Beijing), 34 (1): 79-86. (Cover story).
Wang H, Fang J, Liang C, He M, Li Q, Chu C (2011) Computation-assisted SiteFinding-PCR for isolating flanking sequence tags in rice, BioTechniques 51: 421-423.
Yang Z and Chu C (2011) Towards Understanding Plant Response to Heavy Metal Stress, Abiotic Stress in Plants - Mechanisms and Adaptations, Arun Shanker (Ed.), p59-78. InTech, Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/towards-understanding-plant-response-to-heavy-metal-stress.
Jin Y, Luo Q, Tong H, Wang A, Cheng Z, Tang J, Li D, Zhao X, Li X, Wan J, Chu C, Zhu L (2011) An AT-hook gene is required for palea formation and floral organ number control in rice, Dev Biol. 359:277-288.

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