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马林,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所农业资源研究中心研究员,博士生导师,生态与环境研究室主任,科技部“中青年科技创新领军人才(****)”入选者,国家重点研发计划项目 “农田氮磷淋溶损失污染与防控机制研究”项目主持人,中科院“****”入选者,河北省****基金获得者。曾在荷兰瓦赫宁根大学环境科学中心长期从事科学研究工作。

“食物-环境-资源”耦合与调控机制研究小组Coupling of Food, Environmental protection and Resource use (COFER)。具体研究包括:
在食物链和农牧系统养分高效利用理论与废弃物养分资源化利用技术方面取得了系统的创新性成果,研究结果先后发表在Science Advances、Global Change Biology、Global Environmental Change、Environmental Science and Technology等环境和农业类SCI刊物上。近年来发表学术论文90多篇,其中60多篇被SCI收录。现主持和参与国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金项目、973项目等10余项。主要研究成果包括:(1)在国际上提出食物链养分流动金字塔理论,构建了食物链和农牧系统养分流动模型(NUFER),为实现食物链和农牧系统可持续发展研究提供了创新方法。(2)阐明了我国农牧系统和食物链氮磷流量、利用效率和环境排放的时空分异特征,为优化我国农牧系统养分管理提供了理论依据。揭示了我国“饲料–粪尿排泄–饲舍–储藏–处理–施用”全链条养分流动特征,研究发现饲舍和储藏环节是氮素环境排放的主要环节,农牧结合和粪尿资源化利用是大幅度减少化肥施用和环境排放的关键途径。(3)探索了畜禽粪尿资源化的技术途径,研发了智能堆肥反应器,将储存和处理合二为一,实现畜禽粪尿快速无害化、资源化和氨气减排。在禽养殖废弃物资源化利用技术与模式方面上取得了重要进展,研究成果被中央电视台科教频道《科技之光》栏目以《点废成金》为题进行了专题报道。播放链接:http://tv.cctv.com/2018/03/06/VIDE5xVbFymvz0S7CDHK4pfW180306.shtml
1) Ma L*, Bai Z, Ma W, et al. Exploring future food provision scenarios for China[J]. Environmental science & technology, 2019.
2) Zhao Z, Qin W, Bai Z, Ma L*. Agricultural nitrogen and phosphorus emissions to water and their mitigation options in the Haihe Basin, China[J]. Agricultural Water Management, 2019, 212: 262-272.
3) Lu J, Bai Z, Velthof G L, Wu Z, Chadwick D, Ma L*. Accumulation and leaching of nitrate in soils in wheat-maize production in China[J]. Agricultural water management, 2019, 212: 407-415.
4) Yang J, Strokal M, Kroeze C, Wang M, Wang J, Wu Y, Bai Z, Ma L*. Nutrient losses to surface waters in Hai He basin: A case study of Guanting reservoir and Baiyangdian lake[J]. Agricultural water management, 2019, 213: 62-75.
5) Wang M, Strokal M, Burek P, Kroeze C, Ma L, Janssen A. Excess nutrient loads to Lake Taihu: Opportunities for nutrient reduction[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2019.
6) Li X, Janssen A B G, de Klein J J M, Kroezr C. Strokal M. Ma L. Zheng Y. Modeling nutrients in Lake Dianchi (China) and its watershed[J]. Agricultural Water Management, 2019, 212: 48-59.
7) Ledgard S F, Wei S, Wang X, Falconer S. Zhang N. Zhang X. Ma L. Nitrogen and carbon footprints of dairy farm systems in China and New Zealand, as influenced by productivity, feed sources and mitigations[J]. Agricultural water management, 2019, 213: 155-163.
8) Bai Z, Ma W, Ma L*, et al. China’s livestock transition: Driving forces, impacts, and consequences[J]. Science advances, 2018, 4(7): eaar8534.
9) Bai, Z., Lee, M.R.F., Ma, L*., Ledgard, S., Oenema, O., Velthof, G.L., Ma, W., Guo, M., Zhao, Z., Wei, S., Li, S., Liu, X., Havlík, P., Luo, J., Hu, C., Zhang, F. Global environmental costs of China's thirst for milk[J]. Global change biology, 2018, 24(5): 2198-2211.
10) Bai Z, Lu J, Zhao H, Velthof G. L, Oenema O, Chadwick D, Hu C*, Ma L*. Designing Vulnerable Zones of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Transfers To Control Water Pollution in China[J]. Environmental science & technology, 2018 : 8987-8988.
11) Wang M, Ma L*, Strokal M, et al. Hotspots for nitrogen and phosphorus losses from food production in China: a county-scale analysis[J]. Environmental science & technology, 2018, 52(10): 5782-5791.
12) Wang X, Bai Z, Yao Y, Gao B, Chadwick D, Chen Q, Hu C, Ma L*. Composting with negative pressure aeration for the mitigation of ammonia emissions and global warming potential[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 195: 448-457.
13) Wei, S., Bai, Z.H., Chadwick, D., Hou, Y., Qin, W., Zhao, Z.Q., Jiang, R.F*., Ma, L*. Greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions and mitigation options from livestock production in peri-urban agriculture: Beijing – A case study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018,178: 515-525.
14) Wang, X., Ledgard, S., Luo, J., Guo, Y., Zhao, Z., Guo, L., Liu, S., Zhang, N., Duan, X., Ma, L*. Environmental impacts and resource use of milk production on the North China Plain, based on life cycle assessment. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 625: 486-495.
15) Wei S, Bai Z H, Qin W, Wu Z G, Jiang R F*, Ma L*. Nutrient use efficiencies, losses, and abatement strategies for peri-urban dairy production systems[J]. Journal of environmental management, 2018, 228: 232-238.
16) Wang, M., Ma, L*., Strokal, M., Chu, Y., & Kroeze, C. Exploring nutrient management options to increase nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiencies in food production of China [J]. Agricultural Systems, 2018, 163: 58-72.
17) Zhao J, Bai Z, Ma L. Dairy farming in China at a crossroad[J]. Science Bulletin, 2018, 63(23): 1534-1535.
18) Chen X, Ma L, Ma W, et al. What has caused the use of fertilizers to skyrocket in China?[J]. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2018, 110(2): 241-255.
19) 马林*,马文奇,张福锁. 农牧系统养分管理[J]. 中国农业科学,2018,(03):401-405.
20) 马林*,柏兆海,王选,曹玉博,马文奇,张福锁.中国农牧系统养分管理研究的意义与重点[J]. 中国农业科学, 2018,(03):406-416.
21) 魏莎,柏兆海,吴迪梅,夏立江,江荣风, 马林*.都市圈“土壤-饲料-动物”系统养分流动与环境效应—以北京市为例[J]. 中国农业科学,2018, (03):430-441.
22) 马怡斐,柏兆海, 马林*,聂永强,江荣风.栾城城郊型农牧系统养分流动与环境排放时空特征[J]. 中国农业科学,2018, (03):493-506.
23) 魏志标,柏兆海, 马林*,张福锁.中国苜蓿、黑麦草和燕麦草产量差及影响因素[J]. 中国农业科学,2018, (03):507-522.
24) 魏志标,柏兆海, 马林*,张福锁.中国天然草地氮磷流动空间特征[J]. 中国农业科学,2018, (03):523-534.
25) 魏志标,柏兆海, 马林*,张福锁.中国栽培草地氮磷流动空间特征[J]. 中国农业科学,2018, (03):535-555.
26) 曹玉博,邢晓旭,柏兆海,王选,胡春胜, 马林*.农牧系统氨挥发减排技术研究进展[J]. 中国农业科学,2018, (03):566-580.
27) 郭勇庆,屠焰,张乃锋,刘国华,唐德富,王宗勇,钟昊,李耀基, 马林*.中国饲料磷推荐水平及磷酸盐应用现状和优化分析[J]. 中国农业科学,2018, (03): 581-593.
28) 郭勇庆,屠焰,柏兆海, 马林*.“饲料-畜禽-粪尿”链中磷高效利用与减排研究[J].动物营养学报,2018,30(09):3329-3336.
29) 马林,卢洁,赵浩,柏兆海,胡春胜*.中国硝酸盐脆弱区划分与面源污染阻控[J].农业环境科学学报,2018,37(11):2387-2391.
30) 马林*,马文奇,张福锁,柏兆海,侯勇.中国食物链养分流动与管理研究[J].中国生态农业学报,2018,26(10):1494-1500.
31) Bai, Z., Li, X., Lu, J., Wang, X., Velthof, G. L., Chadwick, D., Luo, J., Ledgard, S., Wu, Z., Jin, S., Oenema, O., Ma, L*., Hu, C*. Livestock Housing and Manure Storage Need to Be Improved in China. Environmental science & technology,2017, 8212-8214.
32) Zhao, Z., Bai, Z., Winiwarter, W., Kiesewetter, G., Heyes, C., & Ma, L*. Mitigating ammonia emission from agriculture reduces PM2. 5 pollution in the Hai River Basin in China.Science of the Total Environment,2017, 609: 1152-1160.
33) Zhao, Z., Bai, Z., Wei, S., Ma, W., Wang, M., Kroeze, C., & Ma, L*. Modeling farm nutrient flows in the North China Plain to reduce nutrient losses.Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2017,108:231-244.
34) Li, A., Strokal, M., Bai, Z., Kroeze, C., Ma, L*., & Zhang, F. Modelling reduced coastal eutrophication with increased crop yields in Chinese agriculture.Soil Research, 2017,55(6): 506-517.
35) Zhang, N., Bai, Z., Luo, J., Ledgard, S., Wu, Z., & Ma, L*. Nutrient losses and greenhouse gas emissions from dairy production in China: Lessons learned from historical changes and regional differences. Science of The Total Environment, 2017,598:1095-1105.
36) Wang, M., Kroeze, C., Strokal, M., & Ma, L*. Reactive nitrogen losses from China's food system for the shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs).Science of The Total Environment, 2017, 605: 884-893.
37) Guo, M., Chen, X., Bai, Z., Jiang, R*., Galloway, J. N., Leach, A. M., Ma, L*. & Zhang, F. How China’s nitrogen footprint of food has changed from 1961 to 2010.Environmental Research Letters,2017,12(10), 104006.
38) Strokal M*., Kroeze C., Wang M., Ma L. Reducing future river export of nutrients to coastal waters of China in optimistic scenarios[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2017, 579: 517-528.
39) Shibata H., Galloway J, Leach A., Cattaneo L., Noll L.,Erisman J., Gu B., Liang X., Hayashi K., Ma L., Dalgaard T.,Graversgaard M., Chen D., Nansai K., Shindo J., Matsubae K.,Oita A., Su M., Mishima S., Bleeker A. Nitrogen footprints: Regional realities and options to reduce nitrogen loss to the environment[J]. Ambio, 2017, 46(2): 129-142.
40) 魏莎,柏兆海,吴迪梅,江荣风,夏立江,马林*. 北京“土壤-饲料-奶牛”系统氮磷流动及环境损失时空特征[J]. 中国生态农业学报,2017,25(03):316-327.
41) 陈炫冀,陈晓辉,柏兆海, 马林*.化肥和饲料添加剂生产磷流动特征研究[J].中国生态农业学报,2017,25(11):1565-1579.
42) Bai, Z., Ma L*., Jin, S., Ma, W., Velthof, G. L., Oenema, O., ... & Zhang, F. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium flows through the manure management chain in China.Environmental science & technology, 2016,50(24), 13409-13418.
43) Bai Z, Ma L*, Ma W, Qin W, Velthof G, Oenema O, Zhang F. Changes in phosphorus use and losses in the food chain of China during 1950–2010 and forecasts for 2030[J]. Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems, 2016, 104(3): 361-372.
44) Wei S., Bai Z., Qin W., Xia L., Oenema O., Jiang R*., Ma L*. Environmental, economic and social analysis of peri-urban pig production. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016, 129: 596-607.
45) Strokal M., Ma L.*, Bai Z., Luan S., Kroeze C., Oenema O., Velthof G., Zhang F. Alarming nutrient pollution of Chinese rivers as a result of agricultural transitions. Environmental Research Letters. 2016, 11(2): 024014.
46) Strokal M*., Kroeze C., Wang M., Bai Z., Ma L. The MARINA model (Model to Assess River Inputs of Nutrients to seAs): Model description and results for China. Science of The Total Environment. 2016, 562: 869-888.
47) Hou Y., Bai Z., Lesschen J., Igor G., Ma L., Velthof G., Oenema O. Feed use and nitrogen excretion of livestock in EU-27. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2016, 218: 232-244.
48) 魏莎,马林*,江荣风,柏兆海,吴迪梅,夏立江. 基于NUFER模型的生猪养殖氮磷利用效率及排放时空变化[J]. 农业工程学报,2016,13:190-196.
49) 马林,柏兆海,胡春胜*.“农田氮磷淋溶损失污染与防控机制研究”项目正式启动[J]. 中国生态农业学报,2016,11:1575-1576.
50) Hou Y, Ma L, Sárdi K, Sisák I, Ma W*: Nitrogen flows in the food production chain of Hungary over the period 1961–2010. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2015, 102:335-346 (first co-author).
51) Ma L*, Qin W, Tara G, Zhang F. Review on drivers, trends and emerging issues of the food wastage in China[J]. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 2015, 2(2): 159-167.
52) Bai, Z. H.; Ma, L*.; Qin, W.; Chen, Q.; Oenema, O.; Zhang, F. S.*, Changes in Pig Production in China and Their Effects on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Use and Losses. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48 (21), 12742–12749. (first co-author).
53) Oenema, O*.; Ju, X.; de Klein, C.; Alfaro, M.; del Prado, A.; Lesschen, J. P.; Zheng, X.; Velthof, G.; Ma, L.; Gao, B.; Kroeze, C.; Sutton, M. Reducing nitrous oxide emissions from the global food system[J]. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2014, 9: 55-64.
54) Ma, L*., Velthof G.L., Kroeze C., Ju X.T., Hu C.S., Oenema O, Zhang F.S. Mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions from food production in China[J]. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2014, 9: 82-89.
55) Chen X.P., Cui , Mingsheng Fan, Vitousek P., Zhao M., Ma W.Q., Wang Z.L., Zhang W.J., Yan X.Y., Yang J.C., Deng X.P., Gao Q., Zhang Q., Guo S.W., Ren J., Li S.Q, Ye Y.L., Wang Z.H., Huang J.L., Tang Q.Y., Sun Y.X., Peng X.L., Zhang J.W., He M.R., Zhu Y.J., Xue J.Q., Wang G.L., Wu L., An N., Wu L.Q., Ma L., Zhang W.F., Zhang F.S*. Producing more grain with lower environmental costs[J]. Nature, 2014, 514(7523): 486.
56) Ma, L., Guo J.H., Velthof G.L., Li Y.M., Chen Q., Ma W.Q*, Oenema O., Zhang F.S*. Impacts of urban expansion on nitrogen and phosphorus flows in the food system of Beijing from 1978 to 2008[J]. Global environmental change, 2014, 28: 192-204.
57) Li, Y., Zhang, W*., Ma, L., Wu, L., Shen, J., Davies, W.J., Oenema, O., Zhang, F., Dou, Z., 2013. An analysis of China's grain production: looking back and looking forward[J]. Food and Energy Security, 2014, 3(1): 19-32.
58) Ma L., Wang F. H., Zhang W. F., Ma, W. Q., Velthof G.L., Qin W., Oenema O., Zhang F.S*., Environmental assessment of nutrient management options for the food chain of China. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47 (13), 7260-7268.
59) Ma L., Zhang W. F., Ma W.Q., Velthof G.L., Oenema O., Zhang F.S*., An analysis of developments and challenges in nutrient management in China. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2013, 42 (4): 951-961.
60) Bai Z.H., Ma L., Oenema O., Chen Q., Zhang F.S*., Nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiencies in dairy production in China. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2013, 42 (4): 990-1001 (first co-author).
61) Hou Y., Ma L., Gao Z. L., Wang F. H., Sims J. T., Ma W. Q., Zhang F. S*., The driving forces for nitrogen and phosphorus flows in the food chain of China, 1980 to 2010[J]. Journal of environmental quality, 2013, 42(4): 962-971. (first co-author).
62) Li Y.X., Zhang W.F*., Ma L., Huang G. Q., Oenema O., Zhang F.S., Dou Z.X. An analysis of China’s fertilizer policies and its impacts on the industry, Journal of Environmental Quality 2013, 42 (4): 972-981.
63) Yan Z.J., Liu P.P., Li Y.H., Ma L., Alva A., Dou Z.X., Chen Q*., Zhang F.S., Phosphorus in China’s intensive vegetable production systems: over-fertilization, soil enrichment, and environmental implications. Journal of Environmental Quality 2013, 42 (4): 982-989.
64) Sims J. T*., Ma L., Oenema O., Dou Z. X., and Zhang F. S. Advances and Challenges for Nutrient Management in China in the 21st Century. Journal of Environmental Quality 2013, 42 (4): 947-950.
65) Gu, B., Leach, A.M., Ma, L., Galloway, J.N., Chang, S.X., Ge, Y., Chang, J*., Nitrogen Footprint in China: Food, Energy, and Nonfood Goods. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 47 (16), 9217–9224.
66) 张卫峰*,马林,黄高强,武良,陈新平,张福锁.中国氮肥发展、贡献和挑战[J].中国农业科学,2013,46(15):3161-3171.
67) L. Ma, G. L. Velthof, F. H. Wang, Z. Liu, Y. Zhang, J. Wei, J. P. Lesschen, W. Q. Ma*, O. Oenema, F. S. Zhang*. Nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiencies and losses in the food chain in China at regional scales in 1980 and 2005[J]. Science of the total environment, 2012, 434: 51-61.
68) W.Q Ma*, Ma L., Li J. H. et al., Phosphorus flows and use efficiencies in production and consumption of wheat, rice, and maize in China, Chemosphere, 2011, 84(6): 814-821.
69) F. Wang, J.T. Sims, Ma L., W. Ma, Z. Dou, and F. Zhang*, The phosphorus footprint of China's food chain: implications for food security, natural resource management, and environmental quality[J]. Journal of environmental quality, 2011, 40(4): 1081-1089.
70) Li, H., G. Huang, Q. Meng, Ma L., et al. Integrated soil and plant phosphorus management for crop and environment in China. A review[J]. Plant and Soil, 2011, 349(1-2): 157-167.
71) 曾韵婷,向玥皎,马林*,张卫峰,张福锁.欧盟养分管理政策法规对中国的启示[J].世界农业,2011(04):39-43.
72) 向玥皎,王方浩,覃伟,马林*,张卫峰,张福锁.美国养分管理政策法规对中国的启示[J].世界农业,2011(03):51-55+86.
73) Ma L., W.Q. Ma*, G.L. Velthof et al,. Modeling Nutrient Flows in the Food Chain of China, Journal of Environmental Quality, 2010, 39(4): 1279-1289.
74) Wang, F.H., Dou, Z.X*., Ma, L., Ma, W.Q., Sims, J.T., Zhang, F.S*. Nitrogen mass flow in China's animal production system and environmental implications[J].Journal of environmental quality, 2010, 39(5): 1537-1544.
75) Zhang,Y., Dore A., Ma, L., Liu,X.J., Ma W.Q., Cape,J.N., Zhang, F.S*. Agricultural ammonia emissions inventory and spatial distribution in the North China Plain[J]. Environmental Pollution, 2010, 158(2): 490-501.
76) 马林,魏静,王方浩,马文奇*,张福锁.中国食物链氮素资源流动特征分析[J].自然资源学报,2009,24(12):2104-2114.
77) 马林,魏静,王方浩,高利伟,赵路,马文奇*,张福锁.基于模型和物质流分析方法的食物链氮素区域间流动——以黄淮海区为例[J].生态学报,2009,29(01):475-483.
78) 高利伟,马林,张卫峰,王方浩,马文奇*,张福锁.中国作物秸秆养分资源数量估算及其利用状况[J].农业工程学报,2009,25(07):173-179.
79) 高利伟,马林,张卫峰,王方浩,马文奇*,张福锁.黄淮海三省两市作物秸秆及其养分资源利用现状分析[J].中国农学通报,2009,25(11):186-193.
80) 魏静,马林,马文奇*,路光,赵路.城镇化对我国不同年代农田氮素循环的影响[J].河北农业大学学报,2009,32(01):6-9.
81) 赵路,魏静,马林,王方浩,马文奇*.河北省不同养殖模式的畜禽粪尿资源及污染风险分析[J].农业环境科学学报,2009,28(03):544-548.
82) 魏静,马林,杨玉荣,马文奇*,路光,赵路.城镇化对我国食物消费系统氮素水体排放的影响[J].生态学报,2009,29(11):6035-6041.
83) Ma, W.Q*., Li, J., Hui., Ma, L., Wang, F.H., Sisak, I., Cushman, G., Zhang, F.S*., Nitrogen flow and use efficiency in production and utilization of wheat, rice, and maize in China[J]. Agricultural Systems, 2008, 99(1): 53-63.
84) 刘东,王方浩,马林,马文奇*,张福锁.中国猪粪尿NH_3排放因子的估算[J].农业工程学报,2008(04):218-224.
85) 魏静,马林,路光,马文奇*,李建辉,赵路.城镇化对我国食物消费系统氮素流动及循环利用的影响[J].生态学报,2008(03):1016-1025.
86) 路光, 魏静*, 马文奇, 杨玉荣, 马林 等,城镇化对我国家庭体系磷流动及环境的影响研究. 中国人口资源与环境, 2008. 18: 64-67.
87) 李建辉,马林,王激清,王方浩,马文奇*,张福锁.中国玉米生产-消费体系养分流动分析[J].自然资源学报,2007(03):455-462.
88) 刘东,马林,王方浩,卞芬茹,马文奇*,张福锁.中国猪粪尿N产生量及其分布的研究[J].农业环境科学学报,2007(04):1591-1595.
89) 刘东,马林,王方浩,马文奇*,张福锁.河北省猪粪尿氮产生量及氨挥发量的研究[J].河北农业大学学报,2007(06):5-10.
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