本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-26
1) Sun H.Y, Zhang X.Y., Wang E.L., Chen S.Y., Shao L.W., Qin W.L. 2016. Assessing the contribution of weather and management to the annual yield variation of summer maize using APSIM in the North China Plain. Field crops research. 194:94-102.
2) Liu X.W., Sun H.Y, Feike T., Zhang X.Y., Shao L.W., Chen S.Y. 2016. Assessing the impact of air pollution on grain yield of winter wheat –A case study in the North China Plain. PLOS one. 11(9):e**
3) Sun H.Y, Zhang Xiying, Wang Enli, Chen S.Y. Shao L.W. 2015. Quantifying the impact of irrigation on groundwater reserve and crop production –A case study in the North China Plain. European Journal of Agronomy. 70:48-56.
4) Sun H.Y, Zhang X.Y, Chen S.Y, Shao L.W. 2014. Performance of a Double Cropping System under a Continuous Minimum Irrigation Strategy. Agronomy Journal. 106:281-289
5) Sun H.Y., Shao L.W., Chen S.Y., Wang Y.M., Zhang X.Y. 2013. Effects of sowing time and rate on crop growth and radiation use efficiency of winter wheat in the North China Plain. International Journal of plant production. 7(1),117-138.
6) Sun H.Y, Shao L.W., Liu X.W., Miao W.F., Chen S.Y., Zhang Xiying. 2012. Determination of water consumption and the water-saving potential of three mulching methods in a jujube orchard. European Journal of Agronomy. 43:87-95.
7) Sun H.Y., Shen Y.J., Yu Q., Flerchinger G. N., Zhang Y.Q., Liu C.M., Zhang X.Y.. 2010. Effect of precipitation change on water balance and WUE of the winter wheat–summer maize rotation in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management 97, 1139-1145.
8) Sun H.Y., Zhang X., Chen S., Pei D., Liu C. 2007. Effects of harvest and sowing time on the performance of the rotation of winter wheat–summer maize in the North China Plain. Industrial Crops Research, 25, 239-247
9) Sun H.Y., Liu C., Zhang X., Shen Y., Zhang Y., 2006. Effects of irrigation on water balance, yield and WUE of winter wheat in the North China Plain, Agricultural Water Management, 85, 211–218.
10) Zhang XY, Qin W.L., Chen SY, Shao LW, Sun HY. 2017. Responses of yield and WUE of winter wheat to water stress during the past three decades—A case study in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management, 179:47-54.
11) Liu X.W., Feike T., Shao L.W., Sun H.Y., Chen S.Y., Zhang XY. 2016. Effects of different irrigation regimes on soil compaction in a winter wheat –summer maize cropping system in the North China Plain. Catena. 137:70-76.
12) Lu Y., Zhang XY, Chen SY, Shao LW, Sun HY. 2016. Changes in water use efficiency and water footprint in grain production over the past 35 years: a case study in the North China Plain. Journal of cleaner production. 116:71-79.
13) Zhang XY; Zhang XY; Chen SY; Sun HY; Shao LW.; Liu XW. 2016. Optimized timing of using canopy temperature to select high-yielding cultivars of winter wheat under different water regimes. Experimental Agriculture. 1-16.
14) Zhang XY; Zhang XY; Liu XW; Shao LW.; Sun HY; Chen SY. 2015. Improving winter wheat performance by foliar spray of ABA and FA under water deficit conditions. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 35(1):83-96.
15) Zhang XY; Zhang XY; Liu XW; Shao LW.; Sun HY; Chen SY. 2015. Incorporating root distribution factor to evaluate soil water status for winter wheat. Agricultural Water Management. 153:32-41.
16) Liu XW; Zhang XY.; Chen SY; Sun HY; Shao LW. 2015. Subsoil compaction and irrigation regimes affect the root-shoot relation and grain yield of winter wheat. Agricultural Water Management. 154:59-67.
17) Chen SY, Sun HY, Shao LW, Zhang XY. 2014. Performance of winter wheat under different irrigation regimes associated with weather conditions in the North China Plain. Crop Science. 54(6): 2745-2751.
18) Iqbal M.A., Shen Y.J., Stricevicb R., Pei H.W., Sun HY. 2014. Evaluation of the FAO AquaCrop model for winter wheat on the North China Plain under deficit irrigation from field experiment to regional yield simulation. Agricultural Water Management. 135(2):61-72.
19) Zhang XY; Wang SF; Sun HY; Chen SY; Shao LW; Liu XW. 2013. Contribution of cultivar, fertilizer and weather to yield variation of winter wheat over three decades: A case study in the North China Plain. European Journal of Agronomy. 50:52-59.
20) Liu XW; Shao LW; Sun HY; Chen SY; Zhang XY. 2013. Responses of yield and water use efficiency to irrigation amount decided by pan evaporation for winter wheat. Agricultural Water Management. 129:173-180.
21) Zhang YC; Shen YJ; Xu XL; Sun HY; Li F; Wang Q. 2013. Characteristics of the water–energy–carbon fluxes of irrigated pear (Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd) orchards in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management. 128:140-148.
22) Wang YZ; Zhang XY; Liu XW; Shao LW; Sun HY; Chen SY. 2013. The effects of nitrogen supply and water regime on instantaneous WUE, time-integrated WUE and carbon isotope discrimination in winter wheat. Field crops research. 144:236-244.
23) Cheng F.H., Sun H.Y., Shi H., Zhao Z.J., Wang Q., Zhang J.Y. Effects of regulated deficit irrigation on the vegetative and generative properties of the Pear cultivar ‘Yali’. 2012. Journal of Agricultural science and technology. 14:183-194.
24) Zhang X.Y., Shao L.W., Sun H.Y., Chen S.Y., Wang Y.Z. 2012. Incorporation of Soil Bulk Density in Simulating Root Distribution of Winter Wheat and Maize in Two Contrasting Soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 76(2):638-647.
25) Zhang X.Y., Wang Y.Z., Sun H.Y., Chen S.Y., Shao L.W. 2012. Optimizing the yield of winter wheat by regulating water consumption during vegetative and reproductive stages under limited water supply. Irrigation Science. DOI: 10.1007/s00271-012-0391-8
26) Shao L.W., Zhang X.Y., Sun H.Y., Chen S.Y., Wang Y.M. 2011. Yield and water use response of winter wheat to winter irrigation in the North China Plain. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 66(2):104-113.
27) Zhang X.Y., Chen S.Y., Sun H.Y., Shao L.W., Wang Y.Z. 2011. Changes in evapotranspiration over irrigated winter wheat and maize in North China Plain over three decades. Agricultural Water Management. 98(6) 1097-1104.
28) Zhang, X.Y., Chen, S.Y., Sun, H.Y., Wang, Y.M, Shao, L.W., 2010. Water use efficiency and associated traits in winter wheat cultivars in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2009.06.003.
29) Zhang X.Y., Chen S.Y., Sun H.Y., Wang Y.M., Shao L.W. 2009. Root size, distribution and soil water depletion as affected by cultivars and environmental factors. Field Crops Research. 114: 75–83
30) Shao L.W., Zhang X.Y, Chen S.Y., Sun H.Y., Wang Z.H. 2009. Effects of irrigation frequency under limited irrigation on root water uptake, yield and water use efficiency of winter wheat. Irrigation. & Drainage. 58:393-405
31) Zhang, X.Y., Chen, S.Y., Sun, H.Y., Pei, D., Wang, Y.M., 2008. Dry matter, harvest index, grain yield and water use efficiency as affected by water supply in winter wheat. Irrigation Science. 27,1–10.
32) Chen S.Y., Zhang X.Y., Pei D., Sun H.Y. & Chen S.L. 2007. Effects of straw mulching on soil temperature, evaporation and yield of winter wheat: field experiments on the North China Plain. Annals of Applied Biology, 150: 261-268.
33) Zhang X.Y., Dong Pei, Chen S.Y., Sun H.Y. and Yonghui Yang. 2006. Performance of Double-Cropped Winter Wheat–Summer Maize under Minimum Irrigation in the North China Plain. American Society of Agronomy. 98:1620-1626.
34) Chen S.Y., Zhang X.Y., Chen S.L., Dong Pei, Sun H.Y. 2006. Simulation of soil evaporation under different ground coverage with semi-empirical models. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 6298, Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ecosystems for Sustainability III, 2006, p 62982K,.
35) Zhang Y.Q., Liu C.M., Lei Y.P., Tang Y., YU Q., Shen Y.J. and Sun H.Y.. 2006. An integrated algorithm for estimating regional latent heat flux and daily evapotranspiration. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 27: 129–152,.
36) Zhang X.Y., Chen S.Y., Liu M.Y., Pei D., Sun H.Y. 2005. Improved water use efficiency associated with cultivars and agronomic management in the North China Plain. Agronomy Journal, 97: 783–790.
37) Zhang X.Y., Chen S.Y., Liu M.Y., Pei D., Sun, H.Y. 2005. Evapotranspiration, yield and crop coefficient of irrigated maize under straw mulch. Pedosphere, 15: 576–584.
38) Shen Y.J., Zhang Y.Q., Kondoh A., Tang C.Y., Chen J.Y., Xiao J.Y., Sakura Y., Liu C.M., Sun H.Y. 2004. Seasonal variation of energy partitioning in irrigated lands. Hydrological Process., 18(12): 2223-2234.
39) Zhang Y.Q., Liu C.M., Yu Q., Shen Y.J., Kendy E., Kondoh A., Tang C.Y., Sun H.Y. 2004. Energy fluxes and the Priestley-Taylor parameter over winter wheat and maize in the North China Plain,Hydrological Process., 18(12):2235-2246.
Zhang Y.Q., Kendy E., Yu Q., Liu C.M., Shen Y.J. and Sun H.Y., 2004. Effect of soil water deficit on evapotranspiration, crop yield, and water use efficiency in the North China Plain, Agricultural Water Management, 64: 107-122.
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